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17951451 No.17951451 [Reply] [Original]

i need some suggestions about anthropology.
just read frazer and now i want moar. the newer the better.

>> No.17951461

Is there a particular area of anthropology you're interested in?

>> No.17951473

anything european will do (not africa or asia or north america).

>> No.17951515
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that cuts out a lot of the classics of anthropology. if you're into frazer i feel like you can't go wrong with mircea eliade. hardly contemporary but he's evocative in the same way as frazer.

>> No.17951534


>> No.17951584

do you understand what anthropology is?

>> No.17951595

something more modern? also less "existentialist" than eliade. i read a coulpe pages of burkert and levi-strauss and they were ok but not like frazer. i need a classic written in the last 30 years.
not particularly, i just don't care. but i care more about african cultures than hip hop if that's what you are asking

>> No.17951599

yes, retard.

>> No.17951630
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Please ignore this faggot OP and give good recommendations, regardless of geography.

>> No.17951632

You're the retard asking for modern anthropology work done in Europe because you like the masturbatory writings on ancient religion from over a century ago. /lit/ is a fucking delusional shortbus but you're still the biggest retard here

>> No.17951658
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For instance, I watched Yeleen not too long ago and the wooden pole reminded me of the African initiation ceremony described in Campbell's Primitive Mythology, the one with the flying beast and the circumcision.
What are some central books on African or other primitive belief systems, rituals, etc.

>> No.17951685

> masturbatory writings on ancient religion from over a century ago
> ancient
> a century ago

50 years ago de martino did anthropological studies about south italian farmers and shepherds, people who still migrated to sanctuaries for a week to celebrate spring rites. is this ancient? is this masturbatory?
in russia you can find many things like this.
said that, im very interested in ancient europeans and indo-europeans too, of course. etruscans are a mysterious people, and so a scythians, especially regarding their religious practices.
im not interested in youruba and pygmies. is that raycis?

>> No.17951740

marija gimbutas, the living goddesses
jp mallory, in search of the proto indo europeans
collin renfew, archaeology and language
lyle campbell, historical linguistics
benjamin fortson, indo european language and culture

>> No.17951760

thanks, very interesting takes. i already knew the first two and mallory most likely is/was my next read. i will check the last 3. thanks again.

>> No.17951892

mallory and gimbutas, in my opinion, have the stronger evidence
however, the anatolian hypothesis does carry some weight especially when looking at medieval accounts like the eddas

>> No.17951903
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Not OP but I'm interested in cultures from around the world, the more alien to me(an American from Idaho) the better. Although the Shoshone would be nice even if they are in my state.

>> No.17951943

> medieval accounts like the eddas
would you elaborate, please?

>> No.17951951

I've been reading indigenous folklore and shamanism;
>an account of the antiquities of the indians, by pane
>algonquin legends, by leland
two of the most authoritative sources on Indigenous worldview/shamanism

>> No.17951973
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>tfw no hannah gf
I don't have a lot of sources, but in a medieval literature class I learned that some people think some of the Æsir were turks, and they brought the current proto indo european language tradition to scandinavia.

>> No.17952862
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>no, but i care more about african cultures than hip hop if that's what you're asking

>> No.17953293

The Central Eskimo by Franz Boas is a fun read