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17934251 No.17934251 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody has been able to disprove me. Anything other than this is just malicious intent and psychopathy. This is the most objective way of living in a civilizational context. This will make every single race empathetic and remove all their traumas and suffering, everyone will be well-intended.
>Philosophy is the requirement for every civilization as no civilization can be created without symbols that unite it’s citizens to partake in the very same civilization, such that could be described as an ideology. Today we also use philosophy, although unknowingly to entertain a meaning of our life. For an example, a popular philosophy is that of authenticity which is derived from Existentialism. The problem is that philosophies are taken for granted and are not withstanding any scrutiny by it’s believers. That’s where the distinction begins. Philosophy, as it’s translation from ancient Greek is defined as love of wisdom. Following the meaning of the definition we come to the conclusion that you don’t actually love wisdom if you refuse to put everything through all forms of scrutiny as it exposes your unwillingness to find the truth and thus love of wisdom. This is the reason why we need to live in world wide philosophical societies, such that every human is able and required to fully contemplate their actions and it’s consequences. Without philosophy we cannot live in a coherent way in this construct we have as of now unless we have reached an objective truth or something absolute that can show us the perfect way to live. I label it as incoherent because in a society that doesn’t embrace philosophy instead forces us to rely on random cultural influence and biological determinism that accepts only basic emotions as truth which leads to chaotic, irrational and deadly actions. This is why we need to embrace living in a civilization and understand our duty of being philosophers. The only way to achieve this is by racially segregating people in the best climate for them. The very idea of ethnic diversity is flawed because it tries to mix people with very different features which creates unforeseen results and low trust societies. Through racial segregation people can become self-aware of their positive and negative ethnical and environmental qualities that prevent them from being philosophers, prevent unexpected behavior and strive to negate all negative qualities. For now, this sounds like the most reasonable and humane way to achieve world peace. In a world where people love wisdom and find their meaning of life by being philosophers who investigate the meaning of life and their problems while sharing it globally looks closer to virtuous living than in such that refuses to acknowledge it. Mandatory philosophical education for all ages that is focused on understanding and criticism is the most reasonable choice we can make in this age.

>> No.17934253

Easier to read here:

>> No.17934317

I don't understand a word but here is a bump for your effort

>> No.17934326

Thanks, I appreciate it.

>> No.17934344

Have you tried interacting with normal people?

>> No.17934350

I don't think such people really exist, most people are not really normal.

>> No.17934375
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> Existentialism is baaaad
> Therefore ethnic diversity is baaaad
To go any futher, you will have to explain to me why I, a pureblooded, straight Frog, should care about keeping the number of South Korean qts down in my vicinity.

>> No.17934377 [DELETED] 

>This is why we need to embrace living in a civilization and understand our duty of being philosophers. The only way to achieve this is by racially segregating people in the best climate for them.
lol, this is some deep “philosophy”

Why do neoreactionaries like act like they have a monopoly on the tradition of philosophy and think reading philosophy will lead to their conclusions? A lot of this seriously sounds like an edgy teenager without any understanding of the real world.

>> No.17934388

>This is why we need to embrace living in a civilization and understand our duty of being philosophers. The only way to achieve this is by racially segregating people in the best climate for them.
lol, this is some deep “philosophy”

Why do neoreactionaries act like they have a monopoly on the tradition of philosophy and think reading philosophy will lead to their conclusions? A lot of this seriously sounds like an edgy teenager without any understanding of the real world. That blog is embarrassing.

>> No.17934394

>pureblooded, straight Frog
This means nothing at all, you have to definite it first.

>> No.17934409

>A lot of this seriously sounds like an edgy teenager
"Statue Twitter" (entry-level philosophical takes from >20 years old posted on online media, almost always joined with a Greek statue image) is one of the few leftist coining that I do think is worthy of memeing, especially since it fits so well.
OP's post embodies "Statue Twitter"

>> No.17934410

Here is an elaboration on the racial segregation subject.
>do neoreactionaries act like they have a monopoly on the tradition of philosophy
Western European culture is the most evolved in all aspects, even more so philosophy.
>will lead to their conclusions
Never claimed that.
>understanding of the real world
Ironic considering you're the one who has no idea how the world works and is probably a conditioned rebel who doesn't know that he has more common with me than with the people who brainwashed him.

>> No.17934411

How about this - you can set up your utopia with rules that allow it to function. Let's pretend you can do it.
One group within the world-system ignores some of the rules which disproportionately benefits them. How do you enforce the rules without starting a war, which will involve rape and killing(of course, it's a war)?
Some games in the world are zero sum.

>> No.17934415

>Statue Twitter
I use a picture that will make it easier for people to notice my post. You're just making baseless assumptions.

>> No.17934424

>disproportionately benefits them
That sounds impossible, there is nothing higher than philosophy and these societies will recognize it as their main focus.

>> No.17934425

>definite it first.
In my case, Norman blood.
And kek, straight means I, a dude, likes to put my dick in pussies.
SK qts have said pussies, and they come with a very pleasing packaging. I see no reason why my Norman blood should justify being a cunt to them and not using those pussies as Nature intended.

>> No.17934428

I gave it another go. I don't think your post is very well structured. The position you seem to be arguing for is that
>Mandatory philosophical education for all ages that is focused on understanding and criticism is the most reasonable choice we can make in this age.
But it's not clear what the argument behind your view is. You start by saying that philosophy is necessary for any society that has not managed to obtain objective truth, which you think is true for all societies. But if philosophy cannot reach objective truth, what does its value rest?
Then you say that the reason we need to live in world wide philosophical societies is that will make every human able to fully contemplate their actions and it’s consequences. But if we can't know objective truth then we cannot fully know the consequences of our actions. Moreover, it is contestable if philosophy is the study of human actions and their consequences. That's closer to sociology or psychology.
Then you depart from the main argument to say that a necessary requirement for your ideal philosophical society is racial segregation, which feels like an ad hoc since that line of thought is not connected with anything that you said before or after that.
Then you conclude by assuring us that your ideal society "sounds like the most reasonable and humane way to achieve world peace" and conclude with your advocacy of mandatory philosophical education (for all ages!). Neither of these seem remotely realistic proposals.
Overall I will say that your post suffers from the lack of coherent structure and insufficient argumentation.

