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/lit/ - Literature

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17947432 No.17947432 [Reply] [Original]

Why are almost all booktubers women/bugmen? Are there any /lit/ approved channels?
Don't bother recommending The Book Club, his rambling isn't funny.

>> No.17947446

oh my god the middle girl is so beautiful i would cut off my left nut for her

>> No.17947464

It's just make up and editing anon. She is pretty mediocre looking. Stop being a fucking simp.

>> No.17947468

>noelle gallagher

i hate oasis

>> No.17947476
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All the men reading real literature realize that they don't have anything original or profound to say that hasn't already been said, and don't want to degrade their hobby through commodification. They read and learn and are content with that.

>> No.17947490

hair like dry grass and a dead fake smile.

>> No.17947497

R.C. Waldun

>> No.17947499

one must desire celebrity to become a booktuber, which as we all know is a shallow and trite aspiraton, since we, of course, remain anonymous

>> No.17947511

anyone who's really interested in literature is going to watch videos of college lectures not this crap

>> No.17947513

Because the best /lit/ Youtubers aren't 'booktubers'. They make videos about ideas contained within books, not about the books themselves.

>> No.17947564
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>> No.17947591

don't watch booktubers, listen to these lectures

>> No.17947605

you did not zoom in, did you?

>> No.17947606

its true

>> No.17947611

kys frogfaggot

>> No.17947631
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I love these inevitable comments from people who think they are smart, when they are the only ones who didn't understand the purpose of the thread.
>asks about booktubers
Let me just link a Yale lecture about Greek philosophy real quick.

>> No.17947635

I'm not so sure that's the case. I've thought about sharing my thoughts on books on youtube because I want to encourage other people to read good books or spread some information from the books I read. I don't really want to be famous though, even if that just means 500 subscribers famous.

>> No.17947638

thanks anon

>> No.17947651

I don't think it's possible for /lit/ to admit to enjoying booktubers, but I like
Paper Bird
Leaf x Leaf
Scott Bradford

>> No.17947667

Sounds like ts eliot kek

>> No.17947698

He is a woman and a bugman.

>> No.17947706
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>> No.17947707

op asked for /lit/ approved channels. the playlist of yale open course lectures on literature are the /lit/ approved channels. deal with it.


>> No.17947713

Thaks anon, I can already tell I will like a few of these guys. Some I couldn't find, lol.

>> No.17947716

>Asks for /lit/ approved booktuber channels
>fucking Yale, lol.

>> No.17947720

You’re glowing.

>> No.17947725

man /lit/ has really taken a turn towards the plebeian since all those chuds from the other site came here, perhaps you should go back there, i believe they have an entire "sub" for wannabe youtubers to shill themselves

>> No.17947738

Wanting a thread to stay on subject is reddit tier?

>> No.17947744
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When I was first getting into philosophy about 2 years ago I made a few YT videos and gained 1.5k subscribers. but over time the more I learned the less confident I became in my ability to say anything insightful despite all the positive feedback. By now I haven't posted a video in 1 year and I see now how woefully inadequate are the videos I already made. You know the real reason there are no good /lit/ channels? Because anyone who thinks they know enough about literature to make videos about it is either a professional lecturer or a pseud.

>> No.17947769

that's the nicest thing anyone has said about me

>> No.17947778
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Link? I can personally vouch that everyone here will be civil.

>> No.17947792


>> No.17947812

I like
The worst thing about new books
The book chemist
Even though they are both betas, they are generally insightful.

>> No.17947814

Fuck it, here you go.
I don't even hold half the positions I talk about in these videos anymore. Literally all I know is that I know nothing.

>> No.17947845

Everything has always been said since the dawn of time. Even the Greeks knew this.

It’s because literature was transformed, in a cooperative effort by educational institutions, into something homosexual or feminine. Think back on the trash you probably had as assigned reading in high school. Now ask yourself how many males are going to get interested in that?

>> No.17947882

>It began with skepticism, and ends with nihilism.
Unironically subbed.

>> No.17947916


>> No.17948116
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U mad?

>> No.17948134


I’m literally 2 minutes into your “Decline of the west metaphysics” video and its incredible. I understood all of the deep stuff so far such as Kant’s apriori, an idea of his that i never understood in a philo course in college.

