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17930086 No.17930086 [Reply] [Original]

I came across Jordan Peterson probably like most people, through YouTube and I was one of these procrastinating young men (subconsciously) looking for guidance and what JP said made sense to me. I still think what he said is basically common sense, things I believed in myself but I didn't think I was right because nobody else talked about them. But when you have a serious person of authority, a well educated adult who's an academic with suit and tie saying these things, it's more credible.

To be honest, I have now become more right wing than Jordan Peterson, but I still like and respect him. I agree with Jordan Peterson that the west is in a perilous state, I agree that western academia has been overtaken by marxists and postmodern "intellectuals", I agree that masculinity is in a crisis, I agree even though I'm an agnostic atheist, that spirituality / religion is necessary for societies because it provides them a moral compass, and nihilism is a terrible thing. And I love that Jordan Peterson made many people aware of C.G. Jung and told procrastinating, aimless young men to get their life in order. Another honorable thing JP did was to make people aware of the crimes commited by socialists and communists, because everybody in the west already knows about the crimes of the fascists, but not enough people know about the dangers of the far left. To many, JP is the father figure they never had and I appreciate him for what he does.

>> No.17930102


>> No.17930126

>Academia has some problems with leftists
>Religions gives many people moral guidance
>Communist regimes did evil stuff

>> No.17930130

There are also some things I disagree with JP but I won't go much into detail here because I don't try to convince people on here of my viewpoints. For example, l am not as supportive of individualism and capitalism as is Jordan Peterson and initially being against identity politics, I now support identity politics but from a right wing perspective because I think politics is inherently identitarian.
However, this post is mainly against Jordan Peterson critics who are to the right of him. It is extremely common on the ethnonationalist right / Alt Right to make fun of Jordan Peterson, typical examples include his advice to clean your room and his refusal to answer a question about the book 200 years together by Solschenizyn which apparently argues that jews were behind communism. First of all, I don't think it was wrong of JP to say "I can't do it". One can clearly tell because he took some time to respond that he actually wanted to answer the question, but since he simply just didn't read the book it would be intellectually dishonest to give an answer. The Alt Right then tries to twist this into Jordan Peterson being an apologist for a supposed Jewish conspiracy and a gatekeeper who prevents young (white) men from going fully "red pilled".

>> No.17930132

If you were ever in a position to benefit from Griffin Peterson, your opinions are forever worthless.

>> No.17930157

What a shitty blog!
Unsubbed >:(

>> No.17930161
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Peterson is a pathetic crackjob and you shouldn't take anything he says seriously besides
>be a better person

>> No.17930184

To make things clear, I do think it's possible to criticize Jordan Peterson, but to be honest, anybody who doesn't have his house in order and criticizes Jordan Peterson can't be taken seriously. If you don't strawman JP, accurately represent his views, provide solid arguments against them and have your own life in order, you can be taken seriously in my opinion, but this applies to maybe ~1% of Jordan Peterson critics. Because, what are these Alt Righters who dunk on JP actually saying? They are mocking him, calling him stupid etc. And yet Jordan Peterson has millions of followers and is by many considered the most important contemporary western intellectual / thinker. If you say Jordan Peterson is a dumb charlatan you are indirectly saying you are smarter than Jordan Peterson, you are implying that you could also have millions of loyal followers and would be considered a top intellectual (you're just too lazy to put out content yourself, right?). This is hubristic narcissism in my opinion.

This is from a reddit post I made before those faggots banned me but I think it's important and applies to this forum too. Too many on the right dunk on thinkers for purely narcissistic reasons because if they can portray some thinker that is by many highly regarded as being some pseud, this implicitly means they are superior to those thinkers and could also have millions of admirers, but of course nobody on 4chan has millions of admirers, yet there are thousands of people on here dunking on famous thinkers so why is nobody of these anonymous commenters on here having millions of followers like the pseuds they "debunk" ? Only an excuse like "Im too lazy to present my ideas to the world" could be used.