>> No.17934439

Or they will ignore it and start taking away material possessions from the others, leading them to wealth and their victims to starvation. History in its entirety is about group conflict, it's so naive to believe that yet another idea(you're not the first) will finally change it.

>> No.17934461

> We need to segregate all races because everyone except westerners (which is a race, kek) are too dumb to realize how important philosophy is.
> Let's disregard that the majority of Western society has looked down on philosophy as a waste of time, ok?
> But we also need to force every other races, once segragated, to learn to act like westerners.
> Once they've done that they'll realize how right westerners are in everything and will start doing like us and be virtuous.
> But they should still be kept segregated.
Ask me how I know what is really directing this entire thought process...

>> No.17934465

>Norman blood
Still nothing concrete in our contemporary understanding of it but I will play along.
>I see no reason why my Norman blood should justify being a cunt to them and not using those pussies as Nature intended.
Because you will put your kids(if we assume something like that will ever happen in the first place)in an identity crisis, the society they live in as well and the very reason why you select people on lust will make them more animal like(genetic memory) plus the fact that the women who will accept you is flawed for choosing someone outside of her race, she had no upbringing and fundamental empathy.

>> No.17934472

>choose philosophy degree
>realize your career prospects don't exist
>argue that philosophy education must be mandatory, securing your future career
You're correct in your methodology, your goal is vile.

>> No.17934477

>But if philosophy cannot reach objective truth, what does its value rest?
How do you know that?
>But if we can't know objective truth then we cannot fully know the consequences of our actions.
That's why I have mentioned the civilization context part that you pretend to miss.
>That's closer to sociology or psychology.
How do you even have the nerve to criticize other people when you're so clueless? You should look the definitions and methodology the things you talk about before embarrassing yourself.
>which feels like an ad hoc since that line of thought is not connected with anything that you said before or after that
I explained that in the text. You just skimmed it. Some races are more evolved for philosophy.
>Neither of these seem remotely realistic proposals

>> No.17934483

lol, what a joke of a blog.

Conditioned rebel? Neoreactionaries are the ones rebelling.
> Ironic considering you're the one who has no idea how the world works
I’m not the one writing blogs like a 5-year-old’s take on policy.
> Never claimed that.
Never claimed you did, you defensive brainlet.

Neoreactionary shit is dead.

>> No.17934487

Basé chinetoque-amant

>> No.17934489

The problem is that you assume the social dynamics would be the same as they are now, which is bizarre. The more philosophically educated people are, the better they act.
>Western society has looked down on philosophy as a waste of time, ok
WHAT? That's post WW2 campaign for obedience.
>Ask me how I know what is really directing this entire thought process...
Tell me.

>> No.17934494

>that jaw
Whenever I see these mutilated asians I think of the grotesque plastic surgery Pamela Anderson had.

>> No.17934500

>make philosophy available for everyone
>securing career
Do you even know how it works?

>> No.17934503
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And good, a parent should strive to create chaos for his children, that way the strong will become stronger and the weak will be discarded.
>the society they live in as well
Frog society gave us Orientalism. If I don't conform to the natural Frog lust for exotic woman I am going against my culture and society.
>plus the fact that the women who will accept you is flawed
I must admit you made me laugh out loud. I don't know that is funnier, the idea that a woman wouldn't have flaws, or that an asian woman choosing to go for a white cock is somehow more flawed than one that goes for ricelets. Either way, it is fucking hilarious.

>> No.17934513

Normal is by definition whatever the norm is.

>> No.17934519

Yea, OP doesn't care about future after he's gone. Just needs to secure a job for one generation as a teacher.

>> No.17934521

>Conditioned rebel? Neoreactionaries are the ones rebelling.
Considering the fact you're alive and well it's definitely you who is rebelling against something you don't understand through means that you can't comprehend.
Read this:
> 5-year-old’s take on policy
Yet you can't disprove it? Talks more about you...
>Never claimed you did, you defensive brainlet.
It had that implication, I don't know why you're replying when you don't want to engage with the topic.

>> No.17934539

So you're anti-science?
>, a parent should strive to create chaos for his children, that way the strong will become stronger and the weak will be discarded
Doesn't work like that and the parent assumes that he won't be caught in it as well. I'm sure that parent will be very happy to know that the kids don't want to take care about him. I'm sure he will love his time in the retirement home with people who hate him and zero effort will be put towards his health.
>Frog society gave us Orientalism. If I don't conform to the natural Frog lust for exotic woman I am going against my culture and society.
That was post-moor genes. It's just accepting their real culture.
>, the idea that a woman wouldn't have flaws
This is a major one.

>> No.17934543

Not a thing, even more so nowadays.

>> No.17934553

>doesn't care about future after he's gone
This is the most future-proof way of living, it's what all civilizations try to achieve in the first place but don't know how to reach it.

>> No.17934562

>How do you know that?
That philosophy cannot obtain objective truth? This is your view, not mine. You write that philosophy is necessary because no society ever managed to obtain objective truth. My question is, if philosophy cannot obtain objective truth, what is its value?
>How do you even have the nerve to criticize other people when you're so clueless? You should look the definitions and methodology the things you talk about before embarrassing yourself.
Sounds like you are just butthurt that I reviewed your post negatively. The main fields of philosophy are metaphysics, ethics, epistemology and logic. None of these have much to do with the study of the consequences human actions bring about. My guess is that you haven't read much philosophy.
>I explained that in the text. You just skimmed it. Some races are more evolved for philosophy.
Actually the explanation you gave is that each race is better suited to a different environment. But that's not what I criticized in your post. My criticism was that your post is badly structured, the discussion of race comes out of nowhere and then disappears to nowhere. It doesn't contribute to a continuous a argument, it's a tangent.
Nothing even remotely close to world peace has ever been achieved, it's pure utopianism. And obviously not all people have the time, interest or ability to learn philosophy, let alone little children.

>> No.17934573

Then a society gets a surgery and cuts out the tumorous growth that's killing it only for itself.

>> No.17934578

>So you're anti-science?
>Identity is science
>Science is GOOD!
... on my /lit/?