>> No.17948319 [DELETED] 

Honestly, I feel you. I'm betting my left nut that I've read more and know more than most people on this board, that I've got something to say, but it's just never enough; because I can't have read everything--there are just too many books to read and too many things to know before you know everything, and knowing everything - like some kind of encyclopedia; unnecessary in the modern age - has become the criterion of knowing something at all.
I would suggest that we need ideas, and new ideas. It is beyond difficult and requires still extensive reading, and more extensive trying, but at some point it'll yield results in the form of having a decent idea; and having one such idea paves the way for another, and another, and another, until at some point you arrive at a Kantian insight that will truly wake you from your slumber like no book or discussion could offer. Many do not, however, have the endurance for this, and that is why we see so few people; many people are in the first place not qualified for this. I would already here laude you that you've changed your views so significantly from half a year ago. Do this a dozen more times and in five years you'll be at a point where you've got something to say; continue studying all the while and dive into topics you might not find much interesting but still educational; develop a kind of obligation to thinking, studying and writing; drop books fast but with reason, skim through them instead of torturing your interest, after you've taken from them enough -- it doesn't have to be all -- and continue your studies into another subject after duely exhausting it to the best of your interest and ability. You might return, you will most likely need to return anyway, so thorough study is not worth the effort beyond your interest in most cases. If interest does strike you though, or any kind of creative spark of thought, make sure to write it down: cruedly but not too cruedly as to obscure the meaning and require too much effort, Überwindung to edit these notes--which are then not crude, but simply unintelligble.

To summarize, just continue to change and work. That's it. Know your strengths in thought; character is by far one of the most important to a philosopher--and person generally.

>> No.17948666

"Subbed" implies you want to see more of my videos. I don't know when that might be.
It still perplexes me that nobody called me out on saying Kant is the "centrepiece" of Spengler's philosophy. Kant is Spengler's punching bag throughout TDotW and being called a Kantian would have revulsed him. Though I still think he operates in a Kantian framework.
This is an eloquently written summary of my feelings on the matter. The funny thing with philosophy is that sometimes it leaves me in complete awe while other times, like now because of this thread, lost and confused. The more I know the more I become aware of how little I know.

>> No.17948745

Underrated post

>> No.17948748


>> No.17948753

The Worthy House
excellent book reviews channel from a more right wing perspective.

>> No.17948815

I wasnt even joking or trying to be a dick too hahaha.
Talk about faggoty ass promo

>> No.17948835


I like this guy

>> No.17948883

Seriously please sub to him. I don't want him to stop making videos :<

>> No.17948892

I sub to no man

>> No.17948929
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Don't make me get out the book of incantations.

>> No.17948965

As someone with quite a good amount of general knowledge on philosophy and history (although I've never watched your channel, just similar ones) from years of study, most of the time I notice that there are only generally small things that ought to be corrected in those types of videos. They pop up all throughout the video but it's never usually anything that majorly detracts from the overall point of it. The only people who would get upset about the smaller errors are people who are desperate to discredit you without actually dealing with the major points given in themselves. That said, it's always a good idea to keep working on your knowledge and not be content with mistakes. I don't know why you've just put yourself down like that.

>> No.17948973

>they even got to Sadler
Most likely to YouTube in general

>> No.17949012

Some anon recommended * e m m i e *. I’ve seen a bit of her videos on classics but her content is what you would expect from most Youtuber.
The Asian guy is too pretentious.
Honestly I mostly watch LTT or Ssethzeentaach since most booktubers talk about YA. Some university projects on nonfiction by random users are nice too. Their comment are more like digests than analysis so it helps me double check if I grasped the core of my reading.

>> No.17949020

Anyone here seen Ms. Lola?

>> No.17949021
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>> No.17949254

his vids are kinda shit though, although his shelf is kino, and some of his songs are kino, his actual videos reveal him to be a psude which is a shame, i had high hopes for him. Keith Woods on the other hand is a good /lit/ tuber

>> No.17949281

The only booktuber I follow now is forest anon because his life is interesting and his personality is different. I've noticed he says a lot of profound things and I don't think he even realizes it himself. He doesn't try to look smart but it comes out naturally anyway.

