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17925537 No.17925537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books or authors that can explain why the male brain find female soles sexually arousing?

>> No.17925558
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>f*male soles
Start with the Greeks.

>> No.17925571
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>male feet

>> No.17925601
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Sorry about your disorder (heterosexuality)

>> No.17925686
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>> No.17925694
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I hope this isn't a bait anon. Also what is that book about?

>> No.17925705
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>> No.17925722


>> No.17927228

Men with repressed submissive sexual urges who seek a complete woman (as in having a penis) use womens feet as a replacement for a womans phallic

>> No.17927279
File: 1.96 MB, 406x720, french renfaire tickle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havelock Ellis noted that foot fetishism is not necessarily submissive, with reference to Retif who dommed women's feet.

>> No.17927317

Speak for yourself. Not everyone shares your partialism. I think you're probably some kind of masochist if you fetishize the "lowest" part of the female body.

>> No.17927328

Wanting to so things like in that video would be "dominating the phallus".
It's simmiliar to the trap/femboy fetish when someone is attracted to girly males but aren't attracted to men with masculine qualities

>> No.17927334

Porn might not be the root but I do think it's the reason why the foot fetish seems so widely spread. I think I was 16 when I first felt attracted to feet. I think it was because in those blowjob videos sometimes the actress puts up her feet, sometimes intentionally to make them more visible, and that maybe wired the brain to associate feet with sexy.
Regardless, I fucking hate the fact that I have a foot fetish. Sure it's vanilla compared to lots of other fetishes but it's still kinda weird. It's definitely not something I'd be open about in a relationship

>> No.17927347

If I don't like feet am I female brained?

>> No.17927352

>male brains
only if you have a porn addiction and mental illness

>> No.17927374

Is there something phallic about the naked female foot? I think so, and it seriously causes some distress in my own relationship. My girlfriend is fine with it, and since I usually begin admiring her feet while also penetrating her she is often too distracted to pay it much attention. For example, while my girlfriend is lying on her back with her legs in the air, I view the feet loosely flopping near my face with a sense of apprehension, as though they are male symbols intruding on the otherwise clear dichotomy of male / female as expressed by myself (penetrator) and my girlfriend (penetratee). At first I paid them no heed and focused on the act of penetration and groping (of the breasts, etc), but eventually I came to focus almost solely on the feet while the act of penetration became rather monotonous and boring. With the foot you have a very strange appendage: it is long, erect but also soft and plump, especially on the bottom. At one extreme you have the hard, insensitive heel and at the other a buffet of delicate toes each of which comes to have a personality of their own in time, and which, in a sense, resemble little feet themselves, or, as I have lately come to wonder, ten individual small penises, each with their own distinct set of nerves, each carrying its load of electrical signals upwards (or downward, in this case) to the brain. I began simply by kissing the bottom of her foot a few times, not really knowing how I would feel about it and frankly anticipating a strong aversion to the scent or texture (as one experiences while "sniffing" the undergarments of a favourite cousin, for example, whose strong saline scent is frankly repulsive). However, to my great surprise, kissing the foot was akin to crossing the threshold of a new sexual frontier, and so intoxicating was the act that I felt as though I had in a sense "stepped out" of the act of coitus taking place between my phallus and my girlfriend's vagina, and was now engaged in a sort of secretive embrace with a forbidden lover. As I said, the foot itself offers a great diversity of textures, almost like a terrain comprised of both deserts, rainforests and green pasture. Soon enough I began not only to kiss the bottom of my girlfriend's feet (I could not ignore the other foot!) but also to deeply inhale the soft skin of the base and the crevices between each toe. Then I began to suckle her toes, collectively and individually; an act which is absolutely overpowering and which almost felt as though my girlfriend's feet possessed their own Will and personality, and that I was at least meeting the "true" self of my girlfriend, so much so that I began to wonder whether my girlfriend's feet were in a sense manipulating my girlfriend's actions only so that her lover would, eventually, uncover the truth of this act and reveal her feet as the source of her behaviour and personality. To lick, to kiss, to dribble upon, to suck, to sniff, to rub, to caress: the foot offers so many ways

>> No.17927379
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What about men like me who like male feet

>> No.17927388

It's not necessarily porn. I've liked feet before I went to primary school, always sniffed the feet of the girl next door.

