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17962463 No.17962463 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this new trend in fantasy/sci-fi called afrofuturism? Is it just "WE WUZ KANGZ" with spaceships?

>> No.17962475

Let them have their genre. Who cares?

>> No.17962493

I think the aesthetics are cool

>> No.17962500

do you ever wonder if things have meaning beyond their most base and immediate consequences

>> No.17962523

That was Africa befo’ colonialism...educate yosef, crakkka.

>> No.17962527

Have you ever been to Subsaharan Africa? They're not getting spaceships anytime soon. If you are refering to the desperation of black Americans for self-affirmation, I couldn't care less. I hope they bring the whole country down.

>> No.17962532

>whites create something
>jews hate it
>jews demand that whites fill the thing they created with women and minorities in the name of equality
>whites abandon the thing they created

tale as old as time anon

>> No.17962534

Not particularly new. In music, goes back to Sun Ra in the 50s and Samuel Delany in the 60s.

>> No.17962561

Good to see anotha brutha here. All these mayos on this board be trippin’

>> No.17962649

Debe ser como la "literatura feminista", un género que tiene intenciones de subrayar un tema especifico.

>> No.17962679

Git yo honkey azz in the cryochamber, craka.

>> No.17963211

Fuck your astonishment. China ain’t building your infrastructure up now is it?

>> No.17963547


>> No.17963587

So its wrong to write a book where the dominant culture is yours now? Why are you so bitter? Just don't read it.

>> No.17963593

Elon Musk literally is a Subsaharan African

>> No.17963602

Yeah we wuz kangs we wuz egyptians an shiet nigga in da future us blacks be runnin stuff and doing dem star ships gnomesayin?

>> No.17963720

We WUZ kangz, whitey. The Tudors was black. Read yo own history books.

>> No.17963739

At least it is optimistic, even if a little naive. All whites do now is blackpill themselves.

>> No.17963743


>> No.17963767


>> No.17963768
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This isn't a new thing at all. Anyone else love this book as a kid?
Also cool pic OP, saved.

>> No.17963777

eat shit you disingenuous nigger lover lmao

>> No.17963810

It's hardly new, Nancy Farmer's the Eye, the Ear and the Arm was in '94, and Black Panthers Wakanda was made much earlier than that

>> No.17963821

I remember reading borrowing that from the library in the fifth grade. Good read, I kinda want to revisit it, but I'm worried it won't be as good in my now adult eyes

>> No.17963835
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afrofuturism was from the 60s and 70s
this new stuff is wakandaism
it is to afrofuturism what twitter wokeism is to civil rights

>> No.17963862

Only hope for Afrofuturism to ever become reality is legitimate gene modification to bump those IQ's up across the board. Not even being cruel, but there's no fucking way Africans will ever have a first world, let alone futuristic, society the way they are now, with every midwit and above either fleeing the country or rising through the ranks in their governments so they can get rich of selling their countries resources off to foreigners. Generally speaking, they simply aren't adapted for life more complex than small agricultural and hunting societies.

>> No.17963878

Missing the point of sci-fi. Is it a difficult concept to grasp?

>> No.17963888
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Stay mad faggot

>> No.17963899

I'm saving this for the Afrofuturist novella I'm going to write. Thanks.

>> No.17963919

Sci-fi is entertainment, but also embodies the dreams and aspirations of civilizations, to an extent. Whites have made some of the stuff that was once science fiction reality; livestreaming, the internet in general, planes, even earphones, all of that was once sci-fi. Whites made it happen.
I just feel sorry for blacks because that'll never happen for them. All the stuff in Afrofuturism, where they have these gleaming empires run by blacks, that will never, ever happen. Not only because they're incapable, but because Jews will never allow them to be anything living weapons against more advanced civilizations.

