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/lit/ - Literature

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17936985 No.17936985 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on these books?

>> No.17936989

pure kino

>> No.17937008

I think you should stop shilling

>> No.17937023
File: 2.86 MB, 350x254, 1599862415183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really good stuff

>> No.17937031

On the plus side, he's never gonna run out of titles. The downside would be that he probably gets emails from people all the time telling him to name his next book after their favorite animal. Probably gets tiring

>> No.17937071

I really appreciate Gardner's thoughts on the jewish menace

>> No.17937212

This. Best heckin thing to ever come out of this board.

>> No.17937247
File: 32 KB, 632x289, 7C3E8536-4140-4B3A-940F-08AF121ACACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted images of the pages before, so I read some of one of them, can’t remember which.

It was actually dreadful. Spelling/grammatical mistakes, felt like it was written for a high school project.

I’d probably save/read it if it was posted again, but I’m not paying for drivel.

>> No.17937317

frank or one of his fans (family members) is going to call you a pseud now, you’re really asking for it!

>> No.17937328
File: 1.17 MB, 964x1242, gardner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know frank, i was going to just not post in this one because, well, your threads go to the archive in a hurry unless you bump them. i help you massively by posting, and allowin you to reply. but, the fact is, you use your VPN to mass report these images. which means it really, really bothers you. so! i'll keep doing it.

>> No.17937331

It’s not the first time, it’s probably too deep for me, plus I haven’t read the entire Western canon so that’s probably why it goes over my head.

>> No.17937337
File: 310 KB, 1034x834, gardner 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold the fanbase of 10 months labor!

>> No.17937346
File: 240 KB, 1028x856, gardner 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope it was a freebee!

>> No.17937352
File: 813 KB, 1034x890, gardner 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanksgiving dinner is basically the frank gardner fan club! which is to say, a club comprising every one of his fans

>> No.17937358


>> No.17937361
File: 1.16 MB, 1890x1242, gardner 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a good christian boy ! damn there's noone in your church either!

>> No.17937376
File: 417 KB, 1354x1234, gardner 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real hard to pretend you're multiple people when you need a whole separate account! ugh! what a a hassle to sort through all those emails, right frank ?

>> No.17937380

He's one of those faggots who likes his own profile pictures unironically
How deep does the Frank-hole go?

>> No.17937383

and here's a mass reply for insurance. load up that VPN frank! quick, before someone sees !

>> No.17937393
File: 10 KB, 602x338, gardner 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17937401

the shilling is annoying but this is worse. we're not impressed, you're just a sad asshole

>> No.17937404

uh huh. this will be my last post. have fun keeping it up without help

>> No.17937418

Call of the Faggot

>> No.17937426

RC Waldun>F Gardener

I would love to see a debate between these two

>> No.17937430

I liked Arcade. Reading Cherokee now. They’re pretty based from what I read.

>> No.17937440

Post excerpts

>> No.17937475

/lit/ has Frank
/sci/ has Tooker
/mu/ has Imbred
Who else is there?

>> No.17937500

if someone has the aforementioned images, please post

>> No.17937574

/x/ has a lot of unsavory namefags, most of which i filter

>> No.17937584

/lit/ has butterfly if you’re including tripcunts.

>> No.17937597

/sp/ has Twain

>> No.17937609

The entirety of /x/ could be famous autists if they applied themselves

>> No.17937611

Couldn't finish the sample of Call of the Arcade. Too poorly written.

>> No.17937670

Basically this. They good but it's mostly because of how insane the premise of the books are. For example the last one I read has a newborn baby as it's protagonist. An elf (or somthing like that) burns his mom alive and then he has to crawl away from it. The baby is trying to figure out what the fuck is happeneing but can't understand it because he's a fucking baby. It was really weird and wild. Seemed like the author was high as fuck or something when he must've came up with it. But i would be lying if I said it wasn't really really entertaining to read.

>> No.17937684

Fun fact, before frank came to /lit/ he was asking for pointers on topics/critique from /x/

>> No.17937885

Makes sense. His books read like book versions of /x threads.

>> No.17937918

I actually like the cover

>> No.17937948

Yeah they’re unique.

>> No.17937974

who tf still uses jewbook but your boomer mam and dad?

>> No.17938508

Hi frank

>> No.17938709

At what point has it been forced enough that it's self-perpetuating?

