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17940827 No.17940827 [Reply] [Original]

Xtians flooding the board. Post Dawkins!

>> No.17940844

Dawkins scientism is pretty cringe, but then again he does make Christcels seethe to no end, so he’s also kind of based at the same time.

I don’t really know what the final verdict is on him, he’s really a duality between based and cringe

>> No.17940873
File: 92 KB, 532x761, NINTCHDBPICT000421167760-e1531853157284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Dawkins, sir.

>> No.17940893

So much class
*rolls eyes*

>> No.17941034

Yes it's your cultural upbringing. My dad is a Christian born and raised in a country thats 98% muslim, he loves the call to prayer and doesn't find it aggressive at all. Dawkshit is just a victim of literal hollywood propaganda. Pretty much every movie set in the middle east made in the last 30 years has a shot where they zoom into a chaotic city with a brown tint as the call to prayer blares in the background and the american hero is looking for some dangerous terrorist lurking in the shadows. The drum beat accelerates along with the call as the camera shots change faster and faster as the hero searches the market full of people for the bald guy with a beard until the music stops and there's a big explosion or gun fight!!!!
Fucking retard

>> No.17941120

How could such a brilliant man get so damn filtered by such basic philosophy?

>> No.17941135

I thought that's what the call to prayer was for??

>> No.17941144


>> No.17941145

Maybe the people who created the organ and classical music have different sensibilities? Just a guess....

Because when I hear authentic Mongolian throat singing, African hymns or the Peruvian flute I think this is also nice.

I hear Muslim prayer and it unnerves me, its truly sick and satanic. Islam bans other kinds of music and statues because they lack artistic sensibility and therefor islam is areligious.

>> No.17941146

>brilliant man
Selfish gene is garbage

>> No.17941157

He's still a good scientist in the field of zoology. He certainly isn't a low IQ person. He can engage in his field well, but philosophy is too big a hurdle for him.

>> No.17941169

>different sensibilities
Its not about "different sensibilities", its the notion that it's "aggressive". Go back 50 years and im sure literally no westerner thought that. Go back 150 years and westerners had a completely opposite opinion concerning it
>I hear Muslim prayer and it unnerves me, its truly sick and satanic
Propaganda brain, victims of it are rarely aware and always think they are the exception
>Islam bans other kinds of music and statues because they lack artistic sensibility
You're such a fucking retard its astounding. You don't need to have an opinion on something you know nothing about. As somebody from the Arab world whenever I hear this I just laugh, astounding how delusional people are about the "other". Just finished listening to a song by a egyptian artists singing about how he wants a girl to blow through his mouth like smoke from an hookah lmfao

>> No.17941176

Yeah but you guys make really great sympathetic antagonists

>> No.17941179

That's funny and oh so wrong.

>> No.17941182

>I hear Muslim prayer and it unnerves me, its truly sick and satanic.
That's a bit extreme desu. Are you sure it's not just the Arabic language? That language can sound a bit strange sometimes.

>> No.17941187

I know they can be pretty compelling. My favorite is the sophisticated arab man thats GASP smart and helps the american hero along his journey through the "dangerous and unpredictable land" until they have to torture and kill somebody and the arab says "this is how it works here, your naive morals do not work the middles easssttt" with a sly smile and the american hero realizes he can only trust himself and to believe in the greater good or whatever
I know how Russians feel in the cold war

>> No.17941188

I hear Muslim prayer and wanna fuck bitches and get money. What r u listenin too???

>> No.17941191

Damn outstanding argument, thanks bro. Changed my entire understanding

>> No.17941192

Kino. You should write screenplays

>> No.17941194

You have literally no clue about the 1000+ years of Sufi music tradition. There is Iranian classical music, South Asian classical music etc.
You are just dumb westerner fag. I like Muslim call to prayer at the dawn. This doesn't mean that everything else is inferior. I live in Muslim country but I listen to Eastern Orthodox chants almost every week. "Satanic" is just in your head.

