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17926456 No.17926456 [Reply] [Original]


It's tilting me to hell and back that I am so inferior to many, and then I think to myself that my need to improve is extreme proof of my inferiority, and then I realize that this is some low self-awareness pseud bullshit.


>> No.17926626

Fix your shit first anon.
And yeah you:re probably inferior in some way, and there's absolutely no reason to derive negative feelings from that

>> No.17926652 [DELETED] 

>Step 1: Don't kill yourself
>Step 2: Sit down and make a note of things >that you think need fixing
>Step 3: Stop fapping and being a lowenergy >coomer.
>Step 4: Start going trough your list and fix >things one problem at a time. Add things as >you go
>Step 5: Stop caring what people think
>Step 6: Never take advice from 4chan
>Step 7: ????
>Step 8: end up killing yourself

>> No.17926660

>Step 1: Don't kill yourself
>Step 2: Sit down and make a note of things that you think need fixing
>Step 3: Stop fapping and being a lowenergy >coomer.
>Step 4: Start going trough your list and fix >things one problem at a time. Add things as you go
>Step 5: Stop caring what people think
>Step 6: Never take advice from 4chan
>Step 7: ????
>Step 8: end up killing yourself

>> No.17926785

Just be yourself.

>> No.17926812

I think David Foster Wallace said something like "If you worship intelligence you will end up feeling like a fraud always on the verge of being found out." That was in his This Is Water speech he gave at some college commencement

>> No.17926817

He must've said that before he killed himself, eh.

>> No.17926821
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wow im on step 6 already

>> No.17926836

You got that right lol. I haven't read him, but that speech and other talks he gave where he doles out critical wisdom like this seems like it all stems from the shortcomings he found within himself

>> No.17926909
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The same way you stop being a dyel, you keep lifting.

>> No.17926967

Kinda hard to take life advice from a man who killed himself. But its still pretty interesting, desu.

>> No.17926988
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read robert graves' poems

>> No.17926999

Forgive yourself up to this point, set up a plan to learn something, follow through with your plan. You are not broken anon, you can legitimately feel this way and its ok, People feel inadequate all the time. Even successful people. Wanting to improve your skills is not cringy.
For me it was allowing myself to feel sad when I failed, but also allowing myself to be happy when I do something good.

>> No.17927008

Anon, the one calling you a pseuds here are probably losers as well, just call them faggots.

>> No.17927105

Read alfred adler

>> No.17927207

read shakespeare

>> No.17927249

This might be based but not sure

>> No.17927268

I like Shakespeare, you should totally read some. Psued shit aside its fun to shitpost Shakespeare quotes to your friends.

>> No.17927657

1) read the bible cover to cover
2) read everything referenced in Pound's Cantos
3) read most Arthurian romance
4) read the moomins
5) read Hitler and Stalin by Bullock
6) read The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
7) start with the Greeks
8) kill a homeless man
9) stop talking to your family and friends
10) learn math up to the graduate level
11) learn ancient greek
there now you're not a pseud

>> No.17927714
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Nauseatingly accurate

>> No.17927813

12) accuse everyone and everything of being a pseud

>> No.17927998
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being ok with being a psued is the first step to not being one

>> No.17928552

Listen to the pseudcast.

>> No.17928580


>> No.17928699

I don't see how any of that makes you a pseud if you are genuine in wanting to change. Most of the pseud nonsense I see on here involves those with a distinct lack of self awareness trying to masquerade as cultured or possessing higher taste. You can usually spot them because they'll talk about how X book is "shit" and you should either read a different book by an ancient Greek or some obscure novel by a dead Frenchman or something. They'll usually be unable to justify exactly why beyond something vague about "the pursuit of truth and beauty" or something else they've probably read in another comment. It's basically the opposite of those idiots on reddit who'll sy that reading Harry Potter as an adult is a serious endeavour, except with the same cope-laden mentality

>> No.17928789

Loved that, thank you

>> No.17928819

Maybe stop being a cuck who humiliates himself by posting those pics????

>> No.17929481

a lot of what was already said but mainly that you admit that you know nothing, you're okay with your mental limits, and you seek knowledge truthfully and honestly not getting pissed off at people that have different ideas from you

>> No.17929615

>color contacts

>> No.17930516

Just do online iq test when in primary school get high score and convince yourself that you are superior to everyone else. That way you won't have friends and you certainly won't improve.

>> No.17930639

its a born thing, either you try to be pretentious in scenarios and contribute trite garbage or you can accurately give exactly whats needed without excess