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/lit/ - Literature

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17934301 No.17934301 [Reply] [Original]

Which uni do you anons go to and what are you currently reading?
University of Cambridge here, at Jesus’ College. Currently reading Dead Souls by Gogol.

>> No.17934321

University of Cambridge too. Reading Creveld's Transformation of War.

>> No.17934337

Are you enjoying that?

>> No.17934355

University of Cambridge. Reading "War in the Age of Intelligent Machines" [Manuel DeLanda]

>> No.17934357

I'm enjoying it less than I thought I would.

>> No.17934386

University of Western Sydney, currently reading fight like a girl by Clementine Ford

>> No.17934436

nice :D
Recently read Creveld along with... I think it was Michael Howard's book... War in Europe? I forget what it was called. And Tonio Andrade's book The Gunpowder Age. All were great.

>> No.17934438
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>at Jesus' College

nice try larper

I'm reading History and Politics at the University of York, going to Durham (St. John's) for my postgraduate next year. Reading a collection of Montaigne's Essays and starting Intruder in the Dust by Faulkner this afternoon.

>> No.17934485

Southern Cross University.
I just finished A Man With Not Talents. About to start Butcher's Crossing

>> No.17934702

University of East Anglia. Currently reading Fichte, German Idealism, and Early Romanticism by Breazeale.

Also, why are we all located around Eastern England?

>> No.17934715
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University of Glasgow, currently reading God, Freedom and Evil by Alvin Plantinga, about to start re-reading Brothers Karamazov next week

>> No.17934748

University of A—.

Reading Prisms by Adorno.

>> No.17934830

Starting English Literature MA at University of Warwick in September. Currently reading Euripides for study purposes and Austerlitz for pleasure.

>> No.17934840

Why so many britbongs in this thread? Are they the only educated people on this board?

University of Toronto, Buddenbrooks

>> No.17934863

Charlemagne college Antwerp (third rate tier). Count of monte christo.

>> No.17934883

Antwerp? If so, gegroet.

>> No.17934915

Is Warwick a good uni? I'm in the US and my college has an opportunity to spend time studying over there

>> No.17934932

Is it true those who go to Durham say Doxbridge instead of Oxbridge?

>> No.17934933

how hard to get in to this u?
how long do you prepared?

>> No.17934939
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That’s not Jesus college

>> No.17934949

It was right at his spot that I learned how bad I was at punting.

>> No.17934954

Wallden, Srinakrarinwirot University.

just intro by Emerson can't tell much.

t. phd student in Physics

>> No.17935001

the truth is no one gives a shit

>> No.17935010

maths+compsci+philosophy (under natural sciences umbrella)
my bedtime reading atm is les fluers du mal, but most of my reading presently is for my course

>> No.17935050

I've yet to study there but I know several people who are on courses at Durham as well as having family who live nearby.

There is a stereotype that Durham students are embittered by not getting into Oxbridge which, like everything, has an element of truth. However, I think recently (in the last 5-10 years perhaps) Durham has had a reputation for intensifying social elitism (both in retaining "traditional British uni culture" and the nastier side, like a competition to have sex with the poorest student), whereas Oxbridge is clearly attempting to diversify and reshape their image.



perhaps >>17935010 this guy can speak more to that, but that's my understanding at least.

I spent all my childhood in the US so maybe I can speak with a bit of authority Warwick is very good (routinely top 10 in the UK or in the mix) and probably the best of the 60s generation of universities, probably on par with an excellent US state school like UNC, Michigan, or UVA.

>> No.17935069

You got me. I’m a reject at UCL, but in my mind I go there.

>> No.17935089

Philosophy undergrad at Warwick. Reading Brothers Karamzov
Nice - are you an undergrad at Warwick now?

>> No.17935107

UCL is hardly a poly, you shouldn't be so down on it and yourself. I understand the thread wouldn't have taken off if you had made it with UCL in the OP tho kek

>> No.17935109

Thanks anon

>> No.17935110

Uni of Notts, and Temple of the Golden Pavilion right now, but I'm going to start Clausewitz's On War later today once I'm done

>> No.17935145

Coventry. It's a dystopian vision of post-Brexit Britain. Push chairs, vape pens, derelict buildings, KFC boxes, under the grey skies, as far as the eye can see. The sprawling campus, a brutalist 1960s Chinese industrial complex. Depressed UCL rejects roam around wishing they were having a pint and intellectual discussions with interesting metro people in Bloomsbury. Instead, they're condemned to this windswept corner of the North with other prisoners, ruing not taking a gap year and trying again next year.

This. Is. Warwick. 2021.

>> No.17935163

Nope, I actually did poorly at A level and spent a few years working odd jobs before starting an English Lit degree through the Open University, grinding hard, and getting a first while working full time as a police officer (now 25). I wasn't expecting much but I had a friend who went to Birmingham for undergrad get rejected by Warwick, so I'm feeling proud of myself.

>> No.17935172

Coventry uni and Warwick uni aren't even remotely comparable. I did undergrad at Warwick and lived in Leamington Spa which was excellent, and Stratford upon Avon is just down the road. Warwick outperforms UCL by quite a bit on current league tables.

>> No.17935181

Everything you've written about Coventry is indeed true, but almost no one at Warwick lives (or even goes near) Coventry. We all live in Leamington, which is based and spapilled. >>17934915
Don't listen to >>17935107 American anon. Warwick is a great uni. You'll most likely be living on campus, btu just make friends with people that live in Leamington and visit the town loads. It's a great place

>> No.17935201

Sorry im retarded and referenced the wrong post but you get what i mean

>> No.17935211

not the guy you replied to but good on you mate. I went to university late as well due to personal circumstance (worked bar, kitchen, and generic office work before I went back) and as cliche as it sounds I think it helped me as well - I certainly wouldn't have taken university as seriously if I'd gone when I was 18, and managed to do well for myself institution-wise all things considered.

Eh? I said Warwick was a very good uni. I've heard similar things to what the other anon said regarding the surrounding area, but didn't include it in my post because I didn't think it was particularly relevant. The majority of uni students and social life occurs in a bubble anyway.

