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17954240 No.17954240 [Reply] [Original]

Why are girls so disinterested in philosophy, literature, etc? I swear, it seems like talking about philosophy is the quickest way of turning them off.

>> No.17954267

OP, trust me, the ones that ARE "interested" in philosophy and literature are horrible aspergerites that you will eventually want to beat to an inch of their life after being around them enough.

>> No.17954268

So is nyanners not a girl or...?

>> No.17954271
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>> No.17954323

I dont know. I've always felt this, since I'm a philosopher. Probably has to do something with them being egoistical. They are mostly interested in philosophy for 1) aesthetics (pretentious arthoes who compensate for their lack of personality 2) because they want to prove they are smart (inferiority) 3) because it serves their immediate self interest, doesnt require nuanced thinking, is compatible with status quo (feminism) 4) as an outlet of their resentment (then they become nitpicky autistic gargoyles who can nitpick a text with the rage of 9000 witches). They never go beyond themselves, they are not capable of renunciation.

>> No.17954336

> his study
They mean
> his mom’s study

>> No.17954341

Why are children? Or cats?

>> No.17954353

Just meet female philosophy majors or teach students in a philosophy class and get girls to participate. Honestly they can be pretty smart and as philosophical as any guy. I think culture tends to tell them to shut up though and culture tells them not to pursue philosophy. I notice even the female majors tend to participate less than the guys, but they're smart when called on or if you talk to them outside of class. As for you anon, you're probably talking to vapid human beings period, that's your fault.

>> No.17954359

Who cares about some 40 yr old weeb

Anyway, OP, girls tend to seek consensus, avoid explicit disagreements when possible, and prefer a emotional payoff over technical precision.

So when a girl sees a bunch of dudes getting worked up over, what appears to her, to be a bunch of abstractions with little impact on the day-to-day life of course she is going to get turned off. It is like watching autists argue about train time tables.

>> No.17954366

>Honestly they can be pretty smart and as philosophical as any guy.
t. bug male

>> No.17954377

its probably a woman giving an "objective" opinion

>> No.17954386

We just don’t even inhabit the same reality. I don’t hate women but I’m not going to sit here and pretend like they’re always volunteering unique takes or insight like a damn liar. I met exactly one girl in my entire life who fit your description and she had such an obnoxious chip on her shoulder that he consistently made herself look like an idiot because of it.

>> No.17954392

>I swear, it seems like talking about philosophy is the quickest way of turning them off.
It's just you. An attractive/charming guy can talk about anything, and any girl will be interested and impressed.

>> No.17954407

>I swear, it seems like talking about philosophy is the quickest way of turning them off.
I once picked up an Alina-Li looking stripper in a cafe after a 3 hour discussion on phenomenology and Husserl. Literally the only normie I've met who sustained an interest for it for more than 10 minutes.

>> No.17954422
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>> No.17954426

You killed OP.
It's so common that people say women are not interested in topic X. Ask yourself what did you ever told to a girl she was impressed with? Yeah, I thought so.

>> No.17954434

There are people who really think this and its not just philosophy, they think that most subjects (oddly enough they mainly talk about high earnings ones) are hostile to women. They claim women are dissuaded from them for one reason or another, and need to be pushed towards things that they like. It makes little sense to me. I got to college and my choice of study had nothing to do with other people, I sat at my desk with the course catalogue and picked shit that seemed interesting. After exploring a little I found i enjoyed philisohy mostly. If someone needs pushing into something, at what point do we concede they just might not enjoy it instead of claim that there exists some nebulous patriarchal force that visits women late at night and tells them they're no good for various fields.

>> No.17954441

There are cases of teens taking an interest in philosophy, even historically (e.g. Schelling wrote multiple commentaries on the Bible and Plato's Timaeus before he turned 18, and Weber was known for writing excellent scholarly essays at 15)

>> No.17954442

t. resentful Last Man

>> No.17954451 [SPOILER] 
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Checked, and proof.
I'm a manlet, too.
Just saying, you guys worry way too fucking much and it stops you from making moves.

>> No.17954452

Try tricking them by talking about love or some shit in a vague sense but slowly shift topics towards philosophy.

>> No.17954453

It's a psychological coaching thing. Or disinterest. But you shouldn't rule the first out.

>> No.17954459

To be fair, was she a stripper you paid, or someone that happened to be a stripper but you genuinely picked up?

>> No.17954473

She happened to be a stripper, never saw her in that role, don't go to strip clubs.

>> No.17954476

>"Women are capable of education, but they are not made for activities which demand a universal faculty such as the more advanced sciences, philosophy, and certain forms of artistic production. Women may have happy ideas, taste, and elegance, but they cannot attain to the ideal.
>Elements of the Philosophy of Right by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

>> No.17954485

Who is Saint Teresa of Jesus.

>> No.17954497

I never try to initiate a talk about philosophy irl, granted that's on my part, but you can't ignore the fact that the vast majority of spaces dedicated to this sort of stuff is populated by guys like us.

>> No.17954506
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Disinterested means unbiased, uninterested means uninterested

>> No.17954510

They're stupid

>> No.17954513

I don't see the problem with this twitter post? You do realize that this is already the case? Vaccinations are mandatory for children to even go to public school or to even hold a job. Do you not know what a vaccine card is?