>> No.17938720

That would require someone else to start a thread

>> No.17938722

"Call of the Crocodile" is the first installation in Gardner's breakout series of horror novels. The story follows its protagonist, a young boy named Faggot Gardner (no relation to F. Gardner, the author), as he searches the grimy streets of Chicago for "the Crocodile", a local leather daddy notorious for putting bad little boys like Gardner in their place.
Young Faggot Gardner searches high and low for the fabled dominant: in dilapidated crack dens, in public restrooms, in subterranean glory holes. Yet no matter how assiduously he searches, how quickly he moves from clue to clue, how many dirty men's toes he sucks (an activity constantly referred to in the novel as "pussing the boots"), Gardner seems always to be one step behind the object of his obsessive desire.
The twist comes near the end of the novel, during a scene reminiscent of Polanski's "Repulsion", where the beautiful Carole, played by a young Catherine Deneuve, finally descends into madness, and hallucinates human arms reaching out of the walls of her apartment and grabbing her, thereby externalizing her fear not only of sexual assault, but of any form of intimate contact whatsoever. F. Gardner (the author) parodies this scene, effectively turning its tone and implications upside down, by having his protagonist, the now cock-starved and desperate Faggot Gardner (again, no relation) crawl on his knees through a dark apartment, groping along the walls to find his way, only to feel, poking proudly out of the holes in the walls, not scary arms with grabby hands, but dozens of diamond-hard dicks. They poke him in the eyes. They shoot gobs of bitter gravy into his nose and ears. They wag reproachfully at him, like the index fingers of the stern private school teachers who buggered him in his earliest childhood memories, as he slowly makes his way to the end of the hall. The twist is this: when he finally reaches the end of the hall, and opens the door there, he finds himself staring into a blinding white light. He believes that when his eyes finally adjust to the glare, he will see there, waiting for him, horse-whip in hand, croc-skin chaps pulled snugly against his obese thighs, the man he has been seeking for so many days, seeking, in a way, for all of his life. But instead what he sees is a hospital room. He is lying in a hospital bed. The bright light is coming from the naked bulb above him. There is a nurse at his side, changing his IV fluids.
"Where am I?" he asks.
"Loretto Hospital," the nurse replies.
"I was eaten by a crocodile, wasn't I?" he asks.
"No," she says. "You were violently assaulted by hundreds of corpulent and diseased men, with disgusting rotten teeth and putrid breath. That's why you smell like corpses and semen."
"No," he says firmly. "I was eaten by a crocodile. It caused my family to go insane. I'm going to write a novel about it, and force people to read it."
"Whatever you say, Faggot," the nurse replies.

>> No.17938838

There's a tip over point where people will do it to annoy people like you. Only works if the quality of the book is at one of the extremes of the spectrum though. Forgettable is the worst fate of all.

I'll be monitoring the situation and attitude. Perhaps in some months time I'll be shilling my own book here to a different reception.

>> No.17938881
File: 145 KB, 1456x180, Horror Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this banner ad has enraged F Gardner?

>> No.17938892

you're literally advertising for him.

>> No.17938923

don't care about shilling. The only moment when you can proclame yourself to be, for the very least, a decent writer, is after your death. Of course, the active part of "proclamation" will pass you by, but, just as the ancient greeks said (in paraphrase, ofc), you can only truly be happy when dead.

>> No.17939191

I'm a freelance shill, indie authors DM me and we'll see about setting something up.

>> No.17939259

what did he mean by this?

>> No.17939278

No, you.

>> No.17939293

Frank can I fuck you? Please?

>> No.17939320


>> No.17939330

You forgot your PEEPEE.

>> No.17939334

If one is based off of that original goatman pasta I might actually buy one

>> No.17939408

Gonna buy a copy just to make the schizos mad

>> No.17939432

based retard

>> No.17939440

Retarded basedman*

>> No.17939656

Kek same.

>> No.17939676

No you can't because he is my husbandu.

>> No.17939679

<Gardner will jack off to this later, or it will at least cross his mind>

>> No.17939761

>A dark fantasy horror novel, set during Halloween. After a boy is eaten alive by a crocodile, his family begins a descent into madness and terror in this odyssey of modern horror.
Part of a series of interconnected horror novels that can be read in any order. Each book serves as a stand alone story, yet builds a greater picture behind a sinister mystery in Chicago.

