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17931417 No.17931417 [Reply] [Original]

Write one good sentence.

>> No.17931419

Perhaps I might

>> No.17931443

Peepee bum bum

>> No.17931451

the fact that we have to do our taxes and try to remember every little bit of income and expenditure, the fact that there was more of the latter than the former, Family Dollar, Baker’s IGA, password, username, your card is now active and ready to use, the fact that not only do we have to calculate our income and expenditure but we gotta figure out how to get more money, and keep on getting money till we’re dead, Medicare, Medicare For All, the fact that by the time Leo’s old enough to get Social Security it probably won’t cover the price of a ham sandwich, much less a bottle of wine, the fact that we’re in for a wineless old age, oi veh, OJ, the fact that Leo has to go to Philly tomorrow and I’m not so good on my own, the fact that Ben knows so much for such a little kid, maybe too much, the fact that he says drugs work on a molecular level that can be assessed using logarithms and Schild Curves, but I just pop ’em and leave the rest to chance, breakfast, alarm clock, laundry, Spinbrush, the fact that we have to have a cocktail party and I don’t know what to wear, the fact that the only fun part is deciding on the canapés, cocktails, cock-a-doodle-do, cock, oh my word, the fact that words just pop into my head, dear me, the fact that I’ve got to get the dough going for the cinnamon rolls, the fact that at least we’re not having any more dinner parties, the fact that I put my foot down there, Your feet’s too big , feat of strength, footloose and fancy-free, the fact that our parties are always a big flop anyway because the kids come down in the middle in their onesies and kill all conversation with cuteness, the fact that they look like polar bear cubs and they know it, the fact that sometimes they end up serving the drinks too, the fact that I don’t know what Prof Pranump would make of that, especially since she’s teetotal, tea, Triscuits, Ritz crackers, Saltines, Fritos, Doritos, Frito-Lay, Planters peanuts, Blue Diamond smoked almonds, Prohibition, Some Like It Hot, the fact that soon polar bears and walruses will have nowhere to go, because the polar ice is melting, walruses, cheese and pineapple on sticks, cheddar cheese logs, school bus, ground cardamom, dried cherries, zest, the fact that walruses can swim for four hundred miles, sure, but not forever, for Pete’s sake, the fact that animals behave predictably, they don’t pride themselves on irrationality the way we do, the fact that, according to Ben, half the mammals on the planet will disappear by 2050, pineapple on sticks, the fact that Ben says everybody on earth will soon be starving or suffocating or dying of SARS or Ebola or H5N1, and H5N1 only has to mutate a few more times and we’re all goners, the fact that maybe

>> No.17931457


>> No.17931466

Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air, he released the black iron bars from his weakened grip and turned inwards to the cold gloom of his stone cell.

>> No.17931519

When we got into town, more people were standing at their windows than in the streets, and we soon saw why.

>> No.17931535

Goddamn you half japanese girls!

>> No.17931537

Jesus came unwillingly.

>> No.17931589

Though he had awoken in the early morning from an important dream, he had fallen asleep again and so the night's events were shrouded in mist.

>> No.17931599

“I’m lazy and the Government should take care of me.” Said Karl Marx

>> No.17931707

Money can make some people do some real crazy shit.

>> No.17932126

Gradually, I began to hate them.

>> No.17932132

Not every pee pee time is poo poo time, but every poo poo time, is pee pee time.

>> No.17932136


>> No.17932145

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

>> No.17932151

beautiful anon, this touched my soul

>> No.17932170

On the floor there was a fork, and on the fork there was an eye

>> No.17932173

Cum on me, Ishmael.

>> No.17932211


>> No.17932225

My guarder reprimanded me but I was unable to stop at that point

>> No.17932294

With indifferent clouds the sky sent low both light and shadow.

>> No.17932305

He wished his mom was still alive.

>> No.17932309

Twenty-one replies in and this is the only decent original sentence itt

>> No.17932318

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore.

>> No.17932321

Why is it the case that academics are so close minded?

>> No.17932332

Post sentence or gtfo

>> No.17932333

The nigger’s body swayed on the rope after the lynching

>> No.17932337

my wife chino is so cute

>> No.17932342

Maybe if I eat yoghurt and fix my gut health I won’t want to kill myself anymore, I hate yoghurt.

>> No.17932343

I like videogames.

>> No.17932349

Trips confirms

>> No.17932352

it was a dark and stormy night

>> No.17932357

The night was moist.

>> No.17932365

I am not your whore.

>> No.17932388

You were hoping this would be humorous.

>> No.17932503

The impossible renders the possible, possible.

>> No.17932518

Take heart, I have overcome the world.

>> No.17932544

I will as soon as you define what you mean by the words (symbols) "write," "good," and "sentence" - is proper grammar necessarily a defining characteristic of a good sentence?