>> No.17954523

Most likely you yourself have no idea what philosophy is and hence why you're intimidated by cheap showing off. I wrote that numerous times on /lit/ but I'll reiterate - the only philosophy most women are interested in is political philosophy aka no philosophy at all. You won't find a woman who is genuinely interested in metaphysics. Few of them might be professionally interested in ethics just so they can promote their abortion propaganda more effectively

>> No.17954531

How does culture dissuade them from pursuing philosophy? The most "philosophical" videos that have consistently gotten millions of views over the past year were those Jubilee videos on religion. And there's no discouragement placed there from what I can tell.

>> No.17954555

I'm around girls who are interested in philosophy as long as you let them talk and pretend the questions they are asking puzzle you, most of them enjoy feeling like they are being profound when they ask those questions or state their opinions and that's pretty annoying frankly. You could be talking about the perception of reality and the girl will be like "yeah but like i feel like *insert dogma they've learned to parrot*". It's frustrating.

>> No.17954565

yeah sure, the reason why there is only 37 female chess grandmaster out of 1721 is also just because society doesn't encourage them

>> No.17954568

>the vast majority of spaces dedicated to this sort of stuff is populated by guys like us.
Sure, but that's because it's a fringe interest that isn't advertised and doesn't really bring any real marketable skills.
I remember having a (fairly risky, in retrospect) conversation with a gay guy at work, who asked me if studying Catholic medieval philosophers meant I hated gays, and I went on to explain to him Natural Law instead of telling him what I thought. I managed to engage him, and after a while, two of the stacies of the workplace that were sitting next to us commented to each other "You know what is nice? They've been talking for an hour and haven't mentioned cars, sports or tits the entire time. I don't remember how long it's been since I've seen that."
Women, even normies, will appreciate an intellectual discussion that isn't confrontational if they don't have to contribute too much to it, because it's all background noise to them anyways. Sometimes they want to tune in to the Classical radio station with the intellectual jockey, sometimes they just want Nickelback on loop.

>> No.17954573

Have you tried clarifying their ideas after they stated them? I saw that most women respond positively to that sort of thing.

>> No.17954578

>implying there's anything wrong with being a Last Man

>> No.17954591

>I don't see the problem with this twitter post?
You wouldn’t.

> we should just marginalize people with authoritarian measures so that we can bully them into being how we want
Yep. No issue there.

>> No.17954592

When I was in college taking philosophy classes the Ethics class definitely had the most girls. A few of them didn't seem to understand what they were actually signing up for and dropped the class(although there were guys who did as well). They thought the class would be talking about things like abortion and race issues but instead they got a huge Plato reading on their desk Day 1.

>> No.17954598

Don't you think that any other sophisticated topic could have also elicited that remark? It seems that they weren't impressed with the ideas themselves, just that they were *not* those three things you mentioned.

>> No.17954600

They don't understand me. I've tried and tried, it always ends with "shut up and kiss me" when i get a bit technical. Women aren't into anything but gossip

>> No.17954621

I've had this happen to me too, where women just nod to you in agreement and don't attempt to further the discussion

>> No.17954675

Barring the possibility that you're simply interacting with girls who are dumber than you (why is it that all otherwise intelligent straight men fall into the trap of thinking that they, being the 4chan reading intellectual males they are, are representative of the male gender the same way every normie girl 9majority of women by definition) they meet is representative of the female gender?), barring that possibility...

Maybe the way you talk about literature and philosophy is cringy? I don't mean this as a maybe btw I'm like 90% sure this is the case. Not to reveal trade secrets but if you attempt to begin a conversation with a 'what do you think is the meaning of life?' they'll probably not gonna want to discuss it further with you lol. And if you say 'we'll I'm not that embarrassing and I sound a lot more nuanced than that' you already know what I'm going to say. The truth is women are much better at not sounding embarrassing or cringe than men and they will probably not want to discuss these things with you if they think you sound dumb, try to sound intelligent, etc. There's probably more to it but I want to go to bed. Remember that even the intelligent women who are into these topics won't respect you less if you don't show a keen interest for them. Good luck xx

>> No.17954685

I care :'(

>> No.17954693

They are too busy having a real life like having sex and doing things with their friends. You know, anything besides being an incel shut inside reading books nobody cares about.

>> No.17954705

the same reason that for all the great philosopher in history, the only female one that are even somewhat well known are Simon Debeauvoir, Hannah Arendt and Ayn Rand (kek)

>> No.17954874
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>based PLATON destroys cringe freshmen

>> No.17954886

>it seems like talking about philosophy is the quickest way of turning them off.
Don’t be a pseud about it man.

>> No.17954924

This. You are not there to engage with women, you are there to affirm and elevate her (or bully her if you're a sociopath I guess).

>> No.17954946

They are busier with their lives as women receive more attention on average, so naturally their already pretty meek desire to stand out from the crowd in any significant and possibly controversial way gets in the way. Not to say that there are no females, they are just rare - and non spergs are the rarest. Had one of those unicorns in my hs: decent looking, sociable as well as interested in both philosophy and computer science. Talked with her about Zizek, Gombrowicz as well as some other ones. Studies CS in Exeter if I remember correctly, good lass for sure. But I still hate women

>> No.17954972

>instead they got a huge Plato reading on their desk Day 1.
I loled

>> No.17954988

You speak from old experience. Please tell us more anon.