Why is there a crocodile if it's in Chicago?

>> No.17939921

Chance the Snapper

>> No.17940063


>> No.17940371

I read Crocodile. It's because the family goes to an amusement park that's in chicago. The crocodile's cage becomes unlocked because the plot depends demands so and it eats the kid.
It and to be brutally honest that's why it's interesting. It's not just a good book. It's incredible. The sequence of events which F.A.Gardner calls "the plot" is one of the most entertaining things I've ever read in my life.

>Joe is in the car when the radio just so happens to start talking about the death of his son.

>Joe drinks an entire beer in one gulp.

>Joe tells his psychiatrist he's not taking his medication correctly and the doctor doesn't say anything.

The big grand reveal in the book is so out of left field that I actually laughed when I read it. Not because it's funny. But because I couldn't believe in the direction F.A.Gardner went in. I reread it just to make sure I didn't misunderstand what happened and then I laughed harder.

10/10. Might read the others.

>> No.17940375

Covers are complete shit

>> No.17940387

Give me the epub

>> No.17940451

Why don't you try again rather than shilling the same book on here? There was a guy who wrote a poorly received sci-fi novel who went on to write a half-decent book about the US prison system. He had no more resources than you do.

>> No.17940465

/pol/ has Wayne Lambright.

>> No.17940468

>Shilling your book in a Gardner thread

>> No.17940479

Jack McKraken's name is funny because it sounds like "jack my crack in". I originally thought it was a pen-name. I wouldn't say that if I was Jack.

>> No.17940585
File: 11 KB, 400x400, hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read.

>> No.17940587

god, the real numbers /sci/ schizo is the best

>> No.17940749


>> No.17940778
File: 792 KB, 685x841, 1592576496561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of /fit/ mascots died kek. Which reminds me of a quote by Mark Twain, "I get all the exercise I need walking to the funerals of my healthier friends." Idk if dinotendies still lives? Haven't seen a thread in ages.

>> No.17941615

your one of the lucky ones

>> No.17941634


>> No.17941917

It’s fair to say that Call of the faggot cannot possibly be worse than MNM-DR, I’d totally forgotten about that.

>> No.17942574


>> No.17942805

It's the same person.

>> No.17942841

/biz/ had some supreme legends rip...

>> No.17943379


>> No.17944315

another psychobabble ham fisted attempt by your typical channer to get a book published

>> No.17944486

Literally nobody knows what that is. However everyone on 4chan knows what Call of the Crocodile is.
I have no idea what that other book is but some guy is trying to meme it. It's some dude trying to ride F Gardner's coattails. Call of the Crocodile is just an extreme anomaly on this site. It's a weird book, weird book cover, and weird title. It's no surprise it caught on when you look at all the factors.

>> No.17944776

9/10 if troll

>> No.17944824
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>he hasn't beheaded all satans

>> No.17944928
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>> No.17944991


His Dad's named Frank Gardner, if you even search his name in Google you see that. Have you never seen a male Boomer Facebook account? That's what one looks like. Take the jealous schizo shit back to /x/ or wherever, you're shitting all over some dude for having a functional family that encourages him to write books. If you seriously think that this is some massive F. Gardner VPN network shilling him then take your meds. You clearly haven't been on /lit/ long, we shill old men reading books on trains about trains, we shill random pepe images, people shill New Sun and Brian Sanderson and that guy with the cat photo with the pay piggies and the shitty books in sffg. The more angry you are the more they'll get shilled, because it's funny.

>> No.17945036

The poorly written nature of it makes it more interesting. It's got that cringe curiosity that comes with reading a bad fanfiction of something, but with an original idea and enough meat to it to sustain your interest.

In Crocodile you can tell Gardner was integrating influence from ideas that he only had a really vague understanding of (The Divine Comedy, The Phantom of the Opera, "deus ex machina") and seeing how it worked through those ideas within an otherwise insane novel was interesting.

>> No.17945104

I'd rather read bad fanfiction then. To be entertainingly bad, it has to be REALLY bad, and if it were really bad, it would get flagged by Amazon's quality control, so unfortunately it only feels bland, and I don't got time for that.

>> No.17945137

That's what I thought at first. The twist ending is what makes it worthwhile. I went into it and gave up about halfway through. I heard it get's better and holy shit did that turn out to be true. By "better" i mean the twist is so weird that I would actually read it again.