>> No.17934585

>This is your view, not mine.
So you have a reading disability? It's like asking why 18th century science is not as good as modern one. How do you even come to such conclusions?
>reviewed your post negatively
I have no problem with that. What you're doing is just accusing me of things when you didn't even read the text.
>None of these have much to do with the study of the consequences human actions bring about
This is a new low. I'm starting to feel a second hand embarrassment. You don't know how the very things we base our beliefs on,our judgments, and the way we understand things are important? I think you should read more...
>the discussion of race comes out of nowhere and then disappears to nowhere
I explained my reasoning for it. I gave you even more links that are quick read and you don't care. I can't help someone who refuses to engage with the text.

>> No.17934591

>Considering the fact you're alive and well it's definitely you who is rebelling against something you don't understand through means that you can't comprehend
No idea what you’re implying.
>Yet you can't disprove it? Talks more about you...
Disprove a 5-year-old’s policy? It’s like disproving “we should kill all bad people.” It’s not in any way realistic in the first place.

>> No.17934594

>tumorous growth
So you want to be raped and killed by anti-intellectuals? Just go alone at night in some hood and be done with it.

>> No.17934602

Well, considering most high-brow writers were very educated and versed in science it talks more about YOU.

>> No.17934609

>No idea what you’re implying.
That we can't rebel, if you were to rule nobody of us will be alive.
>It’s like
But it's not. You're a low attention span person.

>> No.17934744

>That we can't rebel, if you were to rule nobody of us will be alive.
You can rebel without being violent.
>But it's not. You're a low attention span person.
But that’s what it comes off as because it is extremely facile and naive.

>> No.17934778

You didn't understand it, it seems. We cannot exist in a world where people with your views rule. They want genocide while I want peace.
>because it is extremely facile and naive
Wrong, this is the most rational way to approach it. Thinking different people of different races, with different backgrounds and education will decide to be cool living in the same spot with no laws is naive. The western world is already crumbling in less than a century from it.

>> No.17934907

>The problem is that you assume the social dynamics would be the same as they are now, which is bizarre
Yes, and sheep would be carnivorous if it wasn't for the shepherds.

>> No.17934913

What do you mean? These people are kept out of pity which sadly results in corruption in the long term.

>> No.17934931

That doesn't address any of my points. Your post is just a bundle of insults after I hurt your ego.
If you don't like getting criticism, you shouldn't ask for it. Your post is objectively badly structured, and I explained to you some of the reasons why this is so.

>> No.17934935
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I would prefer not to get raped or kill people, but more power to you OP.

>> No.17934947

This is the best you could come up with? You don't even understand basic concepts of philosophy yet you try to school me on it.
I don't want to have such a fate too. That's why I'm proposing this.

>> No.17934968

The reason you gave for people studying philosophy is to know the consequences of their actions. If that's what you want then yes sociology and psychology are better suited for that. How does the problem of Universals help you understand the consequences of your actions?
Also good job ignoring my main criticism which was about structure.

>> No.17934985

>is to know the consequences of their actions
And to find the truth... See, you can't even read a short text yet you act like you know it all.
>How does the problem of Universals help you understand the consequences of your actions?
How does understanding reality helps us understand how things work and why we do things? I think you can answer that question yourself.

>> No.17934988

>Also good job ignoring my main criticism which was about structure.
That means absolutely nothing when you can't even read the text yourself and I have explained why I added racial segregation which makes you so anal.

>> No.17934997

What an awful thread.

>> No.17935007

>We cannot exist in a world where people with your views rule. They want genocide while I want peace.
Based on what?
> Thinking different people of different races, with different backgrounds and education will decide to be cool living in the same spot with no laws is naive.
But there are laws.
>The western world is already crumbling in less than a century from it.
How so?

>> No.17935031

>In this text, I’m going to argue for an immediate action that will prevent all the incoming fatal consequences of living that deny philosophy as the most vital tool in every society that has not yet managed to overcome it by reaching an objective truth, something we have yet to see.
This is what you wrote. You are saying that philosophy cannot achieve objective truth. There is no strawman, I am quoting your own text.
>How does understanding reality helps us understand how things work and why we do things? I think you can answer that question yourself.
No, I asked about a particular philosophical philosophical question, The problem of universals. We can take another one, whether knowledge can be defined as justified true belief. And you gave a vague non-answer. Once more.

>> No.17935036

I didn't ask you why you added racial segregation. I explained to you why its addition made the trext worse. It is not organically incorporated into the text, you go into a tangent.

>> No.17935058

>Based on what?
Based on what we know. You didn't read the links I gave you.
>But there are laws.
The more minorities rise, the more laws are being removed. In some places they even defund police itself.
>How so?
High crime and genocide of the people who created the civilizations who are genetically adapted for it.

>> No.17935111

>human nature
there refuted

>> No.17935157

>Based on what we know.
No evidence.
>The more minorities rise, the more laws are being removed.
Factually untrue.
> High crime and genocide of the people who created the civilizations who are genetically adapted for it.
Absurd and unsubstantiated claims.

It seems like your whole worldview is based on a lie you convinced yourself of.
It’s overly simplistic like a child’s.

>> No.17935192

>No, I asked about a particular philosophical philosophical question, The problem of universals.
It helps us under how reality works and what we actually are. You have a very shallow understanding of societies.
>whether knowledge can be defined as justified true belief
If we can know that it will change how we see things completely, are you just pretending to be retarded?
>It is not organically incorporated into the text
It is, you simply skimmed the text or have a reading disability. Considering the totality of the idea you're expected to have a social structure that will make it work.
>evolutionary adaptation
There refuted. Humans nature is different for different races and classes.

>> No.17935246

>No evidence.
You didn't read the links.
>Factually untrue.
Absolutely true, all western civilizations got destroyed and to this day are being destroyed by them.
>Absurd and unsubstantiated claims.
13/50 for a starter.

>> No.17935253

Perhaps being a hamster in a cage is not a good life

>> No.17935274

That's true and why we need to change the current situation.

>> No.17935298

>tabula rasa
it's 2021

>> No.17935364
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If you take the average Jury, what are the chances that even one of them will hold that Philosophy is the most important aim of society?

>> No.17935367

>You didn't read the links.
I did. I didn’t see any.
>Absolutely true, all western civilizations got destroyed and to this day are being destroyed by them.
>13/50 for a starter.
Your evidence is memes? Not even true btw

>> No.17935380

>>evolutionary adaptation
how would you force it?

