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/lit/ - Literature

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17961819 No.17961819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't there any literature on par with One Piece?

>> No.17961916
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comics and film has made literature obsolete as a storytelling medium. there are more manga released every year than novels that were released from the invention of writing to 19th century. Evidently, by the law of large numbers, a manga was going to surpass all fiction ever written, it was just a matter of time.

>> No.17961931
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You fags need to read Hunter x Hunter

>> No.17961944

>there are more manga released every year than novels that were released from the invention of writing to 19th century.
Is this actually true?

>> No.17961946
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anime children off my board, /lit/ is a /film/ dominion.

>> No.17961961

I don't know man, there are fuck ton of manag released every year and considering population growth and the fact that 90% of the world used to be farmers, it just sounds correct.

>> No.17961984

Hunter pedos need to leave this board. I'd recommend you pick up some genre fiction before you journey back here, maybe A Song Of Ice And Fire would be familiar territory for you.

>> No.17961998

More of a classics lad. Got anything like Dracula?

>> No.17962001

I always thought One Piece was the lotr to HunterxHunter ASOIAF. Oda is the Tolkien to Togashi's Martin.

>> No.17962042

Oedipus Rex then, you can't get more classical than that.
One Piece does have a good chance of finishing but how can it be comparable as the LOTR for its genre, when it so clearly cribs from Dragon Ball.

>> No.17962048

Already ready read it. C'mon are you even trying?

>> No.17962058

The Bacchae then?

>> No.17962061

Haven't even heard of that. I'll give it a go, thank you

>> No.17962125

One Piece may no where close to being the first shonen but it's the best, and it carries the same wholesome spirit as Lotr.
HunerxHunter is pretty good and it attempts to subvert many of the genre tropes.

>> No.17962150

Looks like 3d anime. Boy meets girl, some tragedy ensues, yadda yadda.

>> No.17962164
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I've been reading this the past few days. Pretty fun and Roma-pilled.

>> No.17962167

this isn't one of your k-dramas or romance anime, you unclutured swine.

>> No.17962169


Journey to the West
Water Margin

>> No.17962171

back to r*ddit/twitter, trannies

>> No.17962193

>There could be trannies anywhere she thought

>> No.17962206
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Are (You)s really this addictive

>> No.17962244

>he thinks we are baiting

One Piece is legitimately the best work of fiction ever made bar David Lynch of course.

>> No.17962277

Manga is a great medium to explore romanticism but will never compare to literature.

>> No.17962298

Oh bitch, you had best believe I am comparing

>> No.17962307

keep telling yourself that

>> No.17962327

>>uhm actually my chinese comic books aren't shit, they are just romanticized.


>> No.17962338

comics surpassed literature a long time ago. read more

>> No.17962364

It actually doesn't

>> No.17962404
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There’s no such thing as good anime/manga. Even the “best” ones like Berserk or HxH or whatever have extremely mediocre writing compared to real literature. God I wish you weebs would fuck from this board, you all have shit taste in fiction and will never convince me otherwise.

>> No.17962407
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xianxia is better

>> No.17962474

Read Junji Ito's manga version of Frankenstein and then read the original and tell me which one conveys the core ideas better. Guess what its the novel. I love manga especially for the art but sorry they will never reach the depth of a novel.

>> No.17962509 [DELETED] 
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*blocks your path*

>> No.17962511

That's retarded. Anime and manga should be discussed on /a/ though.

>> No.17962528
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*blocks your path*

>> No.17962863

God tier taste

>> No.17962925

That's an interesting point, but I would like to bring up another work by Ito (huge fan of his work). He adapted Ningen Shikkaku/No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. I will admit that I didn't finish the actual novel version, for sheer laziness rather than out of it being hard to read (the prose is accessible and it remains one of the most famous novels in all of Japanese literature). This manga is more than 600 hundred pages long, and I was struck by how insightful it is in terms of not only convincing me of the main character's complete and absolute depravity, but I think that Ito's artwork and interpretation of certain key events from the novel to be fresh and striking. I've also read his adaption of Frankenstein as well as the original, but I do believe that this version of Ningen Shikkaku serves a few interesting purposes: 1) to convince you to read the actual novel or 2) to believe the manga that you have just consumed is a suitable replacement for the literary experience. Since life is short and I might be dead tomorrow I will leave it like that, thanks to Ito.

>> No.17962935

>That's an interesting point, but I would like to bring up another work by Ito (huge fan of his work). He adapted Ningen Shikkaku/No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai. I will admit that I didn't finish the actual novel version, for sheer laziness rather than out of it being hard to read (the prose is accessible and it remains one of the most famous novels in all of Japanese literature). This manga is more than 600 hundred pages long, and I was struck by how insightful it is in terms of not only convincing me of the main character's complete and absolute depravity, but I think that Ito's artwork and interpretation of certain key events from the novel to be fresh and striking. I've also read his adaption of Frankenstein as well as the original, but I do believe that this version of Ningen Shikkaku serves a few interesting purposes: 1) to convince you to read the actual novel or 2) to believe the manga that you have just consumed is a suitable replacement for the literary experience. Since life is short and I might be dead tomorrow I will leave it like that, thanks to Ito.