>> No.17945153

Yeah but if the writing itself is bland and uninteresting then why bother?
>just wait 'til episode 25, dude, it gets good

>> No.17945173

Say what you want about Call of the Crocodile but no way is it bland. The story is so jammed pack with ridiculous situations that it’s beyond extreme.

>> No.17945250

Maybe I'll try a sample of that. I had started with Call of the Arcade.

>> No.17945628

All things considered, why are the pictures of the book so thick?

Even on Amazon it says it’s only 130 ish pages, what’s the catch?

>> No.17945810

my favorite epistolographer was always very candid about his techniques for coups. that was one of them

>> No.17945860

Please explain for retards like me

>> No.17945935

in the letters for his publisher he was always scheming over how to give the next coup (put together a book, publish it and sell it; he was kind of a cult author, so he'd always sell well enough)
use a bigger font type, increase the margins, special apendixes for notes, ask friend A for a preface, friend B for afterword or, like anon implies, make it thicker using a rougher paper (a modern author that doesn't sell in bookstores will only have to decieve in the picture I guess)

>> No.17945977

Ouch that's rough, feel bad for the guy even though he did something objectively obnoxious and shitty. Something about seeing his mom/grandma/sister liking it to support him humanizes him and makes me realize we're all a little gay boy with a nice mom/granny going "my son wrote a BOOK! :)" on Facebook at the end of the day.

If you read this post go be nice to your mom today, buy her a card and say you appreciated her or something. She will probably cry. Remember to call your mom and grandma and talk to them often. It means a lot.

Interesting to see the marketing agency though. Those people must be the scum of the earth, trading in deception. May all advertisers and liars burn in hell.

I felt bad for that guy too, I think he wasn't quite right mentally.

>> No.17946159

The worst thing about the writing isn't even the grammatical mistakes or anything, it's that all of it is written in this pondering style where nothing happens without the narrator spending a paragraph before and after explaining the abstract mental feelings of everyone involved. Nothing happens without ridiculous overexplanation, while at the same time a lot of the actions make no real narrative sense.

>> No.17947175

Opposite actually. Gardner doesn’t break up his paragraphs as much. Meaning sometimes there’s more than one character talking in a sentence. If he did that his books would be twice the page count.

>> No.17947220

what if this is the beginning of a new style, new shit is always shocking, and it sounds kind of rad actually because that's how life is, random actions make no narrative sense and then everyone has to figure out ways to explain it all, it might seem terrible now, but what if this is the first book written in this new 21st century style, later academically approved mediocrities from yale or some mfa workshop will copy his style and win prizes, but historians will eventually figure out the originator was gardner and then that first edition of call of the crodile is going up for auction at sothebys

>> No.17947355

I have fantasies of righting horror stories and publishing them on Amazon.

I don't know how to feel about threads like these.

What do?

>> No.17947367


Writing. I'm pretty drunk. So that may or may not influence whether or not I try to take up writing.

>> No.17947380

audiobook when? preferable read by the author

>> No.17947400

I guess if that ever took off F Gardner could be coined the originator. I read Kappa, Crocodile and Arcade. They’re not predictable. If you can guess how they end you’re some kind of genius. They’re definitely about as strange as it gets when it comes to the general narratives and twists. He’s either legitimately insane or an actual artistic genius. Considering this is 4chan though I’m leaning toward thinking he’s just crazy. He seems to be a self published writer so I can’t help but have some respect for his worth ethic.

>> No.17947419

i also respect his hustle for trying to market the shit out of these.

>> No.17947914

Copy-paste cover image into paint, add text, publish to 4chan. Yeah he's really grinding.

And whoever is shilling these books based on the quality of the twist is a fuckwit. It's like those beer commercials that try to claim their beer is "cold" as if they have anything to do with my refrigerator. The fact that a book ends with an event which is so wildly out of line with the rest of the narrative that it never could have been foreseen is not a selling point, it's a mistake on behalf of the author.

At the beginning of The Sixth Sense, it would have been difficult to guess that Bruce Willis' character was dead the whole time. But afterwards you ask how you didn't realize it. At the beginning of The Sixth Sense there would have been no reason to guess that Bruce Willis' character is a government hologram being sent to observe psychic children in order to cure a plague which originated on a secret Mars Base built by the Nazis. A series of bewildering new contexts hurled at the reader at rapid-fire pace is not a sign of genius, but rather of complete lack of foresight.

