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17950029 No.17950029 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks to /lit/ I am almost converting to Islam.
>read Guenon/Evola
realised we need Islam for tradition
>read Kaczynski
realised we need Islam to restrict technology
>read Rational Male
realised we need Islam to restrict women and hypergamy
It seems that Islam is the endgame of right wing philosophy and that christianity is dead + Quran and Islamic philosophy are top tier literature. Don't weep for me as I have chosen the same glorious path of wisdom, as Guenon did. Good luck in hell retards

>> No.17950033

Islam doesn't restrict technology have you ever seen Bahrain or the UAE?

>> No.17950034

your bait still doesn't work

>> No.17950036


>> No.17950043

All the other muslim countries refute you.

>> No.17950051

lmao, so does all the other christian country, have you seen south america or some parts of Africa? it's almost as if........... religion has nothing to do with it

>> No.17950053

Christianity doesn't have tradition. Christianity doesn't restrict women and hypergamy. So it fails.

>> No.17950054

Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Iran and Saudi Arabia refute you.

Also note these countries are also fascist.

>> No.17950055 [DELETED] 

Christianity doesn't have tradition. Christianity doesn't restrict women and hypergamy. So it fails.

>> No.17950057

I don't like to defend these trash arabs because they like jews and nobody likes them but

>Also note these countries are also fascist

>> No.17950060

The Saudis have same day surgeries and entire cities now running on solar. They're more advanced than all Western countries.

>> No.17950067


>The Saudis have same day surgeries and entire cities now running on solar
Yeah fascism works.

>> No.17950072

Islam works in the hands of the capable. Guenon found it in esoteric analysis of the spirituality of human nature.

>> No.17950117

Anon it's just another kiked out religion spawned from Abraham. They believe that Madhi will appear next to Jesus Christ to bring about the final judgement.

Let me put it this way. If you are so sure and are now finally at peace, why do you sit here and continue to argue? You've found the truth now you can live your life according to the Islamic teachings and much of what is posted here is haram.

>> No.17950144

Hypergamy is good actually. It increases the genetic quality of a society. The only reason some men try to oppose it is that they're genetic trash and are worse of all bad losers.

>> No.17950160

They have more sunlight, that's all.

>> No.17950187
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>I am almost converting to Islam.
Good. Put on the hijab, white boy.

>> No.17950191

It's not that they won't, it's that they can't

>> No.17950237
File: 153 KB, 1901x319, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like the third time you're making this thread

>> No.17951394

based, do not fall for the shia meme, though

>> No.17951434

The absolute fucking state of /lit/

>> No.17951803
File: 81 KB, 360x476, A36E77FE-9BE0-427C-8522-CB666DF76E8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is retarded. Your prostrations, hours, prayer ropes, hijabs, and chanting comes from Orthodoxy. You have been misled into believing Protestantism and “Catholicism” are the only expressions of Christianity, and you have ignored the true Church.

>> No.17952093
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islam is beating modernity guys!!

truth is islam will collapse at a faster rate than christianity did after the introduction of secularism

>> No.17952303
File: 111 KB, 984x1176, 19575017_1479497288773197_4407539741076098091_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're telling me Islam takes the good from christianity and rejects negative aspects of both protestantism and secularism?

profoundly based

>> No.17952319


I came here to get some /lit/ recommendation. I did not think I am going to a /pol/ thread about my religion, f you want help to become a Muslim go to the right places, if you say how bad Islam is you also can go to the right places.

>> No.17952326
File: 1.09 MB, 245x160, tumblr_n78lajnixm1t0urg8o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.

This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:


truth is atheism will collapse at a faster rate than christianity did after the introduction of secularism

>> No.17952328

How many religions have you had in your life, anon?

>> No.17952334
File: 2.36 MB, 2392x3968, Islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a good place to start

>> No.17952347

He's over playing it. Lack of subtlety being indicative.

>> No.17952349

>They believe that Madhi will appear next to Jesus Christ to bring about the final judgement
Not exactly. You could easily check Wikipedia and get your facts straight.

>> No.17952352

Religion isnt suppressed under communism, only the political power of the church.

>> No.17952364

>he doesn't know about state enforced atheism
Not only found in communism.

>> No.17952389

Fascism is a Modernist ideology. The Gulf Arab states are basically pre-modernity absolute monarchies.

Just because something is not liberal democracy does not mean you can automatically apply automatically the F word, for better or worse.

I blame leftists and liberals for starting the trend by labelling anyone who disagrees with them a fascist but it seems the right has also accepted it to a certain degree.

>> No.17952398

Is this how far niggas are willing to go for the trad wife meme?

>> No.17952428

This post encapsulates the spite, violence, and sense of wounded but justified wrath that is at the core of the Islamist delusion.

Return to Christ, Anon. He is risen. His Love redeems the world.