>> No.17935393

>I didn’t see any
Maybe you should try again. You already show how incompetent you're in reading short texts.
What do you mean based on what? There is even a Paris syndrome on that problem. Also you don't even know basic history?
>Your evidence is memes? Not even true btw

>> No.17935400


>> No.17935412

By making education and thinking mandatory.

>> No.17935430

>WHAT? That's post WW2 campaign for obedience
> Aristophane mocking Socrates happened after WW2.
The absolute state of OP's mind.

>> No.17935446

>Not even true btw
So true, it's actually something like 8/70.

>> No.17935452

We are talking about now.

>> No.17935457

alright, i'm thinking about waging wars

>> No.17935463


>> No.17935474
File: 1.26 MB, 1583x2479, 3061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you have some adversity to chaos; philosophy plays the same role in modernity through ideology that theocracy did in antiquity, its a form of order that you do not question, but accept because you have to in order to reap the benefits of society, which you are insticntively inclined to desire, you dont believe in the gods because you thought so after some heavy-handed thinking, you take them as true because its a foundation of your working civilization, you dont question it, because you take pleasure in order, meanwhile, when you let it take over completely, chaos filters all false systematic mechanisms and leaves behind only those behind which determine the essence of man, but chaos leaves you with this realization, all alone, with no 'civilized' enviroment, due to being forced to limit the extensions of yourself to a bare minimum to protect yourself; ideally, society wouldnt pamper us into the opposite of ourselves of course, I proclaim that its best that society would be just advanced enough to allow us to exist in accordance to nature, so that boredom may take hold and so that philosophy wouldnt be a chore in contrast to more sensual pleasures, but one of the few true joys in life.

>> No.17935496

Kek, you can't even follow your own discussion.
Get wrecked you absolute sub100 IQ npc.

>> No.17935510

>This is why we need to embrace living in a civilization and understand our duty of being philosophers. The only way to achieve this is by racially segregating people in the best climate for them. The very idea of ethnic diversity is flawed because it tries to mix people with very different features which creates unforeseen results and low trust societies. Through racial segregation people can become self-aware of their positive and negative ethnical and environmental qualities that prevent them from being philosophers, prevent unexpected behavior and strive to negate all negative qualities
Instead of waiting a couple hundred years hoping that the inferior races educate themselves (they won't), we could have our utopia here and now through genocide.

>> No.17935519

greed, hate, boredom, lust for power who knows

>> No.17935544

>adversity to chaos
You're just too sheltered to think you can control chaos. Also it's not moral in the first place to want such a thing.
>, its a form of order that you do not question
We constantly question it(post-modernism), sometimes to the point where people would rather not believe in it than look at it for what it is.
>, you dont believe in the gods because you thought so after some heavy-handed thinking
The Catholic tradition disproves that.
>false systematic mechanisms
No, it just turns back to primitivism.
>accordance to nature
That means nothing, humans in themselves are not that natural, even more so nowadays.

I don't think you can read at all.
That won't fly in a philosophical world. People would adapt for intelligence and empathy.

>> No.17935555

Nope, that's the opposite of it.

>> No.17935576

It's the most straightforward and you know it. The only thing that prevents you is pure cowardice.

>> No.17935585

Wrong, it's anti-philosophical.

>> No.17935588

>From >20 years ago
Fucking leftists. "Yeah bro it's more than 20 years old it's obviously outdated, why don't you just be an effete porn addict and call it revolutionary praxis like I do"

>> No.17935628

not all people are the same

>> No.17935675

Huh? The genocide targets precisely those who are unphilosophical, which are ,according to you, the lesser races. Afterwards, Society will be inhabited only by philosophers, a real utopia, according to you. Seems pro-philosophical to me.

>> No.17935691

Not true, these people can adapt and live peacefully in their continents. We can help them and they can help us too.

>> No.17935698


>> No.17935727

If the philosophers were truly wise, then they would not care for other people's help, for the wise need no friends.

>> No.17935735
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>You're just too sheltered to think you can control chaos.
Chaos controls itself
>We constantly question it(post-modernism), sometimes to the point where people would rather not believe in it than look at it for what it is.
Not my point, you obide by the requirements of your society, hence its philosophy, if you want to or not, so most people agree with them, I was referring to the masses.
>The Catholic tradition disproves that.
Not every catholic is a scholar, next.
>No, it just turns back to primitivism.
Which is made up of mechanisms, for which i dont even completely argue for, maybe read my post in its entirety again and then reply in your best writing.
>That means nothing, humans in themselves are not that natural, even more so nowadays.
Humans are a reinvention of nature, theres a line where reinvention turns into abomination that I avoid, and a line closer to nature, from which most beneficial aspects of civilization developed.
At this point youre seemingly just trying to be a contrarian anyways, because thats a really forced, shallow perspective on humanity.

>> No.17935749

>If the philosophers were truly wise
How do you know that?

>> No.17935761


Mate I meant the poster is younger than 20.

>> No.17935762

If they weren't wise, then they wouldn't be philosophers, they would be pseuds. Or do you wish to maintain that philosophers are actually ignorant?

>> No.17935765

>claim to be pro-democracy
>outraged that unintelligent people get personal about politics, bring their retarded ideas into the marketplace and make their political ideology their identity
The absolute state

>> No.17935783

you argue like a brazillian

>> No.17935824

>Chaos controls itself
Doesn't mean anything at all. There are savages who have been living alone for thousands of years.
>you obide by the requirements of your society, hence its philosophy
You agree with it, not that.
>Not every catholic is a scholar, next.
Because it was not possible at the time and it doesn't have to do anything with the argument in the first place.
>for which i dont even completely argue for
It's because you want something that can't exist, you want the best of all worlds not realizing there is simply one single proper way.
>because thats a really forced, shallow perspective on humanity
Or because it hurts your feelings. Natural means nothing at all in your context.
But you say truly wise which means nothing at all.
It's my fault that people don't have the attention span to read a short text on the literature board.

>> No.17935865

Yes, I was talking about the truly wise as opposed to the fake wisdom which believes it is best to twiddle its thumbs waiting for utopia. What is your point?

>> No.17935877

youre an insufferable fag, stop complaining

>> No.17935881

>it is best to twiddle its thumbs waiting for utopia
That's wrong again. If people understand it, it will happen easier and quicker.

>> No.17935899

Sure showed me there.

>> No.17935901

>People prefer to get raped and kill than to live in an utopia
Because that's what our cells have been doing to each other for billions of years. They only know how to consume to gain power or consume to stay alive, they're mentally fucking retarded from every point of view.

