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17962102 No.17962102 [Reply] [Original]

>graduate media studies 5 years ago
>NEET mode, complete hermit, no social media
>decide to check out what Stacey has been up to
>had crush on her but barely interacted because I'm schizoid incel
>she's a hot girl from showbiz family, was already on TV back then
>hold on, Stacey is a novelist now as well
>her second novel is some lazy 50 shades of grey copycat
>here it comes
>The Chad character is named after me, only one letter in surname is changed
>his "dark and damaged" traits like alcoholism and unresolved past with ex are based on me
>(had no idea she even knew this about me)
>otherwise he's alpha macho who owns the business where I worked as lowly intern and got fired because of drinking
>there are several detailed descriptions of passionate sex between Stacey's self-insert and Chad
This is surreal. I'm a literal Chad and didn't even have sex in 11 years. The books is selling well too.

>> No.17962105


>> No.17962121

Post proof or gtfo

>> No.17962134

300 replies later and OP still hasn't posted the book title

>> No.17962137

I'd unironically doxx myself doing that, Anon

>> No.17962144

>has had sex
I thought incels didn't get sex.

>> No.17962161

Oh how convenient. FUCKING IDIOT DOXXING DOESN'T MEAN SHIT. Plus you said there is LITERALLY only ONE letter misspelled in your name. UNLESS YOU HAVE A FUCKING nonsense name the book it WILL BE REALLY FUCKING HARD to figure out your real name. FUCK OFF NIGGER

>> No.17962173

Post book name

>> No.17962177
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>> No.17962242


>> No.17962261

You can die happy now OP, you’re already immortalized in stacy’s schlick fiction.

>> No.17962270

>Talon Steel
What the fuck could your real name possible be? Also you're a fucking Colorado ranch cowboy?

>> No.17962303


>> No.17962312

Helen Hardt isn't hot btw. Nor could I find any acting credits attributed to her. Most likely fake and gay.

>> No.17962398

OP here, I won't post the book because you could easily look up Stacey's class and find me. Just wanted to share this absurdity with /lit/. Everyone from college has to know about it now but she probably doesn't care because she's Stacey.
Kek, thanks

>> No.17962492

Congrats anon

>> No.17962537
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Never been happier or more confused in my life

>> No.17962565

OP is probably Helen Hardt trying to shill his book under a pseudonym

>> No.17962605

What are you going to do now?

>> No.17962636

Post frogs and fap to her Instagram, what else? I'm socially retarded and also look like a neanderthal now after half a decade of isolation. Maybe I'll contact her if I ever get my writing published (kek)

>> No.17962647

I believe u

>> No.17962674

>write a novel in response
If only to ride her critically acclaimed coattails kek; the meta fiction set up is too hilariously surreal not to

>> No.17962675

But her details don't align in any way with his story. She's 56, went to law school, from an average famy, has published lots of books.

>> No.17962736

Well, that's a fucking idea right there.

>> No.17962756

if you barely interacted then maybe she just picked a name out of the fog? alcoholism isnt a rare trait especially in college

>> No.17962894

>Chad owns prestigious ad agency
>had internship in prestigious ad agency as copywriter
>Chad never got over an ex who cucked him after three years of dating and became macho seducer
>never got over an ex who cucked me after three years of dating and became self-hating incel (one of my friends had to tell Stacey this bit)
I immediately thought the same - she just used my name - but those similarities are absurd, She wrote a Chad version of me and fucked me.

>> No.17962949

Yeah, I can't conceive of the fact that actual boomers post here so I'm gonna call bullshit on OP.

>> No.17962962

This >>17962242 isn't the book though, someone else posted it.

>> No.17962980

>literally no other books posted
You're full of shit.

>> No.17962991

I think you're a lonely, lonely man

>> No.17963076

Sure I am, it's there in the OP.

>> No.17963997

kys schizo

>> No.17964045
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DESU anon this wouldn't be a bad thing to get doxxed over, plus might get you in contact with the Stacey.

Also anon if this is real you should really contact her or something, if she went to the trouble of writing a novel about you she clearly still feels something for you. You really have nothing to lose besides a relationship with a girl you don't even see anymore, and everything to gain.

>> No.17964072

Who would read this shit here? Do incels suddenly jerk off to romance novels? No, this has the sad pallor of the truth, my friend.

>> No.17964073

So shave, get a haircut, and lose a few pounds if you need to. If you're confident a girl wrote a fucking book about you you can't fuck this up. If you're a writer you should know how much effort and gnawing over each page this takes.

>> No.17964180


>> No.17964365

rape her

>> No.17964768

Then stfu faggot sage

>> No.17964895

This. Anon when will you ever get a chance like this again, you've been dropped into a erotic novel (both literally and metaphorically). The writer can then write a book about how her writing lead to an erotic adventure, fucking kino.

>> No.17964907

chill your tits bro

>> No.17965014

Someone had a bad day today?

>> No.17965833

sue her for libel and swear in court on the bible that you haven't had sex in over a decade! this will make for a good sequel.

>> No.17965992
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After sleeping on the discovery I understand that you're both right. This is like a divine intervention to fix my hikki wretchedness and get the Stacey. What could possibly go wrong, we're already in love in her book, r-right?
Wish me luck /lit/frens.

>> No.17966558

Go get em bro! We are gonna need updates

>> No.17966577

How are you surprised? Women want what they can’t have.

>> No.17966746

>want what they can’t have
Bullshit, no one wants to buy a turd, even if I set its price at a 1,000,000 buckerinos, people aren’t all of a sudden gonna want to but it just because they can’t afford it.

>> No.17966756

If she's got family money you could probably put some sort of libel case together and make a pretty penny

>> No.17967140

How long do you plan on being a NEET

>> No.17967221
File: 58 KB, 500x457, 04E6FE57-D091-4363-8C64-DA55A08A5B00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP says he’s a schizoid
>people in this thread think the book is actually about him

I feel for you OP, I really do. It’s a shame what we do to the mentally ill in this country. Please don’t message her and immediately go get help.

>> No.17967238

schizoid is an individualist recluse, not a schizophrenic

are you new on 4chan?