>> No.17932586

My legs give away while we perform the danse macabre of precarious work straight into her glass cubicle

>> No.17932619

He looked up from his spade and the now compacted plot and into my eyes, and he spoke, "it takes an exceptional man to keep an old patch of dirt from telling secrets."

>> No.17932759


>> No.17933061

Not every noun needs a descriptive adjective

>> No.17933071

Chinks are super pushy and rude and have no social or physical boundaries. You can barely see the sun in Shanghai because there is so much air pollution. In the more rural parts of the country people literally shit in the street like it’s fucking Mumbai. You won’t be able to visit most websites you know because the government sensors the internet. They also spy on everything you do and if you say anything negative about them you’ll disappear. Truly a piece of shit country. I’ve been to every country in Asia and it’s one of my least favorite

>> No.17933146


>> No.17933159

It is no secret that this secret of secrets will remain the secret of all secrets indefinatlly remaing secret.

>> No.17933188

Nobody said it does

>> No.17933205

I thought this was a sentence about taking a shit in the morning

>> No.17933512

Whom hence shall thee be subject to heretofore?

>> No.17933550

Just be yourself.

>> No.17933558


>> No.17933584

Mary slept.

>> No.17933664

Animorphs should be required reading for elementary schoolers.

>> No.17933675

It was the best of the times, it was Times New Roman

>> No.17933697

A long man roved far fast and free while Jesus wept and Mohammad leapt and Moses slept.

>> No.17933703

If I owned a gun I would do it tonight
It would be liberating, the pain would stop, people would stop worrying
I made a grammatical error in the last line
I used to be alright, what happened
I’m drunk, I’m fiending, I’m withdrawing, if I had more I would be fine
If I could accept that people cared I would be fine
If people cared I would be okay
They do care, but not enough, not in the right way, not enough

I went and drank more. I don’t know why im writing this. It’s not helping I still want to do it.
If I had a gun I would shoot myself tonight
I snorted more too. It helped a little.
My hands aren’t cold anymore, but my feet still are.
I have a heart condition, I was born with it. It makes me have poor circulation.
I don’t know if it really causes that I just use it as a scapegoat. It probably does do that.
I started editing, I’m even more confused now, why am I doing this I hate writing.
Maybe I’m hoping I can show it to someone. Maybe I can convey what im actually going through and then maybe they’ll care enough to help me.
I don’t know how, if I knew how I would do it myself.
I do know how, and im never going to do it.
I should eat better food, I should regularize my sleep, I should reach out to the people that I know care about me (they really do exist), I should clean myself, I should do my taxes, I should go back to school, I should work more hours, I should start reading again, I should call my grandpa, I need to stop doing heroin. But I don’t want to get sick.

If there was a gun in my hands I would blow my brains out.
The wall behind me would be covered in red droplets.
There would be no need to examine the pattern. Anyone looking at the note on the screen would understand. I wonder what my note would look like. Would I leave one? Is it going to be like a will? I don’t think im going to blame anyone in particular, but I might. Depending on the day.
I’m sure I would leave one. I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to be heard. One last powerful action, forcing everyone to read my shitty words.
I’m worried I’ll miss. I cant be disabled. I can’t be more of a burden. I cant be a risk to myself, then I wouldn’t get to be myself.
I cant stand seeing their faces, I just need to stop existing instantly.
The disappointment would ruin me

>> No.17933709


>> No.17933787

It's the trade of daydreamers, none of whom desire to approach life or seem satisfied to even be alive.

>> No.17933804

I love my pony wife, Applejack, very much.

>> No.17934049

"Half a century later Capitalism thrives; The social revolution brought about by the New Left has, in fact, aided in making capitalism more international, less constrained by social pressures and more flexible and capable of chalenge than ever before. The 'sexual liberation' of the left has meant declining birthrates and the complete integration of women into the capitalist structure for exploitation. The rejection of Classical leftism has meant an end to workers solidarity and agitation for the working class, and facilitated the replacement of the industrial labor jobs with a mass of easily replaceble work in the sercive and manejerial sectors. The advocacy for anti-racism and the deconstruction of nationalism, has led to an opening of borders and increasing avalibility of cheap labor for capitaliststo undercut thei native workers.
A deal with the devil was made: the left was given its liberation, its destruction of tradition and its sexualized culture; the capitalist gained a mass of easily passified consumers without loyalty to their kin or any belief system which is fundementaly at odds with the ruling logic of capitalism. The universalism of the left has facilitated the globalist corporatism of late capitalism.
Through the useful idiots and cynical oppurtunists of the New Left, the capitalists found another way to revolutionize production and expand into uncharted territory, hitherto blocked off by traditional concerns of morality or national interest.
The result has been a transfer of wealth from ordinary europeans, to an ever increasingly small number of capitalists and a complete apathy of a mass of citizens, now mere consumers who have been reduced to a bovine kind of existence, with the constant provision of cheap consumer goods, necessary material comfort and an ever increasingly sexualized culture.

All sold to them in the name of liberation."