>> No.17955001

What have you written, anon?

>> No.17955016

Absolutely based Πλάτων BTFOing hoes since 4th century before Christ (PBUH)

>> No.17955030

Zizek is one of those guys that are really popular because of their association with pop culture and the news, but discussing someone like Bruno's more metaphysical stuff or Fichte's system is not all that easy

>> No.17955076

Yeah, I’m aware of that - I’m not a huge high tier philosophyfag so my knowledge of him was not the greatest but we had a pleasant conversation on basic level. Pretty sure she’s more into CS and having fun than getting deep into philosophy. I’m a literal brainlet so she’s miles ahead of me probably, but I still recommended to her some Sartre

>> No.17955345

Do you read philosophy?

>> No.17955351

Wrong post, meant to tag >>17954675

>> No.17955364

Yeah sometimes I try aggressive masculinism or obscursntism but intelligent conversation works too

>> No.17955426

Philosophy yes, but not literature.

>> No.17955429

girls are dumb as fuck obviously

>> No.17955461

the only philosophy most women are interested in is political philosophy aka no philosophy at all

What's wrong with political philosophy?

>> No.17955466

I remember reading an account of how one man (father? teacher?) tried to convince a girl to stop wasting her time on reading silly romances by giving her history books and telling her they were completely fictional. She thumbed through them as rapidly as she did her novels, but upon finding out that they were actually history books, she was disgusted and avoided picking them up again

>> No.17955498

I had a seminar on the CopR last semester and the only girls who contributed something somehow found a way to talk about themselves while talking about the a priori concepts. Thank god for the mute button.

>> No.17955511

Imagine talking about philosophy irl. tryhard dumbass pseud

>> No.17955515

It's not skeptical, epistemological, or metaphysical enough

>> No.17955532
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>mfw I remember that women will reincarnate into animals and bad men into women

>> No.17955535

Did he actually think that?

>> No.17955541

The Republic is a theological work, one of the themes of which is reincarnation, among other things like immortality of the soul, and the purification of the soul.


>> No.17955646

Plotinus also says something like that in the Enneads, specifically in the later parts

>> No.17955663

The former is the average humanities student, the latter can be decent but usually ends up a vain aesthete art ho.

>> No.17955988

I studied Classics and the vast majority of humanities majors onward were women, who were accomplished, eloquent, and interested in literature and philosophy.
Now why would any of them participate in troll arguments on forums of misogynist incel losers when they have actual friends and accomplished colleagues?
Meanwhile you think that because you are a loser, surrounded by other losers, and you have read books instead of watched TV shows, you are somehow "intelligent"? Come on dude.

>> No.17956000

Ikr if I wanted to turn a girl on id just pull out my dick and start

>> No.17956003

Transition is treating you well I see

>> No.17956135

Why are you seething? I made no derogatory remarks in any of my posts. I'm simply trlling you that the vast majority of spaces that I have visited have had few women in them. I wanted to find out why.
>inb4 it's because they were all troll forums
Nah, I believe nearly all of those were very accomodating enviromments.

>> No.17956155

I can't wait to see all the classic works of philosophy and literature these brilliant women will come to produce, now that the humanities aren't a male-dominated space. People will be reading 21st century female philosophy for centuries to come!

>> No.17956350

lmao true

>> No.17956362


bluepilled anon
most women who are famous in philosophy are feminist "philosophers", basically pseuds coping with the fact that they are inferior to men

>> No.17956367

lol where is that in plato

>> No.17956866


I (male) don't, but I'm friends with women who do

>> No.17956941

Most literature faggots belong inside concentration camps.

That includes homosexuals like you OP.

>> No.17957224
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I haven't spoken to any woman irl about philosophy, at least not yet lol.

>> No.17957264

Fuck off, one of the best classes I’ve ever taken was one on medieval philosophy imparted by a woman, which ironically enough is the period of time with the most metaphysics. Also, you must be pretty mediocre at philosophy, how can you claim an universal truth from few (conditioned btw) observations you’ve made.

>> No.17957301

Everything you said is true, to at least 99% of women.

>> No.17957466

who cares

>> No.17957519

>how can you claim an universal truth from few (conditioned btw) observations you’ve made.

It's called an induction.

>> No.17957622

he's a retard

>> No.17957645

>I think culture tends to tell them to shut up though and culture tells them not to pursue philosophy.

yeah Im sure the enlightenment which is the glorification of the intellectual atheist totally doesn't push people to go to college and ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''think for themselves''''''''''''''''''''''

>> No.17957657

There is.
No actually the majority I talk to actually do metaphysics and ontology, or history of philosophy, I really don't know why you guys encounter otherwise but maybe you guys just don't go to good schools, much less talk to philosophy grad students so all you know is the undergrad majors who aren't really much interested in philosophy beyond getting a BA and maybe then going to law school, if not just dropping off the face of the earth after graduation.
Have you seen the shit that gets marketed to little girls (shit like Bratz)? Imagine your whole life growing up with that. What's the best thing the capitalists market to underage girls? And then when they're on the cusp of growing up, what do they get taught women do? It's reality tv shit, female pop stardom, sex-focused television. Society practically raises women to be anything but nerds. And even the feminists are anti-intellectualism pilled because, truth be told, even the feminists have internalized what people up top tell them women should do, but they might not want to admit that. Women get told from all sides that being intellectual isn't their role in life. So when one of them has some original thoughts, they don't say it so much. Also you people need to take classes from good female professors who teach things like metaphysics or history. Some of them are really good at what they do, and really smart, and they're without question smarter than OP and the other incels in this thread. Just as >>17957264 says.

