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/lit/ - Literature

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17935003 No.17935003 [Reply] [Original]

Augustine or Aquinas?

>> No.17935035

Pythagoras. The original, not the ripoffs

>> No.17935046

You haven't read either of them, neither has anyone on /lit/, so fuck right off, Mister.

>> No.17935052


>> No.17935062

>You haven't read either of them, neither has anyone on /lit/,
If only. The amount of midwittery would decrease significantly. If only /rel/ would be added

>> No.17935067

Augustine rapes and shits on that nigger Aquinas before raping his mom.

>> No.17935070

Why do “Christians” on this site talk like this?

>> No.17935085

Because they’re all massive larpers. None of them actually care about Christ they just use their religious beliefs to justify their political positions.

>> No.17935118

So just like monotheism always has been?

>> No.17936172


>> No.17936183
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Calvin (pbuh)

>> No.17936207
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>> No.17936589

Skip them both and read St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great

>> No.17936979

they are larping. no seriously religious person is posting on this site.

>> No.17936986

Considering Augustine never existed the default is Aquinas.

>> No.17937261


>> No.17938031
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>Considering Augustine never existed

>> No.17938040

whoever the venetian spies are permitting this century

>> No.17938087

The Confessions is one of the greatest books ever written. Invaluable if you are a Christian and/or theologian. Full of practical wisdom and life experience for everyman. A goldmine of philosophical ideas. The entire Western philosophical canon has pillaged the Confessions for many of its idea. The Cogito, the atemporarity of eternity, rudimentary anticipations of relativity and the relation between time and motion, reflections on presentism and the extensionlessness of the present, i.e., durationlessness, anticipations of Heidegger's Seinsfrage, groundwork for Schelling's speculations on the nature of Evil and its relation to Being and the conditions of its possibility. Augustine is astonishing, and the best thing is that you get all of this already in the Confessions, which isn't that long.

>> No.17938127
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Why, Urs von Balthazar of course.

There is literally nothing wrong with posting on 4chan.

>> No.17938184

That’s edgy! I think it’s your bedtime though.

>> No.17938197

Meds, now.

>> No.17938220

Well if you're going to read Aquinas you should probably read also Augustine because Aquinas quotes him constantly.

>> No.17938536
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x3024, 93E8536C-8D85-443A-B1DD-B8488C163C6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confessions was bretty good, I haven’t gotten to City of God or any of Aquinas yet.

>> No.17938564

>sperges out so hard at Pelagius that he start spouting proto calvinist heresies

>> No.17938595

>wanted to use latin translation for the pentateuch instead of the original hebrew
not based. based jerome

>> No.17938788

I got the exactly same copy & have gone through the first 3 books. Would you like to elaborate on the translation, tips for understanding & such?

>> No.17938824

that's based tho

>> No.17939156

Fuck off fideist

>> No.17939173
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Fideists are based bro

>> No.17939279

Lao Tzu. Fuck Christcucks.

>> No.17939531


Augustine is more Plato; Aquinas is more Aristotle.