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17967889 No.17967889[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She in the cathedral now. Press F

>> No.17967904


>> No.17967909

no clue who he is aside from seeing his mug posted on threads I scroll by but F

>> No.17967917


>> No.17967920


>> No.17967953


at least moldbug got laid. whereas I'm turning 25 in June and all I ever did was have condomed sex with a prostitute, one single time. So I hope his wife rests easy but Curtis got enough pussy in his life, thus he doesn't need my sympathy.

>> No.17967963

reminder jews are dysgenic and suffer from the most chronic diseases.
>God's chosen people

>> No.17967969

At least he still has the moral high ground

>> No.17967978

You have allowed your mind to become overgrown with weeds.

>> No.17968138


>> No.17968229

sticky this mods you faggots.
F for mrs moldbug.

>> No.17968241 [DELETED] 

I heard somewhere she was asian but idk.

>> No.17968244

RIP and F for mrs. moldbug

>> No.17968250

You have allowed your dissatisfaction with your lot in life to develop into an all-consuming bitterness that tinges every single thing you see. There are many ways to suffer in this world, and each one deserves sympathy.
If that's not enough for you, imagine living with someone, eating with someone, cooking with someone, creating children with someone, and raising them halfway to adulthood only for that person to be irrevocably taken away from you. The only comparable event is the loss of a parent, and I don't think that even that can compare in terms of the emotional devastation.

>> No.17968253

He said that she was a blonde-haired middle American prole. He may have given a fake name in his obituary just to keep her family safe.

>> No.17968269

RIP Mrs Moldbug

Neoraction will never be the same.

>> No.17968305

Sad. One guy out there trying to do good and this is what he gets.

>> No.17968542

I see your point, but as you say yourself, the only thing that could be comparable would be the loss of a parent. I lost my father. It devastated me, but I didn't want sympathy from anyone. In fact, I never told any of the people I considered to be "friends" at the time and haven't spoken to any of them since. Absolutely there are many ways to suffer. Many that are much worse than my own. But not all (maybe none) deserve sympathy. I certainly don't want or deserve anyone's. Thus I have very little sympathy to give. Yes, I am bitter. I don't see how I could be anything but, having experienced what I've experienced.

>> No.17968562

I find it hard to imagine that this guy had a wife, let alone children.

>> No.17968584
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>> No.17968590

>"people die" thread
>he still only thinks about himself being a filthy incel
You are disgusting, I truly hope you never get laid.

>> No.17968690

I won't, so save yourself the mental energy of hoping. I don't hope for anything anymore and you shouldn't either

>> No.17968708


>> No.17968709


>> No.17968785

would be pretty funny desu.

>> No.17968808

I feel like I owe a lot to Moldbug. I never knew what he was going through. I send my prayers to him

>> No.17968824

QRD on this moldbug guy?

>> No.17968845

>Moldbug: I know what to do! Let's run society like a corporation with citizens as shareholders and leaders as CEO's
>Land: OMG I'm onboard

>> No.17968858
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>> No.17968871
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one of the most redpilled people alive.
everything you think you know is a lie.

>> No.17968896

F and may he have strength.
That is perhaps the single most contemptible thing I have read this year.

>> No.17968909

America should be ran like how Jeff Bezos runs Amazon.

>> No.17968983

what's it like never having felt a woman?

>> No.17969002

Just leave this website and start talking to girls until you muster up the courage to ask one out dude. You’re 25, not 55. You are normal and just need to get on it.

>> No.17969029


Rest easy mrs moldbug

>> No.17969050

He a cool dude who shows how democracy is fake and gay

>> No.17969057

I like her so much but she is never coming back. The problem is really more that I need friends to do things I enjoy with. I would actually love a pretty girl like her but just having someone to do things with is enough. Like go to movies or discuss books or something.

>> No.17969126

sounds awfully pseud

>> No.17969261

this dude -> >>17969057 isn't the guy you're quoting, who's me

>> No.17969328

Now he'll go beast mode and start writing fiction

>> No.17969355

My ass he's gonna start writing fiction. This is just one of the big steps in his path to becoming a real life supervillain.

>> No.17969471

So he killed her or..?

>> No.17969515

Love the guy but his fiction would be awful

>> No.17970013

Kek good bait

>> No.17970028

His kids are 10 and 13. Brutal.