>> No.17957662

It's called a hasty generalization.

>> No.17957677

This is true for most males as well. A very small percentage of people are interested in arts and philosophy, it's just that the percentage of females are even smaller than that of males.

>> No.17957709

It's not that they are actually interested in what his saying, they're just interested in the guy

>> No.17957733

>They thought the class would be talking about things like abortion and race issues
more like they thought they would hear their prejudices were actually moral and they would expect to be told they were already walking saints

>> No.17957746

>Now why would any of them participate in troll arguments on forums of misogynist incel losers when they have actual friends and accomplished colleagues?
She will never have sex with you.

>> No.17957759
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The first soulless bugman was a woman

>> No.17957778

to be fair history is not a science and remains 100% fictions no matter what atheists claim (atheists being the one turning history into an academic field)

>> No.17957907

How many men have you spoken to about philosophy irl?

Honestly it's so weird how everyone here shits on random women for not being into philosophy when there's just as many if not more men who have 0 interest in it. Like just because you've found your group of (male) nerd friends that care about enlightening yourselves, outside of that group how many men are there that simply do not care about it?

Even if you did find a woman who you know for a fact has an interest in philosophy why should she discuss it with you? Women don't need to verbalize their thoughts or let others in on their interests for those things to exist/be valid the way men do, because they usually have a stronger inner sense of self than men. Women are taught to be diplomatic/non-confrontational so they develop a mechanism that ensures their personal thoughts remain intact and unclouded by the opinions of those they defer to - whether you believe this or not, the bottom line is that they don't need to tell you what they think for it to exist in their heads.

So when a desperate and overeager man comes running saying he wants to discuss philosophy, what good options does she have but to refuse? At best, he's talking shite, completely self-unaware, doesn't know what he's talking about, and she experiences second-hand embarrassment (someone mentioned that women who only read phil to seem intelligent, which I'm sure is true for some. But do you know how many fanboy men like this they deal with on the daily whose reading of philosophy is horrible embarrassing and so on?) At worst, she meets a man who actually knows a great deal about philosophy, but she cannot disagree with him (aka have a real 'discussion') without overcoming her overbearing social conditioning that prevents her from disagreeing with him, or without insulting his ego (because he too is subject to the conditioning that tells him he has to win every argument). At the end of each conversation, the guy invites her out on a date.

This is of course an oversimplification, but I think it explains why they tend to want to share their thoughts less than men, which explains why (as someone mentioned above) women tend to keep quiet in class discussions. As for the dumb girls who pretend to care about it to seem smart (because the above is about women who d o care about phil), I have two thoughts. First, as I've already mentioned there are just many guys who don't have an intrinsic/"genuine" interest in philosophy. In fact, I'd wager there are more of these men than there are women, because unlike the women who are doing it out of low self esteem/a need for validation the men are doing it out of a desire to get laid. Which means uh that there are a lot of men trying to (unsuccessfully, or rather off-puttingly) use philosophy (or other topics) to get laid hence why she is wary to entertain this conversation.


>> No.17957911

Secondly, (this is more of an observation) I'm always surprised by how well intermingled social cliques are in the West(ern Europe and NA), to the point where you can't distinguish between people who are smart and people who are not. At least when/where I was growing up there was a very clear distinction between people who read philosophy books and those who didn't, and there was no illusion about the other ("this dark academia girl tricked me into believing she was smart, but alas she was a phony pseud") nor any sort of conflict/misunderstanding between the two. That culture of "we're all in this together"/youth pathos that's so persistent in the West (maybe not on 4chan) is appealing but ultimately confusing. As for women seriously just try to be respectful and not brag about how deep you are for reading Kant and you'll be fine.

>> No.17958014


>> No.17958117


Zoom classes don't count as education. I pity today's youth although I suppose that feature has its uses.

>> No.17958227
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>Why are girls so disinterested in philosophy, literature, etc?
They're retarded:

>The average numbers of neocortical neurons were 19 billion in female brains and 23 billion in male brains, a 16% difference.

>The most striking finding from the present study is that despite the well known anatomical and functional interindividual variability in the brain (e.g., refs. 24 and 25), we consistently observed a lower synaptic density in women in all cortical layers of the temporal neocortex.

>> No.17958232
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>> No.17958236
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>> No.17958237

Because it's boring and girls just want to have fun.

>> No.17958243

>muh internalized misogyny and patriarchy

Get this--women's interests and nature came before marketing

>> No.17958249
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>I just wanna to have fun!!

>> No.17958289

Yes, women are overgrown toddlers. It really doesn't get any more complicated than them just wanting to have fun. If it isn't fun or doesn't make their pussy wet, it's worthless.