>> No.17934056

There were many words and I did not read them.

>> No.17934068

>A deal with the devil was made: the left was given its liberation, its destruction of tradition and its sexualized culture; the capitalist gained a mass of easily passified consumers without loyalty to their kin or any belief system which is fundementaly at odds with the ruling logic of capitalism. The universalism of the left has facilitated the globalist corporatism of late capitalism.
This is Hegelian sublation working as intended though.

>> No.17934074

And there he stood, as he did so many times before.

>> No.17934093
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The clock struck midnight.

>> No.17934118

No, >>17932170 and >>17931535 were good too

>> No.17934142

He sat on the chair, ready to write. Words didn't come out. He drank the coffee to calm the anxiety that came with incompetency. The unappreciated taste of the coffee gulped down his throat, while self doubt sat on the tongue.
I want to kill myself why do I suck holy shit

>> No.17934231
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And it's awful

>> No.17934479

I decided enough cock was enough and closed out of 4chan for good.

>> No.17934743

I feel there's Truth (or at lest some truth) but I can't just put my fingers on it. I've had this feeling many times where I could feel/see strings. I'm not crazy I swear.

>> No.17934757

> whines and weeps all the time
fucking faggot kike rat

>> No.17934770

I have led a life filled with shame

>> No.17934801

Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo. . . .

>> No.17934868

See the child.

>> No.17934879

He'd compared them to the stormtroopers in the "Star Wars" movies. He'd said, "Well, even if they as individuals are innocent, they work to sustain an evil and corrupt empire, collateral damage is unavoidable when you use children as human shields.

>> No.17934970

Touch the child.

>> No.17934986


>> No.17935000

Good thing you are here to save the thread.

>> No.17935005

there was one enemy left, two if you counted god

>> No.17935202

Relax, if you don't relax you won't be able to loosen up and stop thinking about writing good prose to actually write good prose.

>> No.17935209

Jesus swept.

>> No.17935260

Each minor problem like a grain of sand, each night I inherit the desert.

>> No.17935450 [DELETED] 
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Imagine an endless breath of a forest, each tree adorned with a multitude of branches, on each a nigger hanging dead.

>> No.17935528
File: 144 KB, 900x573, 554274AE-843F-45D7-BBCB-2E3E4596182C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the moment I laid my eyes on him, my fantasies became that of an ancient Greek aristocrat frotting with his erômenos, or that of a Roman centurion falling in love with a boy slave he captured from some tropical Mediterranean island during his conquests.

>> No.17935864
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>he released the black iron bars from his weakened grip and turned inwards to the cold gloom of his stone cell.

>> No.17936100

There was no doubt about it. The facts, as they laid bare, exposed of all their intricacies, revealed but one, immutable truth. He grabbed the shot glass and shakily hammered it down, momentarily blending equal measures of relief and despair. For a moment, he could forget the steps he had traveled and remember the time before which he stumbled upon things best left unseen. But he had seen it. There was no going back. From the pit of his stomach resolved one single conclusion: Epstein didn't kill himself. Who would he tell? No. Who would listen? That answer he knew, too, his eyes flashing to the image board.

>> No.17936118

You shall not, I shall

>> No.17936145

Kill yourself, my good sir.

>> No.17936156

I wish I was stupider.

>> No.17936175

red lettering on the side of the Chemical Bank near the corner of Eleventh and First and is in print large enough to be seen from the back seat of the cab as it lurches forward in the traffic leaving Wall Street and just as Timothy Price notices the words a bus pulls up, the advertisement for Les Miserables on its side blocking his view, but Price who is with Pierce & Pierce doesn't seem to care because he tells the driver he will give him five dollars to turn up the radio, "Be My Baby" on WYNN, and the driver, black, not American, does so.

>> No.17936182

Boys, we got a nigger on the loose! Hang the nigger!

>> No.17936609

that's 5 sentences dipshit

>> No.17936962


Beyond the small opening, the tree had built a world of its own, from its own.

>> No.17937038

This past week I've been battling an absolutely fucking horrific case of strep, and while trying to sleep through the fevers some absolutely brilliant phrases have come to mind for some reason. This also occasionally happens when I'm right on the precipice of being blackout drunk. Of course, in both cases, I couldn't be damned to physically write anything down, so as always I left some perfectly good babies in the dumpster.

>> No.17937064

Condom for sale, never used.

Niggers could be here, he thought.

"Before taking the word of an expert seriously, I look into their early-life section on Wikipedia."

"But if they're God's chosen people, why have they defied his command at every circumstance?"

>> No.17937129

Every red-faced, eight-sided commander slouches low now, perforated spine warped and weathered, once-crimson skin faded into the pastel Halloween hue of rusted hoops guarding houses, authority drained from outlandish white etchings.

>> No.17937179

Oh Lord, give me chastity , but not yet

>> No.17937195

My father had the sullen cruelty of all men who crave peace and quiet.

