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/lit/ - Literature

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17958537 No.17958537 [Reply] [Original]

In his latest video, pewdiepie had a (now deleted for some reason) section in which he made fun of the book tastes of redditors. The question of the reddit post was something to the effect of "which book has influenced you the most?". He went through the posts and made fun of the redditors for answering books like harry potter, fahrenheit 451, etc.. He lamented the fact that no one mentioned authors like Plato or Aristotle. And at the beginning of the section he said that the authors which most influenced him were Plato, Aristotle, Aurelius, etc.. Finally, he found a post with only 11 upvotes mentioning the republic and he shouted "BASED!". I'm not even joking here either.

I watched the video a few minutes after it was uploaded yesterday, but today the section is missing. The current video duration is around 11:20 and the duration still cached on google is 12:42. Also, there are still some reminiscences of this section still in the video; for example, near the end there is a question asking "who are your female heroes? "to which pewds answers that he was mostly influenced by old male authors.

>> No.17958542

Alright thats cool

>> No.17958556

Stop caring about what e-celebs do

>> No.17958579

I wish him and his insufferable faggot followers would leave. Since they all came here this place somehow got even worse

>> No.17958587


>> No.17958593

shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.17958601

Imagine, if you will, a world where grown men watch a man who screams over videogames for the entertainment of children browse Reddit.

>> No.17958640

This has been unofficially fact since like 2015

>> No.17958648

Ok pal

>> No.17958656
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kys e-celeb worshipper

>> No.17958661

>Plato or Aristotle. And at the beginning of the section he said that the authors which most influenced him were Plato, Aristotle, Aurelius, etc.. Finally, he found a post with only 11 upvotes mentioning the republic and he shouted "BASED!". I'm not even joking here either.

woah the enlightened atheist canon


>> No.17958666

Yeah it's kind of no secret he browses /lit/ (and 4chan in general); before he got really big, his humor was really edgy

>> No.17958694

Rope ecelebs and their simps

>> No.17958696
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I'm glad some eceleb guy is jumping on the telling preteens not to grow up to be Harry Potter reading faggots train, but I don't like ecelebs or youtubers

>> No.17958702

good for him i guess

>> No.17958718

I unsubscribed from your channel, Felix. You are boring and a swedecuck.

>> No.17958759

He is better than all other book tubers but that isn't saying much

>> No.17958767


>> No.17958770

He also browser /fit/ I love his book reviews too, unironically better takes than any random on here.

>> No.17958774

Yes we all know you browse here now stop shilling your channel.

>> No.17958787

He likes peterson. Yew. Ew. Ew.

>> No.17958799

And remember to subscribe to Pewdiepie

>> No.17958810

who cares what a child's minecraft hero does

>> No.17958822

Just wait until he starts shilling Spengler and Evola, and then confirms what Hbomberguy was implying here.

>> No.17959217

Why so serious mate :^)

>> No.17959226

based gif

>> No.17959242

Obsessed. He only talked about peterson once and very briefly.

>> No.17959252


>> No.17959259

Where can I see pewds in a dress and on a cock?

>> No.17959328

he has posted here
i have read his posts
this is old news

>> No.17959335

Every self-respecting man likes Peterson

>> No.17959349
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I cope you're joking

>> No.17959360

Pewdiepie here.
Yes I browse here but I can only dog whistle for now.

>> No.17959370
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>> No.17959379

We already knew he browses /lit/, he'd made too many references. He should stop making references though. We don't need hoards of youtube comment section posters here.

>> No.17959429

> Influenced by Plato, Aristotle, Aurelius, and Mishima.
I don't understand people using philosophical influences to posture. Despite being based virtue ethics bodybuilding aristocrats, they still look and act exactly the same as everyone else. They still go to work or school, and they will never take politically important decisions. They will remain hidden on the internet either getting angry at how the world does not conform to their utopia, or will waste time engaging in debates with people who already made up their minds.

>> No.17959442

>youtube comment section posters here.
I honestly can't tell the difference between /lit/ and the YouTube comment section half the time. The board, much like YouTube comments, is full of the same tired copy-pasted posts that have been designed to maximize (You)s.