>> No.17970057

A very good writer who has many questionable ideas. Also, RIP Mrs. Y

>> No.17970096

Only you can help yourself. In any case, this thread is for mourning, not self-pity. Take it somewhere else.
Jennifer Kollmer, 50, passed away yesterday in San Francisco, leaving a husband of 47 and children of 10 and 13, nine years after her diagnosis with the hereditary cardiomyopathy (ARVC) which claimed her father at 31. In lieu of flowers or weird, inappropriate emails, Jen would appreciate a donation to Delancey Street (read about them here).

>> No.17970128

but... any pictures?

>> No.17970156

>or weird, inappropriate emails

>> No.17970207

Holy based

>> No.17970310

>is this how I fit in?
The post

>> No.17970485


>> No.17970500


>> No.17970514

>husband of 47
I won’t lie I thought Moldbug was younger.

>> No.17970543

In Mency Moldy's SovCorp America, bugs eat you.

>> No.17970549

>all I ever did was have condomed sex with a prostitute, one single time.
same here anon, i had the most unpleasurable soul-crushing fuck with a slatternly albanian whore last october. im turning 19 in june so i guess there is still plenty of time for me to be saved from my present self. i feel quite disgusted with myself for having done this and its only made my opinion of myself even lower however when i'm horny i'll still often look online at local prostitutes while i convince myself that there isn''t anything wrong with what i did and that i'll do it again, sometimes ill send them a text inquiring about their services or availability however i'm yet to sink to it a second time. soon enough i'll close the tab and resort to hitbdsm.com to indulge in my dominance fantasies which I believe exist as a result of both my being jaded by normal pornography and an incredibly low opinion of myself. anyway im venting so i'll stop and save it for the diary

>> No.17970699

Damn youre all kinds of pathetic. 18? Get it together my friend.

>> No.17970706

Wait, isn't the cathedral just the dominant neoliberal institutions that leftists attempt to appropriate?

>> No.17970744

Never go back to that shit again

>> No.17970758

how would a rich woman die at this age?

>> No.17970909


>> No.17970947

goddamn you're literally me. at least you're 18 and not 24

>> No.17970959

Let's have less self-pity in the mourning thread.

>> No.17970961
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Mrs moldbug is now mrs coldbug

>> No.17970972

I hope you stop posting for one reason or another

>> No.17971099

Based incelposters, guaranteed to derail any thread without breaking the rules

>> No.17971255

S. I don't know who this faggot is, and i dont want to know but i keep seeing him being shilled here all the time, his name has "bug" in it so that tells me everything that i need to know. Fuck him, fuck his dead cunt wife and fuck all of you niggers.

>> No.17971400

Fuck you retard I was mocking him.

>> No.17971441

Have you tried therapy?

>> No.17971517

no. i've never opened up to anybody about this and although i've often thought about therapy i've always shied away from it because ive thought it would be difficult to do without my family knowing and then finding out that ive got problems which makes me feel very uncomfortable. i understand that having my parents be aware that i need help will definitely be a positive thing in the long run im simply too vain and embarrassed. another reason i haven't had it is because im wrapped up in this thought that eventually ill change by my own will and can do it all myself and that in getting help from others they'll see me as weak and this delusion of me deep down be a strong person that can change will be broken.

do you honestly think therapy would help?

>> No.17971553

again, literally me

>> No.17971565

How come all of a sudden you guys give a shit about Moldbug? The last thread I made about him everyone was calling him a retarded faggot who should die.

For the record, I mostly agree with this sentiment. He is one of those people who hold genocidal/tyrannical views (which is fine) but too cowardly to admit it.
>everything would be perfect if we would just kill the retards
say it faggot. say it.

>> No.17971608

>do you honestly think therapy would help?
Would it hurt?

>> No.17971628

>eventually ill change by my own will and can do it all myself
I thought the same and it cost me 15 years. The problem is not the omnipotence but the belief you are a free man, not bound by the environment you grew up in.

>> No.17971638

>He is one of those people who hold genocidal/tyrannical views (which is fine) but too cowardly to admit it.
Your reading comprehension is poor if you believe that.

>> No.17971658

why the fuck would mods sticky some bloggers wife dying?

