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/lit/ - Literature

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17930193 No.17930193 [Reply] [Original]

Henlo Anons, it's my birthday today. Please advise me which books I should buy with my gift money. Pynchon is on my list, as are a couple by Deleuze.

For reference, some of my favorite books are Don Quixote, Blood Meridian, and Catch-22. I mostly read /lit/, but some genre fiction is ok. Manga recs are also allowed I guess, but that shouldn't be the focus of this.

>> No.17931121
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Happy Birthday, Friend. Have you read McCarthy's other books? Which books of Deleuze are you looking at? I would definitely start with his solo stuff rather than his work with Guattari. The book in pic is fun. For Pynchon I honestly recommend just jumping straight in to Mason & Dixon.

>> No.17931205

You paid for that book? They give those out for free all over where I live. I have a copy of every one of those hindu pamphlets, strange they'd make you buy it. But it's also a buck fifty so ehh. not a net loss. And as for recommendations, I don't really know. I just read a book called "Vampires and Vampirism" by Dudley Wright. It's a 19th century/early 20th century book on different cases of vampires throughout history and the folklore surrounding them. Very interesting read. I also recently got two books, one called "The highest states of Consciousness" which is a bunch of 50's psychologists and writers talking about the different forms of ecstatic modes of consciousness humans have used in ritual and how they have affected us, from drugs to mystery school cults/dionysian dancing around a fire drunk, all of that stuff. Alan Watts and Aldous Huxley have essays in it. Then one called "A universe of Consciousness" which is just a book about neuroscience and how the brain works. It's pretty technical but it's very very interesting. Also happy birthday by the way.

>> No.17932181
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, frens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you frens