Our biology is pure imbecility;
-eating and breathing from the same airway.
-Requiring sustenance to keep ourselves alive.
-Dying from pain because of birth.
-No ability to turn on/off our sensors.
-Our body actively wants to kill itself like a badly managed country full of corruption.

There are mammals who die from drinking water too fast. There's the fucking Koala who refuses to stop eating bamboo; a plant that keeps developing ways to be toxic in order to stop being eaten.
De-evolution; sloths and chickens which used to be bears and t-rexes.

Our cells never ever heard of the philosophy of just dying peacefully and helping other species of cells building civilizations.
We are flawed at the cell level. Cancer should not be possible unless the cell is capable of being psychotic.
Why did mammals develop emotions? There's absolutely no fucking purpose for emotions outside of pure sadism and masturbatory sessions. No purpose but to mind control stubborn cells to breed, who the fuck thinks this was a good idea?
We are fucking lucky we managed to get out of our cave and the hellhole that was the dark ages and we still haven't gotten out of that shithole with so much useless DNA alive, stubborn angry people who aren't killed instantly and are allowed to breed.

This is why proper transhumanism starting from neurology all the way down to our cellular level is where our real life will start properly. We are absolutely fucking pathetic compared to an alien species and we've only now come to realize this. You think those mentally retarded cells are even aware of concepts such as ;wow that cell/virus/bacteria is so much better than me, I better fucking die and let the world in his good hands.

>> No.17935910

You literally plan to segregate the races into little play pens then twiddle your thumbs like a kindergarten teacher. There is nothing quick nor easy about it.

>> No.17935935

Didn't understand any of my arguments to begin with.
>Doesn't mean anything at all. There are savages who have been living alone for thousands of years.
What about them?
>You agree with it, not that.
You have morals.
>Because it was not possible at the time and it doesn't have to do anything with the argument in the first place.
This still applies today.
>It's because you want something that can't exist, you want the best of all worlds not realizing there is simply one single proper way.
Don't think so, because it has existed more prominently than a world in which all catholics are theologists.
>Or because it hurts your feelings. Natural means nothing at all in your context.
Filtered. Nature is a fundament of elements that you cant avoid, we just realigned them.
>It's my fault that people don't have the attention span to read a short text on the literature board.

>> No.17935950

That's why we have to control it and the reason for my proposal.
>quick or easy
There is, if it becomes popular. It's what all people want but are afraid to say it.

>> No.17935959

Its also autistic as fuck, this isnt even feasible today and would probably create more conflict than fundamentals for utopia

>> No.17935968

OP still hasn't addressed why races who get segregated, then become virtuous as a result, should not then be allowed back in.

>> No.17935970

The people are afraid to say it because they are being threatened by who?

>> No.17936047

>Didn't understand any of my arguments to begin with.
I did, you have no plan and assume things will sort themselves. That's monkey tier.
>What about them?
That's what happens after world wide chaos till hundreds of thousand years when the new people evolve.
>You have morals.
Which still have to agree with in the first place.
>This still applies today.
Because it's still impossible for every person to become such.
>because it has existed more prominently
Not true, aggression is a trait that comes from suffering and being hopeless. These people didn't live good lives.
>Nature is a fundament of elements that you cant avoid,
Means nothing at all again, you can adapt for something which can be far from being natural.
I'm not the one who thinks he can survive in chaos or that it's good in the first place.

>> No.17936063

Because they are still predetermined to a specific region which causes many anomalies when they are not there.
People above them.

>> No.17936092

Suitably vague. And what about the peopld at the very top - what are they afraid of?

>> No.17936131

>Philosophy is the requirement for every civilization as no civilization can be created without symbols that unite it’s citizens to partake in the very same civilization, such that could be described as an ideology
False. Cultures are created without any help of philosophy.

Btw, how are you going to teach the whole world philosophy? Most people are really dumb

>I label it as incoherent because in a society that doesn’t embrace philosophy instead forces us to rely on random cultural influence and biological determinism that accepts only basic emotions as truth which leads to chaotic, irrational and deadly actions.
Give me a fucking proof

>> No.17936143

Of such a world. They are way too deep in corruption and depravity and are afraid of people finding out.

>> No.17936161

Which is different from a civilization.
>Most people are really dumb
Because they have not adapted for it. Philosophy teaches the fundamental ways of thinking and will make the gap way smaller.
For what? I have yet to see a society that is completely philosophical.

>> No.17936170

>voices: heard
>messages: decoded
>underpants: soiled
>pills: not taken
Yep, it's schizo time.

>> No.17936177

>Because they are still predetermined to a specific region which causes many anomalies when they are not there
How old are you? Genuine question.

>> No.17936184

Even the most deranged apologists agree that Epstein did what he did.

>> No.17936196

Cool. What race are they?

>> No.17936209
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>I did, you have no plan and assume things will sort themselves. That's monkey tier.
Not what I argued for in >>17935474
Here's a reply worth as much as yours.

>> No.17936213

Ok, people prefer to be raped and killed than live in a utopia. Your little thought experiment is doomed from the outset because humanity is nothing more than a big Somalia of varying degrees of sophistication. Can you stop posting these gay threads now?

>> No.17936214

What's the difference between culture and civilization?
I'm not even going to comment that bullshit on philosophical education.
Give me proof that societies without philosophy are bad in any way. And give examples.

>> No.17936256

Easier would be to show how societies with philosophers are still completely degenerate.
Socrate's Athens was a pedo dreamland that could put you to death if enough hobos assembled in one place agreed to it.
Wittgenstein's Vienna was a suicide factory.
Sartre's France... well you see all the Foucault threads...

>> No.17936278

This means that op is a faggot

>> No.17936302

So you're anti-science?
Keep thinking that living in a utopia is bad not realizing that the further we go the better everything is going to be. I'm sure you can live like a primate but also have the pleasures of civilization.
It's a single thread, you can just not reply to it if you don't have the means to engage with the topic.
You don't even know what a civilization is? What?!?
>And give examples.
All parts of the world where suffering exists.
>Socrate's Athens was a pedo dreamland that could put you to death if enough hobos assembled in one place agreed to it.
Wittgenstein's Vienna was a suicide factory.
Sartre's France... well you see all the Foucault threads...
They were not executed properly or were wrong in the first place.