>> No.17958316

>a huge Plato reading on their desk Day 1
>any PHIL class
Oh the horror, it's ΠΛΆΤΩΝ, how hard and horrible.

>> No.17958338

didn't read

>> No.17958555

Talk to smarter broads, you stupid (d)weeb.

>> No.17959582
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>> No.17959605

tl;dr plox

>> No.17959628

fucking retard

>> No.17959673

philosophy is fucking gay as fuck and philosophers historically used their own ideas and beliefs to signal if they they were top or bottom

>> No.17959821

>Women don't need to verbalize their thoughts or let others in on their interests for those things to exist/be valid the way men do, because they usually have a stronger inner sense of self than men.
Stopped reading here. Sorry you're so insecure but that is completely backwards from reality.

>> No.17959864

pomf pomf kimochi

>> No.17959933

>mfw my youngest sister is an aspie like me
I plan to introduce her first to anime and then to Kant.

>> No.17959943

the only women I know this applies to have developmental disorders

>> No.17960076


>> No.17960322

But thats why i like philosophy

>> No.17960387

>Plato broke first years

Holy shit, please be bait

>> No.17960705

kek based

>> No.17961110

You really think enlightenment ideals determine the media industry? Like, really??? Are you stupid?

>> No.17961111


>> No.17961138

i like philosophy, neo platonism

>> No.17961159

Women are, by default, at the intellectual age of children, and kids consider literature boring.

>> No.17961620

Philosophy has always been a boys club, so the connotation got created that waxing philosophically is just another form of mansplaining

>> No.17961818

It's not surprising when you figure that half of these people were not expecting philosophy at all. They thought it would be a blow-off social science class like Gender Studies or Sociology.

>> No.17961994

Yeah normally people learning a new thing are expected to make at least some progress before reaching a Plato.

>> No.17962143

>I think culture tends to tell them to shut up though
It demonstrably does the opposite. Women have no tact and treat the notion as an invitation to be an obnoxious or indignant child. Furthermore, there are several 'problems' that women supposedly face that do no really exist under scrutiny yet we as a culture must pretend they do and heap pity and exaltation. Pure narcissism.

This is all, in fact, why women are limited. It's not discouragement, it's deeprooted coddling and the the fact that very few women are interested in making something of themselves (especially intellectually) instead of just relying on society/men that guarantees them emotional and material support for being and contributing nothing. Some basic standards and equal treatment would force competence. There's a reason Western women are fanciful retards (other women are significantly smarter and more mature you'll find).

Also, don't see why women can't be interested in philosophy but just like most men, it'll be hard to find someone who gets it and can break past the level of 'thing to learn and regurgitate' instead of having a well-formed mind and being able to consider the foundations of a thing.

>> No.17962478
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I wouldn't necessarily agree man.
I've been around many hipster sluts who memorize a few things from the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article about Deleuze or some other retard and circle-jerk, combined with trending black twitter jokes, with the AIDS-ridden corpses which they consider their "gay best friends".

>"uuuuuuhh yass gimme dat rhizome daddy uh uh"
or something equally stupid and uncreative shit to convince themselves that people around them think that they're well read and witty.
Obviously none of them have read a single pro article on Plato, let alone Deleuze, so you got that part right.
It's just like make up - for trendy and aesthetic purposes only.

If you don't mind them all being "non-binary" or whatever made up bullshit flavor of the month nutcases, go for it.
But if you have any thought off your immortal soul, I would advise you not to indulge.

Also, they think Nietzsche is a novelist.

>> No.17962562

If this was true, women would participate more than men, even if their comments were vapid, and thus be obnoxious and indignant in ALL the philosophy classes I've seen them in. That's not what happens though.

>> No.17962755

Indeed. Poor guys don't how to entertain women anymore.

>> No.17963408

How tall of a manlet are we talkin here

>> No.17963489

>reddit spacing
didn't read

>> No.17963506

They're smart enough to know it doesn't matter

>> No.17963520

64 inches, 125 pounds.

>> No.17963527

For the same reason there aren't many females on websites like 4chan. Females are naturally normies

>> No.17963634

>It's called an induction.
Yeah that’s why you retard. Deductions are necessary while inductions are contingent. Just because you saw some women act in a certain way does not mean that the sole concept of woman implies it, or that every woman also acts that way.

>> No.17963900

Cute. I'm already short and you're somehow shorter.

>> No.17963925

As one anon alright said, maybe you just talk about it the wrong way. I recently went on a date and we at some point talked about mongolian language because I studied mongalian for a few weeks in my effort to know a bit of every language and she was interested enough to talk about mongolian words for almost thirty minutes. I explained linguistics to her and she was listening--maybe she's an oddcase or it's the fact that I am good looking and have a nice voice, but well, I dunno just don't be such a sperg dude

>> No.17964078

>you're somehow shorter.
Story of my life. Unless there's Colombians, Filipinos, Indians, or >14 years old, I'm the shortest in the room.

>> No.17964135

Are males not naturally normies?

>> No.17964275
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>> No.17964287

>but well, I dunno just don't be such a sperg dude
Lmao this is 4chan that’s not gonna happen

>> No.17964319

I'm also shortest in the room when I'm around nearly all guys, but I'm two inches taller than you. You're cool though, keep up the good life.