>> No.17971664

LOL holy shit, if you knew anything about moldbug you would know that's literally the opposite of what he thinks. He hates all the ideologies of the 20th century because they pursue utopias through shit like you talk about.

>> No.17971676

>The problem is not the omnipotence but the belief you are a free man, not bound by the environment you grew up in.
please elaborate

>> No.17971794

You're still caught in your parents' discourse. Naturally you can't stand it, so the resort is rootlessness and fantasies of omnipotence and carving your own path etc.
We need others that will respect our individuality but also set our limits. That happens in childhood and if it doesn't happen you have problems growing up

>> No.17971987

It doesn't have to be your parents at first although that can be really good. You should definitely find a confidante or friend of some kind. Worst comes to worst talk to a pastor or priest. You are trapped in a mire of self-doubt and doublemindedness and you need to deal with this sooner rather than later or ngmi.

You will never stop feeling horny. And your opinion of yourself will always remain low until you actually change as a person. You will never stop feeling depressed and guilty about this until you actually find a real woman to be your wife, and you will never be able to find a real woman until you commit yourself to the belief that a real woman is what you really want. These other desires are just parasitic on the real deal. Until you fully accept that these are just fake alternatives that always lead you down places you don't actually want to go, you're ngmi.

>> No.17972007

>The last thread I made about him everyone was calling him a retarded faggot who should die
leftist trannies and 16 year olds from leftypol.
>He is one of those people who hold genocidal/tyrannical views (which is fine) but too cowardly to admit it.
retarded leftist faggot. fuck off to leftypol.

>> No.17972008


sorry, @ >>17971517

>> No.17972021

Joseph Peterson, for would-be Peter Thiel types; Silicon Valley Right libertarian/centrist reactionary Judas Goat

>> No.17972096

neither of you read moldbug.

>> No.17972223


Not the only error, but the most essential error, in white nationalism is the belief that communal conflict is an invariant of heterogeneous societies. This is not true. It is only true given bad government. Given bad government, many things will go badly.

In general, if we observe that any group of people is being badly governed, the usual cause is a government that is bad in general, and the way to fix the problem is to fix or replace this bad government in general.

In specific, we have no reason to think that the fundamental problem which creates this specific symptom, the misgovernment of poor white people, has anything at all to do with poor white people in specific. The symptom is very real, but its cause is very far upstream; and so is any appropriate fix.

There is still less reason to think that this hypothetical solution must have some zero-sum character—in which whites are governed better, by governing nonwhites worse—or more harshly—or… something?


Columbia has no ancestral autochthons. It has quite a few cosmopolitan armigers, a vast continent of traditional yeomen, and more than enough deracinated lazzari. You are ready to amaze history and the world by the fine care you take of all these persons. As we’ll see, each of these strata is the best one.

But they are different kinds of people. You cannot govern them in the same way. Food for one stratum may be poison for another. If Columbia held only armigers, or only yeomen, or even only autochthons, or if clear geographic lines divided the strata, governing Columbia would be easier. If your aunt had balls, she’d be your uncle.

With the exception of lazzari, who are just misgoverned yeomen and/or autochthons, all these strata exist, will always barring some demonic surgery on the human species exist, and deserve to be defended and nurtured by governance appropriate to each. This rather contrasts with the main thrust of 20th-century sociology, which sincerely believed that yeomen, lazzari and autochthons were all just misgoverned armigers.

>> No.17972274

Kek nice

>> No.17972302

RIP Lady Moldbug.

>> No.17972732

>"waaahhh what about me ;-;"

grow the fuck up you puerile narcissist

>> No.17972749

What a day. Never felt shit about any internet personality until now. Stay strong, Curtis.

>> No.17972826

Why is this on lit?

>> No.17972833

>Moldbug is now on the market again

>> No.17972839

Because he's a writer. Just put his name into goodreads or Amazon or whatever you fucking retard.

>> No.17972872

Seriously this dude must be swimming in neoreactionary pussy

>> No.17973382

absurdly based

>> No.17973497

>he's a writer
The absolute state of accfag's bookshelf

>> No.17974720

Why do you persist with this

>> No.17974755

Never heard of the fucker, and in looking him up he's just one of these alt-right nuts that the weak-minded latch on to.

>> No.17974767
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>> No.17974775


>> No.17974785

Not /lit/