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/lit/ - Literature

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17960919 No.17960919 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody with a shitty, reactionary, regressive take on the classics in the classroom today actually knows a GODDAMN THING about literacy or the point to English instruction in public schools. Hint, dumbasses: it's NOT to churn out English majors. We teach English to foster reading & writing in young people's lives, to guide them to mastery of skills they really need, to instill in them a love for and ability to use written language that will last them a lifetime. We don't need the old books y'all fools love for that.

In fact, studies have shown repeatedly that forcing kids to read work well outside their zone of proximal development, books that have no relevance to children's lives, actually HAMPERS their literacy. It raises their affective filter, turning them AGAINST reading & writing. This is especially true for children from communities of color, where different dialects of English or different languages may be the principal means of communicating.

Literature that isn't even written in the PRESENT-DAY VERNACULAR / TARGET DIALECT consigns them to failure. THERE IS NOTHING INHERENTLY IMPORTANT ABOUT YOUR GODDAMN FAVORITE CLASSICS. Have you read THE TALE OF GENJI? JOURNEY TO THE WEST? POPOL VUH? RAMAYANA? NO? Then please shut the fuck up. You know a tiny fucking SLIVER of the world's literature, ignorant assholes. You disgusting worms, I can read in TWELVE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. I have a MA in English and a doctorate in Education and EVEN I think that the "classics" are shit for modern kids. You're not on my level, trust me. So take a MOTHERFUCKING SEAT & leave my people alone.

Your supercilious, privileged, frankly RACIST tirades against middle-grade and young-adult literature come from a place of DEEP IGNORANCE about the books that have been written over the past 30 years by writers that could MOP THE FUCKING FLOOR with your out-dated asses. The teachers you're attacking? Fools, they KNOW PEDAGOGY. They understand that their job is to TEACH KIDS TO READ, deeply and critically, and then to set those kids free in the world to dive into the books THEY choose, not what your simple-minded adherence to custom dictates.

They need literacy, not to conform to your egregiously backwards notions of literary quality, BUT TO LIBERATE THEMSELVES FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!! Written language is a tool. A tool we wield: to carve our happiness out of the crude stuff of reality, to stave off the darkness of existential despair, to fight against those who would snuff out our spark, our essential dignity & humanity, to assert our right to EXIST in the face of fools like you.

So curl up with the books you love & let us help young people discover the ones THEY love. They won't be the same titles, I'm afraid. Millions of books exist. We're not sticking to the few dozen you've declared holy writ. Our kids deserve more. They deserve freedom.

>> No.17960925


>> No.17960935

you have to go back also sneed

>> No.17960942

There there. Someone may take you seriously one day, OP

>> No.17960949

this nibba be spittin fax yo

>> No.17960968

Gr8 b8 m8 8/8 according to n8 BUT good thing we're on an 18+ korean fly fishing forum and not a highschool english class.

>> No.17960996

bait, I remember this crap from some twitter screencap

>> No.17961017

People who post shitty bait threads should be banned

>> No.17961057
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>muh english major
>literacy education is not optimized

nice rant, that was a fun read. Besides vernacular and tradition, what else is bad about the classics?

>> No.17961069

>what else is bad about the classics?
boring as fuck

>> No.17961083

Go back to Rëddit I know where you're from

>> No.17961090

t. Smoothbrain

>> No.17961253
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>In fact, studies have shown repeatedly that forcing kids to read work well outside their zone of proximal development, books that have no relevance to children's lives, actually HAMPERS their literacy. It raises their affective filter, turning them AGAINST reading & writing. This is especially true for children from communities of color, where different dialects of English or different languages may be the principal means of communicating.
I recognize that this is from that fat basedboys twitter thread, but my grandfather is literally a hillbilly that grew up in one room sheet-metal shack. Despite his extreme poverty, southern vernacular, and bare-bones formal education he still manages to read the KJV Bible everyday. My grandmother was similarly poor, her mother was married 11 times and worked as a waitress. Her favorite books are Don Quixote and The Tales of Canterbury. So my personal experience, which is ranked by modern academics as supremely important, tells me that it is possible for poor people with rural vernaculars to love the classics. Pretending that black people are too stupid to read Shakespeare is something that only a retarded city-liberal (possibly jew) could dream up as a anti-racist.

>> No.17961304

I didn’t read all that shit but I’m just gonna keep reading and enjoying the old dead white guys

>> No.17961325
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The point of reading classics is to expose yourself to the vastly different worldviews and ways of thinking of an ancient civilization. It causes you to become more thoughtful and aware of your own worldview. It helps you understand where our modern civilizations came from.
Yes, you can include Eastern and other classics as well, but as usual this person isn't actually arguing for inclusion. They nod at those non-Western classics before moving on to argue for the past 30 years of books instead. So it's the same old neoliberal tactic of using a false argument against racism to hide the real goal of trapping people in a bubble of modern pop culture so they're easier to control.

>> No.17961376


>> No.17961386
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>> No.17961395

This was written by an English lit major who was forced to read the classics.

>> No.17961405
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Didn't read, lol.

>> No.17961435

I like this. At some point you have to draw a line between teaching literacy and teaching culturally important or relevant books. Although I can't really gather what OP's copypasta is getting at because they criticize classic vernacular yet recommend reading classics outside of the traditional classics that likely have difficult vernacular as well.
It would be nice to at least see this study that says the classics vernacular hurts literacy.

