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17967563 No.17967563 [Reply] [Original]

I’m looking to understand why the current media pushes sex so heavily, who is profiting off this? Tag along with that is why is the LGBT issues also being pushed concurrently, it’s clearly not actually for ‘progress’ so what is it for? What benefit is there to whoever is pushing the agenda do have more LGBT people than straight?
Anyone recommendations deeper than “sex sells”?

>> No.17967573

have SEX incel

>> No.17967578

Metaphysically speaking?

>> No.17967580

we're apes who like having our junk touched stop being a dork about it

>> No.17967585

It's literally Satan

>> No.17967597
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Coomers themselves push porn everywhere. Porn is like a virus. A pandemic if you will.

>> No.17967601

>Anyone recommendations deeper than “sex sells”?
Why doesn't this work? Sex does sell, it always has.

>why is the LGBT issues also being pushed concurrently, it’s clearly not actually for ‘progress’ so what is it for?
Why wouldn't LGBT rights be pushed as part of a general push for progress, as defined by progressives? I don't think this movement is correlated with the usage of sex in media, anymore than straight relationships (which is to say not at all).

>> No.17967602

do they? where are the big titties we used to see in ads? if anything media culture is sexless but sexual-identity obsessed.

>> No.17967604

haha salty virgin

>> No.17967613
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Humans were always dirty coomers. You're retarded if you think otherwise.

>> No.17967619

True but they go hand in hand. Ultimately it's about fucking, whether it's marketed to lesbians, asexuals, non-binaries or what have you

>> No.17967625

I do, I’m cool with fucking anything desu. But why has culture shaped me and why is it an option when it wasn’t just 20 years ago?
Yea we do, but who benefits from this?
Valid as any other answer
Sure whatever that entails

>> No.17967628

It puts you in a suggestive state. You're basically living in your hindbrain when you're a coomer, same thing when news is all about scary traumatic shit. They want you to be reactive, emotional, and unable to control your vices.

>> No.17967632
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>Tag along with that is why is the LGBT issues also being pushed concurrently

>> No.17967634

sauce on the dude?

>> No.17967642

who benefits from having our junks touched? we do. we benefit. you ever had your ass eaten or your dick sucked upon? didn't need edward bernays for that to gain popularity.

>> No.17967643

thats an actual girl if I remember right

>> No.17967660

Fake btw

>> No.17967677

Read E. Michael Jones - Libido Dominandi

>> No.17967691

Disregarding conspiracies and religion, it's probably just cold marketing. Addicts make wonderful customers, and pushing sexualized content grabs their attention to your product. As for LGBT issues, that probably has something to do with normalizing their existence in society, as part of a Civil Rights push. They, and their supporters, fill media with media that portrays LGBT people, to eventually pressure society into changing, or at least pressure enough people to change policy in their favor. The problem with that, and with every marginalized group using similar tactics, is there is no clear stopping point, and will likely create a media and culture inundated with virtue signaling, said groups never feeling like they won and constantly flooding media with increasingly proactive content in the never ending fight to protect their rights.

>> No.17967700

“by freeing sex from worry, we have also set them apart from thought, responsibility... the specialist of sex, is dealing with a commodity”

>> No.17967764

>whatever that entails
Sexual energy is energy of creation. Whether making a baby or playing music or chiseling a statue, if it involves some act of creating then it necessarily involves either, if not both, masculine penetrative force or female receptive force. Now, the sexual drive is deeply linked with the survival drive. Both on the biological level in terms of procreation, as well as on the mental and emotional levels in terms of survival through monuments. Think about the amount of pain and blood and sweat that has gone into making things like the pyramids. Do you think whichever pharaoh had that built didn't get hard and horny at the thought of making such a structure? One that rises into the heavens and can be seen from miles away, and it's his and only his. Hot!

Now in terms of modern media it's quite simple: an attempt to engender, design, force and control a current of sexual energy which aligns with the agenda of media and its masters. That agenda being "consoom product, don't ask questions, await next product". The open push by corporations for LGBTQ acceptance is a deliberate sexualisation of the market, the consumer, and politics and society, as well as an attempt at making what used to be a counter-culture into a dominant force. "You must consume, therefore we must produce, but if you cannot consume what we produce we must either adapt to you or you to us".
And so we find that the ubiquitous nature of modern sexuality is little more than an attempt to drown you and everyone else in the obedient-making feelgood hormones.