And like I've stated, I have my own critique of JP but that doesn't prevent me from realising most JP critics can't actually critique him, they just want that narcissistic feeling of being above him despite him being an inspiration for millions of people.

>> No.17930204

OK if JP is so shitty why does he have millions of followers all over the world and is (wrongly or not) considered a key intellectual thinker? If you're so much smarter than dumb old JBP, where are your millions of followers?

>> No.17930258

Intellect does not cause fame you colossal idiot.

>> No.17930268

This is exactly the entitled, narcissistic mindset that I talked about. It gives you a narcissistic rush to implicitly claim that you're intellectually superior to JBP which means you could also have millions of followers, if not more since you're even smarter than JBP. But I bet you don't even have your own life in order. One of the most basic things JBP talks about. Again, I'm not a JBP fan boy or anything like that. I also think he's a gatekeeper because he is against collectivism and shills for free market yadda yadda but 99.9% of JP critics are either dumb lefties who think he is associated with the alt right or dumb /pol/acks with their "hurr durr wash your Penis. Muh I can't do it" talking points to whom JBP critic of young men being underachieving, immature losers perfectly applies to.

>> No.17930277

5/10 Bad excuse

>> No.17930288

You are a failure of a man. What kind of person honestly needs some youtube personality to tell them how to live their life? Its a joke and whatever cope you can come up with avoid the fact is worthless, just like your opinions.
Cardi B and Kim Kardashian are inspiration for millions of people. Does that mean I should listen to what they say? Gtfo.

>> No.17930300

>Another honorable thing JP did was to make people aware of the crimes commited by socialists and communists
Stalin personally killed 50 billion people and went around laughing while Ukrainians starved.

>> No.17930302

>to implicitly claim that you're intellectually superior to JBP which means you could also have millions of followers
You are making a terrible argument here by saying the mob is correct in it's judgements. I agree with your take on Peterson (at least the parts I read). Very dumb take here though. There is a difference between intelligence and being right, for example I am sure much of the marxist intellectual elite is very intelligent (and has plenty of support from the mob).

>> No.17930308

>Cardi B and Kim Kardashian are inspiration for millions of people. Does that mean I should listen to what they say? Gtfo.
>What kind of person honestly needs some youtube personality to tell them how to live their life? Its a joke and whatever cope you can come up with avoid the fact is worthless, just like your opinions.
Someone who grew up in modernity and was raised stupidly? I wonder how naturally virtuous you are, considering learning about life is off the table for you.

>> No.17930311

>Jordan Peterson has millions of followers and is by many considered the most important contemporary western intellectual / thinker
I bet you think Karl Marx is a smart guy too, hes pretty popular. If you say hes bad you actually are implying you are smarter, but if you are so smart why don't people know who you are? I win you lose :^)

>> No.17930320
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>Conventily avoids to adress any of the issues I've raised
>Thinks some negro pop musicians are comparable to intellectual thinkers
>Y-You are coping

>> No.17930324

>Someone who grew up in modernity and was raised stupidly?
"Noo noo its the fault of society that I'm a failure". 12 year olds fight in wars, you should have been able to pull yourself away from candy crush and pick yourself up by your bootstraps.

>> No.17930335 [DELETED] 

>pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
Facebook is that way

>> No.17930340

There is nothing to respond to. Do you honestly believe 'clean your room' is a reality breaking revelation?
I'll say it again, anyone who was in a position to benefit from Peterson was a failure and will continue to be a failure.
You'll never understand because you aren't a real man.

>> No.17930351

You're saying parenting and community are irrelevant in how a child turns out, how immeasurably stupid. Honestly 50/50 chance you're trolling.

>> No.17930375

You have bad reading comprehsion. I didn't say JBP can't be criticized. I said 99% of his critics argue in bad faith and ironically they represent problems JBP talks about, whether they're coming from the left and right. And Marx was very smart. I think all of us here hate the mainstream and have disdain for plebs or what you called the mob. But that doesn't change the fact that that mob has power. This sort of reminds me of artists who never became popular and then said "well the dumb masses only like dumb stuff so naturally few people would like my aristocratic art so it's fine that I'm poor and have no success" which is kind of a cope.