>> No.17949347
File: 618 KB, 900x647, 57-571660_collection-of-free-pepe-transparent-pepe-laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo watch this YALE

>> No.17949421


chapo are the gayest illiterates u could possibly garner influence from

>> No.17949514

>search "booktube worst books i read in 2020" on youtube
>watch the plebs get filtered in real time

>> No.17949623

BTF comes off as a pseud a lot but he also talks about the book, what's in the book and gives a brief summary of the author, which already puts him ahead of nearly every other channel dedicated to (purchasing and displaying) books.

>> No.17949719

they all just read the newest YA and nothing that I could feel elitist about

>> No.17949726

>Are there any /lit/ approved channels?
Fuck off.

>> No.17949829

most of that is wisdom from a hard life. when you live in the woods and your only friends are books and some mice you either become a wise hermit or deteriorate into schizophrenia.

>> No.17949882


>> No.17949936

This may have bean cringe enough to kill off the entire thread.

>> No.17949945 [DELETED] 


>> No.17950023

Nah, her channel sort of looks like Soph. I will have a look into it.

>> No.17950032

I haven’t heard of Scott Bradford but the other guys are alright. Orpheus definitely posts here

>> No.17950105

I think Steve Donoghue is a pretty good and comfy "booktuber". If you dont like the female generic YA booktubers you should check out his "seven deadly sins of YA" video :)

>> No.17950112

this guy is the reason modern society is the way it is

>> No.17950198

Pretty good, actually.

>> No.17950297

Wow anon you're so smart, I'm envious.

>> No.17950355

Yeah, that was a pretty good take, I will check out some more of his stuff.
That does sound fun.

>> No.17950396

I second this, he’s pretty cool in his own boomer type of way, and extremely well read. IIRC he reads 100 pages an hour for atleast 8 hours a day, and has been for decades.

>> No.17950401

I remember your channel form the Oswald threads. I'm not smart or knowledgeable but for what is worth I found your videos to be interesting

>> No.17950615

Mayberry Bookclub

>> No.17950632

Can relate on the Sseth part. He's one of the few guys I actually enjoy watching videos. I think looking at my viewing habits that I probably just watch this niche gaming content and lots of history stuff even though and especially because I don't play vidya anymore and I don't have time anymore to read more history.

>> No.17950659

Hey hey people

>> No.17950678

I think post MeToo, men try to avoid being in the spotlight now

>> No.17950679
File: 20 KB, 450x294, basedw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget about booktubers
learn russian and listen to the master:

>> No.17951028

Literary critique has not found it's form in YouTube so all you have are these awful booktuber channels.

Reminds me of the early days of the platform when YouTube tried creating it's own celebrities (Ray William Johnson, Shane Dawson and people like that) since nobody had figured out how weekly video content works out and how to monetize it professionally.

>> No.17951062

That's a man

>> No.17951094

I have a soft spot for Cliff (better than food).

>> No.17951221

Holy based rapture recently started a channel, not much there yet but a couple solid vids and seems to be heading in the right direction:

>> No.17951301

Yet he absolutely loathes philosophy and "dude-bro lit", which to him is made up of authors like Cormac McCarthy and David Foster Wallace. Other than that, he's pretty interesting to listen to

>> No.17951330

the only people who bitch about "dude-bro lit" are dude-bros.

>> No.17951356

Was going to say Kat but it turns out she has nudes so dropped

>> No.17951384

uhhhh any chance you got the sauce there brother?

>> No.17951413

Yeah, I'm going to need the sauce for that, only for research purposes you know

>> No.17951416

She's ugly AF with a shit ton of makeup bro. The nigger below her is unironically more attractive.

>> No.17951429

I don't think he's ever reviewed a book. He talks about shitty self help and the aesthetics of carrying around books.

>> No.17951502
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>> No.17951512

you have to join his patreon for that

>> No.17951568

Can someone please, please subscribe and share. I need to see his 3-part Gravity's Rainbow review

>> No.17951579

>Orpheus definitely posts here
yeah he seems like the type lol