>> No.17927408
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Today I will remind them.

>> No.17927417

>the male brain
It doesn't.

>> No.17927423

As i said above female feet are a form of female phallus

If someone is gay and likes male feet it's just another expression of the desire for the phallus, same if they are straight and like femboy feet
If they are straight and like masculine male feet then... maybe they repress homosexual desires?

>> No.17927435

I'm not sure I buy the Freudian explanation since I don't feel that there's any psychic affinity between foot and phallus for me. The only parallels for me are perhaps the sensitivity and vulnerability of the organ.

>> No.17927631

The phallus and the foot both tend to be mainly used in sexual interactions as a form of domination
The phallus penetrates someone, it gets licked and worshiped in more fetishized sex. Same goes for the foot which gets licked and is often used to step (a form of domination) on someone (face or genitals usually) and rubbing your phallus against it is a form of frotting (rubbing two phalluses together)

>> No.17927634

>Same goes for the foot which gets licked and is often used to step (a form of domination) on someone (face or genitals usually)
No such interest for me. I don't think the dom aspect is necessarily the majority.

>> No.17927652

Yeah being submissive tends to be the normal for foot fetishists from what i've seen.
I think you just want to dominate the phallus, that's all.

>> No.17927668
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I think treating Freud's theories as dogma rather than conjecture, and anchoring all psychosexual analysis in them, is silly.

>> No.17927700

True but sadly that's all we've got (from what i know)
Neo-freudians didn't focus on sex like he did and while his a lot of his theories (especially this foot one) are underdeveloped, they're all we've got

>> No.17927799

Yea the Freud thing doesn't make sense to me because I was doing pervert foot shit with the babysitter before I was even sentient. Definitely too young to understand dominance or submission.

>> No.17927972 [SPOILER] 
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I was into girls' feet before I ever started watching porn; I didn't know why I was attracted to them though. One early memory I have is at a party when I was maybe six or seven years old; I found somebody's old point-and-shoot camera and went around covertly taking pictures of all the barefoot girls' feet; When I was finished, I went though my collection before I deleted the pictures and put the camera back. It would be years later before I discovered (and had unrestricted access to) YouTube, where it was easy to find soft-core fetish stuff, and then on to watching straight up hardcore pornography and getting addicted around fourteen.

About a year ago I stopped watching pornography and masturbating but the foot fetish hasn't gone away; I would argue that since I've stopped watching porn, it's actually gotten better–I've now come to appreciate feet as an aesthetic kind of beauty instead of in a sexual, dirty kind of way. I'm not attracted to dirty feet or gross feet or feet that smell, nor am I attracted to being stepped on or dominated by a woman like most other foot fetishists are. I don't know much about Freud's concepts or ideas but I don't see the feet as a female phallus anything like that. One side effect of this fetish is that I have a crippling phobia of showing my own feet; I wear socks almost 24/7 and have never worn sandals or flip-flops.

>> No.17927993


>> No.17928004
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>One side effect of this fetish is that I have a crippling phobia of showing my own feet; I wear socks almost 24/7 and have never worn sandals or flip-flops.
Freaky anon, I'm exactly the same. So was F. Scott Fitzgerald.