>> No.17941195

>I know how Russians feel in the cold war


>> No.17941196

>muslims have no music
How can somebody in 2021, literally two clicks away from tens of millions of examples of why this is wrong, still hold this belief?
Internet revealed that humans will always be stupid monkeys. No amount of free, instant information will change that

>> No.17941205

> "Satanic" is just in your head.
Thats a secular viewpoint.

>> No.17941210

Few points.

1. The further back in time you go, the more Europeans have this feeling of being exceptional and unique. Which we are.

2. I dislike blacks but like Miles Davis. So clearly dislike for a people is not a reason for me to instantly hate music.

3. You also offer no proof. You just claim that the fact I find Islamic prayer unnerving is propaganda, but you dont back it up.

4. Islam is not Middle Eastern culture, Islam bans all music that isnt prayer, that most local muslims dont follow this rule is another thing.

5. Btw never claimed I find Iranian folk music unnerving. Still the music of the middle east is not as grandiose as that of the West. That Egyptian singer would be from the Western point of view, just a popular singer.

6. So the main problem is, you see the world from the ground up while we Western people soar through the sky.

>> No.17941214

Body of Lies lol

>> No.17941217

Nope, it sounds just weird and satanic.

>I hear Muslim prayer and wanna fuck bitches and get money. What r u listenin too???
So its sociopathic

>> No.17941218

Jesus Christ polfags are truly retarded

>> No.17941224

>this whole post
BRO Ahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahahaahahahahaahahahahah
You guys are like bots at this point. A idiot hammer and everything looks like nails

>> No.17941225

You confuse Islam with culture, its not the same.

Islam only allows prayer as a form of music and bans everything else.

Again, you confuse Islam with native cultures.

>> No.17941228

No arguments.

>> No.17941230

Everything is filtered through a braindead culture war though system with only three inputs and 4 outputs for these fags. And when they bring out extremely retarded posts like this they DEMAND you engage them on it, like dogshit on the sidewalk screaming to be argued against instead of just stepped over with a pinched nose or thrown in the trash

>> No.17941237

LMFAO you stupid poltrash faggot, you are so oblivious its astounding. For years every single board on this site has been infected with the same type of faggot. Newfag retard hears about le 4chan after reading youtube comments on reddit human centipede subreddits eating whatever comes out of pol at the fifth asshole. They show up at the shithole board, learn all the lingo and all the same extremely shallow and retarded thought system procedures, rhetoric, memes, and worldview.
They then are sent out infesting everything else, spreading their garbage. Every single person who has spent more than a couple years on this site has encountered the exact same copy of you, with the exact same "argument" a billion times. They have engaged it a billion times. To you being a retarded newfaggot you think this shit as some radical new world where the eyes are open!! You go out thinking you are unique!!!
You're not. Nobody wants to engage in poltrash migrant #284739294729 anymore. You're like cockroaches, you deserve only extermination quickly before you set up a hive and breed more.
Maybe I'm getting too old for this shithole. Seems like a huge portion of this site are 18 year olds who

>> No.17941244

You cant engage with me because you know I am right. I made a sensible point with plenty of good arguments, I literally mentioned I like Miles Davis, yeah what polfag would, but you people wont engage me because I am right.

>> No.17941250

Try to engage in some kind of argument

>> No.17941253

Dogshit deserves to be only thrown in the trash. What an embarrassing post. You should expect only ridicule
>obvious idiot bullshitting about something he knows nothing about actually has an opinion

>> No.17941254
File: 462 KB, 828x581, 9ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LMFAO you stupid poltrash faggot, you are so oblivious its astounding. For years every single board on this site has been infected with the same type of faggot. Newfag retard hears about le 4chan after reading youtube comments on reddit human centipede subreddits eating whatever comes out of pol at the fifth asshole. They show up at the shithole board, learn all the lingo and all the same extremely shallow and retarded thought system procedures, rhetoric, memes, and worldview.
>They then are sent out infesting everything else, spreading their garbage. Every single person who has spent more than a couple years on this site has encountered the exact same copy of you, with the exact same "argument" a billion times. They have engaged it a billion times. To you being a retarded newfaggot you think this shit as some radical new world where the eyes are open!! You go out thinking you are unique!!!
>You're not. Nobody wants to engage in poltrash migrant #284739294729 anymore. You're like cockroaches, you deserve only extermination quickly before you set up a hive and breed more.
>Maybe I'm getting too old for this shithole. Seems like a huge portion of this site are 18 year olds who

>> No.17941256

If I am dogshit then arque against me. If you dont you only prove me right.