>> No.17935229

Again Im retarded (see >>17935201) and mistakenly referenced you. You're based anon I wouldn't want to implicate you for Warwick hatred.

>> No.17935231

>perhaps >>17935010(You) this guy can speak more to that, but that's my understanding at least.
don't think much about these things or care in the slightest, to be honest.
i have a good relationship with my professors here, i don't feel weary about discussing "controversial" topics in my seminars, etc. that's what i care about, not an institution/brand name.
that said, seems like many people here get offers from oxbridge for postgrad so there you go, if that means anything.
oh and with regards to elitism, yeah there's a disproportionate number of private school students here. they spend tens of/hundreds of thousands on their high school education just to end up at the same place as me hehe. generally don't notice these things however, and i am in possibly the "poshest" college (castle). the porters here are very working class and i interact with them more than the other castle students to be fair (at least did pre-virtual uni)
by the way, when you get here i'd recommend trying to find out what you can about the secret passageways in the castle. it's fucking cool as hell, and the roof of the castle is one of the most incredible places i've ever been. strictly forbidden, all this is, so do at your own peril. but would say it's worth it, and I haven't been caught once.

>> No.17935264

in this thread: things that definitely happened

>> No.17935269

Since you managed to get into Warwick, who ask for AAA at A level to study undergrad English Lit, I bet your 'poorly at a level' was like AAB or something similar.

>> No.17935270

how is there so many of you niggers in cambridge

>> No.17935271

Applying to uni next year.
Anyone got advice for personal statement writing?

>> No.17935288

Cambridge (Peterhouse), Bleak House, 2nd volume of Decline, Flowers for Algernon, Xenophon's Hiero

>> No.17935295

Jesus Green meetup in easter term cambridgebros?

>> No.17935311

Thanks, anon. I definitely agree. I was massively immature at 18 and would've wasted the uni experience.

I got BBD in English Literature, Theatre Studies, and Economics. I then worked for years doing manual labour in a factory, as a cashier in a bank, in a shitty sales job, and as police officer while my mates graduated and became doctors, accountants, engineers, scientists. I was always looked down upon in our friendship group and I knew I only had myself to blame. The one thing I consistently did was read and write. I started the OU degree since at that point I couldn't afford not to work and I grafted harder than I ever have in my life to get overall 88% and a first. Now I've got the offer from Warwick and I'm going to graft there, too, and apply to civil service graduate roles this September. It's never too late and I genuinely feel the """life experience""" I gained working and travelling actually stands me in good stead and helped me get where I need to be.

>> No.17935325

Oxford (All Souls)
Le désenchantement du monde

>> No.17935366

I've thought similarly about kids who went to private schools here. Probably haven't experienced it as much as you at Durham, but I've met two people that went to Winchester and one who went to Harrow that ended up at the same uni on the same course as me lol. I wonder why parents bother sending them to such elite schools in this day and age when the benefits have clearly weakened - it must simply be tradition because it's just throwing good money after bad.

>> No.17935375

Just saying, Idk about UK but in the US 88% works out to about a B, which is okay I guess. But hardly amazing.

Gj either way I applaud those who study later in life

>> No.17935417

In the UK university system 88% is very, very good. Anything over 70% is a first. 60% and over is a 2:1, which is the minimum usually for good grad schemes or postgraduate study.

>> No.17935442

Eastern chads are just better.

>> No.17935443


bong don't have things to do

>> No.17935462

lol had no idea there were so many Cambridge people on this board

>> No.17935477

They're all larping

>> No.17935494

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

This is the main banner on /b/ which is kinda true for whole 4chan.

>> No.17935508

It started out as a bit of a joke honestly but I think it's becoming more serious. Durham has just as strong (if not stronger) reputation for elitism than Oxbridge nowadays largely for refusing any kind of the social quotas which Oxbridge has dived head first towards. The result being that the student population is mostly privately or grammar school educated and aside from an Asian contingent, extremely English.

>> No.17935517

It's possible some are genuine, but there are some definite larpers. See >>17934438
as an example of someone getting called out for it

>> No.17935523

Lol there is nothing special about Cambridge. I have many friends who go to Oxbridge and they are complete retards. What you study is more important than where you study

>> No.17935535

MIT, I’m in a European and LatAm Lit class that turns out is just “LatAm Lit + Candide.” At least I’m getting my intro to Borges and Cervantes

>> No.17935536

Durham is just another generic Russell Group uni these days.

>> No.17935572

Economics at York. I think it's such an amazing place to study. It's a shame about this and last year

>> No.17935579

kind of, their "brand" or cultural currency is just that they offer a more traditional university culture. It's a gimmick, like how Leeds and Newcastle are the party unis, Exeter and Bristol are full of rahs, Sheff and Notts have good nightlife, and Manchester has hordes of Chinese.

>> No.17935594

I don't think that's completely true. There's certainly more cache attending Durham as oppose to Leeds.

>> No.17935668
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nice man, glad to see another York person itc. I agree the city is fantastic, I prefer the more pubs/cafes and old city vibe and it's big enough to find new things to do frequently. Honestly even with some of the more horrible buildings, the majority of campus isn't too shabby either.

The majority of Econ stuff is in Alcuin right? What college are you?

>> No.17935838

Ameritard that doesn't understand British degree classification system

>> No.17935893

give discords, warwick bros, I need friends

>> No.17936003


>> No.17936010

Missed out on the whole experience. I'm 25 and the only places that will take me are community college commuter schools.
I always really wanted to live the academic lifestyle of studying interesting subjects, having a circle of smart friends, and sexually experimenting with pretty young women, but really I'm a misanthropic hikkomori who's never held down a job for longer than 6 months and has a rap-sheet
Anybody have experience breaking out of this situation? I want to live the /lit/ lifestyle but there are entire departments in most modern universities which are paid specifically to keep people like me out.

