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17925910 No.17925910 [Reply] [Original]

Necromancer Vs Reaper Edition
Previous Thread:>>17910875

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Never going to be created.

>> No.17925922

Please just ignore this thread. Fucking weeaboos

>> No.17925930

Based anime OP


>> No.17925952

What do you guys think if Kentaro Miura made an anime or manga out of Bakker's series? I think his art and storytelling style would be ideal imo

>> No.17925954
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>write extensive setting for fun
>read it
>realize its trash

>> No.17925957

>2 hacks pooling together their """"talent"""""
Biggest hackwork in genre.

>> No.17925983

After how many rewrites and edits, anon? You don't really think what you write in the initial draft is final.

>> No.17925997

I wouldn't say there were any edits. I just wrote it cuz it kinda popped out of nowhere. You know? Extensively listening to the ending theme of New Vegas and write a pretty generic house war with medieval dragon apocalypse vibe and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and its kinda generic and all?
The only good character out of the bunch is a noble thrall who lives in secret in the undergrounds part of his castle using magic and kabbal-esque means to get what he wants with his paranormal shenanigans.

>> No.17926011

>writing fantasy
>worrying that it's generic
It is always generic Anon. Either stop worrying or write some sci-fi which is superior.

>> No.17926014

I admit Bakker is rather niche, but is there any reason for your vitriol towards Miura other than because of his popularity? He's definitely the greatest comic artist (both west and east) of his generation

>> No.17926030

>is there any reason for your vitriol towards Miura other than because of his popularity
not him but he doesn't fucking draw

>> No.17926042

Miura is the bigger hack of the two.
His art is very overrated and has looked like vomit ever since he transitioned to computer ink.
Say nothing about his stories, Berserk is edgy, misery porn Shonen that is marketed as Seinen to manchildren and teenagers. Like many other manga it started with a relatively interesting premise but the gook is incapable of creativity and incompetent in writing, and even Golden age turned out to be run of the mill dark fantasy with some interesting bits and trash humorous moments. The series has becoming generic fantasy with shock value rapes after that. (Black swordsman is good though)
To say he is the best comic artist (in both senses of the word) of the east, let alone both east and west, is retardation.

>> No.17926050

I'm sure it's possible to write something somewhat original that doesnt revolve elves dwarves kings and queens

>> No.17926147
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What books of David Gemmel are worth reading after Legend. I loved Legend a lot. It might be my favorite low-magic fantasy book yet.

>> No.17926180

I agree, Legend is great. I half-heartedly tried another Druss book but didn't make it far, need to try again instead of re-reading Legend

>> No.17926911

Beyond the superficial level of gore and tits, their viewpoints aren't at all compatible, and Miura has no fucking reason to serve as an illustrator for an author who has a small faction of his own popularity so I don't see any possibility for cooperation.

>> No.17927113
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hey, im 90% in my current book (Atlas Shrugged) and wanna go more easier this round. So Im thinking what to read next. 1 of this:
Dan Abnett: Eisenhorn
Brandon Sanderson: The Way of Kings

anything good or bad with the list?

>> No.17927284

I think Inoue would give Miura a run for his money quality wise. As much as I love berserk, I think vagabond has much better art and writing.

>> No.17927288
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The Telling, Hainish Cycle - Ursula Le Guin (2000)
This is an ethnography, a spiritual journey, and a plea for the preservation of traditional cultures and their knowledge. Although the first of those should be in theory rather interesting to me, it wasn't in any standout way.
The following isn't put in spoilers, though arguably it should be. This novel takes a more literary bent to where the plot could be described as entirely irrelevant. Hopefully this will aid you in determining whether you ought to read this or not, as it's relatively unusual for science fiction. In some ways it's difficult to spoil as this is very much a "the journey is what matters, not the destination" sort of narrative. Indeed, it even somewhat chides the reader for thinking there has to be rising action, a climax, or a resolution.
The protagonist is Terran and a brief description of her life there is given. Earth had succumbed to a worldwide crusade where all unbelievers were punished, if not killed, and all books except The One True Book were to be destroyed.
She leaves Earth for a different planet, Aka, to be an observer for the Ekumen, which is basically a galactic United Nations. Aka is a single continent that is not-China contemporary to when it was written. Decades prior to her arrival they had their not-Great Leap Forward / Cultural Revolution.
Eventually she is allowed to leave the capital and visit an ethnic minority out in the countryside who remain outside of the modern ways. This when the novel properly begins. Since it's an ethnography she's primarily concerned with how they live, what they believe, and the minutiae of their day-to-day lives.
She comes to realize that one can be spiritual without being religious and sets off for not-Tibet to learn more about The Telling, which is not-Taoism, rather than not-Buddhism. In this particular case when taken as whole, it was far too directly analogous for me to fully enjoy what I was reading.
The primary ideals of scorn are organized religion, state capitalism, coffee, and missionaries, which is fine by me, but seemed out of place. By comparison, the analogues of traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts (Tai Chi, etc), and spirituality are praised.
If it isn't clear by now, let me be explicit, there is minimal conflict shown and the entire book is simply her learning about how they live. That's little more than that, which is all well and fine, but I wonder if a novel was the optimal length. If you're looking for a slice-of-life sort of story, this may come relatively close to that. If you want action, drama, conflict, or similar, then this isn't what you'll want to read at all.
Rating: 3.5/5

>> No.17927337

>it even somewhat chides the reader for thinking there has to be rising action, a climax, or a resolution
This is mainly what always bothered me about Le Guin - it always feels like she's talking down to her readers.

>> No.17927661
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>L. Ron Hubbard

Was he a good sci-fi writer?

>> No.17928061

>Berserk is edgy
Berserk isn't edgy, it's not even particularly miserable. Hell half the point of each of the earlier arcs is that even in objectively shitty situations there's still good people who go out of their way to help others. Jill, the prostitute in the Conviction arc, Godo the Blacksmith, Guts himself, Flora. Even the old man who helps Isidro, just a minor character, a peasant who gives a kid a sword because he might be able to do something good with it.

>> No.17928072

My local shop has all of the Prince of Nothing trilogy and I won't be buying them because its the shit covers versions

>> No.17928119

The tons of fluff rape, the ogre rape baby, Rakhsasa using horse blood to douse fire, Motherfucking Berserker armor breaks bones and numbs pain so that Guts can execute shonen moves all scream edgy. It's not that they are violent or shocking that they are edgy, but because Miura and his audience ckearly see it as a draw for the work. Look at the fan reaction at the rakhsasa scene, people were happy they were going back to depressing levels after being fed shonen for 100 chapters. Having a few tender moments in a series which so desperately tries to get you emotionally involved does not excuse it. There are tons more and people blame Moore for propping his fiction on rape when Miura has some of the most mindless rape scenes inserted in his series.

>> No.17928274

Miura is not what he once was. He went all in on pedo loli uguu bullshit.
Bakker is into women in their 30s and sees girls under the age of maybe 25 as immature and naive. Since I'm writing this on a board overrun with children and pedophiles: This means he finds them unattractive and uninteresting.

>> No.17928287

>Miura is not what he once was.
Miura's still got it, Gigantomachia was great. But it's clear he's had enough of Berserk.