>> No.17941261

Abrahamic religions literally praise same God. I don't know how the call to praise same God is satanic.

>Islam only allows prayer as a form of music and bans everything else.
This is one interpretation you fucking retard. Islam is a very diverse religion with many different interpretations. And literally everywhere culture and religion go hand in hand. I could say that it's not the western cultural who produced great art but a religion from middle east is possible for this. But this would be a shitty thing to say.

>> No.17941262

Zero self awareness this>>17941237 poster is 100% correct. Fuck off back to your hole. Nobody is going to waste their time "arguing" some inane low effort poltrash migrant identical to the million others who pass through this board

>> No.17941267

Lol seething muslim above exposed you and you are so stupid you can only prove his assessment correct. Keep digging the hole

>> No.17941271

>Abrahamic religions literally praise same God.
Thats murky territory. Islam explcitly rejects the trinity and the divinity of Christ. Thats enough for a Christian to say muslims dont have the same God

>> No.17941278

>Islam is a very diverse religion
Allmost all muslims belong too three main sects, with the third itself being very minor. Sufism is literally a small minority group, similar to masonry, its not mainstream Islam. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

>> No.17941280

>Abrahamic religions literally praise same God. I don't know how the call to praise same God is satanic.
A big part is the whole "Jesus is not the son of God and got tractor beamed him off the cross" bullshit. Also Muhammad being a literal pedophile warlord makes him seem satanic.

>> No.17941282

They are pointing towards one. Just a different interpretation.

>> No.17941283 [DELETED] 

"fuck off retard"

>> No.17941285

Again offer me arguments.

How did he expose me, please point it out.

>> No.17941290 [DELETED] 

"fuck off retard"

>> No.17941294

Why not engage with a solid argument? Seriously try to arque that all Chinese people dont eat dog.

You cant because you dont like to bother learning.

>> No.17941295

Doesnt matter. Christianity demands exclusivity. If you dont accept Jesus as your God then your God is not the same as a Christian's

>> No.17941297 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941300

Again why not arque. You are just making excuses not to learn something.

>> No.17941301

>Ah yes a fucking Westerner who have never visited a Muslim country is telling a resident of Muslim country that he is lying
Kek, nice bait.

>> No.17941302

Muslims do not worship the same God as the Christians, they don't even worship the same god as the Jews. How can they worship the God of Abraham?

>> No.17941303 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941305 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941307

Again not an argument.

>> No.17941308 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941309

>promoting common sense
This guy is more pleb than Christians.

>> No.17941310 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17941312 [DELETED] 

"fuck off retard"

>> No.17941318 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941322

Do the irish next

>> No.17941327

The Muslim everybody!!! Kek

>> No.17941328 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941332

No do the Dutch lol!

>> No.17941334 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941338 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941340 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941341

Is it true that the dutch smell like cabbage?

>> No.17941345 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941349 [DELETED] 

"Fuck off retard"

>> No.17941353

No brussel sprouts

>> No.17941357

He embarrassed you

>> No.17941373

He's embarrassing himself with this spergout.

>> No.17941388

No he's not. You're a stupid idiot, its on point what he's making fun of you for. Go back to your containment board with the other cringe retards jacking themselves off to ever bigger garbage

>> No.17941390

Still not an argument.

>> No.17941393

Dude he literally spammed half the thread with nonsense. Stop making excuses for bad behaviour.