>> No.17937206

like this one

>> No.17937497

Look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car.

>> No.17938261


One good sentence.

>> No.17938292

The view that all the benevolence and malevolence directed at him were based upon error brought a blinding of self-respect, and self-denial as the final conclusion to cynicism.

>> No.17938295

For Sale: baby shoes; never worn.

>> No.17938611

I'll be back.

>> No.17938691

He wondered if there truly was any reason he shouldn’t kill himself.

>> No.17938829

yo i really like this sentence anon, frfr

>> No.17938907

this was enjoyable. anyone read the whole book, is it worth it?

She had a swanlike beauty but then again, so does a pedalo.

>> No.17939137


>> No.17939142

One good sentence.

>> No.17939242

I don't deserve linden tea.

>> No.17939383

Ecce homo secundem

>> No.17940004

The man was thinking about the sea when a 7.62 round entered his parietal lobe.

>> No.17940062


>> No.17940167
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>> No.17940315

I had not given any thought to scenarios such as the one I now find myself in, a mistake to be sure however it was too late for my enigmatic Rebecca to find comfort in the arms of another. She will always be mine and I will always reside in the depths of her amygdalae, lord and caretaker with the single key.

From my novel that I will never publish

>> No.17940329

You thought, you thot.

>> No.17940362

Canadian winters are cold, even colder when you live it a tent — I like my tent.

>> No.17940461


>> No.17940480

Traps are gay.

>> No.17940515

The fact that this post has the most replies in the thread is evidence of it's quality.
Well done anon.

>> No.17940531

The fractal nature of the endless possibilities of his future crystalized in his eye but fell apart when he focused his gaze on its ephemeral nature.

>> No.17940537

Congrats, you won the Logitech Post of the Week award!

>> No.17941596

When a person burns they do not bleed but smoke pours out of them instead.

>> No.17941639

Ecce penem meum

>> No.17941678


I am better than god because I am real.

>> No.17941694
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>better than fiction

>> No.17941695


>> No.17941761

You have to push the poop out of your butt because its very tight and there isn't much space between the sphincter and the inner seam of your pants.

>> No.17942290

When I helped with the drunken stupor, when I wrote the master's thesis, when I provided support for the death in the family, when I raised our child, when I shouldered our finances, when I did all that he didn't remember, but he did remember her number.

>> No.17942789
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The candle flickered, the sheets were still but all the energy in the room surrounded Roman and Kenzie, Kenzie stepped forth and gently touched Roman's arm. He suddenly felt weak in his legs and trembled and fell as if his Achilles' heel had been struck by a blade but all it was was simply a woman's touch.

>> No.17942897

At midnight, we strike.

>> No.17943100

The body was a marbled tapestry of interlocking veins; marred with post mortem rot.

>> No.17943157

They rode the high country for weeks and they grew thin and gaunted man and horse and the horse grazed on the sparse winter grass in the mountains and gnawed lichens from the rock and the boy shot trout with his arrows where they stood above their shadows on the cold stone floors of the pools and he ate them and ate green nopal and then on a windy day traversing a high saddle in the mountains a hawk passed before the sun and its shadow ran so quick across the grass before them that it caused the horse to shy and the boy looked up where the bird turned high above them and he took an arrow from his shoulder and nocked and loosed the arrow and watched it rise with the wind rattling the fletching slotted into the cane and watched it turning and arcing and the hawk wheeling and then flaring suddenly with the arrow locked in its pale breast.

>> No.17943166

I was 9 years old when my father was arrested, that was the last time I had an orgasm.

>> No.17943176


>> No.17943185

Heavy cringe.

>> No.17943195


>> No.17944404


>> No.17944418

I dont want pussy, I want head.

>> No.17944423


>> No.17944437

Dum *ting* da da

>> No.17945023
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Non-commitment to established styles is the most stifling commitment.

>> No.17945032


>> No.17945301

holy shit. this is good.

>> No.17945429

>fractal nature
>ephemeral nature

>> No.17945452


>> No.17946175

"I'm Dr. Kashmir," said Dr. Kashmir.

>> No.17946184

don't listen to
this is great

>> No.17946212

I stepped outside and stepped in shit.

>> No.17946230

The forgotten fire on this desolate beach is dying and only the stars so distant will ever see it smolder.

>> No.17946263

To walk in my shoes is to be ten feet tall, hitting your head on every doorway.

>> No.17946271

get out of your own ass

>> No.17946305

I recently made a verse I want to write in a poem, but I don't have any muse so I don't know what else to write.
It's in Spanish, but I'll do a rough translation and explain why I think it's good.
>El verso se hizo carne.
>The verse became flesh.
It's a clear biblical reference, in English it doesn't work as well because it's from
>The word became flesh
But in Spanish it's
>El verbo se hizo carne
Verbo and verso are very similar in Spanish, so I think it works better.
The clear meaning is that the thing I would talk about in the poem (most likely a woman) is some sort of humanised deity, and one related to beauty, as poems are beautiful.