>> No.17930387

OK patrician. What do patrician people like you read then? I wanna be a top notch intellectual like you too :(

>> No.17930414

>I said 99% of his critics argue in bad faith and ironically they represent problems JBP talks about
You also said the mob is proof of correctness.

>But that doesn't change the fact that that mob has power.
That doesn't change the fact that power and truth are not the same thing.

>which is kind of a cope
Not if they are correct.

>> No.17930422

>You also said the mob is proof of correctness.
Where did I say this? Quote me.

>> No.17930439
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>Your intellect has nothing to do with you being considered one of the most important intellectuals of the west.

>> No.17930447


>> No.17930449

>And yet Jordan Peterson has millions of followers and is by many considered the most important contemporary western intellectual / thinker. If you say Jordan Peterson is a dumb charlatan you are indirectly saying you are smarter than Jordan Peterson, you are implying that you could also have millions of loyal followers and would be considered a top intellectual
>to implicitly claim that you're intellectually superior to JBP which means you could also have millions of followers, if not more since you're even smarter than JBP

>> No.17930472

Tankies and wehrabos are equally awful. WW2 was fun because you idiots slaughtered each other and now you're both impotent followers of dead ideologies.

>> No.17930475

So is Judith Butler

>> No.17930479

You’ll kneel to Xi, bitch. Heil China.

>> No.17930482

But the 75 years after the war that signify the most absurd civilizational decline in history are proof that the allies were correct, right?

>> No.17930487

Learn the difference between correlation and causality.

>> No.17930493

I need a shortcut that posts this paragraph

>A working paper from the World Economic Forum stated that “China’s private sector - which has been revving up since the global financial crisis - is now serving as the main driver of China’s economic growth. The combination of numbers 60/70/80/90 are frequently used to describe the private sector’s contribution to the Chinese economy: they contribute 60% of China’s GDP, and are responsible for 70% of innovation, 80% of urban employment and provide 90% of new jobs. Private wealth is also responsible for 70% of investment and 90% of exports.” Today, China’s private sector contributes nearly two-thirds of the country’s growth and nine-tenths of new jobs, according to the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, an official business group.

>> No.17930498

Well, you'd first have to prove that there's no connection between intelligence and being able to get millions of followers. All you could come up with is some cope / excuse how there are different types of intelligence, one being the intellectual intelligence and one the ability to create a huge following. Let's be honest, someone who only through putting out ideas gets millions of followers must do something right, whether we like them or agree with them or not. Saying all their followers are just NPCs might even be true, but that doesn't change the fact that these thinkers have power.

>> No.17930500 [DELETED] 

I couldn’t give less of a fuck about communism lol.

>> No.17930511

I'm probably agree with you on a lot of things But I'm gonna keep it real with you, no one wants to listen to the guy who needed self help daddy.

>> No.17930512

How many followers do you have faggot?

>> No.17930521

Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy

China is a paper tiger

>> No.17930528

>muh fallacy
>muh china is a paper tiger

>> No.17930539

On YouTube? 13. No but seriously, I'm too young and don't have my worldview together yet, so I'm not putting out big ideas of my own so far.

>> No.17930544 [DELETED] 

enjoy your ban

>> No.17930546

>Well, you'd first have to prove that there's no connection between intelligence and being able to get millions of followers
Okay, well if there are lots of followers of two ideologies that are incompatible then my point is proven, and this is clearly the case. Unless you claim that two contraries can both be equally correct???

>All you could come up with is some cope / excuse how there are different types of intelligence
I said someone who knows lots of information can still say and think wrong things, which draws a distinction between being right, and being intelligent.

>Let's be honest, someone who only through putting out ideas gets millions of followers must do something right
Maybe they get sophistry right.