>> No.17936319

>What's the difference between culture and civilization?
>Give me proof that societies without philosophy are bad in any way. And give examples.
I'm posting this again. Answer me, faggot

>> No.17936320
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>Keep thinking that living in a utopia is bad not realizing that the further we go the better everything is going to be. I'm sure you can live like a primate but also have the pleasures of civilization.
Cite where I said we should live like primates, you fucking monkey.

>> No.17936330

>be just advanced enough to allow us to exist in accordance to nature
be just advanced enough to allow us to exist in accordance to nature

>> No.17936350
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>So you're anti-science
First of all, you didn't check my heavenly dubs, so you are officially the worst faggot on /lit/, even more disgusting than the Spaniard capslock pedo fag.
And second, yes, this is /lit/, ffs, what the fuck did you expect?

>> No.17936352

It's not that I don't have the means to engage with the topic, it's that you don't. There's no point in you linking your terrible essays when all you do is restate your premise in the face of criticism.

>> No.17936392
File: 33 KB, 400x300, Giant-5-Street-Fighter-Ii-3-Blanka-Brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cherrypick, José.
>society would be just advanced enough to allow us to exist in accordance to nature, so that boredom may take hold and so that philosophy wouldnt be a chore in contrast to more sensual pleasures, but one of the few true joys in life.
I literally argued for civilization, only a balanced one.

>> No.17936399
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Don't argue with brazillians.

>> No.17936429

>They were not executed properly or were wrong in the first place.
They are what we refer to when we speak about the cultures from which philosophy sprung forth. They are the root of what we refer to as Western's Civilization's common cultural heritage.
And they were likely way more ethnically homogeneous than ours, so how come they were completely degenerate?

>> No.17936948

What do you mean what do I expect, this is a philosophy thread. And stop making literature look bad, good writers care about science.
Learn the definition of the words before even thinking of posting. All societies without philosophy are bad because they don't care about knowledge and empathy but are rather selfish and have no thoughts about human suffering.
Or maybe you have never read anything philosophical yet have the nerve to tell school other people.
>cherry pick
No, you're retarded enough to think you can live in such a world.
>a balanced one
That means nothing at all. In a philosophical society, for an example, people would live more ecologically friendly because they will be more responsible in their use of resource.
Keep coping, you're the one who wants a muttworld like Brazil.
The problem is that white people were constantly under siege and all of the degeneracy comes from later rape babies and invaders.

>> No.17937096

not engaging with brasil monkey :)

>> No.17937111

I'm sure you're closer to the missing link than I'm considering how emotional you're.

>> No.17937143
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I will answer by countershilling my own blog: http://shallowinfinity.com/man_and_his_question.html..

The problem is fundamentally spiritual. We cannot live for a transitory world and expect things to work out under any circumstances.

>> No.17937162

>considering how emotional you're.

>> No.17937174

Sorry but you have to post a link to a secure website, screenshot it or post the text.

>> No.17937181

Glad that you admit defeat.

>> No.17937192

Non secure means no ssl certificate... not that its dangerous...

>> No.17937209

A utopia is simply a society in which you are not the slaves.
Eternal empathy is incredibly totalitarian. Every action you take could be offending or depriving someone else. Therefore the only moral way to live is to go to work, come home, and twiddle your thumbs until you die. What a miserable experience.
Let us fight! Let us die in dignity and let those of us who win reap the rewards!

>> No.17937230

Sorry but we are on 4chan, nobody trusts you about such things.

>> No.17937267

Look it up lol.

>> No.17937318

>Every action you take could be offending or depriving someone else. Therefore the only moral way to live is to go to work, come home, and twiddle your thumbs until you die. What a miserable experience.
Lol no, you assume what the future is going to be with your knowledge of now. That's retarded because technology and our understanding of resource management and living is going to be different and self-sufficiency will become normal.
No, sorry. Do like I did and post it here.

>> No.17937334

>The problem is that white people were constantly under siege and all of the degeneracy comes from later rape babies and invaders
So Western civilization was never great, then...?

>> No.17937344

Let me spoil the future for you: Star Trek replicators are never going to exist.

>> No.17937345

No, they were until the non-white corruption happened.

>> No.17937349
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>Glad that you admit defeat.

>> No.17937355

So? You don't need that to be self-sufficient.

>> No.17937363

Nice selfie.

>> No.17937368

To be self-sufficient is to be a conqueror. If you hunt in the same woods I do, then you will only ever notice the tracks of the game that would have been yours if I had not been there first.

>> No.17937372

So white men were not constantly under siege, then...?
Man I feel like a dumb child could run circle around you.

>> No.17937374

Damn, OP’s taking it on the chin here. But also, even if you’ve got a shit philosophy, writing is down is the first step. The guys who set up blogs are still one step ahead of the idiots who just come on here and write gay temporary posts.

>> No.17937378

Lol you are a midwit. Not going to go out of my way to further engage with the uninformed and clueless. Do yourself a favor and stop dabbling in things far above your comprehension.

>> No.17937451

>is to be a conqueror
Lol what?
>hunt in the same woods I do, then you will only ever notice the tracks of the game that would have been yours if I had not been there first.
So you don't know that farms and cattle exists? Damn...
Yes they were, especially after becoming extremely kind since they reached a milestone which in turned led to their destruction.
I love to discuss these topics with people and don't feel any offense.
>mid wit
It's you who thinks being self-sufficient is some miracle or impossible to achieve.

>> No.17937508

You are a midwit.

>> No.17937517

I agree

>> No.17937523

hes also a butthurt faggot but midwit is fitting

>> No.17937525

Is it really that hard to admit you're not right, you're completely anonymous yet you act like your life depends on it. You have zero arguments.

>> No.17937532

youre acting like a todler

>> No.17937566

The irony.

>> No.17937577

Op is not well read. If you do philosophy on your own, you tend to think your ideas are fantastic and great because you have no points of comparison.

>> No.17937637

>well read
That's relative, though in that case I'm absolutely sure you're beneath me if this is the best you can come up with.
>your ideas
They are not mine, they trace to many philosophers. I just made a construct of these ideas.