>> No.17946320

"No, I haven't ever read Marx. Why do you ask?" - anon

>> No.17946529

I am here, and I intend to stay.

>> No.17946542

Pretty based desu

>> No.17946555

This is to my /discussioncrew/ lads
I was gonna ask to give us the sentence after this one since it sounded like a utilitarian line more than anything, so I suppose it all works out.
Post more brah, this could go anywhere
This could actually work even outside of comedy if spoilers functioned in books
Lol, this sounds similar to a top 10 listing of the "best opening lines of all time" from Ranker or something. It's got a solid foundation for me regardless, but it'd be sick if this came in the middle of a paragraph or so instead of starting one
Also a utilitarian line to me. It follows suit with the sentence I replied to above yours, but with even more need for context due to how general it is. Not a bad thing to have lines like this, but I guarantee that you and >>17931519 have cooler sentences for the prompt
I liked the punchline
This sentence/writing depends heavily on the rest of the text and how much you can fine tune the style, since I can see this working alongside flamboyant prose. I guess other anons are saying it's cringe cause of how simple or cliche it is right now
>last posted in march
The period version is better for personality reasons
You gotta have top tier content to follow this idea through

>> No.17946563
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The stars part is cheesy to me, but i think the main reason why is cause star imagery always feels like a way for readers to apply individual meaning as reinforcement for the rest of the writing without much effort on the author's part. You could prob change that segment to "...and no one will ever see it smolder," or some such phrase since the themes of loneliness and related emotions were already noted in the first half of the sentence.
I don't know shit about poetry + I don't know Spanish, but the first idea I connected the line and the Bible reference to was literature's social/mutual cooperation and dynamic instead of outright beauty.

>> No.17946599


>I don't know shit about poetry + I don't know Spanish, but the first idea I connected the line and the Bible reference to was literature's social/mutual cooperation and dynamic instead of outright beauty.
Interesting idea, for me the connection of beauty appears from being specifically a "verse", which are part of a poem, which focus on style, they are more about how you say things that what you say.
And with my limited skills in poetry I think making any poem that weren't a cheesy romantic one would be out of reach.

>> No.17946693

Not bad.

>> No.17946777

>beauty appears from being specifically a "verse"
I see, the line would defo fit in with the idea of beauty you're going for, and at the very least, there's a definite sense of some reciprocal, social connection happening in that sentence. What poets are you looking at for writing inspo?

>> No.17946825


>> No.17946841

Got me, kek.

>> No.17946859

Realizing that the market had crashed, I calmly put on my mother's wedding dress and loaded the rifle.

>> No.17946920

Everyone in his village knew what she had done.

>> No.17946935

Jenny had always wanted to complete a 'grand tour' — entertain men in her mouth, pussy, and ass at the same time — but never had the chance until she was twelve.

>> No.17946937

There are Bosniaks outside my house.

>> No.17947008

What book is this?

>> No.17947704
File: 38 KB, 600x600, drawstring_bag,x600-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My sentence didn't get a single (you)
Hold me bros

>> No.17947735

Like in the sieve of its fat that slights more in its respect

>> No.17947755

write a better sentence

>> No.17947772

As I am the brain of this child so spoke to me that hair of the dog

>> No.17947851

Stained upon the hooded stroll, spat of the lake of old sleep has found among the live, whats shown to them to see that they yet soak.

>> No.17947869

He tried his best; as usual, it was not enough.

>> No.17948025

>since it sounded like a utilitarian line more than anything
You said write one good sentence, not one great sentence.
The next sentence is great.
It takes everything about the good sentence and makes it a million times more impactful.
But because you were a smartass, I'm just not gonna post it.
Next time make a "post a great sentence" thread, faggot.

>> No.17948331

I think my cat would look cute with a little earring.

>> No.17948708

>not posting something from famous authors and then have niggers here call it "cringe" because they think the prose is overwrought and pretentious, thereby revealing themselves to be philistines that you can feel superior to
this is the 200 IQ move

>> No.17948758

His conversation with her had left him with a throbbing migraine in perfect synchronization with a throbbing etection, but it was a question of which would subside first.

>> No.17948795

She brought that throbbing feeling back again, so I gave it to her.

>> No.17948814

How easily she appears in your mind by these few short words!

>> No.17948834

allah akbar

>> No.17948870

I liked these ones :)

>> No.17948998
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>> No.17949004


cringe theist go away

>> No.17949031

As he sat there trying to think of something clever and witty to say, he realised it was 6:30 am and he hadn't been to sleep yet, and also that he had watched 5 Harry Potter movies in one day, and 1 yesterday, and that was in fact a better sentence than anything he could think of.

>> No.17949041

Rip and tear until it is done.

>> No.17949045

Wanted: pensioner flippers; swum regularly

>> No.17949054

Sadly she was there already.