>> No.17948121

The Sixth Sense is a pretty good comparison. Rereading Gardner’s work I can see some hints. But the cards are held so close to the chest that I can’t imagine many (if any) catching on.
It doesn’t sound like you’ve read any of his work. I say this because you haven’t mentioned a single twist. Which all of his fans seem to mention.

>> No.17948132

Notice how the page count hasn’t gone up? It’s because it’s the same guy samefagging against F. Gardner.

>> No.17948135

You were wrong, it was also horrible.

>> No.17948146

Number of posters too by the looks of it.

>> No.17948154

Samefag. Prove you’ve read it. You won’t.

>> No.17948246
File: 1.07 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20210404_232052884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I'm a samefag, idiot, I was following up on my earlier post.
Here's where I dropped it.

>> No.17948279

Oh wow. Two incomplete paragraphs from an iPhone screen. Kek try harder. Buying one of F. Gardner’s (PBUH) books just to make you seethe.

>> No.17948285

Why won't mods ban this advertising fuck already?
>inb4 he replies "but he's le /ourguy/!"

>> No.17948297

That's a Kindle Oasis you dumb shit. And yes, those are exactly the paragraphs where I decided my time was better spent elsewhere, even in this thread. Just look at the prose. Look at it.

>> No.17948358

They are banning him periodically, just report his threads and posts for advertising.

>> No.17948378

Actually this thread rules. I love Gardner threads. Boy did my mind feel surprise when I encountered all the twists at the end of this thread, which is part of a series of interconnected threads which may as well be read in any order. Was there one jealous anon? Two jealous anons? How many secret fans were there? Amazing how Gardner spins circles all around us even after we put down his series of interconnected books which take place in Chicago and can be read in any order. Gardner is literally writing reality in circles all around us.

>> No.17948398

If your writing in the books is anything like these shill posts, which are all the same limp attempt at zany reddit humor from 2013, I don't think we're missing much

>> No.17948437

They’re discussions of books. Might as well ban the all the other threads about books. Everyone knows that’s retarded since that’s most of this board. Why would F Gardner advertise here if they stop allowing threads about his books?

>> No.17948447
File: 117 KB, 600x500, E1AF5913-9E52-47E5-AF71-F610EC74815B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our guy indeed

>> No.17948540
File: 58 KB, 521x800, 1iaTG5eA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post superior Amazon authors.

>> No.17948615
File: 63 KB, 312x498, call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my cool edit.

>> No.17948661

Unironically kino

>> No.17948928


NOOOOOO you can't just start making F. Gardner's covers into racist memes and spreading the shilling onto /pol/ and all over 4chan NOOOOO

>> No.17948961
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>> No.17948976
File: 141 KB, 532x856, f gardner call of cocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh oh /pol/ looks like you're getting raided by /lit/ with random F. Gardner covers from now on in all your threads, about time for a new meme those microphones are getting old.

>> No.17949090
File: 151 KB, 527x848, f gardner call of the simp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will spread these insane books into random /pol/ threads just to irritate the guy who hates F Gardner. Soon there will be nowhere you can run to escape these books.

>> No.17949173

He pops onto /diy/ once a year or so, starts a thread about some bullshit, gets pissed off, has a fit and disappears. Last time he was making an antigravity machine or something, ended up doxing himself and started making new threads along the lines of "mods delete my other thread, they are doxing me" which always got deleted for being off topic and his other thread stuck around until it hit the bump limit.

>> No.17949183

MNM-DR is the the philosophy shill, Horatio or something like that, very unlikely he is also F. Gardner, very different personalities.

>> No.17949192
File: 80 KB, 544x867, callofthereich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it again but now I've improved the process and got better results.

>> No.17949223
File: 262 KB, 1195x1368, f gardner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is he, /pol/? And why is he writing all these books calling about things?

>> No.17949243

What is it about?

>> No.17949252
File: 84 KB, 542x866, rawroftheshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, but I found out what the next animal will be in the title.