>> No.17964373


>> No.17964381
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I like philosophy but it doesn't turn me on desu famsquad

>> No.17964387

no because me good n based women bahd n cringe thats just life 4 u buddy

>> No.17964394

There are far more neurodivergent men than there are neurodivergent women

>> No.17964408

you just did a hecking reddit a hecking simp very not based of you

>> No.17964410

Op, you probably found newbies. It's not a bad thing. Maybe found with them over a newbie introduction or something, see if they like it.

>> No.17964435

as a girl, i am interested just, the guys who talk about it to me, or try to, are very condescending and act like i dont know anything. Thats the turn off, not the topic :/

>> No.17964458

>why doesn't my dog like discussing economics?
>i swear every time i try to talk to him about it he just tilts his head and barks

>> No.17964459

The witch lies!! Burn her!!

>> No.17964465

you fucking tranny

>> No.17964478

Because she's there to fuck you. Not to discuss the world problems or obscure literature. Jesus just keep it light and you'll be alright

>> No.17964519

Girls (and guys) sometimes approach to me to talk about philosophy for whatever reason. There's something about how I talk that makes them think I'm both philosophically smart/interesting and safe to talk to. It's weird. It helps that I never just dump things on them. I say things in classes related to what we're actually discussing, and then if we hang out, a topic might come up and I'll say some things, or they'll just ask. None of us make it central to our lives hanging out to bring up philosophy, it just organically shows up in convos.
>t. philosophy graduate student
I think insecure pseuds feel a bigger need to "start" convos about philosophy with strangers. It's really weird to me actually.

>> No.17964822

you must have powerful genes

>> No.17965135

The female leads an unexamined life. A surface level existence, formed by social pressures and base desires. Philosophy is hostile and alien to them.

>> No.17965142

I talked with a psychology major about Deleuze and Baudrillard, now we've been in a bdsm fwb since September
I think it's safe to say there are other reasons why girls are turned off by you since you started the thread with an anime catgirl

>> No.17965144

in general anyone that does not already have an interest in philosophy will only mention it as a joke, look down upon it &c.; the causes, i think, are: the fact that philosophy does not make you money, the fact that most philosophy requires some attention and dedication to understand (thus it becomes an esoteric text to the average person), and the fact that the average person will disregard anything that doesn't reinforce what they do (in any field, ideology, religion &c., people will pick and choose whatever is convenient for them to believe in)

>> No.17965268

Most girls I am around have an interest in some philosophy, but I did go to a college which specializes in English.
It's skewed towards gender/greeks/woman authors/rousseau type stuff.
From experience in high school barely any guys read at all while girls read Young Adult/Dystopian/Teen novels at the very least.
Truth is guys are even less interested outside of /lit/ and it's really just Joe Rogan stoner philosophy when they are into it or filtered through YouTubers.

>> No.17965279

Please talk to woman sometime. They reflect more than most guys.

>> No.17965289

This is true, a lot of it is pseud talk but occasionally you find a person who is genuinely passionate about something and has read the texts.
I love history podcasts but I don't have anything to prove so never bring it up unless it was very relevant to a conversation.

>> No.17965293


>> No.17965308

Man they couldn't bother with The Republic and basically wanted Poli Sci or a "Studies" course.

>> No.17965315

True more girls than guys are interested in philosophy and literature.

>> No.17965334

Yeah my small philosophy/history/english/journalism college was at least 75% woman. They are in general much more interested in philosophy and read more. Even in High School it's obvious girls read way more. I think people on this thread just need to meet more college woman outside of STEM to understand.

>> No.17965655

uhhhh this is the forefather of egalitarian marxism?
Galls and guys, this is not good.

>> No.17965990

That's why we have hypotheses.

>> No.17966007

Can you tell of us an instance?

>> No.17966012
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Absolutely reddit tier oblivious

>> No.17966049
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Literature, yes, philosophy no. The top of the philosophy ranking list at Goodreads isn't even filled with difficult and dense treatises, but rather with shit like Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life and other self-help books.

>> No.17966573
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Platon is the filter of philosophy

>> No.17967503

What do you read?

>> No.17968105

>Why are girls so disinterested in philosophy, literature, etc?
It's a mix of their natural passivity and vulnerability to cultural indoctrination, see >>17957657

They're literally drilled into their heads that they should strive for nothing but to be shallow whores who don't take any risks and do anything controversial, couple that with their already natural tendency to passivity and you get the average western woman

>> No.17968156

>AIDS-ridden corpses which they consider their "gay best friends".

>> No.17968239

Women have innate wisdom about certain things. They understand that philosophy is not a way to learn anything that will be valuable for them to know, and the idea of "exercising their brain" which may be helpful for a male is irrelevant for women.
In short, this is just women being smart for themselves.

>> No.17968559

Out of seven people, five people in my family are aspies to some degree (including my mother). I always thought my middle brother was weird and I realized he's weird because he's normal and gets stressed that we don't socialize actively, or express emotions, and so forth. My dad is the same way: we're all willing to live in autistic peace and tranquility except for my brother and dad and it's the funniest thing.
I have been carefully planning what books to introduce her to and what video games to introduce her to, as well as what anime (we are starting with FMA:B and the end goal is to show her Monster and LotGH). I refuse to let my sister become a fujo or an e-girl on discord.