>> No.17949168

Numbers interlocked with numbers all over the blank canvas blue sky, light blinded fools, darkness made us see clearly, and we saw at last, the artist weep with cold maniac rage--he knew he was still inside the prison planet, Earth.

>> No.17949188
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>> No.17949289
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Cringe and bluepilled as fuck

>> No.17949293

One good sentence

>> No.17949424

I didn't realize this was a sad occasion

>> No.17949480

Hahah, what does this mean?

>> No.17949501

My skin is like winter.

>> No.17949524

There she was, now, ever, an eternal dancer in pale moonlight.

>> No.17949583

I feel like this was made by John Green.

>> No.17950416


>> No.17950426

Universal truth

>> No.17950434

Based and young-gunspilled

>> No.17950439


>> No.17950448

Do the time

>> No.17950496

I got a (you) but only because I clearly tried to copy Nabakov

>> No.17950949

Something that is "real" isn't necessarily superior to that which is not.

>> No.17950982

After taking a shit, in that moment before flushing, I caught a whiff of dinner from two nights ago. I then flushed, furious I hadn’t done it sooner.

>> No.17951002

I feel a heavy breeze outside on the porch; the aging wood, finally given room to breathe, swelling in the plummeting air pressure, as if the vacuum created by the outward winds invites the dead to dance.

>> No.17951519
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If I pry into your ribboned cage, would I find a tanghulu heart or a hollow space where I've stolen it?


>> No.17952087

Yo mama so fat

>> No.17952152

Caddy smells like trees

>> No.17952380

Cringe and based, both at the same time with same stregth, the multiplicity of copes rott my brains.

>> No.17952391

I fucked your mom

>> No.17952408

I can't do it and never could.

>> No.17952416

He was just talking in circles and walking in rhymes

>> No.17952439

lol good one

>> No.17952475


>> No.17952479


>> No.17952586

i love these

>> No.17952792

Bird come!

>> No.17952866

Every broken heart is stripped for pieces.

>> No.17953112

Breaking hearts never made a noise

>> No.17953176 [DELETED] 

At that singular instant, the Nigger had come.

>> No.17953224

A square of light lay on the floor, one corner hemmed by my bookcases shadow.

>> No.17953440

District of Columbia, hobjob bush-league, stablish, night writing, psychiatric, cringy, dyspraxia, lay an anchor to the windward, companion, anti-civil tumbleset, palmer, -illion, wind road, hyperlordosis, nale cannel coal, mispress maculose, newsfeed postbourgeois, bounced check, Lyndon word, Velasquez, Jonas, nuthacker, umbrellaless, overfineness, reimbursement, unsubduable poikilohydric, cribber expansibly cagelike, yearful, subtree, herbaceous, skyr, hertz, member class, zeroize, vauntmure, unpeaceably, subjunctivity, imageability, clammily, Frankfurtian, take something as read, adenosine triphosphate uphoisted, hesperidin congealed salad, barytolamprophyllite, parenchymatous, walrii, PSO, healingly, unteachableness, erosionally, indweller, polyhydric alcohol, eurus, aqueous humour, endotoxicology, rouched, dung heap, scuffler, embattlement, mesic, Munro bagger, bepenised, direction, restatement, hasped, pluralistic unbegilted, choose your own adventure, fluff out, assward, pathomania non-barbaric, Mason City meritorious, unlaboured, knaa, Santa Croce, yellowseed, phurba, Queensberry rules, visual cortex unpaired electron, hypochord, computerised, Zoharist, oxacid, ethnopolitical carillon, Cromwellianism, ongoingness, by trade, Angkor Wat, chancelessness, Amritsar, passionless, quizzical, fresherdom, fibriliary, freckling, equivoluminal occlusive ileus, teleogenesis, sharksucker, bogie, calcium chloride androgynophore, boyfriendless, strawberry begonia, mise en abyme, magnochromite conglomeratic, combustion chamber wave packet, cyburban, Revelle factor, uneven bars, vast, sea primrose, code face, unstory, photodynamics, postcolonialism, bivouac, sicklily bacteriolytic, magnetostatics, texanol, pale thrush, aryldialkylphosphatase interleading, reppiaite cerotin, ostleress chafing dish, backtalk, renovative, schachnerite, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, soothe, advertise, titanothere, personness, kitchen bitch, Gilgameshian, trituration, iron out, ginger up, unbowed, Frances, recursive acronym, monasticists crack a fat, Bitter electromagnet, Montfort, ailurophilia, paulmooreite hypsi-Tel Aviv-Yafo, antiquation, triformous, topless radio, cylindrically, disliker electroneuromyogram, vox doc., Tom and Jerry, overestimate Eng., dousting, ice road, take up the gauntlet, limelighter, freibergite, take the veil, propagule, semiosseous phocoid, pecker snot, zoopathology, platforming, anisomyopia, cascarilla, fret the gizzard, subspecific name, letterspace, Soviet Jewnion let out, doraphobia candiru, nori, glittering, NMHA singing, radiotelemetrically, mescal bean, tiller truck, subgluteal helvellic acid, patronly, tympanometry, vampire taco acetylsalicylic, betrayedst, slimeway, snuffing, catchability, postabortal, rigolette, abstracted, spirobacterium predestinatively, July Monarchy, frame of mind, hazardous material, pick and roll, bisque doll, pansinusitis, malamute, documentability, skilllessness, nonbankable, estate for life, people-first language

>> No.17953495

Ducks, Newburyport

>> No.17953575

Every time a child dies, we should celebrate.

good opening line to a novel or nay?

