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17965344 No.17965344 [Reply] [Original]

The other day i was watching videos on youtube and and saw a guy talk about the way taoists used to méditate and practice nofap as a way to transform the sexual energy.
What book would you recommend to learn more about this kind of practice and taoism in general?
Also sexual health books general, as long as we cure ourselves from the degenerated environnement we live in.

>> No.17965363

You can always read the Tao Te Ching to learn Taoism. I don't know where you ca learn about the history though.
Taoists practiced semen retention because they believed that the semen was a man's life force and by ejaculating too frequently he was losing his vitality and getting closer to death.

Sexual health book? Try Kosher Sex by Shmuley Boteach

>> No.17965410

thanks man i really feel like the solution to the sexually stunned and porn addicted people, like me, lies in some kind of mystic or spiritual interpretation of our bodies and mind.
What do you think ?

>> No.17965769

arthur waley's the way and its power includes a 100 page history of taoism and ancient chinese thought before a translation of the tao te ching

>> No.17965782

Lai Hsi's Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon

>> No.17965787

non-Taoist: Nafzawi's Perfumed Garden

>> No.17965790

not really, it lies in self-control which takes effort but you dont want to do that so youd rather believe that you need the help of a deity, causing your failure to fall on their lack of help rather than your own inadequacy

>> No.17965795

Check out the warosu archives and search for the term: pint of blood

I mentioned two thorough books

>> No.17965805
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This and Chia's multi-orgasmic male book

Theres exercises and herbs but the main practice is non-ejaculatory masturbation/sex, while doing deep breathing (micro-cosmic orbit/small circulation meditation)

>> No.17966209

ok that hurt but it makes sense i'll try to think of it that way