>> No.17928305

>beserk moves from edgy shit
>Praises bakker
Just admit to being and edge lord already.

>> No.17928310

>Bakker is into women in their 30s and sees girls under the age of maybe 25 as immature and naive. Since I'm writing this on a board overrun with children and pedophiles: This means he finds them unattractive and uninteresting.
based patrician take, scott

>> No.17928331

There's nothing wrong with edgy media if they're done well. Not everything has to be slice of life tea parties. It's not a competition either, different people enjoy different things; tropes you like aren't inherently better than tropes you don't like.

>> No.17928358

>Write one page
>Motivation gone for whole day
This fucker's never getting written

>> No.17928364

story of my life, fren

>> No.17928384
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Sword in the Stone was good and Witch of the Wood was okay but I hated the rest of it. White is a psued and his self inserts as Merlin are exceptionally cringe. Can’t believe I wasted my time reading this instead of Malory or Tennyson.

>> No.17928402

If it's done well it is not called edgy.

>> No.17928432

The issue with writing shit like this is that it's all irrelevant. Plotting is incidental to why people like a story. It first and foremost has to have good characters and be written well. Once you nailed those two things, you can start to think about plot and world building. Nobody will read a poorly written lore shit dump (why would they care to?), but well written human interactions are fun in their own right. It's probably better to practice writing scenes (or fan fiction within an established universe) rather than come up with all kinds of background bullshit if you actually want to be able to write something people will want to read one day.
Outside of genre fiction there's a lot of stuff that sounds boring if you read a summary, but if you read it it's extremely compelling because of the soft factors that can't be expressed in a summary.

One issue I have with classic sci fi is that it's very often written blandly, with cardboard characters. In those cases I'd really rather just read some autistic wiki summary and save myself time. The problem with "good ideas" is that you need a lot of them to fill a book, and even then it becomes hard to recommend if the rest is autistic (I have this issue with Firefall).

>> No.17928440

>/Biz/ smg threads tainted with Lum posters
>Now SFFG is full of anime

>> No.17928464

If you call edgy shit you like something other than edgy I assume you're insecure about your taste and feel the need to somehow elevate it and make it seem more respectable. Don't take yourself or other people so seriously, those who claim their tastes are high brow are dumb faggots 99 out of 10 times, in my experience.

>> No.17928525

Well, you nailed it anon. Because I did "wrote" this universe through dialogue between the characters. I'm not interested in massive expensive lore. The average Joe doesn't read the story behind Morrowing, jumping directly to dialogues between the player and Dagoth, Vivec or whatever. Or same with any fantasy book or series. The character always get remembered the most.
So essentially, I've written a bunch of interactions and characters, who, through their dialogue, seem to be a tid bit original, but all in all, in terms of archetypes, they're pretty generic. Or at least, in their setting, they're expected to fill certain narrative roles. There isn't any story in what I've written, its kinda like a scrambled situation. Could make a good /qst/.

Wanna hear more about it?

>> No.17928536

No, I just think edgy shit is simply irredemable. It, in fact, cannot be done well; might as well try to make evil good. A work can be extreme and violent but if it's done well then it is never edgy. If it's edgy then it cannot be good.

>> No.17928657
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I used to think similarly, but then I had in depth exchanges with other people and read books they recommended, and I understood what they like about them and how that can transform their opinion of the material, even something that I found awful. It made me reconsider why I like the things I like, even when I don't think they're actually good, and realized that I also enjoy certain tropes a lot and am willing to put up with drawbacks so long as they are done well enough for me.
Saying you like a book because you enjoy sexual tension and tragic-romantic relationships between men sounds autistic, but I think in the end I think we all like media because they contain things we like, moreso than because they are well crafted overall. That's not to say I can't tell the difference between something well made and something poorly made, or that it doesn't matter to me.

"Edgy" is often used pejoratively, but not exclusively, and its literal meaning refers to something perfectly acceptable in media.
I think in the end it boils down to not being super serious and posturing in how you talk about what you like. You're posting in a genre fiction thread on 4chan, so I'm sure you also like things that are generally regarded as retarded by serious intellectuals.

>> No.17928695

I always take the term "edgy" at face value. For me it means 'self-conscious works that are on some level romanticizing their own attributes of violence, darkness and suffering'. 'Edgy' came to be used to describe violent and gory fiction because most of them are written in a way that you are "metaphorically" cutting yourself on their edge by reading them. They usually draw to them people with the same affinity for darkness and violence in fiction.
I think a work can be dark and violent without being edgy, but I have yet to see an edgy work that is universally acclaimed as good without resorting to irony.

>> No.17928838

>misery porn
Unpopular opinion, but misery porn is my favorite genre. If there's no suffering or sense of hopelessness I can't get into a story. I'm not like this irl and just want everybody everywhere to be happy, but that's how I like my fiction.

>> No.17929107

Can Fantasy novels that have no overarching plot and are just the main protag wandering through the world, interacting with characters, work?

>> No.17929142

>just the main protag wandering through the world, interacting with characters
Wasn't that the essence of Akka's arc in second trilogy?

>> No.17929429

Worked for Conan.

>> No.17929561

I'm stuck on the last scene of my fantasy novel /sffg/. 1000 measly words and I can call this draft done but it's the most intimidating blank file yet.

As long as the novel is thematic and the scenes logically flow from one another and the climax is satisfying, sure. But it's the last point that's challenging. Someone said, "What is a story about? The last few pages," and they're pretty much right. It's why people keep talking about Sanderson at all; they sunk-cost themselves through the first 85% and come out thinking it was okay because the last 15% was decent.

>> No.17929629
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Just finished this. It was alright, although it felt like setup for another story further down the line. I can definitely understand the one star reviews from people who were pissed because Erikson doesn't explain jack shit and just expects you to cotton on, but I enjoyed it despite the initial struggle.
I'm a little pissed Erikson doesn't just call 'Soletaken' shapeshifters, though. That's the kind of confusing fantasy-speak that trips me up.

>> No.17929645

Do you have a cohesive idea of what the ending is going to be or are you flying by the seat of your pants?

>> No.17929970

The important bits are all past, this is just the bit where the characters say goodbye and such.

>> No.17930276

each short story did have its own defined plot
may be more appealing if the protagonist at least has some overarching goal or motivation, even if the plot is more "open world"

>> No.17930685
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Good news is the struggle continues in book two as well. Although I'd say Erikson got a lot better at TELLING a story.

>> No.17930951

Why do people not like Brandon Sanderson hear? I have read plenty of stuff recommended here, and besides a few small things I did not enjoy, I loved it all.

I just can't get the hate for Brandon though. Just finished Way of Kings and it was great.

>> No.17930965
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>Lyft summoned her awesomeness

>> No.17930976
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Shame I have never met that character because I have only read the one book so I don't quite get whatever buzz meme ur saying.

>> No.17930977

Are there any comprehensive literary theories about fantasy fiction? I know Bakker has some essays on his website but I was wondering if there were any real academic theories about SFF literature?

>> No.17931173

>each short story did have its own defined plot
Every story has a plot. Most of the Conan was literally just picking up on him mid wander, then telling of him wandering into X event and hacking his way through it. He doesn't have a goal or overarching objective beyond "I'm a chad".