>> No.17941406

Still no self awareness. I see you didn't deny your origins. Acceptance is the first step
Stop being self hating. Your above post on Islam was laughably bad and what made it even worse was the expectation that you'll get anything in response except ridicule

>> No.17941409

What country if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.17941419

Because it has no musical purpose. It simply a call to prayer. Now of course If the caller has voice as hoarse as a goblin then you'll feel ill.

>> No.17941422

Not an argument.

>> No.17941426

It is musical, just highly unpleasant.

>> No.17941439
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>> No.17941444
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>filtered by fucking /v/

>> No.17941446

You really expect a counter argument. Sorry fren but people believe what they want to believe. No need for proof. The existence of Allah is proof enough for me.

>> No.17941462

>thread is about the validity of a religion on a theological ground
>everything is filtered through a poltrash culture war meme garbage
Grim. Almost impossible to escape from polfag migrants on this site now. The infestation has run to deep
The worst part is that the "zany stupid caricature" IS LITERALLY YOU TO THE WORD, holy shit. You're a meme

>> No.17941465

>he does make Christcels seethe to no end

>> No.17941466

Still not arguments.

>> No.17941474

Again give me arguments. What is wrong with whatcI said. You dont want to engage because you know I will change you mind.

>> No.17941478

>hes so retarded he didn't even notice that he's replying to another retarded poltrash faggot
poe's law

>> No.17941479

Learn English, Muhammad. It's making fun of the comic you posted.

>> No.17941482

Your lack of self awareness is truly something commendable, not going to lie
Rarely see it this strong outside of dogs and children

>> No.17941486

>polfag is this braindead
It doesn't work because the caricature is not an exaggeration of reality, it is literally you exactly you stupid faggot just put into comic form.

>> No.17941487

Thata not an argument. I dont view myself as pol and neither would that mean I couldnt debate with onec if i did.

>> No.17941493

Not an argument. What did I say that was wrong.

>> No.17941502
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use /pol/. If you can't even understand something /v/ came up with there's no hope for you to come up with a coherent point.

>> No.17941506
File: 105 KB, 643x914, 1609692370325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No arguments.
>Again offer me arguments.
>Again not an argument.
>Still not an argument.
>Not an argument.
>Still not arguments.
>Again give me arguments.
>Thata not an argument.
>Not an argument.

>> No.17941515

Yes mate, an argument. I will keep asking for an argument because its the only thing that will make you think.

>> No.17941516
File: 66 KB, 500x410, Horse men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17941517

I'm not him, this was my first post in the thread. I just thought I had a very accurate image to frame your attention begging with.

>> No.17941518

>can't even understand something /v/ came up wit
Everybody understands it faggot, it doesn't work because the caricature originally posted is not an exaggeration, its an exact depiction of reality
>I don't use /pol/.
Lmfao sure. Now go back

>> No.17941521
File: 101 KB, 1024x747, Horsemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17941524

Look, what did I say that was wrong?

>> No.17941533

These: >>17941506. You're desperate for attention to the point where even after I told you I have no relationship to your discussion, you use your attention begging on me, too.

>> No.17941535

>a depiction of reality
I'm not the one frothing over le /pol/ boogeyman. The boards I use are /lit/, /out/, and /tv/. Hopefully the next call to prayer calms your inbred muslim brain down.

>> No.17941543

athiests explain???

>> No.17941572

You are projecting. Give an argument.

>> No.17941585
File: 13 KB, 200x200, pseud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>You're desperate for attention to the point where even after I told you I have no relationship to your discussion, you use your attention begging on me, too.
>Nah... [keeps begging for attention]

>> No.17941594

Ok I'll bite you relentless faggot.

Islam is right and always will be.

The reason is because Allah is the mightiest of all. Every faggy argument you make can be dispelled by a single swing of my sword. Every retarded theory or assumption you make will be dispelled by the light of Allah.

We as Muslims are peaceful but faggots like you hide on shit website and participate in shit flinging contest. Your character is so weak you can't even face us to argue you cower and hide and attack from the shadows.

