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File: 163 KB, 800x800, Early_Hebrew_Conception_of_the_Universe.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17946796 No.17946796 [Reply] [Original]

This is how the Biblical authors and compilers believed the earth and cosmos was situated. This is supported by Genesis 1-7 as well as many passages from Job, Psalms and the rest of the Bible. Can we dispense with Biblical literalism and scientific concordism now? Nothing about pic related says Jesus did not rise from the dead. Nothing about pic related says Moses did not receive the ten commandments at Sinai. The outdated, incorrect scientific views endorsed by the Bible have no bearing or influence on its metaphysical and theological truth claims. If you insist that the teachings of the Bible must be concordant with science, you are setting yourself up for worldview fragility and Biblical exposure anxiety. The science vs creationism controversy is largely the domain of scriptural dilettantes. In the battle between atheist midwits and Christian nitwits, both fail to interpret the Bible correctly due to ignorance and lack of literary expertise.

>> No.17946900

It's a good thing metaphorical interpretation of the nonhistorical books of the Bible is THE Canon interpretation and has been since Nicaea

>> No.17946906

Literalists shaking in their boots.

>> No.17946980

I recently learned that Genesis 1 is a temple building narrative. It was written during the Babylonian captivity. The scriptures promised that God's temple would remain forever, but the tabernacle and Solomon's temple were destroyed. Genesis 1 describes the establishment of the entire earth (including Babylon) as God's temple. If it references the material foundation of the world, that meaning is secondary and subordinate to the theological principle. When we dispense with Ken Ham's mode of scientific concordism, we allow ourselves to privilege and prioritize the true meaning of the text!

>> No.17948604

It can be a prophecy backwards.
It can be what you said, after all the rest of the Pentateuch follows the narrative and elements of Gen 1-11, that segment itself being a chiasmus.

>> No.17948641

Enoch describes heaven as having levels, not chambers and appears to contain passages that suggest the bible was not the primary source.

>> No.17948656
File: 191 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210404-221547_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe people are just misunderstanding the point the bible was trying to make

>> No.17948685

>jewish mythology is a one-substance physical description of the world
no. even if you want to be literal, that's not how they thought of these different places.

>> No.17948717
File: 133 KB, 485x512, unnamed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if the medieval Christian cosmological model isn't true materially speaking, it's still true in the sense that it teaches us about metaphysics, our separation from God, and the nature of the masculine and feminine.

>> No.17948723


Start with this:


Each of us are required to investigate this.

>> No.17948777

This is actually true though

>> No.17948807

>Rambles on and on about literally nothing
>6:20~ we assume the Big Bang was the same “beginning” of the Bible
>goes back to rambling about nothing
>9:50 he finally reveals it!

The humans who made Gobekli Tepe didn’t have souls yet. Heh

>> No.17948872


You can ramble on about your own sense of humor but I think you missed the part about how there's a mystery around the mapping of time.

>> No.17948886

Metaphorical interpretation of the OT has been they way fir literally thousands of years. Literalism became a problem with American Protestantism.

>> No.17949299
File: 11 KB, 291x173, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different cultures have fundamentally different ways of thinking about spacetime, and they're all correct. Compare the Greco-Roman conception of the world as the human body and its nearby space versus our Germanic conception of the world as infinite space. One conception gave us geometry, the polis, and classical sculpture, the other gave us calculus, the moon missions, and classical music. Are either conceptions of spacetime wrong? No. They're like different words used to describe the same thing. Each has its own music, and even though it's difficult and requires a great deal of study, we can apprehend the Greco-Roman way of thinking even if we can't comprehend it. Likewise, the ancient Semitic conception of spacetime as a sealed dome in which magical forces contend toward balance gave us algebra, systematic literary exegesis, and spherical trigonometry. Every culture has something unique and valuable to contribute to our shared history. The reason specific presentations of other cultures', say, cosmologies seem like nonsense to you is because those cultures are foreign to you. You don't speak the language, as it were. There are different ways of thinking and that's OK.

>> No.17949387

So the Bible is not literally true, then?

>> No.17949395

>It can be a prophecy backwards.
That doesn’t make any sense

>> No.17949409
File: 137 KB, 730x844, 1514897419283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Metaphysical truth claims
>god is 3=1

>> No.17949578

Op checking in. American protestantism is exactly what I wanted to gripe about.

>> No.17949597

No, it isn’t. If it was, monotheists wouldn’t literally kill polytheists over a metaphorical piece of text. This only makes sense if you believe that what your text says is literally true.

All this metaphor nonsense rose to prominence when science did, and demonstrated that many of the Biblical claims on reality turned out to be complete bullshit. After that, Abrahamic religions scrambled for a response, and went with the deepness strategy, how any skeptical could ever have the nerve to think that Bible thumpers ever even believed everything about the Bible to be literally true.

This same pattern was found when evolution rose to prominence in the life sciences. Godtards kicked and screamed, presented even the most half arsed nonsense as a response, and when none of this worked, they did a full 180 and expressed how evolution is actually marvelous proof of God almighty.

>> No.17949630

American protestants actually think leviathan of job 41 was an aquatic dinosaur. They fail to consider psalm 74 and Isaiah 27 which describe leviathan as a chaos dragon that was slain at the foundation of the world, (just like marduk and tiamat) or alternately, will be slain at the end times. Is god saving around some poor old liepleurodon so he can beat it up at the end of the world? Christians need to stop reading the bible like it's national geographic.

>> No.17949643

Please ban all American IPs from posting on /lit/. Thanks.

>> No.17949666

If you take one book in a library literally then it means you must take every book literally.

>> No.17949698

It's not just about literalism, it's about insisting that the bible must be concordant with modern science, twisting science to fit the bible, twisting bible to fit the science. The worldview of Ken Ham is acceptable neither to competent scientists nor to competent scholars.

>> No.17949744

No it wasn't you illiterate nigger
Augustine (who lived in you know, the fourth and fifth centuries), the single most important doctor of the church, literally says in his own confession that he only became a Christian after being exposed to Ambrose's metaphorical interpretations of the Bible

>> No.17950601


>> No.17950637

How many Biblical literalists browse /Lit/ do you think?

>> No.17950987
File: 49 KB, 249x238, fasntnig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in its entirety, no.

>> No.17951484

yes, but it would still be heresy to deny the world was crwated in 6 days, because it's said right there in the Bible, right?

>> No.17951497

True and literal are two different things.

>> No.17952789

>not understanding that "I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD" is a truly ontological statement whereby the world no longer is

>> No.17952846

Actually, the earth is shaped like a treasure chest, the earth is a huge mountain and above it hovers a hologram of jesus' face

>> No.17952853
File: 58 KB, 389x389, World-picture-from-Christian-Topography-The-arched-vault-of-heaven-is-represented-above_Q640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic, from Kosmas Indicopleustes

>> No.17953905

It would contrast with it being a cosmological manual, which various figures in history from Church Fathers to Galileo argued against, rightfully.
A prophecy is not exact, it's not clear until it happens in history, then its mystery is fully unlocked, the Prophets might've not known themselves what they said.
Now a backwards prophecy means that the theological statement that God is the creator of Heaven and Cosmos stands, but the way in which that happened is revealed just now as we understand more in the realm of sciences and our theories start to become coherent.

Now the way Genesis 1-11 is again written and appealed to throughout the rest of the Bible, even in Psalms really put it behind a lot of mystery.

>> No.17954979

the bible is neither infallible nor inerrant