>> No.17936025

probably already know you but aug#6035

>> No.17936040

The "academic lifestyle" is a meme. It isn't like that really. You will not find a circle of smart friends, but only hedonist degenerate zoomers. You will spend most of your time alone reading a book in your room or at the library. Most of what you read will not be terribly interesting either, but you need to memorise it for the exams. It's just a hoop you have to jump through to get a better entry level job

>> No.17936114

this >>17936040 is more my experience, not doing lit but music, similar enough I suppose. the only smart people I rountinely talk to are outside of uni, many of whom are on /lit/. Most people at universities in the UK are retarded (same most everywhere I think) and are really looking to binge drink and shag (we went to the pub before and after lectures most days during first year. As above anon said, it's about getting a piece of paper to get better wageslaving

or in the arts meet people to work with but good luck with that lol, most people I know studying music and 'their passions' are actually motivationless, undisciplined troglodytes who couldn't plug an album to save themselves, most will end up teaching secondary school level or being creative funding managers or some shite.

>> No.17936164
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Teaching secondary isn't anything to turn your nose up at. Advanced Practitioners in private schools are looking at £60k+ and headteachers earn in excess of 100k

>> No.17936181

It's never too late, look at this anon >>17935163

>> No.17936205

Leaf here - what are the best UK universities after Cambridge and Oxford?

>> No.17936208

I didn't quite mean that, I meant they'd be babysitting Year 7s at Skegbog secondary school, trying to wrangle chavs from playing sound effects on the casio keyboards whilst explaining what a treble clef is for the seventh time. Given the choice to teach at a private school, I would

t. went to a shithole public school and suffered six years of music hell

>> No.17936225
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the university of 'hard knocks'

think about that one, now

>> No.17936239

Imperial/UCL/Edinburgh in general, especially engineering & natural sciences
Warwick for math
LSE for economics
If you study social science in 2021 you are retarded and there is no good university expect for Oxford philosophy.

>> No.17936260

At least you have jobs and opportunities to meet people your own age.
My shit town is almost exclusively highschool kids, retirees, and exploitable immigrant labour that lives in ethnic ghettos and doesn't talk with the locals.
The few people that are around are blue collar normies who despise me for caring more about books than their inane status competitions (basically work the same 15$/h job for 8 years, buy a shitty car, listen to rap music and pretend you're a famous rapper) or decent people who are too poor to escape this pit. My only friend, he's a great guy but every time we hang out we just end up smoking meth and robbing vacation homes so we can fence the goods and buy fentanyl.
It's like everyone normal my own age is either in a gated university community, or working some well paid entry level job that requires a degree. At least I assume that because I never see them in my dead end town.
Even if I jump through these hoops I'll just end up that weird thirty year old on campus, with nothing to show for my life. I wish I could burn down every university on the planet.

>> No.17936263

Sent a friend request. I don't think I know you.

>> No.17936315

Teaching lower secondary sounds like hell, but private colleges and just sixth forms (17-18) in general sounds comfy as fuck desu

>> No.17936329

Russell Group

>> No.17936370

Got an offer from Oxford regarding english lit but I also got an offer from NYU and I’m unsure about which to choose. They’re both pretty good.

>> No.17936394

Don't be retarded, Oxford is way better

>> No.17936423
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Yeah, teaching in secondary schools is so disparate in quality depending on position and location so as to amount to essentially different careers. There are schoolmasters in private schools and grammar schools with MAs and doctorates, recognised as experts in their fields, afforded respect by the naturally more intelligent and respectful upper-class pupils curated by entrance exams and term fees, and on a substantially higher wage than national average. That's where you get school houses, Latin mottos, and the like.

Then you have Mr Dean the PE teacher at an inner city comp who became a teacher because he couldn't quite cut it as a physio due to the maths and science elements, languishing on 21k a year and getting laughed at by a mottled crowd of brown and black faces, half of whom speak little to no English, all of whom get extra time in exams because they've been labelled with ADHD.

Naturally the quality teachers end up at quality schools. MA holders command higher salaries regardless and the more distinguished teachers, who are accepted onto PGCE programs at Oxbridge and other top tier universities, are snapped up by the most prestigious schools in the country. Not so for Mr Dean.

>> No.17936426

Is it though? I’ve heard NYU has some excellent humanities and literature.

>> No.17936441

tfw working class prole w no formal education

>> No.17936466

The Russell Group are the most prestigious UK 20, of the Russell Group the 'top ten' usually include some variation of:

>St Andrew's

The two exceptions I can think of are if you want to do Sport Science in which case Loughborough is better than even Oxbridge, or Creative Writing in which case UEA (which is middling for other subjects) is the very top, considered the UK's Iowa.

>> No.17936493

>St Andrews

>> No.17936507

Secondary school teaching in the UK is less about quality teaching and more about adhering to rigid exam marking schemes

>> No.17936509

I thought Oxbridge weren't a part of Russel Group?

>> No.17936517

What's wrong with St Andrews?

>> No.17936530

St Andrews is not a Russell Group university. This is because it is a weak university for actual research. Russell Group is for research intensive universities. St Andrews is a meme school for Americans to LARP as royalty. It's still a good uni, but it's not really that special in any way

>> No.17936531

Full of Yanks

>> No.17936539

thanks for confirming you've been accepted to none of them.

>> No.17936547


So, excluding Oxbridge, the best UK unis are


? Trying to work out the equivalent to our ivy league

>> No.17936553

NYU - The Monk of Mokha
Do you want live in NYC? This is what NYU is all about.

>> No.17936563

Bath isn't Russell Group either. It's still a good uni. Ivy League aren't even all the best unis in America either

>> No.17936568

The only Ivy League equivalent are Oxbridge and certain Russel Group unis

>> No.17936570
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>I wish I could burn down every university on the planet.
I know someone who might be able to help you, anon

>> No.17936579

if we're restricting it to 8 schools, our Ivy League is probably:

>St. Andrew's

Not so sure about Warwick, perhaps you could make an argument for Bristol, UCL, or Exeter, they are of a similar calibre. After that there is pretty definitive distinction to mid-tier Russell Groups like Leeds, York, Manc, etc.

>> No.17936594

LSE and Imperial is for those who didn't make the cut for UCL

>> No.17936599

Other way around

>> No.17936603
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>Manchester has hordes of Chinese.
For real? I’m going to Manchester uni in September to study Mathematics. Maybe I can finally get my qt polymath chinese twink bf

>> No.17936611

Not really.