>> No.17953604

God, love is so fucking cringe.

>> No.17953609


>> No.17953614



>> No.17953622

That whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must remain silent.

>> No.17953625

Rather, I think the fact that the earnest efforts of those other anons fell so short of capturing it is an indication as to the depth and complexity of love.

>> No.17953628

Black bile gulch crowning as she nursed the toilet with spew and evening regrets.

>> No.17953631



>> No.17953670

Like a human Pachinko machine into which you smuggle your own balls, only to find that the prize is an STD and you always win.

>> No.17953684





>> No.17953748
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Or the whole of the concept is just fucking cringe.

>> No.17953753


>> No.17953756






>> No.17953772





>> No.17953797





>> No.17953833



>> No.17953841



>> No.17953859



>> No.17953885




>> No.17953906

The interlocking nature of heaven revealed itself to be no more than an illusion; wrapped in an enigma.

>> No.17953907

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.17953913

KANYE..; dated

>> No.17954006

I was saying boo-urns

>> No.17954217

At least eleven of the swans were ready for transport.

>> No.17954227




>> No.17954419
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Giving my opinion cause I'm bored

That's not even a sentence

I like it. The interplay between wackiness and professional attention-to-detail is neat.

Based moleman, but you didn't write it

Not a sentence, and your bastardized ellipsis makes me angry

Tru dat, but you didn't write it

You don't know how to use semi-colons, and anything that begins with "The interlocking nature of heaven" reeks of pseud.

Not a sentence, did you write that Jakarta shit too?

Just bad

I don't think gulch is the word you're looking for.

Nice dubs

Not a sentence

I like this.

"singular instant" is overkill

Noice. I can almost feel this sentence.

>> No.17954443





>> No.17954467

Armand never engaged in introspection for too long; he found it would compromise his public identity as a selfless man.

>> No.17954486

>Tru dat, but you didn't write it
Wrong, I typed that in. I just wasn't the first person to do so.

>> No.17954583 [DELETED] 




>> No.17954781

Neo-noir kino.
If I feel the same way, does that make me crazy?
Think that was Moses.
Balmy Mediterranean Sea tier.
Epstein is not dead.
I am too idiotic to understand these ones but they sounded nice.
Laughed. Thanks, Anon.

Trying to tell us something?

Publish. Why not?

I like it even if it feels a bit pretentious? But that is just me being brainwashed.
I feel like we have been brainwashed into thinking pretentious = bad.

I kneel.

Holding you.

Passed around like my mom.

Same person?

I liked this one, tells you a lot about a persons skin really concisely.

Cut it short by breaking your neck.

Wish I was one of your lads.

Soothing although I don't understand what it means. Someone dying and their soul passing? And the dead welcoming them? IDK.

One of the best sentences in the thread and was just a reply. Is this natural talent?

Bad way, maybe workable if its a bildungsroman and you swiftly make it clear that you are talking metaphorically.


>> No.17954799





>> No.17954807

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17954808 [DELETED] 


Cut out the middle man. The human race has been a disaster for the human race.

I don't either know how to use a semi-colon properly, despite trying to figure it out. Would it work after "itself to be;"?

>> No.17954822

>>17954781 (You)

Cut out the middle man. The human race has been a disaster for the human race.

I don't either know how to use a semi-colon properly, despite trying to figure it out. Would it work after "itself to be;"?

He meant that Moses slept with Mohammed, thereby cheating on Jesus while Mohammed leapt out the bedroom window.

While in reality none of this happened and it is merely the musings of the long man, trying to entertain his brain while hiking in the far east.

>> No.17954833




>> No.17954901


>> No.17954927

While waiting for the bus, I leaned back, undid my zipper, and tried peeing straight up into the air, meaning to impress the girl at the opposite stop — “Look at me, I’m the human fountain,” I yelled.

>> No.17954935



>> No.17954951

Cum on Tommy, they're trying to have a mutual fanvid

>> No.17955075

He readied his weapon, she clenched her teeth.

>> No.17955079

Is that me and butterfly? :3

>> No.17955086

Tranny chaser.

>> No.17955090
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>> No.17955094




>> No.17955102

You're just jealous of my success. ;333

>> No.17955143


>> No.17955153

Any single sentence on it's own will either be 'profound', utilitarian, or require it's own context smashed within it.