>but that doesn't change the fact that these thinkers have power.
That doesn't mean they're right.

>> No.17930551

>Muh China stronk
>Stop pointing out logical flaws in my reasoning
Back to bunkerchan with you

>> No.17930556

All sides in the war were wrong. Deal with it. Not my problem if you expect full demonstrations on a casual message board, go read.

>> No.17930634

JP says some things that are good common sense (clean your room) but then uses that to shove in a stupid boomer conservative agenda (don't try to fix the world until your own life which is unfixable because of the state of the world is fixed, the evil leftists want to steal your penis, have respect for the bible, women should shop and do the cooking)

Also he doesn't understand WW2, or Marxism, or post-modernism, and he hasn't read Nietzsche

>> No.17930651

>your life is unfixable due to the state of the world
Wrong. That implies that your ability to live well is dependent on others, which is not the case.

>> No.17930669

Hmmmmm where have I heard this argument before? It sounds somewhat familiar...

>> No.17930674

No answer? Thought so. You're too afraid to name thinkers because they could be dunked on too. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.17930684

>You're saying parenting and community are irrelevant in how a child turns out
I thought it was genetics?

>Well, you'd first have to prove that there's no connection between intelligence and being able to get millions of followers
Look at every single public figure and tell me intelligence is a prerequisite. From Cardi B to Joe Rogan.

>> No.17930690

Kim Kardashian has 68 million followers on twitter

>> No.17930710

Plato, Cicero, Dionysius the Areopagite, Philo of Alexandria, Plotinus, Gregory of Nyssa... The list goes on and on.

>> No.17930724

prime midwit-college-sophomore ramblings right here

>> No.17930734

>im smart for listen to youtube
t. Peterson fans.

>> No.17930741

Absolutely. The main thing is the inability to maintain one clear line of tenable reasoning. The points go in all sorts of directions (at least as the thread progresses), and many of them are irrelevant or extremely unclear/incomplete.

>> No.17930743

I didn't specify above not to be redundant, but I meant followers who follow you because of your output of intellectual ideas not some trashy pop music.

>> No.17930755
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>tells people to get their life in order
>rabid followers defend him viciously from all criticism because you have to "clean your room" before daring to point out how his understanding of anything outside of Jung is laughable and he probably doesn't even read about much of the stuuf he talks shit about
>turns out he was an adict the whole time and has to fry his brain into a comma in Russia before coming back visibly impaired
The state of angloshit intellectuals. Pathetic.

>> No.17930758

This argument has already been debunked. I'm not talking about people who got famous because of porn or reality TV but people who got famous because of their intellectual output.

>> No.17930763

This is an example of a good critique of JBP. They're rare.

>> No.17930770

Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Black Science Guy, any political commentator.

>> No.17930781

In a final analysis, I think Peterson is just a grifter who manages to make money from incels and easily impressed young men.

I think the right wing angle is probably just coincidental, he paints the left as this big chthonic threat that is stopping men from succeeding in life. It just coincides with PragerU nonsense about the evil blue haired feminist lesbian post-modern neo-marxists

>> No.17930784

Why are you not responding to my post?

If you read and understood Plato you would not be making 10IQ posts like you are now.

>> No.17930807

>They're rare.
wtf, are you retarded? I dont even disagree with the point, but this is probably the umber one regurgetate critique of beterson there is, and its not even especially good, are you mentally insufficient?

>> No.17930825

>Claims to be pro free speech
>wants to defund universities until they comply to his worldview

>> No.17930828
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>> No.17930838

It's a matter of time until this guy gets busted for child porn, I can fucking feel it.

>> No.17930897

bad behaviour anon. clean your room.

>> No.17930927
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Sorry but if you're seriously arguing that Peterson's following means he must be right i'm just gonna point and laugh

>> No.17931471

shit tier argument. a lot of people have AIDS, does that make it good?

>> No.17932641

Bitch, you got quoted and tried to ignore it.