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17958525 No.17958525 [Reply] [Original]

Has that one anon finished his book about how NEET's are the inheritors of the aristocratic tradition? I'd be very interested in reading it.

>> No.17958693

Artistocrats are wealthy, powerful and attractive. NEETs are typically poorfags that nobody would follow or find influential.

>> No.17958724

Emma Goldman said something along the lines of "in anarchy, everyone is an aristocrat." She was a Neitzchian.

>> No.17958736

>NEETs are typically poorfags that nobody would follow or find influential.
All Im seeing in this comment is major cope from a wagie.

>> No.17958737

Nah, the Aristocrats of the Old Regime who subsist on their 'Vieux Riche', are still the Aristocrats proper, since they no longer have any temporal power or only token figurehead roles theyre basically NEETs.

>> No.17958742

I take it you don't know any IRL minor nobility. They are typically attractive though, that's correct.

>> No.17958744
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I'm not familiar, but I've seen someone else propose that:
If you like these sorts of contrarian takes you might like his blog. I'm not sure how to cut through the ordinary Tumblr churn to the effortposts. Maybe https://kontextmaschine.tumblr.com/tagged/rerun .

>> No.17958766

No, NEETs are leeches, aristocrats subsist on pure Capital.

>> No.17958800

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17958969

Seethe more wagie

>> No.17959001

>NEETs are leeches
>aristocrats subsist on pure Capital.

[marxism intensifies]

>> No.17959081

Seethe more, losers. Keeping trying to cope with the fact that you're an autistic loser. Everyone here knows the truth. You're not some misunderstood intellectual. You spend your days gaming and watching porn. You're not fooling anyone, bitchmale.

>> No.17959371

Back to cleaning up human excrement for minimum shekels, wagie. See you in 8-12 hours!

>> No.17959399

Having a job, therefore money and independence is better than being a NEET and having free time. NEETs are frowned upon by women and friendships are few because one is a leech usually. At least you have a purpose even if you’re a wage slave

>> No.17959632

You absolute fool. You are the inheritors of vagabond beggars and nothing more.

The inheritors of the aristocracy are the male house makers, stay at home husband's, and stay at home dad's. They live as absolute nobility. They have women who go out and "find a sense of purpose" by earning money and fulfilling thier sense of "self". They don't have to worry about money it's just provided to them as they need in exchange for fulfilling thier noblesse oblige, providing leadership and wisdom to their estate. Free time to live as gentlemen of leisure and follow those own passions. Time to devote to the philosophical education of their offspring and inheritors. Time for the tending of the lands and gardens. Tradesmen and Wagies absolutely seeth at the idea of thier existence just as the peasants always have. Can you even imagine having your entire existence taken care of simply for having good and desirable male genes?

>> No.17959814

the are the inheritors of the cave hermit tradition

>> No.17959889

Jokes on you. I make way more than that. Unlike you, I'm successful and educated.

>> No.17961008

Pleb seething

>> No.17961322


Keep reading Tony Robbins.

>> No.17961331

this is actually true

>> No.17961713

I've done this and it's nothing great.
Unless you own your own capital you'll always be a pleb.

>> No.17961828

Aristocrats wasted most of their time for hunting, balls and other similar activites. Also you too was put into hierarchy so you would be bootlicking for someone

>> No.17961844


>> No.17961876

Look at all these bugman boot lickers. You are actually defending the slave masters. Let me guess, you're all going to be millionaires someday?

>> No.17961889

Your independence is an illusion wagie.

>> No.17961949

It's easier to build independence with a high paying salary than as someone who is dependent on welfare.
>conflates not being a NEET with being a bugman
oh the irony.

>> No.17961958

Does anyone know the name of said book? sounds interesting

>> No.17962130

>hunting, balls and other similar activites
>time wasted
Take a look at this buzzkill.

>It's easier to build independence with a high paying salary
Unlikely. Probably you'll be in debt just keeping up with the rat race.

>> No.17962577

Huh, how is it otherwise? Your confusing ability with the habits of the average person. You are delusional if you think the tiny handouts you receive are anything but extreme dependence.

>> No.17962591

Uh, prince Charles is not attractive nor is anyone in the royal family really.

>> No.17962623

You are still dependent on the economy to thrive in order to get dividends. There's no true financial independence.

>> No.17962710

So are you, except your avenues for lifestyle design are far fewer and more narrow

>> No.17962775

and a noble tradition indeed it is. a toast!

>> No.17962813

the people attacking neetkings on 4chan are evenly split between seething mart wagies and braindead npc tier javascript webdev codemonkey cucks who unironically look at instagram motivation pages. neetkings can do both those types of jobs too, they just have too much dignity and humanity.

>> No.17962860
File: 187 KB, 1024x892, 1024px-Robin_DiAngelo_for_the_Unitarian_Universalist_Association.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lifestyle design
> lives in a dystopia

>> No.17962876

I've been one for 10 years. I see myself as a conscientious objector. Not feeding the system is the only thing I have the power to do. My bed is my cross, my tendies are my crown of thorns.

>> No.17963190

>lifestyle design
This is why you'll always be more dependent than NEETs. Maybe you make more money, but it all goes into a "lifestyle'" that depends on your continual work to maintain. Meanwhile a NEET can just invest their welfare money in canned food and gold and sell drugs on the side to make ends meet, bringing them much closer to eventual independence from the system.

>> No.17963853

The woman who would put up with you not working is also the kind of woman to devalue you because of this. The advice of a bum can't buy anything, working for money will.
In any case, if you live like that you're also a neet, you just have a different family constellation.

t. experience

>> No.17964734


>> No.17964740

the spiritual aristocracy, the cloistered monks, lived in a level of poverty that is literally incomprehensible to the modern mind