>> No.17937676


>> No.17937681

I'm not exactly sure which of the propositions you put forth is central but from the following lines ...
>Nobody has been able to disprove me
>you don’t actually love wisdom if you refuse to put everything through all forms of scrutiny
>it exposes your unwillingness to find the truth
... it seems like another case of anon too smart for his own good. You're not a rational animal. Nobody is. Your rationality has an insanely narrow scope of application, because it only works when you've got all relevant premises and inputs in order. Which in cases like social architecture and racial cohabitation, I am inclined to think there's plenty you don't know, because nobody knows.

I agree with you that philosophy is important, but it mostly serves as an articulation of a socially lived-out-narrative.

>> No.17937686

>What do you mean based on what?
There’s no evidence for anything you’ve claimed thus far. The only thing you mentioned approaching evidence of anything was an ancient /pol/ meme.

>> No.17937695

>All societies without philosophy are bad because they don't care about knowledge and empathy but are rather selfish and have no thoughts about human suffering.
You piece of shit. Give me real arguments for this and examples

>> No.17937734







All countries are examples of that. If you don't have perfect education and conditions it's your countries fault, not only that but they are bad investors because they will win more the better of a person you're.

>> No.17937798

You fucking hobo, i'm getting really pissed.
>All societies without philosophy are bad because they don't care about knowledge and empathy but are rather selfish and have no thoughts about human suffering.
Give. Me. Arguments. For. This.

>> No.17937805

Let me spell it out for you retard.
Your argument hinges on Western society having been the best accomplishment ever, but now being degraded by non-whites.
When shown proof that even those societies were degenerate, you say, it's because we've always been under siege.
So which is it, fucker? You can't have both. If white societies were always under siege they never could have become "the best thing ever", or whatever the fuck, and the philosophies you jerk off were the product of degenerate societies.

>> No.17937813

Calm down dude. You can tell by the way he frames his arguments that he hasn't thought this out well.

>> No.17937820

This reads like a freshman philosophy paper.

>> No.17937839

>Give. Me. Arguments. For. This.
I gave you very concrete arguments. Another example is being put in a fema camp or the government deciding to put thousand of immigrants in your hundred population city, not having morals and being fed poisonous food and water, educational made to instill specific agendas. These are selfish acts that are not based on an actual reasoned-out philosophy.
They were always under siege but still managed to do so much with what they had.

>> No.17937845

>Without philosophy we cannot live in a coherent way in this construct we have as of now unless we have reached an objective truth or something absolute that can show us the perfect way to live. I label it as incoherent because in a society that doesn’t embrace philosophy instead forces us to rely on random cultural influence and biological determinism that accepts only basic emotions as truth which leads to chaotic, irrational and deadly actions.
This is his main argument for philosophical education. Without proof none of his claims make any sense. Everyone is fine without any philosophy. Culture is enough.

>> No.17937872

>Everyone is fine without any philosophy
Lol, people like you have no idea how many nefarious things lie below. People like you are the reason human trafficking and other malicious people exist.

>> No.17937884

Pascal said society runs on tradition which has no basis in objective reality.

Lies are more convenient for functioning societies than truth.

I am in agreement with you and admonish the midwit op for reaching far beyond what his pedigree permits.

>> No.17937886

You've never proven me wrong. You're just a midwit too attached to a false idea of "everyone benefits."

>> No.17937896

You are so hopelessly juvenile. You truly do not deserve anymore of our time.

>> No.17937912

There still are zero arguments from you.
How the hell will philosophy help people in making decisions that you like? This point was addrsed ten times over in this thread and there are zero arguments from you.
What has your implicit utilitarian claims about how the society should be made to do with philosophy?

>> No.17937916
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>The more minorities rise, the more laws are being removed
Trust a lawyer (don't!), mate, there are more Laws nowadays then ever before.

>> No.17937933

>They were always under siege but still managed to do so much with what they had.
So why can't we?
Jesus fuck your thought processes is literally cringe. Maybe this is how leftists constantly feels? God this is gross...

>> No.17937957

This thread proves OP dead wrong.

Look at all the fighting your "philosophy" has brought us.


>> No.17937964

Ahahha, based

>> No.17937971

But I did, you assume that people can't live in peace because le ebin scary racial segregation is evil.
Big boy is too smart to disprove me.
Or maybe you refuse to understand it or simply need to first be versed in philosophy to do so. This is our most fundamental tool on which we base everything and through which we make a choice that is not bound on pure impulsivity.
Because we are not under siege, we are becoming extinct, there is a genocide that focuses us.

>> No.17937982

>there is a genocide that focuses us.
Fuck, where is that "Frenchman sleeps with 1400 African women, impregnate 600" meme when you need it...

>> No.17937992

>[Philosophy] is our most fundamental tool on which we base everything and through which we make a choice that is not bound on pure impulsivity.
In which case roughly 98% of choices are impulsive, as almost nothing we do is explicitly reasoned from any set of ideological premises.

>> No.17938039

Race mixing is evil. Africans breed like rabbits even though they have nothing to eat. They are already more than us. You're retarded. Also being French could me being a full blooded arab, african or some mix in-between it means nothing at all.
Talk about yourself. There are people who carefully select the products they buy or the actions they do.

>> No.17938054

>Race mixing is evil.
Ok, but why care so much about something you won't ever get the opportunity to do?

>> No.17938060


>> No.17938080

I don't want to race mix so I don't even care if such opportunity exists.

>> No.17938083
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>> No.17938088

I like your effort. 'Want to form a reading group to discuss these ideas?

>> No.17938101

>There are people who carefully select the products they buy or the actions they do.
Not really. Again, this links back to >>17937681 - the fact you can rationalize doesn't mean you're rational. 2% of your choices you actually have enough rationality and willpower to base on a philosophy. All else is gut.

>> No.17938103


>> No.17938110

Or maybe if you're intelligent enough(something that you clearly aren't) you can plan but that requires a prefrontal cortex after all.

>> No.17938130

For in its higher synthesis of the conscious and the non-conscious, speculation also demands the nullification of consciousness itself. Reason thus drowns itself and its knowledge and its reflection of the absolute identity, in its own abyss: and in this night of mere reflection and of the calculating intellect, in this night which is the noonday of life, common sense and speculation can meet one another

Just because you're not consciously reasoning about it in day-to-day life doesn't mean ideology is not actual. This state of non-conscious being is necessary for it to be actual and complete.