All you degenerates have managed to produce is I'll women and misguided children. You murder children by the thousands and offer refuge to fags while mocking every creation of Allah. Your society is degenerate and withering and yet you arrive on a Philippine flute making forum to complain about people who have no bearing on your life.

Allah is the mightiest and if you disagree, then have the courage to disagree to our face.

>> No.17941617

>Allah is the mightiest and if you disagree, then have the courage to disagree to our face.
Agreed, brother. Let's just work on you not trying to reach Allah through a barbaric caveman politicised ideology that is Islam, and we're all set.

>> No.17941643

>Deal harshly with enemies and softly with friends.

If you don't agree to this you're and idiot.

>> No.17941657

Call to based

>> No.17941664

>> [ a thing every single actual idiot on the planet belives ]
> Not believing this makes you an idiot

>> No.17941689

Ways of the matter are a mystery to us mortals.

>> No.17941710

You're in a death-cult, you're no different than bolshevik faggots or skinheads.
If Muslims are "peaceful" there would have been no need to go around and slaughter niggers all over the place for making fun of Mohammad's retarded ideas.

>> No.17941755

Yap yap yap. All you do is cry. If your God is so great why doesn't he save you. Die like you people always have.

>> No.17941767

Hell is forever nigger faggot.

>> No.17941769

Herein lies the fundamental difference between us. I will not show my enemies any mercy. Meanwhile you're free to kiss whatever ass you like

>> No.17941773

And that's why I ask you to repent and return to Allah

>> No.17941800


>> No.17941820
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What is Dawkins stance on transgenderism and that 'gender/sex is a spectrum'? Also, how does he feel about the existence of Israel? Does he support BLM and cancel culture?

>> No.17941823

I'm glad you're proud of your simpleton take, especially given that it supports my accusations against your barbaric caveman religion.

>> No.17941875

muslim who appreciates hicaz melodies with microtonality here. there are mosques fucking everywhere and they blare the ezan really loudly and it lasts forever. its annoying and definitely brings my mood down just like any other music that has minor inclinations. but sometimes ill be playing my guitar in just the relative major key of the ezan and itll be a nice happy duet

>> No.17941937

Lmao sure enjoy your moral superiority.

>> No.17941956

You are not a victim, you are the agressor. Every evil person pretends he is a victim, is the trade mark of all evil people. In truth both the Americans and the Iranians, for example where completely capable of being savage. You will never accept your own guilt, because you are evil.

>> No.17941970

I've been to Jordan and the constant calls were absolutely grating. Atleast Sunday is supposed to be a quiet day for christians

>> No.17941988

but there are Christians who dont believe in the trinity

>> No.17942110

This guy is facsinating, I've seen him on /tv/, he uses 'poltrash' a lot (nobody else does that) and is extremely incendiary and 24/7 seething. Make a thread in /tv/ mentioning jews and he comes out and posts a few dozen paragraphs, he must moniter and spend a lot of his day here. Whatever you think of /pol/tards, this guy is hilarious.

>> No.17942233

Again you say we are evil and attack us yet what have we done to you? Muslims have always tried to exist peacefully and have been attacked needlessly. We protect ourselves and there is no shame in that.

>> No.17942825

>Muhammad went around peacefully stealing things, subjugating and killing people in cold blood
>So did the Umayyads
>So did the Turks
>Totally peaceful guis

>> No.17942855

Literal devil language but okay

>> No.17942861

>I hear Muslim prayer and it unnerves me, its truly sick and satanic. Islam bans other kinds of music and statues because they lack artistic sensibility and therefor islam is areligious.
Absolutely based

>> No.17942903

So in other words the gods were killed by the Bible, got it. From St Patrick to St Boniface, christians aren't missing of examples where their wisdom and actions easily disproved that those puny gods were nothing, that's why people converted to the one true God.

>> No.17942914

>Muslims have always tried to exist peacefully and have been attacked needlessly

You almost had me.