>> No.17931189
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>Why do people not like Brandon Sanderson hear?

>> No.17931228
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Picked up this. What order do I read in?

>> No.17931286

Alphabetical, but skip any vowels and leave the Q for last

>> No.17931298

The Way of Kings. I'm reading it right now. It's not good but I'm enjoying it. I can't explain why.

>> No.17931314

Got it. Thanks!

>> No.17931328

Eisenhorn is fun. If you're not afraid of committing sacrilege, the audiobook versions are very good to listen to while doing irl shit. Would recommend.

>> No.17931704

>create entire world as a kid
>realize I can't use it cause it makes no sense

>> No.17931710

Order in the book is fine. Rarely does one story reference another

>> No.17931863
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Which fantasy novel should I read before bed tonight: The Darkness That Comes Before or The Bible

>> No.17931965
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>> No.17932117
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anyone here read this? solid 4.5/5

>> No.17932172

>one page a day
>good size book donein a year

simple as

>> No.17932680

>tfw you never read those intro poems to each malazan chapter

>> No.17932748

The second book is my favorite. The one with Tenaka Khan.

>> No.17933499

>I'm a little pissed Erikson doesn't just call 'Soletaken' shapeshifters, though. That's the kind of confusing fantasy-speak that trips me up.
Because they're not the only shapeshifters around.

>> No.17933589

Not that anon, but I'd be interested in hearing about it.

>> No.17933632

Based, I skip every poem and every song in every book.

>> No.17933772

Picked up a random book called Farnham's Freehold for a dollar. Anybody have any experience with it? Still going to scope it out and if it isn't any good then whatever, it was a dollar.

>> No.17933831

Bible first. It is the singular most popular and impactful fiction of all time.

>> No.17934062
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fucking BASED

>> No.17934098

>Sing me a song, you’re a singer
>Do me a wrong, you’re a bringer of evil

>> No.17934402
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About to read this, what am I in for?

>> No.17934593
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Is Malazan the Book of the Fallan the grimdark series to read currently?

Quality sci-fi.

>> No.17934597

No, that's The Prince of Nothing.

>> No.17934606

But I need to read Malazan to compare it to it, right? Anyway, why doesn't Malazan, a fantasy series so gushed about in the last decade or so, have no hardcover editions in English worth buying? I don't want piss poor paperbacks, but then again I'm in the wrong genre for that, right?

>> No.17934622


>> No.17934632

Malazan and Prince of Nothing aren't alike at all and you don't need to read Malazan for comparison reasons.

Many people dislike Malazan because it has no planned out plot and is basically a loosely bullshitted together series of books that start to feel repetitive quickly, both others like it, so you might as well check it out. Not like there's a lot of other fantasy to look into.

>> No.17934638

Asimov's least interesting book.

That I've read anyway

>> No.17934639
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what Jack Vance book should I read?

>> No.17934652

I merely want to do Malazan before The Prince of Nothing to see where fantasy went after GRRM and what Erikson's and Sanderson's brand of grimdark is like given both of them are currently the most critically acclaimed of their generation of writers.

>> No.17934662

>In the distant future, mankind's first zero-point energy nuclear reactor gives birth to a new type of virus in its vacuum chambers, known as "the Punishing". When it escapes and spreads along the wind currents of Earth's atmosphere following an explosion, the cybernetic pathogen proceeds to kill humans and infect machines, causing them to mindlessly seek to destroy anything with a human consciousness. Humanity thus sees no other option but to escape into space, where survivors live aboard the space colony Eden. To reclaim their lost planet, humans devise a way to modify their bodies into virus-resistant combat cyborgs: the Reconstructed Soldiers, or in its short form, the constructs.
Are there any books with settings like this?

>> No.17934663

Any science fiction or fantasy like this song?


>> No.17934669

That's literally just a zombie apocalypse premise except they changed it up a bit so the teacher wouldn't find out they copied someone elses homework.

>> No.17934749

Well yeah but it's like with cyborgs and shit.

>> No.17934881

>Sanderson's brand of grimdark

>> No.17934902

tranny subhuman thinks eastern art is good.

>> No.17934942

OP is tranny faggot as usual

>> No.17934979

Tales from the Dying Earth

>> No.17934989

tranny subhuman have better taste than you then lmao

>> No.17935083

Wintersteel leaked 3 days early so someone better drop Bloodline by tomorrow.

>> No.17935307

How did it get leaked?

>> No.17935314

Beats me. IIRC anon dropped a MEGA.

>> No.17935514

You're a suitably idiotic reader.

>> No.17935524

It's about Mars.
Not the planet we know, another Mars. A Mars that actually bares life, oceans, and some other stuff.
It's basically all about the life of Martians, a war-mongering race, as they live and conquer each other or other people. Having an history so long they've pretty much forgotten three quarters of it. They probably were on their planet for millions of years, and established civilisation around the same time.
They have neighbors; giants, drakes, mineral people and the Marsians (totally different people), but frankly, they never cared for them. For they only thrived for mutual dominion. They all praise the same god, the god of Mars, but are just divided about it that they establish multiple churches praising him with a different name (which is more or less the same with multiple syllabes; Mar, Marlum, Marzelum, Marazelum, etc.).
The few stories I've written for it usually revolve around wars, or Martians acting differently that they usually would. Since they have a blue and orange morality, they wouldn't seem too humane to us. In fact, their notion of war and rivalry is so different from ours that they don't see it as an inconvenient situation, but a normal course of action, something more ritualistic.
Their society is based on the looks of European looks on XVIIth century Middle East with hints of Empire/houses politics. They're easily divided and reunited, It's sort of in their nature to be like this since their appearance can radically change depending on their own agenda or alliegance.
The last novel I've been jokingly writing was about the God of Mars waking up from a two-thousand year sleep and realizing that Martians were too busy playing gods with his magical artifacts that he gave before slumbering. So a group of improvised templars set off to retrieve them before he goes full on berserk on Mars.
It's light "alien" fantasy. Meant to be humoristic. I've imagined this universes through images and not text, so it's hard to transcribe what I have in mind. But all in all, it's pretty cliché.

>> No.17935955

is that what you tell yourself subhuman. At least you admit being a troon faggot.

>> No.17935986

Are Esselmonts malazan books any good? im in the mood for more Feners Crotch

>> No.17936102

Thanks for the bump, substanceless-post newfag.

>> No.17936246

Jerusalem man

>> No.17937309

three whole ass novels based on the idea that you can predict, with precision, the course of civilization far into the future just by understanding human psychology.

it's fun i guess, but pretty silly

>> No.17937602

Asimov got the inspiration for the Foundation series from reading Gibbon's History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. This is a work that is today regarded as the product of the Enlightenment sniffing its own farts and which no modern historian will interpret uncritically, but luckily we have ancient sci-fi writers either ignorant or openly contemptuous of the humanities to keep the old memes alive. You just switch the Enlightenment hand-wringing for historical materialism and there you go.

Seriously, I have no idea why people like Asimov. He's not even particularly good at the fedora-tipping compared to Clarke or whoever else.