>> No.17938135

msg me at my burner account on insta. I don't have telegram or discord. IG @litsplainingkant I'm not a kantian though.

>> No.17938151

I hope this isn't OP, because if you are using Husserl to justify racial segregation, wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.17938156

Lovely argument lmao Truly the hallmark of a man guided by philosophy.
>Just because you're not consciously reasoning about it in day-to-day life doesn't mean ideology is not actual.
I'm not saying ideology is not actual. I'm saying people in 98% of all cases just rationalize their arbitrary choices and then try playing it off as rationality or worse yet, a philosophy. See the post I'm replying to above.

>> No.17938162

It's Hegel and no I'm not OP and I didn't even read the thread lol

>> No.17938175

Oh ok, fine then, as long as you leave my husserlino out of it.

>> No.17938177

>Lovely argument lmao Truly the hallmark of a man guided by philosophy
Not my fault that you live under a rock and don't know what planning is.

>> No.17938196

Again, clearly a philosophically guided argument, straight from the first principles. Maybe it's the frustration of getting BTFO'd over and over by the other anons, but something tells me you have nothing to defend your premises with except this adamant insistence.

>> No.17938228

Must be why you don't know something even kids do? I have no idea why you're posting on the literature board when you're less educated than a child. Nobody has btfoed me so far, you can barely understand simple concepts.

>> No.17938266

>Third consecutive post of pure cope
I feel like my sarcasm is going over your head, anon. None of what you replied to me with were actually arguments lol. You've, ironically, got nothing but stomping your feet like a child.
You have been BTFO'd many times over and your tantrum doesn't help.

>> No.17938288

Dude, you assume that people can't plan or make conscious decisions because you can't. Can't you even comprehend how retarded you sound?

>> No.17938308

>>98% of choices are rationalized, not apriori rational
> so... like ... people can't plan?? or make? Conscious Decision?
Can't you even comprehend how retarded you sound?

>> No.17938323

Lol, you would rather admit that you can't think all(LMAO, figures) and prefer to get raped and killed than to live in a utopia. Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.17938356
File: 13 KB, 300x250, 1608815032303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[post points out exactly where his reading comperehension fails]
>[his reading comprehension fails again]
>"Thanks for proving me right"
Thanks for proving me right, too.

>> No.17938384

This is the face of 2% thinking. No surprise you have hard time following.

>> No.17938401
File: 585 KB, 529x677, 56461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th reply of pure cope, 0 arguments
>tries to distract from explicit reading comprehension failure
>BTFO'd again

>> No.17938408

Dude, you have been making ad homs for how long after you got destroyed. I'm going to sleep since it's pointless to talk with people who don't want to.

>> No.17938462
File: 364 KB, 762x785, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6th reply of pure cope, 0 arguments
>still tries to distract from not being able to read
>conflates mockery for ad hominems

>> No.17938601

You have no idea what I'm talking about.
Life is a war of all against all, and it will never be more than that.

>> No.17938701
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>Life is a war of all against all
Sure, but sometimes that war takes the form of a proper hatefucking between a white man and a korean qt, followed by cuddles and kisses and sweet nothings.

>> No.17940069

>Philosophy is the requirement for every civilization as no civilization can be created without symbols that unite it’s citizens to partake in the very same civilization, such that could be described as an ideology
Philosophy isn't concerned with symbols or ideologies. It is concerned with metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, epistemology, etc. You need to explain why exactly philosophy is a requirement in civilisation.

>> No.17941288

>didn't even understood the sentence
>tries to school me on what philosophy is concerned with

>> No.17941321

You are free to school me instead anytime instead of greentexting impotently.

>> No.17941342

Reminder that OP has been SPAMMING the same exact thread many times, all to ADVERTISE his shitty blog.
You know what to do.

>> No.17941374

Things occurring after an activity doesn't mean the very same activity is concerned with that.
Do you know what that even means? I post it from time to time because it's more interesting than most other threads nowadays.
>ADVERTISE his shitty blog
But I posted the whole text here and I won't win anything if my blog became popular anyway, I have disabled all ads.

>> No.17941382

>Things occurring after an activity doesn't mean the very same activity is concerned with that.

>> No.17941498

You accused me of saying that.

>> No.17941513

Your habit of responding with less than 20 words is making your responses incredibly vague, and it is not the nature of schools to give vague lessons to its students. How have I accused you of saying that things occurring after an activity mean the very same activity is concerned with that. Infact, how is it not the case that things occurring after an activity does not mean the very same activity is concerned with that? Try to be exceeding explicit, for you can see that I am hard of understanding. That is how you school me.

>> No.17941625

>Your habit of responding with less than 20 words is making your responses incredibly vague
Because when I write something longer people don't have the attention span for it, anyway. Or just skim it and want me to write it down again for them.
>How have I accused you of saying that things occurring after an activity mean the very same activity is concerned with that
>Philosophy isn't concerned with symbols or ideologies
>the case that things occurring after an activity does not mean the very same activity is concerned with that?
Because they rather occur as a logical conclusion to it, rather than being a focus of it. For an example, trying to be rational to solve problems will also make you realize that there are also problems in our society. It's like saying the Republic isn't philosophy because it's political. All fields stem from philosophy.

>> No.17941629

test e

>> No.17941789


>> No.17942046

It's self evident
Look at sub-saharan Africa

>> No.17942719

> Athens was a pedo shithole which routinely developed human sacrificial cults
> Rome was the proto-urban hell were the Law at one point mandated the execution of all slaves within hearshot of the murder or a master, regardless of role in that murder. Hell for the first 400 years the Law was not public. The legal calender, which observed on which day what could be accused or defended, was not public. You could literally sue for murder and be told "sorry, murders are monday this week, this is friday, we do theft now, so you've lost your chance".
> But these are the only societies were people were truly empathic and understood human suffering.

>> No.17942771

>philosophical education for all ages that is focused on understanding and criticism is the most reasonable choice we can make in this age
No. Don't pillage philosophy like they did musical education, literary education, mathematical education, please. You know any attempt to teach philosophy to everyone will go down the shitter. You know that society is already built to be hostile towards the humanities, let alone philosophy. Your thinking is fucking utopian.

>> No.17943193

What? Only an extremely small amount of people were philosophers and very primitive at that...
No, the problem is that people are not philosophers and why everything becomes corrupted. If they are taught to be such they will think about things instead of relying on emotions.