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17937512 No.17937512 [Reply] [Original]

Why do new books look so weird and distasteful compared to old ones. Just look at those books in the picture, they are from Everyman's. Where would one find books in this old fashioned style today?

>> No.17937531


>> No.17937539

>Modern Library
>Everyman's Library
>Library of America

>> No.17937551


>> No.17937555

>why do new books look bad
>why can't they look like these new books

>> No.17937579

Why would you care about how books look like and what style they are. If you want to have a nice looking shelf, sure buy in bulk some nice collection like Everyman's or any other hardcover classics collection and never read them. I doubt that you'll read them soo much that you'd need the durability of a hardback. I personally only have paperbacks but I take good care of them while reading and never had problems.

>> No.17937616

> only have paperbacks
How can you even show your face in this thread. Get out of here.

A book is a temple to knowledge and an object you bond with. My books have my memories bound to them. I remember reading them. Holding them on a cold winter night or during a day out at the beach. My life is bound to these pearls of the human soul. I want them to be beautiful...gorgeous...befitting their nature and station in my life.

>> No.17937631

only the words on the page matter. faggot

>> No.17937645

Well asthetics is another argument, surely I would not judge a book by it's cover. But nonetheless I would want my books to look good on the shelves. It was merely an observation of mine (or my opinion) that nowadays books tend to look more like rainbows, have weird pictures on them and are not rigid or sturdy like the vintage ones.

With "New" I meant the style, not the date when they were created. I am refering to the vintage style of the "old" ones.

>> No.17937651

>With "New" I meant the style, not the date when they were created. I am refering to the vintage style of the "old" ones.
what do you mean by old? because paperbacks arent a new invention and they always had stupid garish covers.
you mean 19th century leatherbound looking shit?
also for the record, virtually every fucking hardcover looks like your pic related. it's called REMOVING THE DUST JACKET

>> No.17937656

To a troglodyte like you...perhaps, but to we who actually live and experience the world as beings of said world, objects maintain a degree of importance to us...as they rally our thoughts and aid our memories.

>> No.17937661

That's peak consoomer mindset and most books aren't even worth being hardbound. If you're seduced by how it looks and not the contents you're doing it wrong.

That mostly depends on the publisher or collection they're from.

>> No.17937660

i promise you i own more books than you. you're a fucking idiot if you buy a 50 dollar edition of a 10 dollar book.

>> No.17937713

That certainly is not the case. You don't know who you are talking to on here mister. I could be pope Francis for all you know.

>> No.17937721

Hard bound books hold easier in the hand.

>> No.17937723

first of all, you're OP and are asking where to find X book, so i'm already a rung up from you since I knew the answer to your question.

anyway, the second post of the thread + take off dust jackets is the answer you want. otherwise feel free to be a walking temple to consumer capitalism.

>> No.17937756

Hard bounds that have the spine glued directly to the covers are impossible to hold open comfortably. Also why should I pay 30$ for 1 hardbound when I could get multiple good quality paperbacks for that amount.

>> No.17937758

I'm not op. I'm a sympathizer. A member of the hardback gang looking to crack the spines of pussy paperbackers.

>> No.17937776

Because...you have dignity and self respect?

>> No.17937780

i own plenty of hardcovers, but i only do it when its cost effective. library of americas, especially if you can find them at a good price used, are often more cost effective than buying the component paperbacks.
most hardcovers are a scam however, and are bought and sold as fashion statementd, or buy people that were unaware that far cheaper options (such as dovers, wordsworthds, oxfords) were out there. (consider I am only focused on work in English, since there is no translation it will always be the same product)

>> No.17937806

If you had those proprieties you'd stop being obsessed by how pretty books look like a female booktuber.