>> No.17938296
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>> No.17938297

Dying Earth

>> No.17939053

>most critically acclaimed of their generation of writers
Uh you mean fantasy writers? Because they're no where near the most acclaimed writers in any generation except maybe the stone age.

>> No.17939088
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Haven't done one of these in a while so here you go.

Mask of the Template by Cebelius. Someone a few threads back recommended it to me and it did not disappoint.

Story 3/3
Pretty standard isekai stuff, though it's full-on furry along with monster girls. Main character's nice. He's street smart and cunning instead of the braindead heroic MC you usually find and can hold his own in a fight even without powers. He's an MMA fighter, but even in other books I've read with supposedly skilled fighters, they still have to rely on shit like steel swords or crazy armor they brought with them instead of their skills. He's more cunning, but not an outright evil or jackass character, which I don't see too often outside of characters that have to be conniving because they're inept, like Rincewind. Characters in general are pretty great. I was a bit hesitant about the inclusion of greek mythology shit at the end, but Euryale herself is so adorable that she instantly won me over, and I kind of hope Shu comes back too. Not too convinced about Cacaelia's motivations though. She doesn't seem to have any kind of plan and her past actions don't really make too much sense aside from just making Terry look good, and that came a bit too early. If you took out the sex scenes, it would still be a pretty solid, if short and basic, read.I have to admit I'm a bit nervous about the sequel since Euryale seems way too powerful, but we can cross that bridge next time.

Smut 3/3
Plenty of sex scenes scattered throughout, all very nicely written. Personally not too into a couple things, but they were described nicely enough that I still found them enjoyable even if they weren't my fetishes. Breastfeeding has always felt a bit too on the submissive side, for instance. Also I do wish there was a bit more build up and titilization, but there are more than enough full on sex scenes to make up for that. And I totally understand this is preference so I can't ding it. It's a bit lacking in the middle. Shu's adorable, but her scene was incredibly short. A full scene between Shy and Laina while they were imprisoned would have put it over the top, but I think he's building up to more girl on girl stuff and didn't want to blow everything in the first book.

>> No.17939509

What are some good tools for fantasy world building? I've been using Azgaar's fantasy map generator and it's great. Any other tools like that?

>> No.17939859
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Inkarnate for maps
how do you like mine?

>> No.17940023

is arcane ascension any good? i like trashy power fantasies but harem/awkward anime sexuality shit usually ruins series for me, does it have any of that? GRI is fine.

>> No.17940094

Main character becomes gay out of nowhere in the last 20 pages of the book. Was pretty jarring

>> No.17940264

Something like Dark Tower and Hyperion?

>> No.17940271

actual westerns and Keats' poetry?

>> No.17940276

no, I hate don't care for the cowboy demographic. or poems.
I'm thinking dark sci fi/fantasy with some sort of horror/time travel/mind fuck elements.

>> No.17940621

In fact I would argue Malazan undeservedly gets the grimdark label. It's simply epic high fantasy in the true meaning of the term. Having a large cast and high stakes inevitably leads to deaths.

>> No.17940639

Glad you liked it anon.

>> No.17941110
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Random question
I had an idea for a fantasy book - Evil Dark Lord is banished by heroes but the villians/monsters in his new world are so evil that he is sorta the hero there. Or likewise an Evil Lord is entombed and resurrected into a future with a similar scenario.
I feel like... this idea is so generic, it must have already been done.
Anything written like that?

>> No.17941263

Is there anything (resources, tips, good documentaries, etc.) I should keep in mind when writing sci-fi (ET-esque first contact specifically) for the first time? I’ll largely stick to the ideas and structure I have in mind but I feel like if I go in with just the knowledge I have now I’ll end up digging myself into a hole I can’t get out of.

>> No.17941562

Everything has been done before in some capacity, so why worry if your idea is 100% original?

Write something that interests you AND might change your life.

>> No.17941611

This board (lit) will have threads about writing, with tons of resources
Brandon Sanderson has a whole class on writing sci-fi/fantasy. Free on Youtube. He mostly focuses on fantasy but it can apply
Orson Scott Card has a book on writing scifi, and he's won multiple Hugo Awards
But the biggest tip of all is (Good Writing with a Hook) is way more important than a "Good idea."

>> No.17941653

Rather than trying to adhere to somebody, adhere to your interests, organic growth of events and characters that make sense.

>> No.17941882

Of course I'm talking about fantasy authors, we're in /sffg/ after all.

>> No.17942372
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Any good books about a female reaper falling in love with a human male?

>> No.17942391

no, but good if ur a lore fag

>> No.17942504
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Is E William Brown going to publish this year?
Is there a way for me to read all his rewards on subscribe star (without being a paypiggy)?

>> No.17942870

Looks ok, but I prefer Wonderdraft. It creates nicer looking maps.

>> No.17942920

>In fact I would argue Malazan undeservedly gets the grimdark label.

A book can spend so many pages describing atrocities, misery, mutilation and body horror in minute, repetitive details, before getting labeled "grimdark".

>> No.17943029

It's been a little while since I've read any of Rincewinds books but I wouldn't call him conniving, just street smart

>> No.17943046
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>I hate don't care for the cowboy demographic
Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.17943422

Short reminder for all newfags that the third iteration of the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy torrent is up and running


>> No.17943434

I don't enjoy all the implied sodomy

>> No.17943657

Is a wizard of earthsea worth a read?

>> No.17943735

Can I get an answer please?

>> No.17943905

Huh, I though it's going to be released much much later. With it being released, I might actually read Wintersteel even though I hated it first.

>> No.17944014
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Good place to start with Reynolds?

>> No.17944029

no... don't.... the writing is absolute garbage.

>> No.17944063

And yet you read fantasy, the genre with the most implied sodomy.

>> No.17944234

Chasm City is pretty good. For some reason I thought I wasnt going to like it and it was the last of the books from the Inhibitor series that I read but I really liked it. A really memorable setting.

>> No.17944294

Fuck are the girls in wheel of time awful. Now in the begging of book 5 even Elayne has been ruined, and she was the only one of the min cast of girls still liked.
For fucks sake.

>> No.17944309

Just wait until Nynaeve finally gets the dick she needed and becomes based.

>> No.17944489

Whats the best space opera?

>> No.17944532
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having seen the show, is it possible to skip the first 2 books of this?

>> No.17944537

No. But it's definitely possible to skip all of the books.

>> No.17944588

Why start reading a series, to then get invested in the enormous world and characters, only for there never to be a satisfying resolution? You're better off reading Tolkien or any other series that actually manage to have narrative drive. GRRM is excellent at world building. But he creates too many characters and ultimately leaves behind a flopped legacy.

O' what could have been, had his popularity come after his death. (And he wasn't distracted by Hollywood TV stardom)

>> No.17944626

Only read fantasy series that have been finished.

>> No.17944685

House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds is pretty epic.

>> No.17944718

Or at the very least have a chance to finish, it'd be no surprise if GRRM keeled over tomorrow.

Very recent book, but I quite enjoyed A Memory Called Empire. The Teixcalaanli being poetry obsessed dweebs, who craft poems with all their heart simply to call someone a fucking idiot and engage in drunken rap battle-esque showoffs is pretty neat. The protagonist does seem a bit too close to a self-insert, the protag is a fairly clever redheaded woman with a female love interest while the author is a redheaded lesbian, but I can look past that because the main character is just going full native with no hesitation.