>> No.17959447

I want to fill him with my cum over and over so it drops out his eyes lol

>> No.17959513

Pewdiepie's zoomer fanbase growing up and flooding 4chan is peak absurdism

>> No.17959520

Self respecting men don't need a benzo popping father figure

>> No.17959527

>The board, much like YouTube comments, is full of the same tired copy-pasted posts that have been designed to maximize (You)s.
4channel has always been a dopamine simulator, much like updoots on reddit, retweets on twitter, likes on boomerbook etc

>> No.17959531

le popular youtuber

>> No.17959544

Pewdepie more like Pseudiepie, amirite lmao

>> No.17959709

>Oh Im so happy to be here with you, stephano.
>ahahah serves you right, you little bitch.

Now that is a renaissance man who shows the influence of Aristotle

>> No.17960085

Peterson, but mostly his followers, are pathetic.

>> No.17960207

>Millions of individuals eagerly watch, and anticipate new releases of, a professional buffoon/attentionwhore who makes reactionary imbecilic faces and sounds for a living.

>> No.17960226

People watching Youtube influencers are pathetic. No difference to watching tv.

>> No.17960248

Damn he's dumber than I already thought. Imagine thinking reading plato is a sign of intelligence

>> No.17960433

>What a stupid nigger
The power of Plato on the readers conscious he elevates you above the plebs

>> No.17960567 [DELETED] 

Cool. Sounds like pewdiepie is a force for good. Maybe he'll influence kids to read actual books.

>> No.17961576

hes not really hiding it. he used to do YLYL videos while openly browsing /gif/ and /wsg/, so it's not really a surprise if he browses other boards

>> No.17961609

Send him Call of the Arcade

>> No.17961619

If dubs Felix has to read the entire works of Franz Kafka

>> No.17961723

fascinating. i just want you to know how grateful the /lit/ community is for this research

>> No.17961749
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OOH so you are telling me this guy's desire to "influence" younger generations is just a pathetic narcissic excuse for him to show off that he reads le deeb stuff and gain a cult following all the while attempting to mimick your average 4chan user and pissing on reddit (which is what his fanbase mostly consists of)?
My god I did not see that coming.
Cant wait to see that faggot get fucked by even more corporate and "independant" channels.

>> No.17961757

hey alright

>> No.17961759

>it's another prot thinks that anything pre Christian is guaranteed to be anti Christian/atheist
A lot of modern theology and understanding of divinity comes directly from Hellenistic philosophers. Nothing about Plato and Aristotle is atheistic, or even anti Christian. They were virtuous men, dedicated to the search fpr truth. Had they not been born before Christ's time, their search would've led them to Him

>> No.17961760

More like Agnostic.

>> No.17961762

Felix, I know you will browse through the thread. Read Heidegger and (most likely you already did) the plays of Sophocles and Aeschylus.

Do us a favour. Spread the classics among the young generations. I myself was raised in a mildly brainless environment, where Cioran, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Plato were familiar names, but any other Greeks, Romans and later/post-Cartesian philosophers were in left in obscurity.

>> No.17961763
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I dont think so.

>> No.17961774

if the sum of the last 3 digits is >10, than he read Kafka and Goethe

>> No.17961775

He at one point shouted Fit-Lit! so its pretty obvious he browses both the Fit board and Lit board

>> No.17961859

holy shit he has F Gardner's book

>> No.17961864

It sounds like he just stumbled upon /lit/ and made reading books and using /lit/ his entire personality. Now he's talking about this just to show off how intelligent he is. I really dislike Pewdiepie, I remember a few years ago when he was a complete joke

>> No.17961910

What does it matter? We've seen this all play out before with the new atheist movement. The same retards that would have been Christians are still retards as atheists. They are just as incapable of forming their own opinions as before and merely parrot the most up to date gospel of the times. It is completely irrelevant if a zoomer likes hp or plato. They put too much stock in social standing to have a stance worth paying attention to.

>> No.17961951


>> No.17962098
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>> No.17962334
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I didn't like PewDiePie but then he said nigger and suddenly became one of my favourite YouTubers. I wish him good fortune, the more literate zoomers the better for our future.

>> No.17962337


>> No.17962358

>He lamented the fact that no one mentioned authors like Plato or Aristotle. And at the beginning of the section he said that the authors which most influenced him were Plato, Aristotle, Aurelius, etc.
He sounds like a pseud. My man found /lit/ a few years ago and now he thinks he's some enlightened individual because he knows about the most famous philosophers of all time.

>> No.17963488

Every self-respecting man hates Peterson

>> No.17963551
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>> No.17963907
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do your part

>> No.17963939

>Nikolai Lenin

>> No.17964386

Imagine being filtered by Plato and Aristotle

>> No.17964425

It's kinda interesting how he's trying to encourage more in depth reading. But I can see some newbie posters here stick out a lot like nails.