In other words, it's Satan but only in terms of rebelling against whatever system is prevalent at any given time. It's actually more like christian proselytization with a rainbow instead of a cross.

>> No.17967825

It does have to do with progress. Western culture is obsessed with progress, and LGBT is one part of that. Corporations like to push it along with black activism and feminism because it's easy for them to allow some of these groups into their ranks, easier than addressing class issues for example, so they'll gladly push it and win the support of many progressives while avoiding too much trouble for themselves. A lot of reactionaries get pissed off about it at the same time, so there's a "divide and conquer" tactic there, keep the lower classes fighting over sexuality/gender/race instead of uniting against the upper classes.

>> No.17967867

This largely sums it up. Marketing sees and creates groups to get money from. They see LGBT and think, "How do we get their money?" People might erroneously look at this marketing and think the corporation is being "moral" or "ethical," but it is only concerned with consumer interaction.

We can even look at the funny incidents of people buying pride flags and shirts and other things.

>> No.17967879

no babby or babby raised by single mother welfare queen

>> No.17967884
File: 50 KB, 800x450, Bethesda_Pride_Month_Logos_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this pic the next time you think that any company actually cares about social issues.

>> No.17968079
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That jives, monkey brains are easier to control if you live from dopamine rush to dopamine rush.
Do some actual research in all these cultures fucking dudes was alright but you were still expected to be a man for 99% of the day and raise a child and provide for your family.
Yes that’s momentary pleasure. I’m talking cultural ramifications.
I’m actually interested in that book, but it’s a difficult book to get a hold of.
Addicts make good customers. That’s a solid point, if you tell everyone it’s good to indulge in simple desires it translates to other forms of consumption.
What is this from? Sounds like BNW
Solid reply, any other thoughts? Counter culture into culture to make more customers? Classic move. Any thoughts on if there is a push to make people who were traditionally seen as feminine men or masculine women into homosexual, what would the benefit of that be? A sort’ve soft suggestiveness by culture by making being gay ultra accessible in the first world.
That’s actually something I didn’t think of somehow. Keep the focus and worry on the small picture instead of real issues.
Yeah it’s essentially pandering to the lowest common denominator, the consumers, at that point.

>> No.17968225
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>> No.17968243


>> No.17968246

ape apologists get the fucking bullet

>> No.17968271

The LGBT are purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for multinational corporations the democratic party and pharmaceuticals a single indistinct mass of bleating consumer cattle who dont breed dont think or question autorithy and can be relied to buy rainbow colored knick knacks and persecute real dissenters from the system.

>> No.17968276

I'm looking to understand why you keep posting this thread. Could you please explain?

>> No.17968277

>any other thoughts
It's making us more androgynous, but that's a double-edged sword and not necessarily bad. It's a good thing in the sense that every human has elements of both genders which he ought to integrate, but it's a bad thing if such elements are elevated on a pedestal (to the extent that it denigrates opposite elements) and become the primary force of one's identity. Even more so when the gender of the soul does not correspond to the physical gender, which is precisely the issue with transexuality. It confuses, angers, saddens, and generally makes one feel oppressed by society and even nature itself, which is a good recipe for becoming anti-cosmic and profoundly resentful against everyone and everything that reminds one of one's broken existence.
>what would the benefit be
Possibly a kind of castration in that creation happens through opposing forces interacting, and if only similar forces interact then there is no adversity and thereby no procreation.

So then aside from the gearing of people's minds towards sexuality (and thereby in most cases mindless hedonism), it simultaneously creates a subconscious kind of loyalty in people who are geared like that towards either one or the other side. That kind of loyalty is then harnessed by either side for whatever purpose they see fit. This would be fine if either side could be trusted to genuinely have your best interests at heart.

There is however, as mentioned, also a good side to this. It dispenses with tropes like unemotionality being masculine, whereby men are more free to experience and pursue passion. Likewise it dispenses with tropes like irrationality being feminine, whereby women are more free to experience and pursue the intellectual side of things.