>> No.17949283
File: 270 KB, 2371x775, oh no oh no oh no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NOOOOO he's going spread everywhere and there will be a Gardner cinematic universe and his book covers will be a new pepe meme that lives on eternally NOOOOO his mom can't just like his book on Facebook NOOOOO

>> No.17949290
File: 145 KB, 527x848, f gardner call of the sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17949303
File: 146 KB, 527x848, f gardner call of the clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17949307

These posts were all Gardner. Mate, spend your time editing these unreadable piles of shit instead of shilling them. Imagine how much more worthwhile all this shilling effort would have been if you had spent an extra month polishing the turds that are your novels. No one cares about the "twist", which you in your shameless self-promotion seem to recognize is the only boorderline redeeming quality in your works. Learn to write. Take your time. Edit your stories. Then come back. Stop watsing everyone's time.

>> No.17949338
File: 74 KB, 543x866, thecall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based.

All the effort into shilling makes up for the shit books.

>> No.17949340
File: 140 KB, 527x848, f gardner call of the cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NOOOOO edit your writing it is boorderline watsing everyone's time NOOOO you can't all just be different people having fun with these weird books NOOOO you're all the same poster just like when that old guy with the train book wouldn't stop shilling it on /lit/

>> No.17949352

If you just self-publish on Amazon no one will care. You just won't get anyone to notice unless you shill, in which case you either become a meme (Gardner) or are slightly better but quickly forgotten (Card)

>> No.17949373
File: 313 KB, 543x866, callofthe41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need entire collections and libraries full of his works, he's entitled to shilling.

>> No.17949419
File: 434 KB, 543x866, callofthegarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17949739


>> No.17949899


>> No.17949918

You're really this mad about a guy posting his crocodile books on your bible forum?

>> No.17949939

Pdf pls

>> No.17950050

max landis is literally shilling himself simultaneously on /tv/ and /co/ right now, and doesn't realize you can see how many posters and replies there are to weed out if there's a samefag.

>> No.17950177

The first story was literally just about naked women wandering into men's lives, but it was heavily atmospheric and very comfy.

>> No.17950766

Hey, thanks.
t. the author.

>> No.17951314

Still waiting

>> No.17951853


>> No.17952187


>> No.17952425

pls just spoil twists

>> No.17952762

The twist is that there is no crocodile, only a crippling and lethal krokodil(Desomorphine) addiction.

>> No.17952895

It involves a treehouse. That’s all I will say. Spoiling twists is retarded.

>> No.17952932

Were you aiming for some kind of satire, or was it just comfy humor?

>> No.17952956

An anthropomorphic crocodile stalking a family after their kid gets eaten by a crocodile at an amusement park.

>> No.17953074

I meant the naked girl book, but thanks.

>> No.17953133

A little bit satire, a little bit dead-fucking-serious.

>> No.17953209
File: 999 KB, 500x500, F8187AC0-95A7-498A-A583-3337594FD59A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would actually be a good twist.

Fuck off cunt, post spoilers.

>> No.17953261

There was a dinotendies thread last week or the the week before, it was aight

>> No.17953585

jus buy it if you want to know that badly retard

>> No.17953727

This. The "/lit doesn't read" meme seems to be true.

>> No.17953832
File: 3.22 MB, 456x262, F5A8A558-4E81-4815-857B-AC50374C73E6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m poor and read free ebooks but can’t get this without paying meanies

>> No.17953858

All of books are already free on unlimited. Just do the free trial and cancel it after you read it. That’s what I did.

>> No.17953881

Do you need a bank account to do free trial?

It would be great if you’d just spoil the ending for me so I can go back to pretending to read

>> No.17953896

It’s just your basic amazon account.

>> No.17954470


>> No.17955451

As of now it’s the greatest literary accomplishment of this board.

>> No.17955488

This post Frank give us a taste test

>> No.17955522

F Gardner’s used excerpts as his ads before. If he were really in this thread he’d have turned those ads on by now.

>> No.17955575

Tbh. Good point.

>> No.17956407


>> No.17957309

hi frank

>> No.17957395

they are good books ngl

>> No.17957810

shit taste

>> No.17958375


>> No.17958384

Shit books by a no-talent. The fact that they're spammed and memed here says all you need to know about their quality.

>> No.17958815

hi frank

>> No.17958913


>> No.17959112

Arcade was awesome.

They're discussed here because they're written by an anon from this board.

>> No.17959486

midwit detected

>> No.17959535

Good book. Taught me a lot about myself. Recommended!

>> No.17959591
File: 79 KB, 600x500, D3EAEB1B-91A3-441B-97CB-E06CDFAD4713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17959786

wew lad u got me there

>> No.17960638

The first 3 chapters are available on Amazon on pc without signing up.

