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File: 1.11 MB, 900x1167, nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17939762 No.17939762 [Reply] [Original]

what would Nietzsche think of our modern times? and don't just give the knee-jerk "he'd hate it". really think about it.

>> No.17939768



>> No.17939808

He would love Frank Yang

>> No.17939821

I was thinking today while reading the gay science that, if nietzsche could have held on to his sanity and life for a little while longer, he would have really appreciated the work of Albert Einstein. The fact that his findings were so outlandish but have been proven again and again to be true would have really made nietzsche reflect on his position on truth in the sciences.

>> No.17939861

he'd hate it

>> No.17939871

He would see me taming a lesbian -- an established one -- with my cock, and exclaim 'Ubermensch!'.


>> No.17939884

and then everyone would clap

>> No.17939904

its andrew yang

>> No.17939913


>> No.17939941

He was right about a lot of things. Russia and US being important in the 20th century for example.

>> No.17939942


>> No.17939968

he'd make a sick ass gaming pc and use it for netflix and microsoft xl

>> No.17939976

Anyone could see that. hes not exactly a messiah in that sense, most everyone knew it from shear geopolitics,

>> No.17939982


Nietzsche lives only in atheism and is the achievement of the secular humanism which booted Christianity out of power. Nietzsche is overtly anti-christian, and it permits to all the atheist bug men to actually see themselves as the righteous resilient guy who create his own values
In effect trannies are the best ubermen ever: they ate to see themselves as they really are, so they change both their neurotic spirit and also their body to match the narrative of the ubermen and even better, they impose their values to non-trannies.

The overman is actually the last man: the overman despises so much reality after seeing nihilism, that out of resentment for reality, the uberman CHOSE to sink further in his delusion by building a narrative where is not the last man, but actually the opposite: the uberman who create his own values, ie living in own brain farts until he dies.

>> No.17939986

He would be investing in meme crypto

>> No.17940098

i'm already clapping for him

>> No.17940128

He'd hate how Christians try to call him a secret christian.

>> No.17940311


>> No.17940519

It would just reinforce his worldview even further I'd imagine.

>> No.17940578

Interestingly enough his views would be similar IF he didn't reorganize his thought with the knowledge of what happened from 1910-1945. Assuming he was aware of this history he might reevaluate his criticism of Christianity and see the futility of a widespread uberman.

>> No.17941242
File: 29 KB, 296x276, alpha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the "Last Men", literally. Everything points to it. Ever listened to people bitching how they can't party and go to holidays due to Covid ? What kind of worth do these people have to the species ?

>> No.17941764

He'd be working with AI scientists to create the Ubermensch. He'd then laugh as his terminators exterminated the human race.

>> No.17941874

>All those faggots who laughed at me are lying forgotten in the dust, yet lit rates me more highly than Plato
>I fuckin TOLD you I was a genius

>> No.17942043

>implying these aren't the Übermenschen
Keep being holed in your little den obeying daddy state while these people embrace life to the fullest.

>> No.17942064

We are literally the Last Men so I don’t think he would be surprised considering all of his predictions have been vindicated

>> No.17942090

can’t believe you somehow manage to say this exact same thing on every single thread “uuhhh Nietzsche was an SJW and created postmodernism” or some stupid bullshit. You do realize that progressives are quite literally the most slavish, pathetic and weak people ever, right? Progressivism is legit just Slave Morality: The Ideology. They don’t fucking create any new values or ethics, they’re self-hating narcissists who pressure their masters to confirm their weaknesses and oppressions typically centered on fake, homogenized identity categories. There has never been a more herd-like people than the average western bugmen

>> No.17942251
File: 58 KB, 986x555, BeholdTheOverman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure.

>> No.17942293
File: 20 KB, 560x407, 1351038190187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems like he is having a good time and is doing fine. Step out of your comfort zone and stop being a slave, Anon.

>> No.17942347
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1848, 707C57B6-59BE-482B-8CCD-E86B3094C768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jorjani sketches this out. In the absence of normal animal-like selection pressures and lifepaths corresponding to them, this cascade toward the singularity abyss with technology, and its ‘Great Resets’, combined with the possibility of breakaway civilization managing technological development into a controlled demolition into a Georgia Guidestones feudalism in a permanent Atlantan overlordship above the stupefied remnant — all this approximates both the incipient Age of the Last Man, and the “hothouse conditions for exotic types to arise”, like the Overman. Dionysus returns from conquering the East, reborn, riding a tiger after all—

It is the best of times, and it is the worst of time . . .

>> No.17942474

>albert kikestein
You mean blatant kike style plagiarism? Don't think Nietzsche would've liked that

>> No.17943123

schizo tier babble

>> No.17943189
File: 11 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he'd see it as a time of decadence/nihilism as well as great opportunity

take the rapture-pill and become the rhetoric-driven overman:

>> No.17943191

>Overman is a dude doing fine and having a good time
Gee-jolly-wiz, wish big N. would have been clearer and not spent several hundred pages stating the exact opposite

>> No.17943284

>implying he is not practising amor fati

>> No.17943619

>Doing fine
Mildly enjoying your bread and circus is not exactly the romantic ideal. Besides, Neetz hated al-cohol especially in boorish slouches.

>> No.17943673

He would move to Vermont and write about how the Americans have the saved the world by spreading hyper-individualist values everywhere. He'd support Bernie, smoke weed, and have casual sex with collage girls

>> No.17944465
File: 231 KB, 638x516, 1617464758566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worth for the species
>muh humanity
>muh contributions
what spooky things to think about