>> No.17944792

No, the show is awful. It lacks everything that makes the books good. the show characters are flanderized caricatures of the book characters. If you want to get into the series, read the books.
As others have pointed out, it is unfinished and may remain so forever, which is actually a reason to read it now rather than wait for a conclusion that will probably never arrive. The books aren't only enjoyable because of a destination, the way there is great fun in itself.

>> No.17944800
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Is there an author who better exemplifies "Amazing first book, fail to meet expectations second book" than Dan Simmons?

>> No.17944819

revelation space was fun
xeelee sequence was fun

diamond dogs by him is one of the best sf short stories

>> No.17944858

Can /ssfg/ recommand me an entertaining book about djinns? Horror, stories inspired by this culture or whatever.
> inb4 "what are djinns?"
Djinns can be summarized as 'invisible humans', they were created alongside humans in Islam and are known to be capable of influencing humans. Unlike us, they are supposed to hear the angels talking and capable of flight. In ancient times under Solomon, it is said they built cities and took the form of animals. Some people say they're evil but they're actually not inherently bad nor good, they have free will like we have.

>> No.17944881

What is the other IRC that isn't #bookz?

>> No.17945039

The "best" is subjective.

The post-Endor book series of Star Wars Expanded Universe is unironically a great space opera for those who like longreads. Unfortunately, to fully comprehend good parts, you also need to read many mediocre hackworks, or you might be at a loss about newly introduced characters and crucial plot turns.

On the opposite side of the scale, if you like your stories short and concise, with relatively little overarching plot, and emphasis on clever thinking, rather than on shit blowing up and sword duels in space, you may check Poul Anderson's Polisotechnic League stories.

Crest/Banner of the Stars is a comfy space opera, with probably the least amount of asspullls I've seen in the subgenre, but unfortunately it is let down by a shitty MC.

Fire Upon the Deep is a great novel with surprising amount of thought and commentary on relevant issues, for something that is still pretty much straight space opera. The prequel and sequel do not hold up to the same standard, but you don't need to touch them at all (and they are still decent books, just not as good).

>> No.17945166

Unironically Bakker.

>> No.17945168

>like we have
Ohohoho, someone hasn't read Bakker.

>> No.17945251

this shit is why i never will read bakker
From the way you fags go on and on about him seems like some rick and morty "3deep4u" type shit with a lot of cucking in it.

>> No.17945262

hey guys, I'm back! what great sf/fantasy lit have I missed in 2020?

>> No.17945276

Imagine being filtered by Rick&Morty kek

>> No.17945279

Who is this Bakker you seem to be idolizing and which of his works are you referring to?

>> No.17945325

kek good one

>> No.17945331

R Scott Bakker and his Second Apocalypse series. Bakker beliefs that every content of consciousness is the result of biological processes beyond our perception. More specifically he also beliefs that most of our conscious beliefs are based on social, cultural and historical conditioning.

Basically people don't really exist, they're just simulations ran by brains that can't perceive their own nature and are utterly enslaved by circumstance and biology.

>> No.17945807

>Crest/Banner of the Stars is a comfy space opera, with probably the least amount of asspullls I've seen in the subgenre, but unfortunately it is let down by a shitty MC.


>> No.17945835

I'd say the intent behind it matters a lot.

>> No.17945859


>> No.17945909

Haven't read it. Please elaborate. I don't see anything wrong with the concept of mines in space if there's some kind of cloak.

>> No.17946003
File: 48 KB, 500x500, The-Trouble-with-Peace-By-Joe-Abercrombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone feeling this trilogy?

Definitely not his best work (that'd be the standalone novels from the first trilogy) but it isn't so bad. The characters aren't as interesting as the first trilogy. There have been some great moments though get rekt Stour.

>> No.17946123

Whats the ethics of those minature libraries that you see in certain neighbourhoods? I walked by one that had I think all of The Expanse novels, but I don't want to be greedy and take them all...

>> No.17946193

"Mines" in the Starsverse are just rockets with the ability to maintain their own pockets of normalspace in the dimension they use for FTL and therefore can be used as, well, rockets in fleet battles. Japanese IRL like military technology that sounds extremely dry and stilted in translation and here "mobile space mines" is an example of continuing the tradition in fiction.

>> No.17946198

>military technology

"military terminology", I meant. Fuck, I don't have enough sleep.

>> No.17946316

>miniature libraries
Never seen one of these, but when someone leaves a cardboard box of books in their driveway it's because they want people to take whatever ones they want.

>> No.17946343

I hope it doesn't end with the "people rise up, kill all nobles but with grimdark twist" that it seems to be so blatantly heading towards. The last two books have been predictable as fuck.

Also none of the characters are near so good as the OGs. Leo is close, in that he has more depth than a shallow puddle, but Savine and Orso are total cutout 'nuanced' characters that have been done a trillion times in the last 20 years. Rikke is so fucking boring because of her retard aura.

>> No.17946366

Bartimaues trilogy sounds like what youre looking for. It's YA but its very enjoyable YA.

>> No.17946367

How do you fags get shit from the subscribe star paywall?

>> No.17946388

Space is so huge that space mines logically would just be 'cloaked' missiles in essence, wouldn't they? I still don't see a huge issue. The only issue would be that most mines probably wouldn't have a way to receive new commands to keep them tamper proof, but even then I can see why a military would give mines a failsafe like that for one reason or another.

>> No.17946423
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well the "rules" are take one, leave one, but seeing as the series is 7, and I had no books on hand it felt kinda off

>> No.17946811
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Just finished the latter half of Wintersteel after stalling it for months, but fuck me the romance was cringe as fuck. I hope Will turn down the romance shit in the next book, I really don't want to read any more of it.

>> No.17946833

After going through half of the first book, I'm not going to read the rest until and unless it is confirmed that Bayaz fucks over everyone and wins forever again. Leo is the only character who maybe does not entirely deserve this.

>> No.17946897

I can't stand Yerin. It's funny, but in Will's attempt to not make Lindon a mary sue he turned Yerin into one instead.

>> No.17946913

The romance was barely there, especially for it building up over 8 books, and this last book being the most we've seen of it. I'm sure it'll be a bit more obvious come Bloodline.

>> No.17947079

Yeah I'm kinda spooked that Joe is too scared of his readers and has lost his edge. Also you're making a good choice not reading the others until the series is done, since it really seems to be shaping up that way. I hope he is going for the bait n switch, but the number of strong female characters and their closeness to the plot makes me wary.

>> No.17947406

The first 3 books are the only things from that franchise worth reading. Maybe AFFC if you're really into it.

>> No.17947480

Middle of book 3. Kellhus is a non character.

>> No.17947548

well, duh
he's barely human

>> No.17947724

Khellus is overpowered.

>> No.17947732

Is Vampire Hunter D any good?

>> No.17947761

Well duh, the magic system scales based on intellect. He is barely human.

>> No.17947790
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>> No.17947810

the movies are

>> No.17947847

Pretty meh. It's a thinly disguised harem series, which always means it's disappointing on both ends. Go big or go home.