>> No.17936625

Mathematics, you have passion for that?

>> No.17936626
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These are the best UK unis. A 1 from any of them is equivalent

>> No.17936636


>> No.17936643

This lol

>> No.17936663

There are definitive tiers within RG as well though. Cardiff, Liverpool, Queen Mary, and Belfast spring to mind as RGs that are fairly weak

>> No.17936688

Weak in what sense? Maybe in terms of research output. But the standards of their degrees are all comparable. And you usually have the freedom is choose certain modules anyway so you can pick to do harder courses if you want. In terms of teaching quality, LSE has a bronze Teaching Excellence Framework award, yet we still regard it as a top uni because of research output

>> No.17936697

so what's the shittiest UK university or the shittiest RG university by far?

>> No.17936703

Yes, I love it. I can’t wait to finish high school and do maths work all day.

>> No.17936719

Well good for you, anon. Great to have passions.

>> No.17936723
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>underage b&

>> No.17936729

>shittiest UK uni

London Met

>shittiest Russell Group

Cardiff maybe?

>> No.17936739

>who is the shortest giant

>> No.17936743

>t. Russell

>> No.17936744

why London Met and not something in the hellhole that is Liverpool

>> No.17936747

18. Year 13 bayybeee

>> No.17936768

Yeah Alcuin is where the department building is but I would usually have lectures at random places around campus west. I was living on campus in James this year but I'm home now and will not be returning. I'm 2nd year so hopefully I get at least one year of university without any disruptions.
One thing I like about York is how close it is to the countryside. I used to regularly go for long walks by myself in the fields and along the river. I miss it

>> No.17936779

6th in the world for Health Economics and 18th in the world for Microeconomics mate

>> No.17936781

is taking my Masters at a great uni good if I went to a shit tier uni for undergraduate studies?

>> No.17936786

This is the definitive answer, except I would personally substitute St Andrew's with UCL.

Second tier includes okay unis like Birmingham, Nottingham, York, KCL, Manchester, Southampton. All Russell Group, all pretty good, but not as good as the 8 you listed.

The rest are much of a muchness

>> No.17936790

People only care about where you got your highest qualification from so yeah

>> No.17936792

> how close it is to the countryside. I used to regularly go for long walks by myself in the fields and along the river.
fuuuuuckk I'm studying in Glasgow atm and I'd straight up kill a man to not be in the middle of the city. It's small enough that you can get out, but not nearly the same as when I lived up north for a while

>> No.17936802


>> No.17936815

do you like Glasgow?

>> No.17936826
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and 1st in the world for micropenises

>> No.17936842

and slags

>> No.17936859

as a city goes, yeah, it's small and communal enough, definitely has some personality unlike Edinburgh (imo). I just get sick of city living and dislike the pace and tone of things, I'd rather live on the periphery of a town and commute in to a larger urban centre when need be. as a student city it's pretty good though, so I've heard from English people

>> No.17936877

I suppose Oxbridge would’ve been perfect then? Small towns, lot of parks and nature.

>> No.17936879

only joking lad, good luck with your exams x

>> No.17936903

Nice, hope your third year works out that way for you. I agree, the surrounding countryside is beautiful, it's really the perfect distance from city and countryside

I'm obviously biased but why are you singling out York? It's not even close to being the weakest Russell Group university honestly.

>> No.17936911

Seems to have a lot of very very basic people

>> No.17936919
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>> No.17936936

yeah it would have for anything else, I'm actually studying music at RCS (scots don't pay English fees) so had to be Glasgow. It's fine for that but city life the last year during covid has been absolutely miserable, my mate stays down Galashields/borders way and he has it made

>> No.17936957

King's College represent

>> No.17936972

Is Kings College the uni with the excellent military history program?

>> No.17937025

University of Michigan- Ann Arbor. Currently reading The Gambler by dostoevsky and silence by endo.

>> No.17937027

Loved Silence

>> No.17937032
File: 2.17 MB, 1240x698, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sleepwalkers by Arthur Koestler

>> No.17937044

Both great picks anon. I feel like The Gambler best exemplifies Dostoevsky's oddball humor with the grandmother character. Silence is a phenomenal read, I thought about revisiting it recently and might pick it up again this summer

>> No.17937049

>i am a cat by soseki

>> No.17937050

Where is pic?

>> No.17937061


>> No.17937080


>> No.17937100

Damn I should visit

>> No.17937120

having graduated from cardiff i can confirm that it is a shit uni carried only by its research output in biosciences

>> No.17937146

I'm 28 and wanted to study something, since I never went to uni, but any arts degree seem like a waste of time, since there's not many jobs, and the ones available are not chill. Am I right? I need to do it in the Open University in part time because I have a job already.

>> No.17937159

Is Liverpool Uni good? They have a great publishing house.
Currently reading about Medieval poems from them

>> No.17937177

Ask him

>> No.17937231

I would, but killing myself with stress and doing it to impress a group of friends is not what I'm looking for. I have an above average salary, but in a job that will end up fucking my spine, so I was looking for something chill, even if at minimum wage. Archivist seems cool, but there's really low offer. Same with library work.

>> No.17937252
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any dawgs here?

>> No.17937263

If you think studying an Open Uni degree while working (even part time) won't be immensely stressful I urge you to reconsider. No matter what the degree yo u have to do actual, sustained work. Also to be a librarian you need full time postgraduate study of library science or something BTW.

>> No.17937270


>> No.17937296

Can anyone recommend a PhD program that has a focus on aesthetics? I'm currently in an enviro phil MA program, but I'm more interested in aesthetics and I'd like to lean more in that direction moving forward.

>> No.17937311

tell me about "Aesthetics" as a degree. What does the study of "aesthetics" entail, its a very wide term.

>> No.17937329

University of Edinburgh The worst university I have ever studied at. Complete waste of time and money.