>> No.17937823

>my tribe is better than your tribe
thanks for sharing your cavepaintings

>> No.17937834
File: 125 KB, 640x427, 1617456788779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true at all with the dust jackets. Also try achieving pic rel with new aged rainbow colored fantasy books. When someone enters your home and sees a wall of dark coloured, vintage books they will safely assume that you are reading timeless classics, so in some sense the outer style of the books mirrors the books content you prefer to read. You might blame me for being decandent, but you have to admit that this looks objectively better than most shelves you will find filled with vibrant paperbacks.

>> No.17937836

Your grammar is atrocious. Thus, your opinion is irrelevant.

>> No.17937857

They are just defending their libraries of worthless paperbacks.

>> No.17937876

I am learning German just to have a shelf of reclams

>> No.17937887

>r/bookshelf mentality
consoomers should get the rope

>> No.17937929

Consumers make books cheaper. They should get a thanks if anything.

There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your book collection. Books are awesome.

You are just mad because you have a pile of moldy paperbacks with bent covers and broken spines. Pathetic.

>> No.17937965

>this obsessed with shallow aesthetics
Shut the fuck up, netbrain. It's your shelf in your house. Why does the hypothetical judgement of hypothetical others concern you so?

>> No.17937980
File: 239 KB, 1080x1080, EPML-modern-leather-1-1200_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not against paperbacks, this was never my intention. Paperbacks are ideal for being carried around. Also as mentioned previously, hard glued hardbacks may have nauseaous cover designs as well. But overall I firmly believe that most hardcovers are better from a design perspective, if you prefer vintage styled books of course.

They said you were OP, and even though this was a fallacy, I secretly wish it was true. Blessed be the hardcover.

>> No.17937991

>book collection
>wooow books are hecking awesome, let me take a pic of my book collection along with my funk pops
i only read on e-readers btw

>> No.17938036

Hail the hardcover!

>> No.17938045

Ereading faggots get the rope on the day.

>> No.17938058

>he thinks people judge him for what he reads
Anon the vast majority of people will see almost all bookshelf the same. The only people who can tell a difference will be fellow readers and even they may not care. I certainly wouldn't care to see a shelf filled with a mixture of various novels with a wide range of quality.

>> No.17938090

>nooooo you can't read moldy paperbacks, you can't read on a e-reader you fag, you can't read pdfs on your laptop you have to buy hardcovers so your shelf looks pretty, buy buy buy
do you have any idea of how stupid you look right now?

>> No.17938111
File: 340 KB, 800x800, Sehr-Dick-Gro-e-A5-Notebook-Vintage-Magie-Zauber-Europ-ischen-Traditionellen-Klassische-Tagebuch-Planer-Hardcover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, altough home aesthetics like this can be effectively achieved with vintage styled books and might play a role here too, independent from the judgment of others. What people don't seem to understand is that there is a different value to hardbacks. No, I am not wasting money on a product that I could get cheaper in a simpler format. Like it or not, paperback is not the same from a stylistic point of view. It's like comparing two cars, sure they might have the same mileage, specifications and number of seats inside, but the outer look might be worth a penny more. If functionality and content was all that mattered, we would all be reading ebooks.

>> No.17938142

Who cares about the cover? I prefer older books when they're translations because modern translations are a jewish psyop. Otherwise it doesn't really matter.

If you're talking about heinous designs on the cover of THE SUBTLE ART OF FUCK FUCK SHITTY POOPY then the reason they look distasteful is to appeal to the bugmen. OOH BRIGHT COLOURS CAPITAL LETTERS A GOO GOO GAAAAAA

materialist swine

>> No.17939717
File: 429 KB, 839x1385, 899d97685ac6167b89861a664427a82a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else love this kind of vibe for a bookcover?

>> No.17939736

A used bookstore? Lol

>> No.17939996

Basiert und gelbgepillt

>try achieving pic rel with new aged rainbow colored fantasy books.
I am honestly shocked that people can be this picky for the sake of "aesthetics" that literally nobody except you will notice, as if good texts all come in ten different editions that you can choose from just so.