>> No.17963940

Whites aren't real and you have to capitalise Blacks if you're referring to the cultural group aka African-Americans

>> No.17963943

Ayyy, the desperation.
If you want black role models so badly, start cultivating them via artificial selection. It's what the Chinese did, and it produced enough higher IQ people that strengthened their societies. Artificially selecting for IQ is the only way you'll ever get black Elon Musk, instead of the 3000th LeBron James

>> No.17963948

black gigabrain IQ on magnificent display

>> No.17963987

IQ is pseudoscience and Elon Musk is not a genius he's just a very clever businessman, in America if you have already money and are smarter than Donald Trump you can make billions. Chinese society today is not somewhere that I'd prefer to live, I don't know why you'd mention that or maybe I do. Nobody is talking about role models and you clearly don't seem to understand what sci fi is as a genre and you're misconstruing everything as propaganda not knowing what's satire what's parody what's naturalistic what's stylised what's art what's science.
What do you think about?

>> No.17964035

You feel sorry for blacks, but do you actually have anything to contribute to the discussion, or are you just content with race baiting? How much time per day do you spend on 4chan doing what you are doing now? I'm worried about you anon.

>> No.17964036


>> No.17964043

As opposed to

>> No.17964044
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>> No.17964083

>IQ is pseudoscience
Yeah, which is why areas where its low tend to be underdeveloped civilizations while areas where its high tend to be more sophisticated in every aspect, from religion to culture to technology and science. It's all smoke and mirrors the Man made up to keep brothaz down, lol

>> No.17964104

I want to talk about

>> No.17964113


>> No.17964125

Planet of the Apes but it's in SPEHS

>> No.17964142

Race ain't really real anyway it's completely arbitrary. Religion and culture and language and locale is real.

>> No.17964143

if we don't build their self esteem up quick, they will do violent things!

>> No.17964200

>Ok so what if niggers but get this, SPACE NIGGERS

>> No.17964247
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If anything, the entire Black Panther/Wakanda bullshit is offensive because Afrofuturism used to be a legitimate aesthetic movement in art, music, and poetry. Once again Disney has taken something of value and corrupted it, ruined it, destroyed it.

>> No.17964294

>Race ain't really real
Tell that to the Jews testing anyone applying for Israeli citizenship for a sufficient proportion of ethnic Jew DNA. Race is real. Everyone besides whites knows race is real, and this awareness of their race galvanizes them in the face of a common enemy. Whites have forgotten race is real, and thats a detriment that was propagandized into white mass consciousness to weaken their unity as a group and make them easier to destroy.

Maybe whites DO need a pogrom against them, to remind them that forgetting the realities of race has consequences, especially when you're the race all others envy.

>> No.17964334

It's honestly past time to remind the Jews that they're not the only religious group with a claim to Jerusalem.

>> No.17964360

>race is real because zionists test for dna
Do you ever think about what you think about?

>> No.17964388

>Race ain't really real anyway
you can literally SEE that niggers are niggers and asians are asians and white people are white
like you can actually physically experience the phenomenon of race. there is no ambiguity or subjective/objective distinction. you can see it. you can literally just notice it. you need twelve fucking years of public schooling and mental gymnastic practice before you can train yourself not to notice race. you literally need to fucking study and work towards the explicit goal of preventing yourself from noticing patterns before you can willingly type something so fucking stupid as what you just said

>> No.17964397

Butters is just a coal burner. Big surprise.

>> No.17964398

If race wasn't real, why would they be checking a protein strand that carries all the characteristics that constitute a persons race, to see how closely it aligns with their standards of what makes for a sufficiently Jewish person.
Also, you say Zionists like thats supposed to make that practice more acceptable when its a form of civilizational gatekeeping they're the only ones that practice it without drawing massive global condemnation. Race is absolutely real.
I hope you're white and live in the West, because you'll be getting a real good idea of how real race is after globohomo whips all the nonwhites up into enough of a white hating frenzy to drag you out of your home and execute you on live TV.