>> No.17937388

tell us about your time there

>> No.17937412

Problem is I've done all that. Even went to a top quality LAC for a year, but some private school kids took a dislike to me showing them up intellectually and got the administration to force me out of school.
For years I busted my ass with extracurriculars and studying, was looked down on as a brown-nosing over achiever all through high-school, even had to enroll is a special distance learning program to teach myself AP calculus and biochem because my highschool was purely trade-oriented. I can hold an intelligent conversation in five languages.
But the faggot private school kids, who were literally handed opportunities I'd busted my ass off for, hated that I carried myself with a self-confidence that their money couldn't buy, so they decided to take me down a peg.
So the idea of starting from ground zero all over again and spending 16 hour days working at a factory so I can afford to take mediocre community college classes (I did this for a semester and hated it) so maybe I can "prove" myself to some weak-wristed human failure of an university administrator seems like a stupid idea.
I'm sure you don't gaf but most days all I feel is rage. I fantasize about becoming successful so I can be like the The Count of Monte Cristo and have my enemies murdered one by one. Yet it all seems so pointless and impossible sometimes.

People like
honestly just annoy me, because they don't even realize what they're taking for granted. Just having a college email opened up a crazy amount of opportunities for me until my email account was taken down. Plus they have access to alumni networks, an entire compound of people their own age, professors with connections in their fields, and are part of an extremely elitist system that functions by monopolizing certain professions and opportunities. When I was in school I was constantly going on trips, taking free classes, uses the art of sports facilities, and abusing school funding in any way I could. Just the fact I was in that school for a year I was able to make connections at several major newspapers and even had a professor trying to pouch me into his department. But they just sit in their room posting on 4chan like they're the same as me, an emotionally deadened NEET.

My town is so shitty I had to publicly beat down a junky outside their housing project just so I could leave my door unlocked and not have to worry about break-ins. Meanwhile I'm acutely aware that the most powerful and important segment of my generation has spent 4 years LARPing in an act of moral superiority so they can justify the subtle contempt that always comes out on their face when I occasionally meet these people in bookstores and coffee shops. It's enlightened socialism for them and the rules of the jungle for us, and there's an unbreachable gap between the two.

I don't want to internalize slave morality until I can successfully fake being complacent as I drug myself into a stupor.

>> No.17937413

I should have specified I'm looking for a philosophy program that focuses on aesthetic philosophy. To get more specific, I'm interested in east asian aesthetic philosophy as well as western ideas about the sublime with special interest in the British perspectives on it (Shaftesbury and Burke) as well as Schopenhauer

>> No.17937470

>east asian aesthetic philosophy
kino! New York University has a great program for it, as does Oxford

>> No.17937496

is it possible to jump from environmental philosophy to aesthetics? Isn't it too late from a PhD point of view?

>> No.17937518

Why mathematics though anon? Lit>math no?

>> No.17937522

Most of my work/interest in environmental phil has an aesthetic bent to it. Mostly concerned with the aesthetic value of wild nature. Honestly though, I don't know. Once I've narrowed down some programs that seem interesting I'll email department heads explaining my situation to see if I would be a good fit for their program.

>> No.17937526

Environmental philosophy and aesthetics probably overlap quite a bit because of the influence of Romanticism

>> No.17937536

Am I the only STEMfag here? Studying mechanical engineering

>> No.17937538

university of glasgow here too, although i'm currently in vienna on erasmus. i'm reading q by luther blisset right now

>> No.17937552

Thank anon, but to be honest, those schools are probably out of reach for me.

Would you happy to know anything about the program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa? That was a school I found that had faculty interested in east asian aesthetic philosophy, but it's nowhere to be seen on any school rankings (I don't know how important this is).

>> No.17937562

Mathematician here

>> No.17937563

good point

>> No.17937564

What do you intend to do after the PhD? Assuming you don't get a tenure - track uni position?

>> No.17937572

physics grad

>> No.17937575

How is it being a mathematician anon? Is it talent or just hard work?

>> No.17937610

Comp Sci PhD at NYU.

>> No.17937617

No idea honestly. My current program was mostly a vehicle for ROTC, which was my intended career path, but I ended up having to drop that after I was denied a waiver for eyesight problems. I was a pretty unmotivated undergrad so this MA will help me wash my undergrad gpa a bit, but I haven't really planned on what I should do after. I might just end up wageslaving adjunct jobs or something if I can't find a tenure track position anywhere. I'm told that a lot of the people from the program I'm in go on to do non-profit work, but I don't have any of the passion or interest required for work like that.

>> No.17937619

Ranking doesn't matter too much, but getting a PhD from a completely outranked school wouldn't be advised either, from a hiring point of view. Would the University of Pittsburgh, St Andrews, Oslo or Ann Harbor be out of reach? Those are at least in the top 40' and under.

>> No.17937644

physicsfag here too

>> No.17937654

see you at beer bar anon ;)

>> No.17937664

Is it true that manchester uni is 50% commies?

>> No.17937674

Damn, too late to rake you.

>> No.17937702

Oi lad what can you do as a physics grad?

>> No.17937704

damn, NYU? How'd you get in there. What do you plan to do after the PhD

>> No.17937707
File: 44 KB, 663x579, 98D307DE-3FFC-4995-B6B7-EDDA2B4884FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Queen Mary London good? I’m studying econ there first year. I had an offer from UCL but it didn’t work out in the end. Thinking of doing my 3rd year abroad, do any anons have experience with that?

>> No.17937718

How did you get an offer from UCL but then it didn't work out? Tell me. Why didn't it.

>> No.17937742

Mostly connections. I have done a lot of work in the field my advisor is interested in. A lot of academia is like that, if you know how to capitalize on that you can go quite far. I am planning to go to industry because academia sucks big time. At least I have the luxury to choose, unless PhDs in other fields. I am always curious how the philosophy PhDs on this board manage.

>> No.17937744

Thanks for the suggestions anon. These seem like more realistic options for me.

>> No.17937747

why do you hate academia? I feel industry is way worse with nepotism

>> No.17937764

Sitting at my computer all day watching zoom lectures or reading pdfs.

Sometimes I forget I even attend a university.

>> No.17937773

I feel like that some times too.

>> No.17937782

How did you fuck up, anon?

>> No.17937786

shitpost on lit on the weekends
work with decades old fortran software on weekdays

>> No.17937791

same :(

>> No.17937854

Computer Engineering fag here. Though I am also studying history as a double major.