>> No.17947854

The first books was very good in giving actual point of views, walking you through characters thoughts and motivations
Nobody does anything for no reason, people act in ways that makes sense (to them, they are of course flawed human beings) and it's explained in a very believable manner
This is REALLY lacking in the later books, when there are less and less regular human characters, in human situations. Everything is so beyond "normal", at that point
Don't know why Bakker almost entirely stopped playing to his greatest strength as a writer, imo

But, I think the books could have been "smarter" if it never gave actual Kellhus' point of views, because he is not supposed to think like a normal human
not putting a voice to his thoughts, would feel more believable
Sure describe what he does, and to what end, but drop the "muh father" thoughts, they didn't feel at home, at all
I much preferred when Kellhus turned to a non-character

On the other hand, then we wouldn't have madness-kino, "head on a pole behind you", etc.

>> No.17948035

I could be mistaken but I think Bakker himself expressed regret over giving Kellhus any POV context at all in the original trilogy.

>> No.17948075

>never gave actual Kellhus' point of views
Wouldn't work at all, the readers would interpret Kellhus as their gary stu self insert who suddenly rapes his male companion on the eve of a climatic battle for no reason. They'd be confused and frustrated over the entire thing.

>> No.17948152

debased Bakker killing his editor and self-sabotaging the later books

>> No.17948178

i only read the first book, i thought it was fine but i can't remember anything that happened in it which makes me not want to read the 2nd one

>> No.17948238

Yeah, I see that.
The way the stories are told it just gets retarded without any insight.

I was thinking more along the lines of having his PoV be different. Not seeing through his eyes, or hearing his thought process. But a bit more distant, like it just being described.
Don't really have a way of putting this, more hands-off? Eh, wouldn't really be a "point of view", then
Guess I just didn't like having such a supposedly strange and conditioned guy, think his thought-process in actual understandable human words.
There's some instances of him going "uh-oh, I guess this means trouble", it didn't sit with with me. Or "Sure glad I can do this mind-trick", feel like he should be dejected enough to just act, without less of the "emotional" parts

>> No.17948247

Kellhus wasn't thinking of his father in the emotional sense. He was thinking of him in the clinical sense, he merely addresses his father as his father because that's who he is.

>> No.17948253

The darkness affects Kellhus as well, just not as drastically as a normal human being.

>> No.17948255

>still not up on mobi
>still not up on biblio

>> No.17948272

What book?
(you)re welcom

>> No.17948322

No, no- the book made a good job about selling him having little familiar love or care for his father
What I mean about the father stuff. I never understood why he did anything of what he did. Why the quest for father?
Why travel so far and go through all these ordeals to get at his father, if he's such an emotionless terminator? Why does he do anything of what he does?
What motivates such people?

At least before he "broke", it's much easier for me to buy, when he starts having the slight troubles with emotional attachments to his slave-lady. Not the full-on decent into madness.

>> No.17948337


>> No.17948363

Because dunyain still follow orders. They have a hierarchy. He was told to go silence a leak, and so he goes to shut his dad up. But as he embraces the wider world, it becomes less to kill his dad and more to find out why his dad needed him specifically. And of course all that changes once he grasps the TTT.

>> No.17948471

Or MORE depending on your interpretation of what happened at the end of TUC.

>> No.17948486

The madness made more sense, no man no matter how smart or strong is free from the outside.

>> No.17948591

It's amazing how entitled you feel.

>> No.17948602


>> No.17949125

Aren't those being taken down?

>> No.17949169

How did Sir Able in The Knight know the ghost was an ogre?

>> No.17949177

Would transporting Chinese and Japanese history into a western fantasy world work as a concept like how game of thrones is a loose retelling of English history

>> No.17949197

Execution is always more important than the idea

>> No.17949201

Well put. Kellhus' embrace of the World and subsequent embrace of its (and his own) madness is one of the many fascinating narrative cycles within Bakker's magnum opus. I adore the scene where he's mesmerized by tree branches after first leaving Ishüal: the subjective brilliance of the Dûnyain's mind awestruck by the objective beauty and insanity of the World.

>> No.17949465

spoilered moment was so good i re-read it every now and then, pure catharsis

>> No.17950018

Didn't an Asian-American do this? Her work was pretty mediocre.

>> No.17950369

Is there no way to peep E William Brown's shit on subscribe paywall?

>> No.17950375
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hol up

>> No.17950386
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>> No.17950472

No one here reads. Also, only pollie fags use subshitstar

>> No.17950647

I hope Will reads this, bro.

>> No.17950747

Isn't that new Cradle book coming out in a day or two? To be honest I already half forgot the plot.

>> No.17950768

He didn't.

You would have a very hard time doing a compelling take on Eastern history without being called racist unless you're a history PhD or actually from Asia.

>> No.17950812


>> No.17950834

Same! Loved Legend, don't know where to go next either.

>> No.17950838
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>read 'The Eye of the World'
>enjoy the slow travelling adventure
>hate the rushed ending and the women not including Nynaeve

Should I continue on with the series?
Does it get better, or is it all downhill from here?

>> No.17950847

so far 2 book is the highlight for me... and no the whemen don't get any better. Haven't gotten to the dreaded slog yet.

>> No.17950873

It gets better and then gets a whole lot worse. Pretty much everything from book 7 onwards is bad. Also if the women are a problem for you this early on, don't bother reading any more. They get worse and worse as the series progresses.

>> No.17950891


>> No.17950903


>> No.17950910

>Also if the women are a problem for you this early on, don't bother reading any more
It's not so much as a problem, more of a small niggle.
They all seem like nagging harpies with the expectation of Nynaeve, Min, and the princess who's name slips me.
It's mainly any Aes Sedai and Egwene. I hope they get their comeuppance, or a drastic character change.

>> No.17950936

The Aes Sedai and especially Egwene get a whole lot worse. Moiraine is the GOOD Aes Sedai. They also completely take over the plot.

>> No.17950956

>Moiraine is the GOOD Aes Sedai
Oh no.
She is absolute dog dirt in this first book, with her constant non-answers and 'The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills' shit.
How can they possibly get worse?

>> No.17950991

Woah, they both have an ocean to the west? Someone tell the Portuguese that they're ripping off the Forgotten Realms.

>> No.17951016

>I hope they get their comeuppance
In spades.

>> No.17951025

How do you know when your writing is good enough to share with others?

>> No.17951031

You don't.
Just share it in the /wg/ and hope for the best.

>> No.17951047


>> No.17951051

When you share them, get shitted on, revise your work, then do it all over again. No shortcut.

>> No.17951142

>begins with Abidan shit

>> No.17951258

>begins with Abidan shit
The past books always start with this too anon

>> No.17951296

Wrong. The last book didn't even begin with Abidan shit.

>> No.17951403
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Lengthy essays and speeches in God Emperor really that kino or is it just total pontificating and self important garbage?

My dedicated thread for this question?

>> No.17951420

>total pontificating and self important garbage
You got it.

>> No.17951540

lol I am about half way through and I am not one to normally thirst for action but I feel this is just Herbert taking his opportunity to dump his galactic wide philosophy on us.