>> No.17942939

Hey bugs.... Easy on the nifaq

>> No.17942976

>Again you say we are evil and attack us yet what have we done to you?
Dam you are a big liar, yeah a thousand years of occupying Spain, the Balkans and occasionally parts of Italy sure is peaceful, so where the constant attacks by pirats and the large sprawling ghetos in Europe that are crime havens.

I keep saying it, only criminals and sociopaths play the victim.

>> No.17942989

>You almost had me.
He is death honest, evil will claim to be peaceful and that they are victims. Dont fall for it!

>> No.17943011

Because he lacks intuition and thus cannot ever understand philosophy. High IQ alone will mean that you are just a glorified human calculator. High Intuition without intelligence will lead to shit such as astrology. A mix of both is needed to actualy understand philosophy and explains why so many STEMlords get filtered by even the most basic philosophical idea.

>> No.17943021


>> No.17943034

Your religion is defined by war and violence retard

>> No.17943056

You're both trash and are considered as going to hell by the main religion you plagiarized.
Gothic architecture is cool though, but it shouldn't be a Cross in there.
Both Muslims and Christians should be forced to abandon their filth or die.

>> No.17943079

Did your parents force you to go to Church again?

>> No.17943090

Hi Schlomo.

>> No.17943135

You are all different flavors of Jews and going to hell.
No, I just know history, and I am not going to abandon ancient enmities. The West only became Christian in order to try to defeat the spiritually superior Sassanids. Constantine had his "revelation" of Christ during war with Sassanids. It was obviously fabricated and done because he wanted to use filthy Nestorians as fifth column against the spiritually superior Sassanian mobed.
At this point, I would support cleansing of all those who refuse to abandon Abrahamism. History was supposed to work out differently. You were supposed to be Zoroastrian. In fact, Zoroaster was a white man too and the first people he tried to convert were Scythians.
I haven't forgotten Heraclitus' betrayal. I know the Catholics are hiding certain things. The reality is Islam was most likely a creation of Catholics to weaponize against the spiritually superior Sassanids. Think about this deeply. How can illiterate Bedouin savages create anything? They can't, they were being weaponized by Byzantines. A lot of evidence points to this such as how Heraclitus promised to send troops at the Battle of al-Qadisiyyah, but he never did. Most of the history surrounding the Sassanid-Byzantine-Rashidun wars is fake, and you'll figure it out if you ask more people. There are descendants of Sassanid mobeds who have different stories, one of which was ostracized for secretly siding with the Rashidun.

tl;dr: Romans had to sacrifice their whole culture to take down the spiritually superior Sassanids, and the Byzantines went as far as making secret temporary alliances.

>> No.17943151

Holy based

>> No.17943155

Also, a key point, Constantine was the first to refer to "oppressed minorities" as pretext for intervention.
When Romans became Christian, they lost all cultural continuity to their pre-Abrahamic tradition. Not even non-Christian minorities survived.

>> No.17943160

It's not cultural upbringing, it's genetics, plain and simple.

>> No.17943171

Meds. Now.

>> No.17943178
File: 20 KB, 387x368, 8h3k6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I was laughing and now I'm a little sad.

>> No.17943197


Read about the Sassanid-Byzantine-Rashidun wars more critically. This is the MOST important event out of all of West Eurasian history, and after it, our collective identities were all changed. There were secret alliances, clandestine plots, and more. Ask yourself why primary education in USA barely touches it too.

>> No.17943205

Moomins would not support worshiping a filthy Jew or Bedouin. Also, the Moomins would be suspicious why such a thing would grow in the first place

>> No.17943237

Redpill me further pls!

>> No.17943261
File: 727 KB, 1200x630, Easter_Moomin_Tove-Jansson_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moomins celebrate Easter, why don't Americans?

>> No.17943279


>> No.17943282

Nice copypasta

>> No.17943285

I'm tired of retards saying that Constantine's conversion was insincere when they have no evidence for that.

>> No.17943294

based, none of my christian relatives complained about the call to prayer when I visited them in Jordon.