>> No.17963165

One piece isn't even the best manga
Let alone best pice of fiction

>> No.17963459

What is?

>> No.17963571
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The best work of fiction is impossible to say because it's extremely subjective and as film has advanced is no longer strictly limited to literature. But even with that we can still make statements about great works.
Some people may praise an epic, such as the Illiad, Metamorphoses, or even the Epic of Gilgamesh as the best piece created. Others may state a novel, such as Don Quixote, Crime and Punishment, or 100 hundred years of solitude. Others still may even claim a play, short story, or novella, such as the Bacche, any number of pieces of horror fiction, or Pedro Paramo. And as stated film has risen in prominence in the past few decades as well although I do not have the capability to speak on them as I do not watch film. It's impossible to say that any of the great works of Literature is the best, but despite this there are similarities and qualities that make these consider great, and it's not just reputation. These stories, they transcend the medium as a whole. They write of themes that are either foundational for cultures or even foundational for the human experience itself. The writing in them supports this and makes them even better. These aren't just works of fiction discussing the travels of a hero through life, but rather statements that let us know the values of the author, or even ourselves. They are profane in the ways they touch our soul and mind. The best works of Literature will usually be brought up in regards as best works of fiction due to this, it doesn't matter what form these stories take as they are transcendent.
Now let's compare this to manga and one piece. Manga has greats which attempt to do the same thing, Monster for example. Others that reside within fantastical genre fiction try using the medium to tell tales as well, GitS comes to mind as trying to ask questions about humans as expected of a cyberpunk work. Others touch on trying to use the medium to touch on primal emotions like fear, such as the works of junji Ito. These works all attempt to touch on the same things that make the greats of literature so great, and as a result will be remembered for this. Now this list, just like the list for pieces of literature, is not comprehensive, and there are many more works that can be, and are, considered great, but I merely wished to list some examples. When you bring up one piece it does not touch on these qualities, it does not even attempt to transcend the medium, it merely wishes to entertain. Although there is nothing wrong with this, a fun story is of course always welcomed, that does come at a detriment. It does not touch people on the same level that a person that great works of either genre will, it may only leave the reader with a feeling of pleasure due to a nice action scene or other surface level emotions. But a work that does not transcend its medium and instead wishes to wallow in it for entertainment would be considered lesser, 1/2

>> No.17963625
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And there's no way to even argue that a piece of entertainment alone can be considered among the best. At that point you've reached such a level of subjectivity that any argument will be completely fruitless. I could spend days arguing why Otoyomegatari is more entertaining than say FMA, but if that is all I argue than no conclusion will ever be reached, and no mind will have been changed. Now if we argued about its deeper qualities, from artwork, narrative design, themes, and how it uses the medium to tell a story then we could possibly get to an agreement on what is the better manga, but these qualities are not inherently attached to entertainment.
So a work that is designed around entertainment will rarely be able to transcend as it's focus is merely on writing pleasure able action, romance, or political intrigue, but it will also lack in the other qualities that make any given medium good(prise/verse for literature, art direction for visual mediums, audio for audio visual, thematic depth, characterization, etc). This makes it hard to compare to great works that have great semi-objective qualities(ones that can be argued) and great entertainment value. Works like one piece are just too shallow to ever reach the heights actual greats do. There is no reason to argue what alone is the best work, it's a pointless endeavor due to subjectivity, but there is still the objective points that allow certain works to have depth that make them great, and one piece does not contain these qualities. Now it's fine to enjoy the work, and have it be a personal favorite, but it's ignorant to argue it as the best piece of fiction.

>> No.17963646

It's Ulysses

>> No.17963673

Anime posters continue to be the best posters on /lit/

>> No.17964166

What novel is this? I am curious

>> No.17964291

Read the book

>> No.17964419

>There’s no such thing as good anime/manga.
see >>17962528

Also read Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa too.

>> No.17964437

megalomaniac art ho babble. also junji ito sucks.

>> No.17964455

>David Lynch
Fuck this "avant-garde" hack and his fetish for obscurantist symbolism.

>> No.17964475

I thought Junji Ito's "No Longer Human" adaption was simply tripe BECAUSE of how blatant the juxtaposition between Osamu Dazai and Junji Ito are as writers. With that said Junji Ito is a terrible writer too.

>> No.17964511

They've surpassed literature as being easily digestible consumer content, but as art, no.

>> No.17964555

DUNE is literature's answer to One Piece

>> No.17964558


>> No.17964568

>One Piece may no where close to being the first shonen but it's the best
t. sub-90 iq brown man

read ashita no joe.

>> No.17964577

>More of a classics lad.
>likes crappy genre fiction such as Dracula

>> No.17964962

Babby's first old anime and not even shonen (battle shonen).

>> No.17964968

Terrible post