>> No.17952528


>> No.17952645

I can't bring myself to take the step because Islam is a form of political project, and it prioritizes the cohesion of the group and that political project higher than strict truth. Case in point: the madhhabs and their ilk were understood to produce *opinions* not ahkam- not law- among the early generations. (source for this: Hamza Yusuf). They became ahkam because this was practical, but that means that men changed what is and is not sharia, just like the rabbis did. And this political project has sometimes been peaceful and sometimes not. I don't want to put my weight behind an organisation that can be violent in the name of God, and not even be rooted in truth, even by its own standards.

>> No.17952650

most retarded thread so far this year

>> No.17952661

There's so many things wrong with what you're saying here I'm not sure whether you even want help.

>> No.17952855

start on one end and work your way through.
again my source if Hamza Yusuf for the claim, essentially, that a hadith ahad can be used for law because this is practical, not because it is true, while early generations understood these hadith to be advisory

>> No.17952967

like the whole point is that by being ahl as sunnah you can sacrifice and ritualise your whole action in a God-prescribed fashion, and this then is "submission" ("Islam"). The problem with this is that some parts are more clearly God-prescribed than others. Some parts very much seem more to be scholarly compromise, and while that in itself could maybe be somewhat acceptable (maybe not), the foundations of their compromise are not eternal, they were temporal and particular to their time. So this holy sacrifice of action was not even perfect 1000 years ago, but it is becoming less and less perfect as circumstances change. What I really would like to see is an Islam based only on the Quran and the mutawatir hadiths. That should serve as a core around which the rest can be considered opinion. But I wlil likely be persecuted and executed if I pursue this, because the goal is cohesion, not truth, and I would become a threat to cohesion.

>> No.17953219

Mashallah. I congratulate you brother. You have chosen the right path, may Allah keep you firm and safe.

>> No.17954194

What is the deal with this phenomenon? I see a really bad “begome Wahhabist” thread like this every few days. Is it one retarded guy or is this a concerted (and pathetic) psyop trying to trick /lit/ browsers into becoming jihadists?

>> No.17954243
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x720, alHayat_Media_Center.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are several Islamposters in this board, some good, some fags (OP). This one is some twitter tranny who's in love with Guenon and Kaczynski. Idk what his deal is but you can recognize him by the media he posts of pic related girl.

>> No.17955297

>Hamza Yusuf
Man, don't use him as a source for ANYTHING. He works for the state department.

The madhhabs made rulings on actual law. Courts followed a particular school

>> No.17956333

You'll never be a Muslim. Allah will reject you for all the sins you commit cannot be forgiven.

>> No.17957154

Islam will not rise again before the day of judgement. the Quran says, to deny we are in decline is to deny the word of God.

>> No.17957162

fuck off christcuck, only shirk cannot be forgiven (that means your ass)

>> No.17957166

very bad bait

>> No.17957174

FUCK THIS LARPing pieces of shit.
I'm sick and tired of larpers on this board. They are even worse than Christcucks.

Come try living in a relatively secular country like Turkey for a year.
See how your bubble will burst.

t. Turk

>> No.17957176

Turks lost WWI because their deen was shit.

>> No.17957208

>Restriction of technology
Technology doesn't need to be restricted. Everybody needs to be taught it, otherwise it will eventually be used to restrict everybody who doesn't know it.
Restricting technology with technology is a broken belief.

>> No.17957307

Because Islam prevents it on purpose.

>> No.17957334

And so did every other muslim nation. Is islam this unconvincing then?

>> No.17957338

To dumb shitskins, yes

>> No.17957381

No other muslim nation significantly participated in """"world"""" war 1. More like Europe war 1.

>> No.17957394

The muddle east definitely lost ww1.

>> No.17957418

Kanker sufi hollander, I'm not OP and I haven't posted this girl for months, perhaps I will soon for your sake. I noticed a lot Islamic posts on this board too, but there are more Christian posts than Islam posts, even though there are obviously more Christians than Muslims on this board, but muslims tend to prefer theology and philosophy more than Christians do, who tend to lean more to fiction and Jordan Peterson-like books.

>> No.17957439



>> No.17957500

Lmao they weren't involved

>> No.17957525

>Hey /lit/ I have a slave mentality

Wow, what a surprise. An American afraid of freedom.

>> No.17957529

Fuck America and fuck freedom

>> No.17957550

>what is sykes picot

>> No.17957588
File: 126 KB, 575x724, muhammad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you convert to any religion your ancestors wouldn't have practiced, especially one as bloodthirsty, ignoble, and spiritually desolate as Islam then you are a spiritual cuck.

Reminder that the only way Islam has survived and proliferated throughout history is the continuation of their rich tradition of the slaughter of innocents, rape of innocent women, and enslavement of the peripheral peoples. Just ask the Balkan peoples or the Hindu people of the Indian subcontinent. They will consider you an amusing cultural curio at best, laughing at your convert zeal, and will never fully accept you as a true initiate.

By all means though, continue to be an obsequious catamite for a Bedouin warlord who practiced child marriage and was totally divorced from the other prophets and spiritual hermeneutics of the Abrahamic tradition.

