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/lit/ - Literature

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17929565 No.17929565 [Reply] [Original]

It’s not good

>> No.17929575

Correct. It’s the best.

>> No.17929580

I enjoyed it years ago. How old are you?

>> No.17929582
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It's not meant to be.

>> No.17929607

if you didn't read it as a kid you won't like it. it's literally for kids

>> No.17929624

suck my dragon cock.

>> No.17929635

That edition?
You're right. The "we made it a movie" editions are always stinky with forwards and commentary that don't need to be there.

>> No.17930483

It got me into reading back in the primary school so i'm indebted to it.

>> No.17930490

>muh edition
Listen to yourself

>> No.17930635

It's bad if you take it as a stand alone book because the main conflict solves itself bringing a new group of enemies so the factions suddenly forget their differences and join together and because the ring comes out of nowhere and works as a plot device.

However, it should not be taken as a stand alone work because its connected with LOTR and everything 'bad' with the story gets corrected, explained and more explored in the other books.

>> No.17930720

what is so bad about the ending? they just realized they hated orcs more than they themselves or they loved gold, perfectly normal

by the way the moral is literally spelled

>If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world

>> No.17930830

Yeah, I know, anon, I don't have a problem with the moral (despite its problems The Hobbi is one of my favorites), I just believe the transition from mortal enemies to buddies was so sudden. I read it years ago, but I do remember that it felt disappointing because it didn't build up to them solving their differences in any interesting way other than "I hate you, but I hate him more."

>> No.17930832

This is all the effort it takes to troll /lit/ these days

>> No.17930842

I like it, it is a good message, let's forget our differences band together against the common enemy

>> No.17930873

It's supposed to be full of fascinating and memorable images, like a village of tiny people living in dirt houses, dwarves burying their gold and casting spells on it, trolls turning to stone and dragons resting on piles of gold, but you've been bombarded by those images and tropes from tons of other medias now, so the intended effect is lost on you.

It's like the Shining movie. It can appear overrated if you compare it to other movies that came after, but it's still foundational for horror movies.

>> No.17930884

you have to go back

>> No.17930973

>However, it should not be taken as a stand alone work because its connected with LOTR and everything 'bad' with the story gets corrected, explained and more explored in the other books.
i hate lotr. fuck the anglos' obsession with detail.

>> No.17930983

>It's like the Shining movie. It can appear overrated if you compare it to other movies that came after, but it's still foundational for horror movies.
Who the fuck watches horror movies as an adult besides weed smoking junkies?

>> No.17930997
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you have to go back

>> No.17931004


>> No.17931031

I accept your concession.

>> No.17932369

It’s very comfy.

>> No.17932584

adults arguing about a book for children