>reading the classics does not cause you to be a good person
Congrats its not causal. Who tf is this directed at?

>> No.17961446

It does and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't

>> No.17961470
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So it's not about wisdom?

Weird atheist. You're probably one of those materialist liberal faggots.

>> No.17961527

That's okay because I'm not trying to be a better person

>> No.17961550

You should be crucified upside down

>> No.17961600

Nice pasta, I agree with the sentiment. However, I think if kids are exposed to a multitude of works and also given the freedom to read whatever they want they'll read the classics no matter what (when they're ready for them) because they are the best.

>> No.17961635
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>Nice pasta, I agree with the sentiment. However, I think if kids are exposed to a multitude of works and also given the freedom to read whatever they want they'll read the classics no matter what (when they're ready for them) because they are the best.

No, they will read yiddish comic books and filthy magazines if you dont do something about it.

>> No.17961792

newfags outed

>> No.17961826
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Argument discarded

>> No.17961861
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Hey Faggots,

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.17962572


>> No.17962618



>> No.17962638

RIP John

>> No.17962866

I didn't know that set existed. Just bought it, thanks Op.

>> No.17962891


>> No.17962908

NO! *whips anon* BAD.


>> No.17962911
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White man's books weren't meant to be taught by a PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM of rootless slaves.
Pic related is the point of MUH CLASSICS. You're just enjoying an eternity of white men being the whitest manly men they were and wanted to keep being. But nooo we can't say it like that we need ACADEMIC subterfuge

>> No.17962940

Shakespeare was the Adam Sandler of his time putting Trannies on stage to make dick jokes, not the fancy pants violin playing boredom hour Western man (including blacks) has gotten used to In-between bouts of hill billy valley girl WWE Walmart star spangled spanglish

>> No.17962951

I unironically enjoyed Call of the Crocodile more than any “classic” book.
I have a feeling this will be considered a classic, generations from now. Good job writing this book /lit.

>> No.17962957 [DELETED] 
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Nice red herring. Nobody is trying to install babylon confusion in young readers which only a task that a god could achieve if you think public education muh gaw. We are instead creating an efficient democratic vernacular in the experimental webspace Reddit dot com to be vassalized by Alphabet Inc next decade and translate all cultural output to in the century of popular uprising.

>> No.17962969

based gardnerchad

>> No.17962974
File: 503 KB, 1200x628, counterfeit-culture-fb-ppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barnes and Noble determines what makes a MUH CLASSIC with its Public School revolving door back in business before Gutenberg and the Apostle Paul.
Mongolian Throat Singing CavePaintings and family scrapbooks are the true classics.
I'm not just high on frog memes and Joe Rogan LARP here. The Maori and Maya are part of this journey in meme magic outsider narrative quilting, my dear Anons. Asha Logos and We WUZ Kangz are true north. Thus the Oera Linda is an evidence of a burned book that has survived the ages by the careful passing down of knowledge in fragile channels like this as ephemeral as your attention span to persue meaning.

>> No.17962973

This desu

>> No.17963018
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I have never ENJOYED a Classic. I have lost irredeemable life span to a few though. I have raved about other media that I think is distills of compounded genius cough thoughts. What made the Classics Classics were that they once galvanized the attention of man to pronounce such pressure that to deny a Classic's Classicness places you at reputational loss. Life is too short to suffer dusty reading for the sake of coughing dust.

>> No.17963026

if you're reading translations you're literally not even reading the classics anyway

>> No.17963042
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Kauffman killed Nietzsche worse than Simon and Schuster shat on Ubermensch with Superman. This has left the world in a stench of goblin feces smeared on the foreheads of eager audiences and students.

>> No.17963053

Ok illiterate

>> No.17963066

I enjoyed AUDIOBOOKS of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky but to flip a page I could literally choose to stop staring at while other books are glaring at me is too painful to bear.
Almost as painful as goblin stare

>> No.17963068

>culturally important or relevant books
There is too much informationfloating around to be retaining ephemera dross, much less teaching it — only civilizationally relevant works shall be taught to restablish a baseline every generation

>> No.17963107


>> No.17963154

opposite in my experience. you simply won't find originality and depth in anything else. good writing too. contemporary stuff is really boring and predictable while being poorly written.

btw this thread is clearly bait i hope you don't think you're right

>> No.17963171

That's why God invented anime, videogames and autistic friemd simulator

>> No.17963182

Most people's experience with the Classics is like Chess: most people don't have a witty player to share experience with that actually makes life feel better. Just a sad screen shocking to their custom so far. Just out of reach is what it's like to be a EVROPEAN who read those EVROPEAN TRAD BUKS

>> No.17963544

This sounds like something someone would actually say, but no one who uses this site would say it here.

>> No.17963980


>> No.17964598

What the fuck happened to this board?

>> No.17964622
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>> No.17964693

The relevant kids - the ones that will make it anywhere in life and are worth teaching anything other than basic skills to do wage slave labour - were already literate before they even entered elementary school.

Fostering terminal mediocrity in subhumans that didn't shouldn't be the goal of the education.

Most retarded kids even in universities can't tell originality from copycats, because they've actually never read any actual books. They just look up the wiki summary or make shit up so they can pretend to look smart. Anything seems original to them

>> No.17964713

Nignog golliwog throw a dog a bone