Does that make sense?

>> No.17968285

>a third of men are sexless and childless
>media industry shoving sex down everyone’s throats
>perceived worth is being reduced to looks and sex conquest
the beta uprising is going to be glorious desu

>> No.17968312


Its an agenda being promoted by billionaires who want to break down the family unit normalize pedophilia and demolish the moral boundaries which lie in the way of the total manipulation of the human being ie. Transhumanism
Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

Parents concerned about their children should go online and research McKinnon’s statements and watch the Lactatia video (a link is provided in the sources below). Once you do you may understand why I say that all children are in danger from the insidious indoctrinating power of the new global trans cult that seems to have complete contempt for the family unit.

>> No.17968347
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I am a privileged heterosexual white man looking to overcome internalized prejudices towards the queer community, tell me which theory can i read which can help me appreciate the diverse and vibrant culture of these politically correct victimhood units i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures.

>> No.17968362

>As for LGBT issues, that probably has something to do with normalizing their existence in society

Contemporary mainstream culture is always about preparing the populace for a change that people up top want. Culture is narrative, and control over the narrative is power.

>> No.17968376

>who is profiting off this?

>> No.17968397
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>> No.17968407

The human sexual reflex is completely conditionable, the way these things work is you get people hooked up on perverted forms of sexuality to the point it becomes their whole identity so they are easier to control/mobilize. Thats What strikes you about the lgbt crowd, they are not happy liberated authentic individuals, but mass produced brainwashed units they all happen to repeat exactly the same talking .

>> No.17968501

>I’m looking to understand why the current media pushes sex so heavily
you immediately answer your question with
>who is profiting off this
and the answer is, everyone using sex to sell things, so pretty much any corporation

i guess side effects that benefit the capitalists would be increased population division which makes counterforces harder to manifest, and increased personal dissatisfaction which increases consumption

>> No.17968781

This can’t be real, these are some bold claims.
First time making a thread in lit, repressed homosexuals must think alike.
Yes I think I understand the gist of it. The polarization idea makes a lot of sense actually.
Give everyone a new option, chose to be gay, problem solved.
This is some scary stuff, but the work seems to be a bit extreme when most of these guys can buy literal sex slaves instead, no?
Why do the people in the top want this change?

>> No.17968805

This is what saddens me. It’s not making people happier it’s confusing people. The marginalized are the most hurt by it who don’t have strong identities or the young.
My question is can’t you sell just as well without sex? Along with this can’t culture create as much of a demand with heterosexuality without leaning so heavily into the, albeit growing, small LGBT community?

>> No.17968810

>why the current media pushes sex so heavily
>current media
is boomer larping a thing now?

>> No.17968813
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>> No.17968823

I wonder how many people here have actually ever talked to a faggot or a tranny, as they call them.

>> No.17968881
File: 1.07 MB, 956x3609, GreekHomo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.17968927

that image is fake btw

>> No.17968933
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>It seems to me that something must also be said about the love of boys; for this too has a bearing on education. The other Greeks either do as the Boeotians do, where man and boy are joined as couples and live together, or like the Eleans, who get to enjoy the charms of boys by making them grateful; there are also those who wholly prevent boy-lovers from conversing with boys. [...] in most of the Greek cities the laws do not oppose men’s desire for boys.
Xenophon, Constitution of the Lacedaemonians, c. 380BC

>Plato's banquet is almost entirely concerned with love, not merely with men in love with women, or women with men, lusts subject to the laws of nature, but of men with males differing from them only in respect of age... The greater part is taken up with common and vulgar love...
Philo, On The Contemplative Life, early 00s

>> No.17969017

It was tweeted out by the official account of an lgbt NGO. Experience has shown these people are brainwashed and will obey their community leaders unquestioningly

>> No.17969051

If you did a little bit of googling, maybe actually check the twitter account, you would find that it is fake.

>> No.17969101

They are if anything even more insufferable irl.

>> No.17969109

I've spoken to a couple of trannies. One was a friend of a friend at uni. He/she was fine, mostly meme sense of humour in the 2014 kind of way, a bit reddit, a bit lel so randumb. Once a mate of mine was talking vaguely in a group we me and the tran, he said "he" to refer to "her" and she span round, punched him in the arm and glowered at him then went back to what she was doing.