>> No.17955160




>> No.17955168

U alright anon?

>> No.17955248

Missing punctuation.
Nearly a third of your words are adjectives. Nine words can make a good sentence by themselves.
What do waking up early, having a dream, falling back asleep and forgetting last night's events have to do with one another?
Drop the second 'some real'.
This has the prose of a child's picture book. And you're missing punctuation.
Apparently guarder is a word. Punctuation motherfucker.
Frustratingly pointless without context. But I have no criticism.
Why does it need to be the case? Why can't academics just be close minded?
Based schizo-poster.
Sounds cool, but it's like defining a word with said word and thinking you're waxing poetic.
In - de - finite - ly
if you remember to keep 'finite' whole, then you'll usually spell it right.

>> No.17955269

Reminds me of a zoomer Pinecone.

>> No.17955281

Hey, I wrote this and genuinely want people's opinions because I figured this would make for a neat exercise because of the input portion. Please don't troll and say it sucks just because I asked for opinions - please give your honest thoughts.

>> No.17955294

good googly moogly that thang is juicy

>> No.17955310

Better its not a charge from thy tongue, thou hold cross the point on thy sword.

>> No.17955329

no, but it's an excellent start to a gurochan /lit/ story

>> No.17955330

>the one tryhard who doesn't get people are joking around

>> No.17955339

He was walking away, while she was walking to the downtown district looking to find herself some grub a sweet treat that’s good to eat but all the resteraunts wrre closed so she went to a 7/11 and bought herself one of those chocolate waffle cookies I think they are Dutch.

>> No.17955439

“Found” feels a but semantically awkward to me because i associate it with learning through experience, I would write “felt” instead (but don’t put too much stock in my opinion)

>> No.17955514

A shaft, rooted to the right, leaning as stress ridden experiences ruptured its growth.

>> No.17955533

I wish the coronavirus was real.

>> No.17955711
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never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down

>> No.17955745


>> No.17955793

Mine right eye speaketh contempt.

>> No.17955812

One good sentence

>> No.17955818

>Since I was born my entire personality has been defined by four dominant emotions–intense sexual arousal, laziness, hatred, and murderous rage.

>> No.17955822

I thought these thoughts, the sort which vanished from being the minute you got distracted, for hours as I walked.

>> No.17955850
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>> No.17955889
File: 107 KB, 710x823, ee9be3c584f30e34c739467fa3fa4e0f51-wojak-01.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write one good sentence
>writes one good sentence

>> No.17956117

T'was truce thrown towards time that turned the tide.

>> No.17956154

Taking a breath of morning air, he released the iron bars from his grip and turned inwards to his cell.

>> No.17956211


>> No.17956223

would be good if it ended at inwards

>> No.17956252

My poop was flowing like an Indian river.

>> No.17956266

I loathe that idiot.

>> No.17956272

When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there.

>> No.17956275

"I think it was your cherry pies."

>> No.17956278

I wasn't in the mood to write one good sentence. I was in the mood to write two, or even three good sentences. Sentences that I'd call good, anyway. I might not be a real writer, but I'm wrote those sentences anyway. Fuck the po-lice, fuck yo momma, een fuck yo dog ayass niggi.

>> No.17956295

I am too old to be locked by juvenile hatred

>> No.17956311


>> No.17956330

There was a cold gloom in his stone cell, turning inwards only after releasing the iron bars, otherwise how would he have been able to turn inwards, unless he had incredible torso mobility, he also took a deep breath which proceeded or rather preceded all of this.

>> No.17956346

There is only being - nothing doesn't exist

>> No.17956351

Life is nothing but one long suspense of pettiness compromises and pain.

>> No.17956353

shut up nerd

>> No.17956401

And even if I did write the god damned sentence, no one would to reply to it, it was just my disgraceful bid for attention from a bunch of anonymous faces on the internet.

>> No.17956491
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Do the impossible, see the invisible - row, row, fight the power.

>> No.17956582

A sharp look from Finley cut his diatribe short.
had a hearty chuckle
do it to me every time
>Jesus came unwillingly.
I wasn't religious until I understood that Jesus was a rape survivor.

>> No.17956745
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[doing something], he [did something] and [did something]

>> No.17956761

ready player one was better than this and atleast had story

>> No.17956768

Niggers tongue my anus. Softly, softly, softly...

>> No.17956775

Many years later, upon his deathbed, Anon was to remember that distant afternoon when he first discovered 4chan.

>> No.17956784

Good sentences.

>> No.17956787

Is it really? I’ll have to take it off my backlog then

>> No.17957088

I like this sentence.

>> No.17957091

Sneed me to jail, i wont finish the sente-

>> No.17957298

"Oh to be a bird, caged only by the pulpit sky, tethered only by a love of land."

>> No.17957687

It was here, in this post, anon could find a man he respected- for he too loved ponies.

>> No.17957844

Jesus sweated

(swole jesus)