>> No.17968662

>first to anime
Cringe, don't do this tranny.
>then to Kant.
based do this before her attention span gets fucked up by media overload.

>> No.17969478

the ultimate pleb filter lol

>> No.17969555


There are two reasons why girls don't want to discuss philosophy with you:

1. Maybe you autists actually don't understand the philosophy you are trying to discuss. You are all reciting incoherent and braggadocious screeds at women.

2. Maybe the women you are talking to are just not that interested in philosophy. In that case, you are retarded for trying to push a dead conversation topic.


These are also good answers.

>> No.17969633
File: 968 KB, 480x270, PalpatineTurn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are girls so disinterested in philosophy, literature, etc.
The thumbnail sums it up quite well in an ironic fashion, women's aesthetics centric narcissism is truly unmatched by even the most mentally unwell men, they are the supreme leaders of desperate, parasocially sycophantic simps, the peak of social media fueled sociopathic egocentrism, the most unflinchingly hedonistic, to the point of nihilism, hylics, the "Last Man" but praised by society due to their sexual apparatus, the most passive, slave morality and resentment filled slaves to the majority and to the mainstream, unable to think for themselves, unable to strive for something on their own terms, rather than meekly await to imitate the works of men, the most emotionally unhinged, conniving sly weasels penetrating into all safe spaces for intellectualism, whereupon they engage in the conversion of all present into downright anima-possessed bootlickers seeking the slightest scraps of pussy; No other creature on the face of this Earth could be so charlatanic, so self-centered, so dishonest, as to reconstruct and warp entire aspects of culture (Idealized portrayals of women in popular culture, "waifus"), the thumbnail being a prime example, as to merely the endgoal of perpetuating a completely fabricated and misleading image of its' own qualities, truly such an animalistic, manipulative creature has no use for authentic intellectualism.

>> No.17969637

>They're literally drilled into their heads that they should strive for nothing but to be shallow whores who don't take any risks and do anything controversial

Are you living in Saudi Arabia, are you a time traveler from the 50s? That's complete nonsense, they're given every advantage academically and they have propaganda aimed at them from little that they're better than men and should be more independent in western countries, and not only that but the propaganda is faced against young boys. Then they're given special treatment with hiring because of diversity. They still lag behind heavily in stem and math fields.

>> No.17969699

>they have propaganda aimed at them from little that they're better than men and should be more independent in western countries
Mistaken, they have propaganda aimed at them to dedicate their existence to hedonism and "yesss qween slayyy", not propaganda to be intellectuals, infact, the propaganda that they are "innately better than men" and simultaneously should relapse into animallistic instinct, just feeds into their risk-aversion and tells them that they don't need to do anything to be "good"

They are literally engineered to be useful idiots, because they're more prone to risk-aversion, propaganda simply exploits this to make them consoom extreme amounts and only take the easy paths of hedonism

This isn't to say it is not on their genetics, but that there is definitively an effort to keep them passive and unaware

>> No.17969710
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>> No.17969739
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thats just because youre hanging around normie women, normies in general have an aversion to philosophy because on a fundamental level philosophy often challenges social norms and what is perceived to be normal and pressures its readers to step outside the box of what is normal to think about. Which scares normal people which is why normies dont study philosophy.

>> No.17969887
File: 69 KB, 236x250, 1614601757987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's insane there are so many seethers in this board talking about how women aren't interested in philosophy when most of /lit/ doesn't seem genuinely interested in philosophy either

>> No.17969977

what are some great women philosophers from XX and XXI century that arent just feminists (laziest branch of philosophy possible) and some notable ideas they present that could not be reduced to male philosopher ones

>> No.17970059

I was actually talking to a very beautiful girl in my philosophy class about what we’re talking about in class, and she actually talked to me for about an hour. She’s kind of schizo though ngl.

Generally the women I see in philosophy look like they are 10 minutes from dropping dead from malnutrition. Try taking to those girls and not the pretty ones

>> No.17970080

Liz Jackson

>> No.17970107

Have you tried talking to males about philosophy? They don't care either.

>> No.17970108

This thread is so retarded. Have you guys never been to a university campus? There are countless women studying philosophy and literature and women who are philosophy and literature professors and know a lot more about both subjects than you. In fact, women tend to be more interested in literature than men. This is the kind of thread that doesn’t even make sense replying to, because the premise is verifiably false. Try going out

>> No.17970162

Is this a bot?

>> No.17970176

I talk to them almost everyday about it lol, but that's only because they themselves study philosophy on their own

>> No.17970192

>implying that we don't visit or engage in any communities pertaining to philosophy
It's undeniably a fact that fewer women study philosophy, both in and outside of the universities

>> No.17970276

>Why are girls so disinterested in philosophy, literature, etc? I swear, it seems like talking about philosophy is the quickest way of turning them off.

Women have no affinities, no opinions of any real sort, only networks of relations. Talking about philosophy with you is obviously boring, talking about it with a more attractive guy would suddenly make it interesting and cool. For women, the world is like Nagarjuna envisioned it : fundamentally empty of essences and ever-changing on a conceptual level, with desire alone being real for women.

>> No.17970467

>Just meet female philosophy majors
No thanks I dont want to be yelled at for being male for an hour

>> No.17970539

And the idea?