>> No.17957606

Didn’t read, christshit.

>> No.17957607

Yeah, like I said. Slave mentality. Enjoy getting cucked, once you're in you can't get out.

Your daughters will be circumcised and married to old perverted men in the guise of "spiritualism".

You'll be like one of those yoga-aunts in bali, pimping her daughters to third worlders.

>> No.17957612

>What is the Ottoman empire
>What is the Arab revolt
>Who is Lawrence of Arabia

>> No.17957614

Incoherent angry christcuck babbling.

>> No.17957625

based. Nothing worse than these larping losers.

>> No.17957634


I'm atheist and not an anglo my dude. Keep striking around you blindly, you might one day hit something.

>> No.17957647

We'll be praying for your mental health

>> No.17957653

This is a copypasta now

>> No.17957658

>Just ask the Balkan peoples or the Hindu people of the Indian subcontinent.
But you admit that they still exist. Meanwhile Christians just eradicate

>> No.17957661

> Didn’t read
Of course you didn't; you're a Muslim, after all.

>> No.17957666

Seethe christshits

>> No.17957682


Says it all really. Go sharpen your knife to stab an old man at a bus stop because you saw a cartoon of your pedophile prophet and went into a frenzy of bloodlust - very ancient and traditional practice for those of your faith, after all!

>> No.17957683

A compelling argument!

>> No.17957696

>more seething

>> No.17957702

>the intellectual capacity of the average Mohametan

>> No.17957715

You can't fight, argue or establish a society without degeneracy, christcuck.

>> No.17957739

Bacha bazi is widespread in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Gulf states are rife with slavery, both formal and informal, and prostitution as well. That isn't even broaching the historical injustices that were the foundation of the most (in)famous Islamic societies and inflicted on their unfortunate neighbors. Where exactly is your mythical perfect Islamic society again?

Pathetic Mohammed worshipper.

>> No.17957748

Bacha bazi existed before Islam existed. The Taliban put the death penalty on people who commit Bacha bazi, which is practised by the secular US-backed police forces and Afghan elites.

>> No.17957756

>Where exactly is your mythical perfect Islamic society again?
The Islamic golden age was so great that women from Europe prefered Islamic courts because it treated them better. Full Shari'a isn't in use in a single nation right now, so you have no right to talk avout truly Islamic societies.

>> No.17957779

Modernist take on islam, this is people trying to understand Islam through a western academic lens, with all its enlightment baggage, rather than trying to understand it on its own terms.

Read something by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, or check out this website by Mohammed Nizami

>> No.17957811

I really don't know if this is a jewish psyops. But i welcome my brothers in faith, unless you're rafidha

>> No.17957815

And yet bacha bazi apologists construct their argument on the basis of Quranic verse:

>And there will go round boy-servants of theirs to serve them as if they were preserved pearls. (52:24)

>There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls. (76:19)

>Round about them will serve Youths of perpetual freshness, With goblets, (shinning) beakers, And cups (filled) out of Clear-flowing fountains: No after-ache will they Receive therefrom, nor will they Suffer intoxication. (56:17-19)

spare me the fake historical narratives based on ant-Western resentment and pernicious WEWUZism. If you want a true reflection of what Islam thinks of women, particularly the most vulnerable, just peruse through the countless modern-day examples:



>> No.17957841

These things refer to heaven. Homosexuality is a clear sin in Islam and has been punished by the first and earliest muslim generation until the day of now. The fact you try to bring up some pagan tradition still practised by US-backed secular forces that is actively fought by the Taliban (and has been banned pre-US invasion) is just cope.

>> No.17957853

Then Muslims don't believe in heaven on earth.

>> No.17957871


>> No.17958005

ok retarded faggot. May Allah shit on you

>> No.17958006
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, 1612022092815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe LARP my dudes

>> No.17958018


>> No.17958259

Because they live in a fucking desert

>> No.17958615

so there are "beautiful boy-servants" in Islamic heaven? Is this where 72 virgins comes into play? lol

>> No.17958861

>Is this where 72 virgins comes into play? lol
Only twinks

>> No.17959865


>> No.17960665
File: 12 KB, 400x260, 1588952478169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey pewds

>> No.17961033

whats worse being a cringy larping western "buddist" or being a cringy larping western muslim

>> No.17962035

buddhist is worse, at least muslims dont act like crypto-materialist nihilist teenagers

>> No.17962471

is there a detailed post on the various quran translations?
and breaks down which translations relate to which sects?
are there quran translation equivalents to the scriptures 2009 or cepher?

>> No.17962476

buddhist, easily

>> No.17963108

>Thanks to /lit/...
Why would anyone even think of writing, let alone make available to the public, something this fucking retarded, irrelevant and gay?

>> No.17963164
File: 102 KB, 256x400, natures_eternal_religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Natural Law is the end game. Some white men will make it home will most or you will mongrelize.