>> No.17928016

damn she's cute af, what's her name?
also your story does seem really weird but then again I used to boot up gta v just to go to the beach and zoom in on the bikini girls with the in-game camera and jerk off to that so I'm not the one to judge

>> No.17928059
File: 123 KB, 1078x909, 1617196981813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want nothing to do with women, I do not value them or their company, I don't even hate them I simply want nothing to do with them, I am content in every way without a woman, I have had many relationships with them both romantic and platonic and I have simply decided it is not for me, I am ready to quit women, I don't want anything to do with them, and yet every atom in every cell in my body wants to worship them when I see something like this

Please tell me how this hell can be escaped? I don't want this, but I can't escape it online or in advertisements or even in real life since they all dress up in ways to make it worse

Why can't I just be allowed to unplug from sex? I am volcel or incel in every way and happy, I am ready to unplug, I don't even like sexual pleasure itself but this is like seeing food after a thousand years of starvation

>> No.17928073

Because its what's inside that counts

>> No.17928102

I'm praying that the jannies don't 404 this thread; technically there's nothing NSFW or explicit here, so technically we're fine as long as nobody posts any nudity or overtly sexual images, right???

>> No.17928159

Inside every man there exist an anima, their female "soul" which unconciously affects them, if you hate or just don't want to have to deal with women that means there's something you hate or don't want to deal with isnide yourself

>> No.17928250

I wonder if a fear of showing one's own feet is a common thing in many foot fetishists; maybe, because we are painfully aware of others' feet, we feel equally self-conscious about our own?

>damn she's cute af, what's her name?
I don't actually know; she's not a pornstar (the guy who makes these videos pays random women to take off their shoes and socks in front of a camera and talk for him awhile). I'd have to look for the link to the full video though. Acquiring a relationship with a tomboy with cute feet is currently (abashedly) the summit of my romantic desires

>> No.17928297

I'm not going to be one of those who tells you to "just give in!" We, as men, are uncoupled from our sexuality (compared to women) and thus–though force of will–can come to subvert and control it. At the same time, we need to realize that our sexual desires might never go away completely. Why do you want them to go away? Understanding the underlying reason might help you in your struggle

>> No.17928313

Foot fetish is probably the only fetish not caused by porn, anon. The vast majority of footfags confess they felt attracted to feet for the first time very early in their youth. Me included.

>> No.17928357
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Freud was a retard btw. Why are we entitled to say that a flying bird is beautiful, a painting is beautiful, but not feet? You've got no arguments. Feet are inherently beautiful, that's all.

>> No.17928360
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>> No.17928361

They all look just about how you'd expect.
Especially von Stroheim

>> No.17928365

I heard its just because the foot and sexual arousal parts of the brain are close and people who are born fucked up have synapses that cross.

>> No.17928395

There are no "people who are born fucked up". The same association happens in everyone's mind, but some prefer to deny or ignore it.

>> No.17928401

This is how trisomys cope, eh?

>> No.17928416

Most (but obviously not all) foot fetishists are interested in other people's feet, the look of other people's feet, and stimulating other people's feet, whereas that crossover theory implies that the stimulation of one's own feet is the origin of the fetish -- which, in some cases, is certainly true, but I doubt it "explains" it. I think it makes more sense to say that's why foot massages etc. are so pleasurable and sensual.

>> No.17928417
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They make me swoon

>> No.17928428


>> No.17928434

What if I want to suck both feet and cock? That's not a case of replacement.

>> No.17928435

I find the feet of young women pretty or attractive, but the same with nice hands, neck, shoulders, and so forth. I'm not aroused by them. I don't want to rub my cock on them. To me they're in no way erogenous zones.

I did have a girlfriend who got a complex that I was a closet foot fetishist because I tried to give her a foot massage. It's something I saw as no more sexual than massaging her back but women are fucking weird.

>> No.17928451

>who got a complex that I was a closet foot fetishist
>not just being happy that your bf appreciates every part of you
You should have dumped her

>> No.17928455

Really I want to fuck people's hands all the time.

>> No.17928458

I did.

>> No.17928520
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Hats off.

Sexualizing hands makes sense as much as sexualizing feet.

>> No.17928556

Not liking feet is pretty weird imo

>> No.17928576

Women can at least give you a handjob, which feels almost as good as dicksucking or fucking. If she knows what she's doing.

