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17955263 No.17955263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why was i born, /lit/? why do i exist? it makes no sense without the existence of Providence and the soul.

>> No.17955275

>I need my daddy to give me fina, ultimate meaning

>> No.17955283

You were born because your parents were selfish. They obeyed their bodily impulses and you came into the world. You’ll probably do the same

>> No.17955285

not exactly, just trying to figure out why i exist and reason that absurdist arguments make zero sense and are for useless pseuds who can only be comforted by empty words.

>> No.17955308

You shouldn't let us tell you that

>> No.17955367

Your parents thought it would be neat to have a kid so they fucked. An “I” came of it.
Now enjoy your stay

>> No.17955847

>it makes no sense without the existence of Providence and the soul.
Your daddy got lucky one of the many, many days he was feeling horny. If you seriously think there is any reason whatsoever for you to exist, you are a fucking moron. You are not special. You are nothing in the scheme of things.

>> No.17955877

I need to look like that and a daddy give me a fucking desu

>> No.17955899

Your thought process is like "non-existence before birth" - birth - "existence after birth".

As if prior to your birth there was nothing, and from that your embodiment sprung into being, as if spontaneously manifesting from no prior causes or conditions. As if you are somehow separate from the world, and then are caught up in it. This leads to feeling of absurdity.

But recognize that there is JUST the world. Prior to your embodiment there material causes and conditions that brought about your bodoes gestation and birth. There is JUST the world, and its causes and conditions. Your ego sees itself as distinct from being, projects prior to itself non-existence and then feels the world is absurd and makes no sense.

When you die you don't return to non-existence. You were never there. The world and its causes and conditions just carries on manifesting. You're not distinct.

>> No.17956682


>> No.17956691

>it makes no sense without the existence of Providence and the soul.

How does Providence and the soul give it sense?

>> No.17956711

bro this is just semantics, of course there is JUST the world but this doesn't mean that you are not a distinct individual that has to be born

>> No.17956730
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>But recognize that there is JUST the world

>> No.17956980

consciousness is just semantics

>> No.17956984

God has a mission for you

>> No.17957012

Hedonist trash.

>> No.17957050

Nice tits anon; thanks for posting. Not going to read your post though

>> No.17957055

>63▶>>17955275 >>17955367 >>17955847 >>17956984 >>17957050
>why was i born, /lit/? why do i exist? it makes no sens
Why does this women have no body hair? Is she a wax doll?

>> No.17957060

Why am I me and not (You)?

>> No.17957177

Basically you exist because one night after a lot of wine your mum thought it would be cool to bring a few guys home and have a party, 9 months pass and you were born, a crying, clutching baby... Some more time passes and suddenly you have a spike that has you notice that you're getting older, or you became aware of your own thoughts. Now you waste this awareness thinking you have "Soul" or "An energy" or "An essence", when the truth is, I fucked your mum, son.

>> No.17958276

>If you seriously think there is any reason whatsoever for you to exist, you are a fucking moron. You are not special. You are nothing in the scheme of things.
imagine actually believing this and then coming up with some convoluted pseud cope to not kill yourself. the logical conclusion of this belief is suicide.

>> No.17958286

Daddy made cummies in mommy.

>> No.17958319

Don't listen to this faggot, he thinks women don't pee out their pussies

>> No.17958320

Yes, you should definitely kill yourself. Nobody needs more retards here.

>> No.17958324

Yes, you should definitely kill yourself. Nobody needs more retards here.

>> No.17958328

>Nobody needs more retards here.
When are you leaving?

>> No.17958335

>I can't think of anything at all so the only conclusion anyone can logically arrive at is suicide
Don't be such a ignorant, self-aggrandizing fucktard. Your tepid child-like conclusions indicate your own lack of capacity, not the final state of all logic and philosophy.

>> No.17958347

Your mom wanted to take another dick and have a baby and your dad is sterile so he let her go out to the bar and hook up with ernesto in the bathroom, then your dad fucked her after ernesto buss in the bussy to create a kind of semen soup in that bussy so nobody could certainly tell who the father is (because maybe he finally blew a lod that wasnt blanks, you feel me?) and thats why you have that mustache and shade of melanin yet your dad still acts like your his son.

>> No.17958354

>If you seriously think there is any reason whatsoever for you to exist, you are a fucking moron. You are not special. You are nothing in the scheme of things.
understanding this belief is a dead end one is not a lack of capacity, it is as plain as day. this is for edgy neckbeards who think telling anons on 4chan to grow up is some sort of profound intellectual pursuit.

>> No.17958377

>understanding this belief is a dead end one is not a lack of capacity, it is as plain as day
Your brain's surface is plain as day. Next you're gonna say something about me not having any arguments and resorting to insults instead, but saying "dude it's like obvious lmao" is not an argument, so pre-emptively fuck off.

>> No.17958467

Excuse me, I'm sorry for being so braindead as to mistakenly believe that, where there is no reason to live, the necessary conclusion is suicide. How could anyone justify such a leap in logic? It's so obvious that when someone believes there is no reason to live, that they will continue to live (for what reason, I shall not specify, for that will contradict their belief that there is no reason to live). Truly, I shall never question your keen intellect again!

>> No.17958476
File: 195 KB, 602x378, untitled_drawing_by_shadow_of_devotion-dd7rr4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*pants like a dog*

>> No.17958521

real mature you guys -.-

>> No.17958545

Unironically grow up.

>> No.17958546

>Enjoying life? HOW DARE YOU!

I said we don’t pee out the vaginal canal, dude. Different hole

>> No.17958605

Uh oh, looks like someone is a little grumpy. But, my dear sir, you shouldn't lose your cool in front of little upfronts like me. After all, do you expect me to grow up in the absence of a father figure? Instead, be patient with me and explain to me the error of my thought. First of all, was I wrong in thinking that living was a type of activity?