Faggots? Three, off the top of my head. The first I knew as a teenager. He wasn't "out" then but he was equal parts bullied and equal parts insufferable back. He committed suicide last year after being stalked by a pikey couple. Other two again were uni guys. Both of the flaming talking about sex too much variety.

Weird as they are I feel like the faggots were worse than the transes.

>> No.17969192

Why not just legalize hookers. Our issue is we try pathetically to shame those who treat sex as just a commodity when it's men doing it to women. I respect the honesty in a guy saying "I don't care about having a family, I don't care about a relationship, I want my dick sucked and I want it now. Here's your money, get to it". Then moving on. Treating sex itself as a cheap recreational item disturbs society because it spits in the face of common values and makes a joke of all involved. It makes feminists angry because it makes what women in our culture have traditionally gate kept as a form of autonomy a joke. It disturbs a good deal of men because it laughs at the idea of accomplishment we're supposed to get from convincing a woman to sleep with us. It is disturbing due to all the evil shit that goes into it. But if properly regulated and with a harsh prevention of pimps alongside the clear rules about not being owed a person's body (provided a refund in such a situation as well) then it could work. I can see moral issues with it and wouldn't go to a hooker personally but such would remove incels from the equation if they could lose the delusion that getting laid without money means anything.

>> No.17969202
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>aesthetic germanic script as the title
>"hollywood propaganda"
I dunno, this does truly seem like a unbiased source...

>> No.17969296

> the current media pushes sex so heavily
who does? sex has vanished from corporate media and advertising in television in movies. When was the last time you saw a sex scene with nudity in a new movie? All our tv advertisements now are coddling and soothing set to indie-pop with multi-racial families or weird insurance ads.

>> No.17969579

All for it.
Have you ever listened to pop music?

>> No.17969630

yes I'm willing to concede hip-hop and pop but is that all we're talking about here? some music videos? those are same as it's ever been

>> No.17969737

Yeah this is one of the most interesting of recent cultural developments. I never thought anything would be able to overpower coom, but the new moralism has done so. Mostly through its chilling effect on uneasy corporate entities. The mass deletions of Pornhub and Tumblr would have been unimaginable a decade ago. The relatively politically conservative 2000s seem like a cultural bacchanal compared to now. Sopranos, Rome, Game of Thrones.

>> No.17969756

Don't you have any family members or friends who watch netflix shit with constant interracial sex? What about the MASSIVE popularity of GoT just a couple years prior?

>> No.17969806

if this is your hobby horse I'd be more concerned about the proliferation of anime in the youth the US corporate media. All degenerate pervert alphabet youths with radical sex politics on social media have been heavily steeped in anime and it's aesthetics let alone the sissy hypno porn stuff turning sub dudes trans

>> No.17969833

GoT cut back on it's sex stuff in later seasons due to backlash as well. Yeah there's diverse casts now but not depicted sex

>> No.17969834

have sex and dilate
don't have time to make problems for the aristocracy

>> No.17969860

I like to think about the prologue for Brave New World I read a couple of years ago, written by Huxley himself, where he mentions his idea for the hypersexualized society comes from the notion that some freedom needs to be traded for the people to keep happily in the system. In the novel's case, the free drugs and sex are exchanged for their political and mind freedom

>> No.17969910

1. Sex sells
2. Virtue signalling about historically oppressed minorities wins you white guilt social promotion points

It's not any deeper or insidious than that. If retards can't be loudly vocal about how great a human being they are how would you, a complete stranger, ever know to give them the praise they deserve for their righteousness?

>> No.17969914

Dunno, but once I started reading books I started cooming less. Kinda lost interest and I have too much shit to read, so all time is precious.

>> No.17969945

Pornhub was due to incoming lawsuits from underage women. Tumblr was so ad space could be marketed to a broader range of companies. This is about money not moralism. Tumblr doesn’t care about the content they care about mega corps ad money, and those companies don’t want to be associated with porn, at least not overtly.

>> No.17969985

Im gay and the only lgbt political what have you i support is the right to marry and join the military. All the other madness? Dont know what to tell you but leave me out of it so I can go be gay married and shoot things on my own property when i get out.