Can't imagine how it works with feet. They're clumsy. Designed for smacking into the ground a few million times.

>> No.17928591

The arch of the foot wraps around a dick pretty okay, neither my ex or I were really into it at the time but we wanted to try it and it felt good I guess. Blow jobs and actual sex feel way better, but I suppose there is that 'this is strange' arousal that's explicitly different.

>> No.17928596

These feet are too flat for my taste. The flat foot is the most accurate indicator of a lack of civilization. Undoubtedly this woman is of partial Negro stock. What a pity!

>> No.17928612

As much as I like feet, I don't think footjob is that good. I almost never think about footjobs. They're just not as comfortable and pleasing as handjobs. Feet are made to be kissed in my opinion.

>> No.17928613
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What about these?

>> No.17928619
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Can you elaborate more on that anon? Sounds really interesting. So you're saying that a man with a foot fetish can also have a futa fetish?

>> No.17928622

I think it was NPR but I remember listening to an interview that claimed foot fetishism comes from the region of our brain associated with our feet get cross crossed with the region associated with our genitals and arousal.

>> No.17928646

I want to fuck a cute boy

>> No.17928661

I don't know her toes are sexy but i had seen women with more curvy feet and more cute soles overall.

>> No.17928664

become a monk

>> No.17928676


>> No.17928679

I’m not really into footjobs fetishistically but I disagree I think they feel fucking amazing. Way better than handies. Only problem is the person giving them’s legs get tired quickly. Also I wouldn’t describe feet as clumsy given all the intricate subtle shit they have to do to keep you balanced.

>> No.17928690 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x720, backseat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be the most commonly accepted scientific reason for foot fetishism, which makes sense because like this anon >>17928313 said, a majority of foot fetishists discovered it at a very young age and claim it was not porn-induced.

Yeah, feet are painfully sub-optimal when it comes to being used for sexual stimulation. The upside is that most women don't mind getting their feet pampered or massaged (tickling is another matter entirely; I've met people for whom tickling, navel fetishism, and foot fetishism are entirely connected–even more so related distantly to BDSM; weirdly, these people claimed to be rather dominant in their sexual escapades).

>> No.17928700

>This seems to be the most commonly accepted scientific reason for foot fetishism
I don’t think so, it’s one guy’s conjecture, not something that scientists have studied, tested, replicated, or formed a consensus on.

>> No.17928702 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x720, 1617386486173.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be the most commonly accepted scientific reason for foot fetishism, which makes sense because like this anon >>17928313 said, a majority of foot fetishists discovered it at a very young age and claim it was not porn-induced.

Yeah, feet are painfully sub-optimal when it comes to being used for sexual stimulation. The upside is that most women don't mind getting their feet pampered or massaged (tickling is another matter entirely; I've met people for whom tickling, navel fetishism, and foot fetishism are entirely connected–even more so related distantly to BDSM; weirdly, these people claimed to be rather dominant in their sexual escapades).

>> No.17928709

Probably. But i literally view women as the weaker sex and i always have fantasized about choking them in the bed.

>> No.17928718
File: 76 KB, 500x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmh, footjobs are great only when the person who gives them has very soft and smooth feet. If they're even a little bit sweaty and create friction it's not that good.

>> No.17928730

Please spoiler all pictures and videos so the jannies don't delete

>> No.17928737
File: 299 KB, 721x491, paradise-of-the-holy-fathers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this help?

>> No.17928829 [SPOILER] 
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Your loss

>> No.17928831

Wanting to suck both just means you are into both the actual phallus as well as the "replacement" phallus. Also you wanting to suck on them suggests an oral fixation stemming from either drinking not enough or too much mother milk or spending too much time with the plastic nipple babies suckle on at that age.