>> No.17943329

He converted during the middle of a very intense war against the spiritually superior Sassanids. Of course it was insincere. Also, he was the first one to refer to "oppressed minorities" in Sassanian empire as pretext for intervention.
Take a step back and stop intoxicating yourself over an irrelevant Jew. He was just a dirty, megalomaniac man that was arbitrarily picked to worship. Unlike Zoroaster, he had no integrity.

>> No.17943355

>My evidence: UHhhhhh

>> No.17943357

Misquoting someone is really dumb when the post is right there.
>Islam bans other kinds of music
This clearly implies there is a kind of music not banned by Islam and also that Muslims can practice music despite it being against the text of the religion. Even if music is common, the fact that there is this ambiguity in the religion will stunt development and leave it greatly inferior to that of pretty much every other nation. Is there a single Arab musician that compares to Wagner, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, or Vivaldi?

I've noticed in this thread that the Muslims go straight to insults and refuse to engage with the arguments seriously. This really contrasts with the others in this thread. Why is that?

>> No.17943362

Just remove that dirty Jew and most of the holidays would be fine. Jesus represents guilt, schizophrenia, impurities, and more. Zoroaster would like this image, but Jesus would dislike it for "revering worldly things".

>> No.17943364


>> No.17943381

Learn to read, you stupid Christcuck piece of shit. You are no different than illiterate Mudslimes.
Most Christcucks I talk to no absolutely nothing about Sassanids, but even during Constantine's conversion, there were intense wars with them. This is easily discovered by reading a basic history book or looking at encyclopedias.
Abrahamism grew purely to spite the spiritually superior Sassanids. That is the crux of my argument.

>> No.17943400
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yeah all those poor muslims being a victim because they kill people in terrorist attacks

>> No.17943413


>> No.17943418

The same Sassanids who got assraped by Mongols were such a huuuuge spiritual threat to Rome
Fuck off dude.

>> No.17943430

Mongols came way after Sassanids, you historically illiterate dumbass.

>> No.17943460
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>> No.17943475

If the Achaemenids had made the right choice and ethnically cleansed the Jews rather than making the mistake of freeing them from Babylonian captivity, then none of your trash traditions would exist. In fact, the Jews under the Achaemenids were such ignoble pieces of shit that they tried to win favor from Achaemenid Shahs by ripping off and corrupting their superior traditions. Read Anders Hultgård. All of Abrahamism was born from the envy of Jews and Semites to their Aryan superiors, and in fact, all West Eurasians fell for their tricks and now ultimately worship their druj.

>> No.17943476
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>> No.17943486
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hehehe im doooomping

>> No.17943487

The Jews should have been ethnically cleansed by the time of the Achaemenids. All of history exists in error as such. It is a mistake that such a vile peoples were allowed to live and their myths and traditions to proliferate.

>> No.17943499
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>> No.17943583


>> No.17943587

Not him but I'll have a go.

>Go back 150 years and westerners had a completely opposite opinion concerning it
Dante's Divine Comedy, 1320, shows Mohamed and Ali in Hell.
Mahomet, a play by Voltaire written in 1741 portrays Mahomed in a very unpleasant light and ends with "Allah" being renounced.
If you go further a little bit to the British, the British took great care in studying Oriental cultures and saw them as funny little curiosities. Islamic civilization was viewed as infantile and undeveloped, inferior to the Western civilization, but also interesting from a pagan and aesthetic point of view. This view really hasn't changed, even to the modern day. It's also fairly obviously true.
>Just finished listening to a song by a egyptian artists singing about how he wants a girl to blow through his mouth like smoke from an hookah lmfao
If this is how you wish to represent Islamic music, it either isn't very good or you are in no position to talk about quality.

>> No.17943638

The reality is Jewsus, M*hammad, Al*, and so forth are all in Ahriman's House of Lies. You will join them in due time.

>> No.17944490

Name 3 movies with this trope

>> No.17945026

You need some to contact a therapist my friend