>> No.17937864

not him. but it must be both, right? the more talented, the less you have to work for a given amount of success. the more you work, the more successful you'll be.

>> No.17937865

Went to university of Queensland - been out for years now. Currently reading krylov’s fables.

>> No.17937867

My low performing sixth form couldn’t ‘justify’ giving me my predicted grades

>> No.17937874

Generally, I find the academic rat race depressing and scammy. PhDs are underpaid wage slaves who are exploited to produce papers for their faculty, who in turn try to rake in as many grants as they can. Papers are written as largely incremental bullshit that targets the sentiments of top conference or journal xyz as opposed to focusing on multi-year efforts that may or may not pay off. But even then, the research is largely impractical, ivory tower musings, which are just pumped-and-dumped as soon as you get that pub. The worst are the people who try to defend their shit-tier ideas as "novel" and "theoretically interesting".

At least in industry you work 9-5 and then get your money. In academia you have to pretend that this is your vocation and that you are willing to live for it.

In terms of nepotism academia is nothing but. I am doing fairly well, but that is because I know how to exploit connections. You constantly have to network because that is largely how you will see success. You get to know the reviewers of the conferences, what kind of papers they are looking for, with whom to collaborate to maximize your outputs, and which industry contacts to talk to so you can produce something that has been "deployed and used in industry". Real scientific contribution takes a backseat to that.

I think this comic also gets the point across:
Letter version (https://www.rpgroup.caltech.edu/virus_bootcamp/assets/pdfs/339.1.full.pdf))

>> No.17937903

so the offer got withdrawn?

>> No.17937905

A week ago I decided I would continue doing research outside of academia, so I can focus on whatever high-risk project I want. The realization that it might be possible (move to a low cost city, live off savings, survive like a broke artist) has actually taken me out of a three-year depression that set in when I first game to graduate school and saw how awful academia is.

>> No.17937944

god i fucking hate people from warwick, nick land fucking weirdo cunts

>> No.17937956

That sounds pretty nice. How are you managing to do that? Self-funded? What kind of ideas?

>> No.17937984

So you sent in your grades, but couldn't finish your degree in time compared to the UCL offer time?

>> No.17938006

I should clarify, it's a long-term plan, for after I graduate. I'm in computational physics, quantum chemistry in particular. There a number of algorithms which have only been improved incrementally in the past decades. I'd be interested in spending serious time trying to avoid making major approximations that everyone currently accepts as an inevitable.
Probably self-funded, yes. I have $60k saved, and I can live off $20k a year. Because some of the work is computational, I could see myself working at some software job off and on if I needed more funding.

>> No.17938061

Can you actually work on this without a lab or computing environment? So you are working with simulators? Part-time is probably the best choice for this then.

>> No.17938062

Why are t here no Americans here

>> No.17938067

shhhhh don't say that word, they'll find our comfy thread

>> No.17938094

Looks like a UK uni general should be implemented for GMT hours, what do you say fellow Angloids?

>> No.17938097

brit generals degenerate quickly. best not.

>> No.17938104

Yes, I'm lucky in that what I'm interested in can be tested on small enough systems that a large computing cluster isn't necessary. but most of the work wouldn't even be algorithmic, there is a huge theoretical hurdle that has to be crossed first.
I've considered tutoring rich kids in physics or math. My fancy ivy league degree should be enough to seduce their parents into hiring me

>> No.17938115

>t. American

>> No.17938128

Not even the best institution in Edinburgh; you got duped by that prestige bro

>> No.17938132

UofG here too, doing econ but reading Memoirs of a dead house atm - what dostoevsky u read?

>> No.17938141

State Uni in America's currently reading Dubliners but I plan to read a Greek Play's collection I have here. Also would love to read the Bible as soon as possible, I made a mistake avoiding it as a child.

>> No.17938144

Would be down for this desu

>> No.17938159

It's entirely tongue-in-cheek. Most of us are at least a bit salty about Oxbridge rejection or (as in my case) missing our offers. Obviously humour is part of how you deal with that.
> t. 3rd year Durham student

Hi Durham bros.
The castle is really awesome. Never been on the roof but have been around it a fair bit with friends from the college and it's pretty spectacular.
Hatfield is definitely posher though.

Oh and to answer your question OP I'm kinda reading the Illiad but I have a lot of CW rn so have not really been reading much.

>> No.17938181

golly gee, i've been found out

>> No.17938186

I support this. Would be comfy.

>> No.17938187

All I get reminded of is inbetweeners lolol

>> No.17938188

Only read Notes from Underground and The Idiot as of now, have read a few excerpts from Crime and Punishment a mate sent me

how's econ treating you?

>> No.17938208

honestly meh, in 3rd year and only really enjoying my history of econ thought module. Gotta hand in my dissertation proposal in 10 days and have no idea for a topic so thats a bit rough.

what you studying and how u getting along?

>> No.17938217

Mech eng at ex poly kek

>> No.17938223

Sapienza Università di Roma and reading the Aeneid.

>> No.17938232
File: 286 KB, 850x478, New-Kings-16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graduated last year from Aberdeen in Philosophy and Politics, looking to attend either Belfast or Essex for Politics postgrad come the next academic year if I can afford it.

Currently reading Fred Dibanh's biography, Architecture: An Introduction to the History and Theory of the Art of Building, and Plato's Five Dialogues. Nothing that heavy but I didn't allow myself much light reading at uni.

>> No.17938244

I'd like that

>> No.17938247


>> No.17938250

Nah I was in sixth form last year, got predicted the grades I needed, but my school couldn’t award me the grades for some reason. So UCL said I didn’t meet the conditions of my offer and withdrew it. Pissed me off for a bit but I’m over it now desu

>> No.17938258

also 3rd year doing music, it's fine I suppose, got a couple of assignments to record then fire in and I'm done for the year, we don't have an exams kek

idk what I'm going to do in a year's time honestly, gig scene is el fucko

>> No.17938286

fuck no exams must be comfy, i got 3 from this semester and one of my last semester courses scheduled their exam for this diet for some fucking reason :/

Yeah idk either lol, im thinking of just working something shitty and saving then doing a year abroad in paris or something. Is there a dissertation or likewise for music u gotta get ready for?