>> No.17970597

IDK lol, something to do with Pascal's Wager and decision theory. I know her from Cosmic Skeptic's debate with her: https://youtu.be/tv4jE2TUEGY

>> No.17970713

Based plato for destroying normies before they ruin philosophy

>> No.17970735

>being the 4chan reading intellectual males they are
kek'd hard

>> No.17970816

>they usually have a stronger inner sense of self than men
Source: your dilated anus

>> No.17970838

Well, doesnt look like an original idea

>> No.17970871

All the points made in this thread were taken out of the posters’ assholes

>> No.17970879

I'd agree, its not that impressive

>> No.17970885

>first to anime
You literal fucking reject

>> No.17970905

She is. You can even find her real face.

>> No.17970921

>As a girl
Show tits or accept you will never be a woman

>> No.17971123
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, D6086863-2E54-4A1B-85BD-E3C75CC888DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, we should. Shut the fuck up liberal retard.

>> No.17971544

Is this Leibniz

>> No.17972997

>anime is cringe

>> No.17973392

most men are disinterested...

>> No.17973405

you incels need a grip on reality

>> No.17973419



>> No.17973442

To appreciate philosophy you need a facility for a certain something. Starts with an L and ends with a C.

>> No.17973501

marry her

>> No.17975123

Yes, we know, this has already been said a gorillion times in this thread

>> No.17975178

try being entertaining whilst talking about it bro

>> No.17975324

Philosophy discussions are already entertaining on their own

>> No.17975325

Ugly as fuck soi male vs overmasculinized Butters-lookalike

I really don't want to watch that.

>> No.17975329

You have to elicit as many emotions as possible to make women interested in any given philosophy, or at least strong emotions of a certain type. This is why women are repulsed by Greek Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy, which is extremely dry (but sublime if understood at the level only a male can).

>> No.17975441
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This made me kek out loud

>> No.17975458

maybe they dont share your opinion?

>> No.17975978

Post tits now whore

>> No.17976108

What's the point of conversing with them if they already share all my opinions lol
>yes, hun, you're right

>> No.17976133

You start to talk about men at the same time?

>> No.17976229
File: 675 KB, 3162x781, 3C16E4CD-5362-4C38-838F-BA82F68B29FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First quote refers to their minds being dominated; that is, they obsess over women constantly.

Second quote seems to be from an old translation, pic related (from newer translation). Either way, seems to refer to the dissatisfaction that comes from the decay of the sense organs and reproductive system, which to be entirely fair also applies to men.

Third point is true, but in the sense that it applies to both sexes, and only women were mentioned probably because a majority of the sangha was and still is composed of men, so giving warning of gay men coming to seduce you probably was not a big concern.

Fourth point is given almost identically with men substituted fairly commonly, and regardless would still apply to men.

No idea about the fifth. FYI the Jatakas are entirely apocryphal, and the anguttura nikaya is generally suspected to have the most post-canonical insertions in the Sutta Pitaka, so it is by no means surprising that most of the quotes came from those sections.

Am I a faggot for typing this out on mobile? Yes, and I have no shame.

>> No.17976264

>using translations

>> No.17976311

I’m trying to learn Pali, go easy on me. Unfortunately, Pali is about as close to English as Klingon, and is only learnt as a liturgical language. I might do a Sanskrit course at one point, that’s supposed to give you a pretty good insight into learning Pali.

>> No.17976318


>> No.17976320

Post grammar book

>> No.17976463

women probably get turned off when you start info-dumping about philosophy because men are generally retarded nuisances and so as soon as a man starts talking to you, you're on guard and also already tired of him. men tend to talk down to women and explain very basic concepts in a terribly condescending way and philosophy and literature are notorious grounds for this. aside from that, in a normie world nobody really wants to hear sperging whether it is about literature or your top ten favorite family guy funniest moments. there is no intrinsic aspect of sex that makes literature harder for women or whatever. i would say that this is not as much a woman problem as it is a normie problem. i guess basic women are socially conditioned to be mediocrities (and a majority of people in general…) but they can still be successful by marriage or something but i'm not sure that this is the heart of the issue.

>> No.17976472

What is it with faggots and their gaynime?

>> No.17976500

i will say that at least among my female friends i find that they don't really want to talk about much of anything at all but i have this problem with my male friends too. i think that there is a lot of desire among women to "look like the person that reads _____" see dark academia, but all that is is a female pseud. pseudery just manifests differently in women and men sometimes. normies will always always always take the easy way out and there's not really a culture of excellence in normie female social groups except for like excellence in being the cutest most fun girl and stealing your friend's boyfriend or whatever

>> No.17976864

This isn't about how one particular individual expresses their philosophy, it's about why women in general steer away from philosophy. Yes, most men do not study philosophy to any great depth either, but that is irrelevant to the question at hand.

>> No.17977002

>Noooooo its not women, its the men who are pushy and condensending!
I study philosophy, had more than a few gf's and many women out of my study program who were intellectually or philosophically "inclined" and I never treat them as somehow inferior and never talk about anything if it doesnt spring out naturally out of conversation AND I still notice that its just not in their nature to be autistic about abstract things. If they cant touch it, if it doesnt automatically relate to their pussies or egos then its not worth of their attention.