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17941671 No.17941671[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Nothing worse and more cucked on the planet than fiction readers.
/sci/ is laughing at us again

>> No.17941672

STEMfags hate their lives

>> No.17941673

I could never get into it. I read alot of classics. It's just there's a limitless supply of fiction. Whereas I only need a few key nonfiction books to fix myself.

>> No.17941675

Nooo, the excel pajeet bugmen!

>> No.17941759

>hates fiction
>Watches movies

>> No.17941840

I knew a STEM supremacist type guy in college whose gf fucked a black guy while they were dating and he jumped off the roof of the dorms to kill himself

>> No.17941864


>> No.17941871

based black guy doing gods work

>> No.17941884

this seems largely true. they always seem optimistic going into it because of the salaries but then they get burnt out and depressed really quick by it. happened to my best friends and a lot of the guys i know

>> No.17941964

Being a STEMfag and also a materialist must be depressing as shit, because they delve deeply into scientific subjects and understand it well enough to eventually face the fact that none of it has any valuable insight to offer on the grand questions of life and its purpose.
At least the reddit/twitter-tier bugmen manage to maintain a detached 'faith' in science, hoping that one day it'll solve the metaphysical questions they might have and try to suppress.

>> No.17941971
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I don't read fiction though unless it's myths and parables etc.

>> No.17942223

no more than anyone else

>> No.17942247

fiction is the only thing worth reading, if I wanted to know things about the real world I would simply look at it

>> No.17942260

As they shoudl

>> No.17942578

Nice alliteration

>> No.17942599

What happened to the gf then?

>> No.17942600

I fucking hate your cat cult. It's fucking retarded

>> No.17942613

jejejeje ma sides

>> No.17943088

I have a friend who likes those dumb cat reaction pictures and I send them to him on occasion. Not that fond of them myself but when I'm shitposting or responding to shitposting I typically just choose a picture at random.

>> No.17943405

aesthetic pursuits are the only thing thats of any value

>> No.17943436

Yes watching Star Wars is certainly superior.

>> No.17943452

Based BBC owner

>> No.17943552

Why do people who enjoy anime say bad things about people who enjoy fiction books?

>> No.17943882
File: 57 KB, 680x591, 558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you read a non-fiction book you're just given a ton of information written by someone else to fill your head with.

When you read fiction, the author presents a situation with philosophical implications and leaves it to the reader to decide for themselves how to approach and solve the questions presented.

Who's the real cuck here?

>> No.17944078

how do you make sure it's actually a random choice? don't you end up scrolling through the folder in the same manner, looking in the same corners?

>> No.17944086

Americans are pathetic cuck holds

>> No.17944089

they're right

>> No.17944092

I was a STEM supremacist and I stole a black guys English major gf and fucked her with my big white cock.
COPE more, bl*ckcel.

>> No.17944155

That's extremely sad

>> No.17944164

/sci/ is too busy scratching their insane schizobabble into the walls of the mental ward to care
t. /sci/ tourist

>> No.17944321

>killing yourself over women
Why do men do this? I am guilty of feeling shit about myself because of women's opinions, but why is it a trauma to men in general? We need to break free from letting shitty women like that control our self esteem, but its hard to forge a relationship with a woman without being able to trust her.

>> No.17944341

Whats wrong with capeshit?
T. /sci/fag

>> No.17944375

>fix myself
Lol good luck bud

>> No.17944399

The first failed romance, assuming you were genuinely in love with the person, is a major trauma for most people - both men and women, although men are more likely to do something drastic because of testosterone. It’s often a more painful experience than the death of a parent. Now imagine getting played by a niggerfucking hoe as your first romance, I don’t blame the guy kysing himself.

>> No.17944410

I'm tired of this "testosterone makes you retarded" meme

>> No.17944447

It does encourage more risk-taking behavior, that’s a fact. Under the circumstances of major trauma, suicide may appear as such solution. Women on the other hand are more likely to start whoring around and fuck all their male friends after failed relationship, which is equally retarded in my opinion.

>> No.17944453

That's because those faggots have no imagination

>> No.17944468

Oh. Guess Tyrone can stay then :3

>> No.17944701

Oh oh oh seethe and cope

>> No.17944809

I just have a big reaction folder with all kinds of stuff, I just scroll and pick things without thinking much about it, so I suppose it's less random and more subconscious. Still, I have a distaste for those cats too, along with other things like it (anime faces etc) since I don't find them cute, just dumb.