>> No.17938291

Mech eng at an ex poly (yes I am a pleb).

Reading a variety of different works, trying to cover all of Jungers interwar writings along with other interwar writings. Then some classics: Hardy, Dickins etc. Hardy is one of my favourite authors, by far

>> No.17938321

Also spending my spare time watching Kenneth Clarke's Civilisation and many Michael Wood documentaries. Very comfy

>> No.17938354

Uni Regensburg, some short stories by Borges and Name of the rose

>> No.17938358

fucking Glasgow uni trickery, knows no bounds man. It would be sick to do a PG somewhere cool for music, maybe London

you can do full diss or applied diss, a mate this year is doing a 40min gig of Bill Evans tunes on keys and then a half-dissertation on his technique, voicings, etc. I'm just gonna repurpose that with some jazz drummer lol, easy first inbound lad

>> No.17938360

long shot but anyone here go to Colby college?

>> No.17938364
File: 147 KB, 1200x675, 1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my Uni btw

>> No.17938377

What are the top unis in Germany? I was thinking of applying there for postgrad. I was looking at Hamburg Uni and it doesn't seem that difficult to get in

>> No.17938390

honestly ggow uni always at its fucking tricks. Ive lucked out so hard this year cus im kinda getting filtered by this maths section of my course but cus all exams are online im able to sit them with mates. thats so sick youve got a plan for an easy first sorted, i think when exams go back to in person next year im actually fucked - u been enjoying the sun the past week? ive just been cutting about kelvingrove lol

>> No.17938395
File: 10 KB, 224x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a building SO ugly, they built it TWICE! waka waka!

>> No.17938397

sorry mate i only really know stuff about unis in southern germany. Hamburg looks good tho

>> No.17938410
File: 22 KB, 460x276, 460x276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta get used to it, i really like it nowadays

>> No.17938414

Is it true that everyone just goes to their local university in Germany?

>> No.17938419

Heidelberg and LMU Munich are the "best" ones in southern germany but i dont know much more

>> No.17938437

literally mate, KG and Milngavie of all places, up Mugdock reservoir, anything to avoid finishing my arrangements

I'm sure you'll be sorted lad, online uni has been shite and demoralizing in my experience, if I have to keep the discussion alive in another breakout room I'm going postal

>> No.17938439

yeaa kinda... most of my friends didnt get far from home , most of em are at an uni thats 1-2 hours away with a car. Art students go to Berlin or Vienna but they are the excepton

>> No.17938440
File: 528 KB, 1014x819, bf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the best medical school in my cunt
>tfw it's in the 3rd world
>tfw everyone here is fucking retarded with no knowledge of world events or culture
>tfw I'll never, ever meet any /lit/bros irl
Call me a fag but I can't imagine anything more comfy than finding out that someone on this board is at your campus and meeting up for a beer.

>> No.17938451

>the best medical school in my cunt
bloody hell anon, what are you doing up in there?!
there's always /lit/ here for you, eh?

>> No.17938456

I think meeting someone from here would be extremely awkward

>> No.17938474

Be comfy in the fact that you're better than most of the people who are at the 3rd highest med school in the world.

>> No.17938475

yeah fuck its pure shite - if u wanna chat a bit about how shite ggow is i made a smurf email, u can hmu from ur student acct to xoreke9252@684hh.com and i can give u mine - obvs just dont wanna put my acc student number on this lol - if too weird tho dw hahah

>> No.17938485

This has barely anything to do with literature. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDS. MODS

>> No.17938486

Would be great

>> No.17938496

jesus christ, I'm American and even I'm not this outgoing. not criticizing you, I just don't know how you people do it.

>> No.17938505

hahah fuck yeah i was genuinely about to put my student number down and then i was like - hmm think is this something i could regret hahaha

>> No.17938511

Don't anger any artists there am I right guys haha

>> No.17938518

I'm pretty extroverted irl and easily break the tension with awkward people. Some of my best friends are anons from 4chan I've added on discord.

>> No.17938527

To whom this is targeted: dont contact this person with your student email. Sus the situation out and when you re certain this is a fellow student you can proceed

>> No.17938531

i wouldn't be against meeting up with other anons in durham but i kinda worry that people from this webzone would turn out to be fash losers desu

>> No.17938537

Sounds scary. I got an offer from Oxford, but I think that I meet the conditions. At least I hope. I don't want the offer withdrawn at least...

>> No.17938538

shit thats probs my bad (Asker here) i wasnt gonna put mine down and was thinking the same, just wouldnt know how to know it was them apart from seeing a student acct from same domain - any suggestions?

>> No.17938547

you should send each other pictures of whatever your university online portal is called, logged in but anonymised, with current dates and info and stuff to show you haven't just shooped it.

>> No.17938549

Damn, How'd you get into Colby?

>> No.17938557

be more gay

>> No.17938561

Pretty much. Though make sure not to dox yourselves kek

>> No.17938566

legit, thought itd be cool to meet some anons at same uni but woudlnt wanna risk putting private details on here lol

>> No.17938572

some uni meet up from /lit/ is bound to happen at one point. Meet here X at Y.

>> No.17938574
File: 28 KB, 800x266, bancor-black.c26bdefc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys all come from wealthy families to go these schools? I go to a mid-tier state school.

>> No.17938575

Why even do this shit? Why not just give first names, vague descriptions, and meet at X appointed area at X appointed time like in some bildungsroman?

>> No.17938577

haha does sound good in my head but seeing the pics from past meetups would make me think to avoid them lool

>> No.17938590

Better to be able to sus people out from profiles before meeting up with them and finding out theyre a murderer/rapist/whatever else

>> No.17938598
File: 232 KB, 1023x811, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am reminded of this

>> No.17938606

because the person might turn out to be a german who wants to chop your penis off and eat it

>> No.17938608

Why would that matter if you meet in public? Just go to cafe or some shit and exchange student details there.

>> No.17938617

psst hey, you from /lit/?

>> No.17938624

Just use discord

>> No.17938625

we need a protocol to identify each other. here's an idea. one person says 'when does the narwhal bacon?' and then if the other person is /lit/ they answer 'at midnight'.