>> No.17970459

Yeah I’m often thinking of BNW, it pretty much started me down this rabbit hole.
That’s at the micro level I’m curious about the macro, why does Disney or Google care about that shit? So .01 % of customers get a boost of satisfaction? Doesn’t make sense

>> No.17970477

>about the macro
There is no macro. Its just companies battling for attention, attention is money.

>> No.17970501

Attention economy, it’s all coming together now.

>> No.17970823
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>who is profiting off this?
The companies making money selling you things using sex?

>> No.17970848

Total garbage

>> No.17970886

yeah it’s so unbelievably obvious and simple but blaming companies in general, and thus capitalism as a system, is impossible for rightoids so they have to find some evil conspiracy.

>> No.17970912

It's the same reason they push fast food. Corn and porn. Virtually all mass media wants to keep people in a reduced state of consciousness so that they are docile and complacent. Nothing shuts the mind down like sex. Under its spell, a person thinks of nothing else, wants nothing else, all of the world falls out of view. Nothing else matters. It's the perfect distraction.

>> No.17971137
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My line of thinking was more so why sexualize everything when non-horny people can also buy a product but from the discussions here I see it now as systemic reduction in thought. Appeal to the simple pleasures.
Expand, why is the idea of making people more hedonistic to in turn make them more consumptive garbage?
Democracy doesn’t work without an intelligent body of people. With the rise of non-sense entertainment, telegraph and newspaper, “wise men” decided to take over and give us a false notion of democracy. These same heroes were bought by bankers and capitalists, there are no more brakes on Mr Capitalism’s wild ride.
I agree wholeheartedly. Turning everything into entertainment set us down a dangerous path, learning is seen as boring now. Anything not stimulating is unbearable for children ands it’s only getting worse. Return to monke I guess.

>> No.17971199

is the sissy hypno stuff a real thing? I can't tell if people are memeing or not

>> No.17971296

You know it's Jews so they can have their fabled 2800 slaves a head

>> No.17971321

I don’t think it’s real at all however the absolute prevalence and normalcy of that genre has more subtle effects it’s become a cultural thing. People who wouldn’t have even thought of being gay 20+ years ago are now “gay” it’s a cultural gay rather than inborn thing for some. Definitely not debating the nature vs nurture thing right now but it’s become an easier choice because it’s simply the path of least resistance. Not saying it’s a bad thing though either because women aren’t really women anymore either more of an observation.

>> No.17971326

It's students who were trained by women's studies and queer theoriests, influenced by Theodor Adorno, getting jobs in media

>> No.17971340
File: 149 KB, 1200x1500, C4914540-F27A-4692-BBF1-6B2C86270092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the transes

>> No.17971422

>People who wouldn’t have even thought of being gay 20+ years ago are now “gay”
And what's wrong with that?

>> No.17971465

If you read my entire post I literally said “not saying it’s a bad thing”. It’s an observation of how media is controlling us in ways many don’t realize. Our entire lives are governed by outside influence which is something to note if nothing else.

>> No.17971470

>My line of thinking was more so why sexualize everything when non-horny people can also buy a product but from the discussions here I see it now as systemic reduction in thought.
Luckily, companies (especially public companies) have a fairly simple motivation to their actions: maximise profits. They have found that advertisements that feature sexual imagery are effective and as such adopt them. Those who don't lose market share to those who do. There isn't much of a consumer group who will not buy a product based on sexual marketing, but plenty who will.
When individual interests align, one doesn't need to resort to conspiracy to find widespread adoption.

>> No.17971480

>Anyone recommendations deeper than “sex sells”?
Apart from sex sells (it does, just look at any female twitch stream, onlyfans or what have you), it also has to do with deconstructing society. Dividing and conquering.

>> No.17971500

Yeah that’s what others have brought up. It’s another form of polarizing, anything for people to argue about which detracts from the big picture is good for business.

>> No.17972280

The essence of the image (that these freaks are sexual deviants and many are pedos) remains true even if the quote is fake.