Both the futa and foot fetish are different ways to express the same desire for a "complete woman" with the phallus a child thinks a woman has but later finds out doesn't. (That's when they realise men and women are two different things, creating anxiety due to the fact that they were once part of a woman, the "other" before being born)
The phallus also represents authority and power which is connected to the foot femdom fetish and the fetish to get fucked by a futa.

>> No.17928850

>15. /lit/

>> No.17928870 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17928874

von stroheim was really a genius though

>> No.17928878

I like feet but futa does nothing for me. I also don't like femdom and prefer submissive women.

>> No.17928892

the 19th c girl who posed for this

>> No.17928940 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17929033

Still you liking feet means you like a womans "replacement phallus" and wanting her to be submissive indicates your desire to "dominate someone with a phallus, their power, through yours"

>> No.17929094
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i'm the only one who thinks that the woman toes on op's pic resembles a penis?

>> No.17929156

>Wanting to suck both just means you are into both the actual phallus as well as the "replacement" phallus
No, I like huge fat cocks AND feminine feet, they're not the same thing at all.
>or spending too much time with the plastic nipple babies suckle on at that age
In fact that's true.

>> No.17929228

Two different kinds of phalluses, one large and dominant the other more submissive, you can like both.

>> No.17929328 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 750x934, 1617391988221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything can be a phallus, anon

>> No.17929335

too skinny

>> No.17929362 [SPOILER] 
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idk man, I just remember noticing it when I was like 16. Before that I felt repulsed by them.

Also, for some fucking reason, I find anklets so fucking hot. They make female feet even more attractive to me. I have no idea at all why my brain is like that and I fucking hate it.
One time I was in the bus and there was a young barefoot hippie wearing anklets and she rested her feet on the seats in front of her, her soles were in full display for me. I missed my bus stop because I didn't wanna get up with a raging boner. I hate being controlled like that.

>> No.17929409

I'm curious can you go to jail if you touch a woman's soles?

>> No.17929788

People are attracted to shit, piss and even mechanical things. We are slaves to our inner brain wiring and free will doesn’t exist. Footcucks are the best example of a simp wiring

>> No.17929884

That's just an androgynous male with a vaguely feminine shape.

So many gays are attracted to males who look female (i.e. "twinks") that I'm pretty sure homosexuality isn't even real. You really lust after women but you're so scared of them you approach males who look like girls instead instead.

It also explains why over half of you are pedophiles. Pre-pubescent boys look much like their female counterparts.

>> No.17930267

Feet used to be our tail when we were fish niggas. The attraction to feet is like a fish attracted to that wiggling tail of a female fish. Amen.

>> No.17930403

I think the foot fetish is in part a consequence of the instinctive male desire to protect (but also sexually engage with) female innocence. For example, if the "body" of a woman comprised not only the physical body we are accustomed to, but an additional appendage located external to herself, such as a fleshy orb detached from her person, I think men would be tempted to find this fleshy, featureless orb sexually attractive. I just imagined this and personally found the orb sexually arousing. When attributed to feet, I think it is because the feet are so far at the extreme of the human female body that they appear vulnerable to attack and, like a small but beautiful coastal village at the extremity of a nation which is under threat of a foreign fleet attacking it. Women have these sensitive, delicate features at the periphery of their body, way down there and so far away from the beautiful face up above. It is like the overlooked, shy little sister of the beautiful, confident older sister, the former of whom we find a special kind of beauty and experience a special kind of pleasure in both protecting and falling in love with.

>> No.17931219
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>> No.17931309

This fucking board. The neurons that control sexual arousal in the male brain are also incredibly close to the area that innervate and control the feet. Often they cross over or grow into one another and that's why you get aroused when you see them. You can Google this. The same principle is why smells go through the hypothalamus and trigger strong memories. Skimming this entire thread makes me want to shoot myself. Imagine typing paragraphs about getting hard from seeing feet and it being about female souls and anima and shit. Jesus Christ dudes.

>> No.17931335

Like five other 110 IQ geniuses already said that