>> No.17938629


>> No.17938630


>> No.17938631


>> No.17938641

Btw that was staged by the anons in picrel for trolling purposes

>> No.17938643

Bro I'd fucking walk right up to your face and ask you if you're the anon I agreed to meet on /lit/. Someone I met on 4chan once flew across the world to meet up with me and we had a good time.

>> No.17938647

Community college
The Arabs: A History - Eugene Rogan
Applied to a few UC schools for fall of this year, will know how fucked I am in the coming weeks

>> No.17938648

Okay, but I want my own phrase. You'll know it's me if you hear me say "Mircea Eliade's naughty midnight kefir snack"

>> No.17938665

very based

>> No.17938669

which ones?

>> No.17938682

Davis, Berkeley, LA, San Diego, and Santa Barbara. Math and history double major

>> No.17938686

Hope you get into one of those then!

>> No.17938694

Graduate of Durham University
Reading a Political Study of Joseph Chamberlain

>> No.17938702

is it non-biased?

>> No.17938704

Thanks bro. I had a terrible run in education most of my life, would barely even go to class. Graduated hs with a 1.8 gpa. Worked on personal projects and traveled for a couple years after, decided I need school for what I want, and went to a cc. Have a 3.9 gpa right now so I'm pretty confident. Grateful I'm born in a country that gives people a second chance

>> No.17938729

3,9 gpa! Very impressive. You'll no doubt get into Berkeley and the likes with those grades, assuming that your personal letter etc was good too, if you had to write one. Congrats on that gpa, anon.

>> No.17938746

The summary is critical of him. He was a man of action and didn't give a fuck what anyone thought of him, which is what I liked. And he kinda was vindicated in the future after his death.

>> No.17938758

Hoping you get accepted anon, if not there’s always Masters if you’re that way inclined. What are you planning on studying?

>> No.17938784

What can you tell me about Sapienza and what are the job prospects for lit/history courses?

>> No.17938789

Indiana University. Business major
COVID has been really really hard. I feel disconnected from my school work and my grades have dropped. I dont study like I used to. Nothing feels real or like it matters.
I got prescribed prozac I'm 11 days in. Today is really tough I can't stay out of bed.
I'm not reading anything. I'm binging Criminal Minds

>> No.17938810

Thanks! History is what I'm planning to take, very appealing and Oxford is very high ranked when it comes to the humanities, so I hope for the best.

>> No.17938817

I think a lot feel the same way. I used to be way more active with reading etc when I could actually attend lectures on campus, but this zoom and teams shit doesn't help me at all.

>> No.17938820

I feel you anon. My mental health has also deteriorated because of Covid. I've been recommended to start anti-anxiety medication but I keep refusing it. I had a random allergic reaction a month ago to something, and ever since then I'm constantly paranoid about food, breathing, rashes, how I'm feeling. Add that to not seeing anyone, loads of essays, and living alone thousands of miles from one's parents... and yeah... It's not a fun time... We'll get through it anon. It will feel better soon

>> No.17938827


>> No.17938831

I go to uni of Leicester for econ undergraduate degree and I can tell you it is a complete shit show

>> No.17938840

tell us about it

>> No.17938843

>uni of Leicester
>complete shit show
sounds about right

>> No.17938849

But that's not fucking /lit/! Look at the post number; 19176818 is greater than the newest /lit/ post.

>> No.17938899

It's been posted here for years anyway. Might some of the post numbers have been reset when we changed from 4chan to 4channel?

>> No.17938931

regardless of if its true or not that's pretty much the literature experience in 2021

if you really need to do a literature major focus on broadening your horizons into multidisciplinary studies. audit a quantum mechanics course.

in my experience, the social environment within the english major is pretty shit, especially if you're around students from wealthy backgrounds, so don't rely on that as a source of fulfillment

>> No.17938941

Berkeley Anslyn & Dougherty's Modern Physical Organic Chemistry

>> No.17938951

Not much really since I'm a freshman and I never much looked into them. In Italy at least it has quite a good reputation, with most of the ruling class having studied there; I don't know well how things stand abroad, but it has a very good offer in the Classics (which are what I study there), even ranking first in the world some time back, and it should be pretty good for reaserch.

>> No.17938952

what if I hate math?

>> No.17938973

expand your horizons. engage with things you think you don't like. why don't you like math?

>> No.17939002

Not something that engages me, never really did no matter how hard I tried, and I tried pretty hard. I certainly do not want to work with something I dislike.

>> No.17939022

None. I don't fall for scams.

>> No.17939245

whoa I was just looking into this book. I am in physics but wanted to learn more about chem. You enjoying it? Does it give you good intuition? I remember taking a chem class and feeling like some if the arguments were arbitrary and hand-wavy.

>> No.17939349
File: 238 KB, 1200x628, bc-massachusetts_xh03ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massbay Community College (I'm poor)
Computer Science major (I like games)
Currently reading:
-Stoner by John Williams
-Una Invacion Consentida by Diego G. Maldonado

Are there any other anons from massbay in here?

>> No.17939368

Massbay is the number one community college in massachusets, isn't it?

>> No.17939373

Pretty much. It has its issues but as far as cheap education goes, its pretty solid

>> No.17939380

Nice! Don't be so hard on yourself, anon.

>> No.17939395
File: 51 KB, 506x314, 1586760138587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know anon I know. I try but as lockdown goes and I spend more time in my room, I start to feel like pic related minus the fatness. This online shit is tiresome man

>> No.17939399

Opinions on Trinity College Dublin?

>> No.17939410

I feel you, man. Online was kinda nice at first but I miss going to campus and attent in-person lectures.

>> No.17939420

>Trinity College Dublin
Excellent place

>> No.17939547

University of Illinois
Blood Meridian

>> No.17939946

UC Berkeley, The Brothers Karamazov. If any Berkeley anons are interested in meeting up email tsarofrussia@yahoo.com

>> No.17940285

What a mysterious gentleman

>> No.17940287

A state school I hate, absolutely hate located in a small town in a third world country you all probably hate. And Im reading Infinite Jest

>> No.17940300