>> No.17972722

It’s a weird existence, like yeah I can’t stop someone from enjoying a hedonistic life but imagine basing your entire existence around your sex life it’s bizarre

>> No.17972768

Isn't "the people demand it" exactly the kind of cheap justification which is brandied out by every regime that wants to push a cultural revolution on their population?
Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but most big tech companies actually lose money consistently and instead rely on investors. Obviously dating apps like tinder and porn sites like only fans have a lot of money to throw around, and a lot of institutional support with many different newspapers and TV series talking about them. Where does this come from?

>> No.17972834

Napoleon had it right with prostitutes, let them run brothels in certain areas but don't let them advertise in public and require inspections/female pimps.
Interestingly this system was overturned in 1946 by an ex-prostitute turned wealthy heiress turned Allied spy who was deeply connected to the criminal underground in Europe and America. He name was Marthe Richard, and I'm sure if you dug into her life you'd find some interesting connections.

>> No.17972854

>In other words, it's Satan

>> No.17972865

this is such cringe lie

>> No.17973545


>> No.17973553

Me and your mum

>> No.17973642
File: 134 KB, 659x953, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a wife and its impossible. Literally all I want is a 16-18 year old virgin - so that I can have many kids. All that modern want is sex/Chad.

Does this answer your question OP? How well do you think our society is headed when it is so tough for men like me to find a wife?

>> No.17973670

you sound like a horrible loser. society is fine

>> No.17973691

So you like immigration, multiculturalism, feminism, homosexuality and other perversion, kikes running things, and traditionalism is BAD?

>> No.17973700

you suck

>> No.17973730

you don’t get it do you

>> No.17973742

>dude we should all just act like animals instead of striving to be better

you sicken me

>> No.17973765
File: 18 KB, 518x150, Screenshot_2019-12-24 00-C2441 - [Thomas_K _Hubbard]_Homosexuality_in_Greece_and_Ro(z-lib org) pdf(7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17973769

>society is fine
What? Forever wars, increasing poverty, one botched pandemic handling after another, environmental degradation, political posturing that can lead to nuclear war...

The fuck are you talking about? IDpol tardation.

>> No.17973776

We will never not be animals, and we will never be rid of the urge to COOM. Maybe artificial intelligence could, but it would certainly inherit our other ape behaviors.

>> No.17973854

It's also about destroying all tribal differences, breaking down everybody into a single consumer identity with no other forms of sexual, racial, gender, national or even religious identity. You identify with the brands you consume, nothing else. Of course you have a million problems with this and often the complete inverse happening with a new dominate identity group. Liberal capitalists are mad men who will destroy a nation with their insane visions of wealth and "prosperity".

>> No.17973871

>What? Forever wars, increasing poverty, one botched pandemic handling after another, environmental degradation, political posturing that can lead to nuclear war
but the biggest issue of all is that anon can't get a date... you should lighten up because the world will always have problems

>> No.17973942
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>I’m looking to understand why the current media pushes sex so heavily
>current media
Media/art has pushed sex literally always, anon. this isn't anything new.
>who is profiting off this?
The media isn't one, homogenous conglomerate but multiple media empires competing with each other for attention and revenue. They aren't in cahoots and if you see a trend between them its because one did it successfully and the others are copying because they want in on the market that has been established/proven by the other's success. Why do you think every media company wanted to push dinosaurs so fucking hard during the 1990s? Jurassic Park. They saw the success of that film and the established market interest of dinosaurs and decided they wanted a piece of that. Same goes for literally anything you see that's pervasive in media. They are competing for the interests of the masses so they will appeal to what they see as the will/pleasure of the masses. Every generation and demographic likes sex, that's just a biological certainty, so of course they'll push it for this reason.
>why is the LGBT issues also being pushed concurrently
LGBT issues have been being pushed since the 1960s at the very earliest (though you could very well argue earlier than that). The only difference is that now its starting to pick up more acceptance/support by the general population.
>What benefit is there to whoever is pushing the agenda do have more LGBT people than straight?
no one is pushing for that. you made that up in your head out of paranoia/a victim complex. That or the same retards that believe in "the great replacement" literally have taken that same theory and made it into a paint by numbers with any social minority/group you can think of.

>> No.17973948

>"the great replacement"
that on'es real