It's a bit hard to blend in sometimes, but keep at it newbies.

>> No.17965040
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No replies

>> No.17965140

Kek imagine saying this when Christians took ideas from Plato to develop theology, and later switched between Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.17965613

>kys e-celeb worshipper
>posts alex jones

>> No.17965704

If someone told me irl that his biggest influences are Plato, Aristotle and Aurelius I would laugh in his face.
If he actually cares about philosophy and literature why doesn't he pursue some proper education instead of reading the most basic, surface level recommendations of this imageboard? It's not like he lacks the money or time to actually develop his tastes through preper exposure to the topic.
This is just a pathetic attempt at appearing cultured, without actually putting the time and effort it takes to develop a personal and critical taste.
Pseud posturing of the worst kind. And what's worse is that 90% of this board is exactly like him.

>> No.17965722

who the fuck doesnt know Kafka was jewish? are you retarded?

>> No.17965768

Pewdiepie isn't a Nazi! He just made a lot of Nazi jokes and said some racial slurs when he got upset and says that mass immigration is bad and... wait...

>> No.17965834

How is this Swedish faggot still relevant?

>> No.17965893

>This is just a pathetic attempt at appearing cultured, without actually putting the time and effort it takes to develop a personal and critical taste.
>Pseud posturing of the worst kind. And what's worse is that 90% of this board is exactly like him.
pretty much this.

>> No.17966065

No it isn't

>> No.17966070

I like to imagine these threads are all Pewds talking to himself like Quentin does.

>> No.17966087

I can give a pass to people on here because I'm sure a lot of them are younger and have recently picked up reading, so it's okay to foster the reading habit and be more lenient with the basic choices we see around so frequently.
But when a fucking 30 yo millionaire that has been LARPing as a pseudo-intellectual for a while still thinks this kind of bro-stoicism is the peak of philosophy and Mishima is at the top of literary fiction is just pure cringe.
This is an advice to all of you newbies:
This board may seem like Plato's Academy when you compare it with twitter, reddit or whatever, but it's really just a bunch of entry level recommendations, constant circle jerk over the same commonplace authors, constant LARP and shillling of meme garbage, albeit with the occasional worthwhile discussion, good book recs and useful charts.
If you really want to dive deeper sign up for an online university or something, you will receive a more structured education, encounter authors and currents that you wouldn't otherwise and meet actually knowledgeable people you can have deeper discussions with. Otherwise you will become a pathetic LARPer like Pewdiepie.

>> No.17967638

Hi pewds i know you are reading this lol stop with all the reddit references in ur vids anyone with half a brain knows they're incensere. you have a fanbase of retards tho.

>> No.17968029

This dezu

>> No.17968572

Yeah no

>> No.17969290

So... He's based?

>> No.17969558
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Who cares? It was already obvious that he used 4chan lingo.

>> No.17969769

I love him then hihihi

>> No.17969983

>online university
Any recommendations?

>> No.17970026
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Pewds didn't say he WASN'T considering islam.

>> No.17970069

Depends on your country. Look up which ones give you an homolagated title so you know the curriculum is equivalent to the regular unis.
Don't fall for the autodidact meme, literature/philosophy/classical philology are serious matters and if you want to get somewhere you will need at least some guidance.

>> No.17970078

I know this is a fake thread. But in most of his ylyl videos from a few years ago he was browsing /gif/ and left parts of the webpage uncropped so you could see the 4chan post itself and not just the webm.

>> No.17970088


>> No.17970089


>> No.17970544

confirmed for having never read Aquinas

>> No.17970551

Dangerously based pewdiepie.

>> No.17970620

>I know this is a fake thread.
no its not

>> No.17970737

>This board may seem like Plato's Academy when you compare it with twitter, reddit or whatever, but it's really just a bunch of entry level recommendations, constant circle jerk over the same commonplace authors, constant LARP and shillling of meme garbage, albeit with the occasional worthwhile discussion, good book recs and useful charts.
>If you really want to dive deeper sign up for an online university or something, you will receive a more structured education, encounter authors and currents that you wouldn't otherwise and meet actually knowledgeable people you can have deeper discussions with. Otherwise you will become a pathetic LARPer like Pewdiepie.
probably the most based thing ive ever read. advice to everyone use the charts get some recs and get off and actually fucking read