I still like it and the pace, but the first Dune has just high impact drama from page to page and the intricacies of power were much better handled (the dinner party is pure unfiltered kino and a proper way to show and not tell us about statecraft).

>> No.17951574

Fine, "most" of the books start with the Abidan shit. Honestly, I'm not disagreeing with you that it's boring, it's just that you should've gotten used to it by now.

>> No.17951644

So does Lindon fuck Yerin yet or is he still apologizing to everyone every time he starts a conversation?

>> No.17951778

post a passage here. these autists are so cruel, hypercritical and scrupulous that if they like it or say it’s acceptable, it means it’s good to go desu

>> No.17951864
File: 345 KB, 506x776, 20210405_123252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for good sci-fi short story collections
I've read Asimovs I Robot an Robot Visions, some of PKD's stuff, along with some stuff by Richard Matheson and Alan E. Nourse
There's some good stories by them, but most of the last 2 are meh to bad

I just want some good sci-fi short stories. Can be a mix of authors or just a single one. Was considering stuff by Ellison but looks like his collections come with 1 or 2 good stories an then crap

>> No.17951935

If you're looking for Golden Age stories, you can try the Golden Age of SF anthologies. Each one collects 50 curated stories and there's at 13 of them. If you're asking for single authors, then that's a different matter, especially if it's that long ago.

>> No.17951966

That's wrong though.

>> No.17952039

Fantastic series. The plot twists really start to pile up in the third book and especially if you read outside the trilogy

>> No.17952098

Nah, most people here are either soft or don't know what to look for anyhow.

>> No.17952315

Please give me more brainless fun like Cradle, Elemental Gatherers, Painting the Mists, Aether's Blessing.

>> No.17952343

Why are lyrics often so retarded.

>> No.17952378

Lindon is near perfect too (apart from a few endearing quirks), so he failed at that too.

>> No.17952392

I liked the first few chapters of the manga where the MC was a discount Doomguy. Then it turned into cookie cutter fantasy and I dropped it.

>> No.17952494

>It had taken hours of off-and-on discussion to land on that name, and Lindon was proud of it.
>“Eh,” Ziel said

>“This is an orus tree,” Lindon said when they reached it. “It’s native to Sacred Valley. This one is three hundred and fifty years old, and it was raised in rich aura, so its spirit-fruits are stronger than usual. You’ll get to try some for yourself once we…”
>He trailed off as Ziel plucked the lowest-hanging fruit from the tree and took a bite. Lindon hadn’t even tasted it yet.
>But it wasn’t as though he had asked them not to eat any fruit. He was the host here; it was his responsibility to see to the comfort of his guests.
>“How is it?” Lindon asked.
>Ziel shrugged.

>> No.17952552

read and find out. At eotw you've barely began to scratch the surface of why Jordan's women suck,
>hate the rushed ending
Jordan really couldn't into endings. Every single one of his is a rushed asspull fiesta.

>> No.17952618

Did Yeti really kill a Monarch or at least a Herald/Sage? I only remember her killing some mook Over/Archlady.

>> No.17952636

Welp, time to leave the thread till I’ve read bloodline.

>> No.17952671

Are these generals still infested with trannies?

>> No.17952680

Spolier that shit bro but yes, Yerin killed a monarch using an arrow given by an Abidan.

>> No.17952773

How much romance shit is in Bloodline? Given how Wintersteel ended I assume a good amount? I don't care about romance, but in Cradle it just feels like an afterthought.

>> No.17952791
File: 569 KB, 939x802, DD8BC322-233D-45DB-9947-9BA80BEA5760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you trusted Hi—

>> No.17952793

Holy shit, why is every fantasy map (bakker, witcher, lotr) just a boring stretch of coast ringed by mountains? The actual maps of Europe and Eastern Asia are more unique looking than this kind of shit.

>> No.17952814 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 9300x7575, Earwa_4109_sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Earwa looks pretty unique.

>> No.17952960

Tolkien actually made an interesting map, everyone else just copied it and changed it slightly.

>> No.17953246


>> No.17953330

Laziness and lack of thought in how the world should look like to be "organic"(albeit the map don't matter that much for that to begin with). There is no excuses nowadays, though, since you can just download a map generator or whatever and it will pump out a semi-interesting fantasy map.

>> No.17953354

That is actually the truth tho. Then it became a staple of fantasy in general and it isn't considered being a lazy hack anymore but paying "homage to the classics"

>> No.17953456

Fantasy is a genera defined by an expectation of certain clichés

>> No.17953861
File: 74 KB, 785x508, feat_evan-winter_rage-of-dragons_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read Time Magazines 100 best fantasy novels Rage of Dragons

>> No.17953892

Is it gri approved?

>> No.17954077

last time I read a "fantasy" book by a black it was just a thinly veiled parable about racism, or something like that, also a shitty book that somehow won prizes
wait,,, that's all media produced by blacks the last 20 years
how much real-world baggage does it carry?

I see it says 'Africa-inspired' about the setting, that's FINE, no issues, people are allowed to have a culture or reference others
I just don't want to deal with any 2020 bullshit

>> No.17954167

It's got nothing to do with racism. All the characters are black.

>> No.17954179

Think I'll actually give this a go on a whim, I've only read old books lately
Feel like I could use a more balanced perspective on anything African
I like revenge stories, I think

>> No.17954244

its been on pirate sites for a few hours now.
just finished it. i liked it overall but there are a few things that didnt sit well well with me narrative wise. but its a great book overall.

>> No.17954571

It's kind just ok for me. Some annoying bits, some good bits. Nothing knocking my socks off.

Rikke is the best of the lot. Her parts of the book are always interesting. Sounds like she lost her titties though. If I'm reading the context clues right. She use to be skinny with huge tits, but then lost them after starving. Anyway, her playing both factions was great. But I already know Joe is going to waste her as a character, because he hates magic, and he can't have anyone doing anything too spectacular with their magic.

I liked that moment. But I also liked the character. So it's a shame to see them go.

>> No.17954634

Absolute garbage

>> No.17954674

t. low IQ mongoloid

>> No.17954690

Anyone here into Media Death Cult reviews on youtube?

I don't generally enjoy reviews of anything but I quite like his style, which is very much, "here's what I think, go and read it for yourself now".

Building a small library of physical books with a lot of academia and sci-fi. Knocking off some "classics" at the moment and just finished Rendezvous with Rama, and on to Rama II. Didn't think I would like ACC's style, but I realised it's a lot of what I want out of sci-fi.

>> No.17954691

no it's kino
don't listen to that retard it's great

>> No.17954699
File: 176 KB, 1200x1200, a-desolation-called-peace-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 1/6th into this and I'm lost lol.
It's been a while since I've read the first book, and so I forgot a lot of the plot. The new book isn't explaining much about previous plots, so I'm having trouble understanding current character motivations. There seems to be a conspiracy afoot, but I totally forgot what about, who is potentially involved, and how it's effecting everyone. I even forgot most names. So this number+object naming convention is really difficult to follow. For some reason, "Three Seagrass" just doesn't stick to my brain. And "Five Agate" makes me snigger, because F. Agate. Or Faggot. But I completely forgot who F.agate is.