>> No.17964418
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>> No.17964441

White cucks will be screaming about needing to understand BIPOC lived experiences even as gasoline soaked tires are slung around their necks and lit ablaze, LMAO.
Hope all of them circling the wagons around their enemies get the horrible deaths they so richly deserve. Darwinism is still alive and well, the whites that survive will be the whites whose descendants will leave this maggot infested shitball to conquer the stars.

>> No.17964447

That movement is alright. I don't mind it.

I am struggling to think of titles, but I do live Blackexplotation movies for making pulp fiction feeling movies.

>> No.17964448

Racial categorization is entirely arbitrary. If it was historically red-headed people who were enslaved in America for whatever reason then freed then this would be not about the Black but about the Redhead "race". And whales are fish because they swim in the sea, and we can categorize each individual as his own race and we can categorize the entirety of mankind as the human race. Wolves and dogs are the same animal.

>> No.17964479

What do you think is a zionist and what's a Jew. You don't have to reply just think about how you would explain that. Don't worry about who I am or where or whatever melanin just think for yourself.

>> No.17964485
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>> No.17964486

i have decided to revoke your categorization as a human, NIGGER

>> No.17964492

China isn't paradise, but they're poised to become the next superpower very, very soon, thanks in part to their cultivation of higher IQ people who went on to use all the leverage the West so generously gave China to dominate Africa and the West through economic warfare. China's laughing all the way to superpower status while the West dresses children up like whores for their Jewish masters entertainment.

>> No.17964495

They're synonyms. No one's fooled, jew.

>> No.17964504

Zionists are Jew supremacists. A Jew is anyone who carries the racial characteristics of a Jew, which have been well categorized during the course of human history. Simple as.

>> No.17964731

Both wrong. Come on you faggots can't even look up a Wikipedia article and you think you can run with the big dogs here on this board, rofl

>> No.17964736

Until all their rivals join forces with America and gang up on them in a war, which is also going to happen soon.

>> No.17964773

Wikipedias only purpose is to host the early life histories that tell my where my "fellow whites" are really from

>> No.17964803

>their rivals
And who are those, exactly? All the European, African and various contries throughout the America's whose financial futures are even more closely tied to China's thanks to deals brokered at meetings behind the scenes? You don't understand how much influence China has slowly been accumulating in the past few decades; giving out loans, buying properties and corporations, securing land rights...
The closest thing they have to a rival is Russia, and Russia is way too disgusted with America and its faggotry to ally itself with us. Putin will cheer China on as it leaves America to die on the Jewish vine

>> No.17964909
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>> No.17966327

> Is it just "WE WUZ KANGZ" with spaceships?
Star Trek & Mass Effect have damaged sci-fi aesthetics so fundamentally that any hint of culture (that isn't Calvinist whining anyway) got thoroughly bled from the entire genre, so they had to tap something else.
Of course, that's usually Calvinist writing with gold paint but hey it is what it is. Can't say I enjoyed any of the works beyond the the most superficial, though, which is to a large degree because it embraces none of the things that make Africa interesting (even if it's just the rape) and instead just sound like a Turk cab driver telling you about the Ottoman Empire and how everyone cool South-East of Malta was really them (very very VERY technically true, but it's like a German taking credit for the British empire -- Turkic = ! Turkish) for the entire ride while you just sit in the back nodding along.

>> No.17966400

Isn't it?

>> No.17966418

It's just Cyberpunk, except it's in Niggerland instead of Weebtown

>> No.17966864

Does afrofuturism have standard trope of presenting white people as evil and swarvy types that just arent cool at all? I mean white people are usually the villains right?

>> No.17967312

Nice gaslighting

>> No.17967324

Afrofuturism is like 70 years old at this point

>> No.17967332


>> No.17967355

>now is blackpill themselves
keep denying the grim reality we're living in until you blow your brains out, anon

>> No.17967511

...Black Panther is from the mid-60s and was not created by Disney, nor was Wakanda. It's part of the legitimate aesthetic movement.
You're just retarded.

>> No.17968912

he means the black panther film