>> No.17961103

Switch the books above their heads and you're right.

>> No.17961447


>> No.17961552
File: 383 KB, 600x500, fixed that for you F. Gardner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17961700


>> No.17962363


>> No.17963684
File: 465 KB, 556x742, memeshirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17964411

I'm glad this thread exists; it makes me feel so much less pathetic than the guy who wrote these books. I'm grateful

>> No.17964481

He’s written many books. What did you do with your life man?

>> No.17964506

Basically this. Call of the Arcade is a legitimately good book.

>> No.17964538

This is what I'm talking about. It makes me feel good that I would never unironically do this. I'm not stupid, dude. I'm going to go back spectating now, but just so you know, people can tell it's you because if someone from 4chan had actually read the book, they'd be posting it here. And from what I've heard, you have a lot to learn before anyone actually likes something you write.

>> No.17964677

>reading shit books
Are you fat or something?

>> No.17965258

I liked Kappa. Second half felt very different from the first. Didn’t care for Crocodile.

>> No.17965579


He's clearly sold some. His rankings earlier when he was first promoting it were high enough he's got to have been making some sales. Go read SFFG for a couple of minutes and tell me there's nobody on this board who would like this book.

>> No.17966570

Please post spoilers for crocodile, cannot find them online

>> No.17967176

What do I need to read as a primer for Call of the Crocodile?

Also, where do I start? Or can I read them in any order?

>> No.17967823

I just jumped in with that one.

>> No.17969099

You can actually read them in any order.

>> No.17969351

Anthony Fantano and Claire also shilled themselves on /mu/

>> No.17969671

The books have been advertised here for months. The idea that all the threads about them are just the writer are laughable.

>> No.17969684

Duh. Look at all the reviews these books have. It's just one guy who hates F. Gardner freaking the fuck out.

>> No.17969950

I read them all. I thought the same thing about Call of the Cherokee. The second half of all of the books in this series seem to go in very different directions. With Kappa I thought it was for the better, since it leads to the identity of who the Kappa was. That was my favorite part of that one. Arcade and Kappa are both definitely worth a read to those looking to get into these. Crocodile and Cherokee both get kind of confusing. Cradle is good but having a baby as the main character makes it very different. The exposition is totally different because it's not the protagonist's making his own observations. You just kind of have to put together what the baby is seeing and figure it out for yourself. It's unique but very experimental.

>> No.17970019

Please post <spoilers/>

>> No.17970030


>> No.17970105

Regarding what parts?

>> No.17970237

Many people have said the twist in crocodile is the best part of the book, I’m unsure if these people are trolls or the books twist is actually well written.

I’m also wondering whether or not twists are recurring themes throughout the books.

>> No.17970374

The twist definitely redeems that book. But it's not on the level of Arcade and Kappa. I like reading indie novels because they have a lot of book ideas. The sacrifice is that they're not always edited as well as they should be. But that's because indie authors don't have access to editors like mainstream authors do.
If you read stuff like this you read it for the imagination and storytelling.
I guess the twists are reoccurring, in the sense that all of the books have them. But they're not extremely connected. Cherokee after most of them but it's sort of a separate story. Cradle takes place before any of the other books but was the last one published. It's basically a prequel but I'm not sure if that was the writer's intent as the books aren't 100% connected. They're kind of like separate chapters in a connecting story.

>> No.17970542

F. Gardner is a poor writer BUT a good storyteller. I don't know if that makes total sense. It's like how he's good at telling stories but still makes some typos. He can definitely come up with good twists and ideas. But I don't think he hired an editor for most of his books.
I didn't really encounter any typos in Arcade though when I read that one. Maybe he only hired an editor for that book.

>> No.17970709

Unsure if ironic troll.

Are they worth looking past the typos and reading them all? I’ve heard they’re not very long.

you didn’t post spoilers[spoiler/]

>> No.17970933

I'm not sure which part you're referring to exactly for spoilers. There's 5 books so you'd need to be more specific.
I didn't really notice many typos. But I guess if you're an editing major or something that would drive you crazy. They're there but I didn't see too many.

>> No.17970999

What’s the major twist in crocodile?

>> No.17971100

May I ask why?

>> No.17971360

Don't answer. He wants to try to spoil threads about these books.