The bit I remember well is how the memory stuff works. Which ironically, is what the author is bothering to emphasize the most. I'm having to endure paragraphs about conflicting emotional states between the lesbian OC and the memory of her dead bisexual male predecessor. Yet, I have no idea what for. Why is anything happening right now?

I'm not totally blaming the author. I could just as easily go back and read the previous book again. But... I didn't like it *that* much. So I won't be doing that. All in all, this is a tough read so far. Might skip it if I can't piece together the plot soon.

>> No.17954702

There's like a fuckton of books with the title Bloodline. You have to be more specific than that.

>> No.17954716

Cradle: Bloodline by Will Wight. It's the 9th book in the series. Comes out tomorrow.(the 6th) I believe he's sad that no copies have leaked yet.

>> No.17954721

More than ever before.

>> No.17954725

Yes, it was a /sffg/ group read.

>> No.17954727

>no copies have leaked yet.
It was posted in this very thread already.

>> No.17954732

Can I see your fantasy/sci-fi shelves? I'm considering posting mine, but all my shit doesn't come close to fitting so it's not a complete catalogue.

>> No.17954735

The plot of the 2nd book doesn't really have much of anything to do with the 1st book. It may as well be its own thing.

>> No.17954742

Cradle Bloodline thoughts:
I do believe this is the first book that has zero training. Might as well call it Escort Mission: The Book though.

>> No.17954745
File: 205 KB, 1661x780, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not dumping your skillpoints into piracy lmao. Can we still embedd epubs into images? Last I did, I got banned for a month.

>> No.17954748

Ah. So... audiobook when?

>> No.17954764

No, embedding anything is bannable.

>> No.17954769

Contacting new alien life is I suppose to main plot for this book. But there are a lot of references to previous happenings, which makes me think it's important to know previous events, in order to understand how characters would be invested in current events.

>> No.17954770

Sod off, you bilge rat.

>> No.17954784

Is it any good?

>> No.17954793

I can't wait to hear Travis Baldree's rich vibrant voice again. And his oddly Latin sounding interpretation of Yerin.

>> No.17954801

The copy? Seems legit. The quality of the series as a whole or the book itself? I dunno, I just downloaded it to prove anon's piracy skill is inferior to mine. He really should be kissing our feet desu.

>> No.17954803

>In order to understand how characters would be invested in current events.
That doesn't matter. They do as they do because the plot requires them to be doing it.

>> No.17954817

Perhaps, perhaps. Or maybe you couldn't keep track of the larger scheme of things either.

>> No.17954824

Pretty much, I’m also pretty sure you can’t do it anymore.

>> No.17954869

Why would the author even do that?

>> No.17954883

It's a Progression book, so too must their love progress.

>> No.17954892

But if the author treats the romance as a afterthought. wouldn't it be best to just drop it?

>> No.17954908


>> No.17954940

They approach having an "real" relationship in this book. Kissing, discussing their feelings with each other, and to others. Nothing more than that of course though.

>> No.17954950

Ah, that's more understandable, but I have to ask, is the romance killing the story? I know many authors do that in their stories, and I want to know if this is different or the same.

>> No.17954955

I love the politiking in this book, that's what carries this and 1st book for me. Liked the plotting.
Author really sold me on the MC actually being in love with a culture that devours her own.
Such an alien attitude to me, but I still believed it.
Poems also fun

>> No.17954964

I haven't read Bloodlines yet, but it makes sense to me because you have characters literally living together, and it becomes unavoidable at this point. You either embrace the romance plot and roll with it, or you completely blue ball your audience by ignoring it after such a big moment.

Plus, I believe the Bloodlines plot will lead characters back to Sacred Valley.(I'm just guessing, but it seems like the most logical progression) I can't imagine how they're going to dodge a meeting with Lindon's family. And that's going to bring up their relationship even more.

>> No.17954969

I don't care one way or the about it myself so I can't say.

>> No.17954971

Oh, thanks anyway.

>> No.17954974

Was it good?

>> No.17954981

It's just a response to Ender's Game.

>> No.17954982

New thread.

>> No.17954986

Opinions vary.

>> No.17954998

This thread OP image battle helps no one.
It's too early.

>> No.17955009

>Such an alien attitude to me
That's because you're American. It wouldn't be alien to you otherwise.

>> No.17955019

The heck does being American have to do with anything?

>> No.17955028

I'm 200 pages into The Great Hunt and I have to ask, am I the only guy who finds Egwene likeable?

>> No.17955043

America has relentlessly devoured other cultures.

>> No.17955050

Calling God Emperor liberal pontification is pretty ironic, since Frank Herbert despised liberals and was pretty conservative.

>> No.17955065

It's ironic that the conservatives of that time wouldn't be far right enough the issues to be considered as such today.

>> No.17955073


>> No.17955141

No it's because I'm NOT American
and I watch America devour my culture, and I hate it
fucking retard

>> No.17955144

But the anon was referring to the MC's attitude. Which was *loving* a culture that devours her own. Which is something that a lot of American's don't understand, because how can you love what devours you? This is why half of America is so anti-immigration.
But also, there is the half of America who does love what devours them, and wants to pull in as many immigrants as they can. Even if it means total culture erasure.

And then you have people who aren't American, who also aren't in love with cultures that devour them. Hell, American is everyone's target of scorn. They know they're not loved by a lot of people. You honestly can't browse any social media for more than a few hours without someone shit talking Americans. "You Americans this, and you Americans that". Understood... you hate America.

But point being: You're misplacing your America ire this time. Because I believe it's a sentiment alien to a lot of people across the globe. Not just Americans.

>> No.17955270

not really anything to do with racism and its decently fun. nothing amazing but i mostly enjoyed it

>> No.17955360

N. K. Jemisin claims another victim, lmao.

>> No.17955636

you will never be a woman. stop coping and embrace your subhuman nature

>> No.17955723

Hahaha, that was my same thought when I read his post. He probably read The Broken Earth.

>> No.17955738

A failed man

>> No.17955749

Ya, agreed, if you don't know what your ripping off you aren't ripping them off. Be the Hunger Games to someone's Battle Royale.

>> No.17955753

Tales from a Thousand and One Nights

>> No.17955755

She of course claims she had never heard of Battle Royale and that the comparison is ridiculous.

>> No.17956230

In what way is it ridiculous, it's essentially the same thing. You don't know what you are copying just that you probably are.

>> No.17956256

he worked for republicans (before the southern strategy, I believe) but also abhorred the blacklisting of communists and was against the vietnam war
despising liberals isn't just conservative, leftists despise them as well
i'm not saying herbert was a leftist (he wasn't) but he wasn't the average R of the last 40 years or so either
i mean, eisenhower was a republican and he held a speech against the military industrial complex, things were a bit more fluid back in the day

>> No.17956268

americans aren't hated because of their culture "devouring others", that's why they're looked at positively - the whole "american dream" pack of lies they spread with every cultural export
they're hated because they murder millions of people all over the world for money, and crush millions of others' lives for the same reason
it's like saying ted bundy was disliked because he was a prettyboy who had success with women and not because he was a serial killer

>> No.17956283

>the whole "american dream" pack of lies they spread with every cultural export
Yeah, and you're the only one to see this. No one else understand it like you.