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/lit/ - Literature

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17924829 No.17924829 [Reply] [Original]

Studying philosophy and literature while not pursuing physical aesthetics and fitness is like reading Haynes manuals all day and never operating or maintaining a car. Why should anyone take your opinions seriously if you look like a pudgy, weak piece of shit?

You are ignoring a massive aspect of the human condition, or arguably, even most of it. Without reaching to understand peak emotion and artistry, which require an exceptional physical form in our society, one only views the highest fruits of humanity and wisdom from afar.

>> No.17924830

>This is not a faggy "fitlit" thread
mm it kinda is

>> No.17924835

hard minds can exist in soft bodies, and soft minds can exist in hard bodies.

>> No.17924838

Op btfo

>> No.17924846

/fit/ wants to be swole because they want to be masculine and fuck bitches

the OP wants to be swole because the big brains realize that being swole is actually a facet of being smart and wise.

>> No.17924870

/fit/ likes to wrap up their discussion in faux-aestheticism all the time. Mind, I have nothing against exercise and fitness.

>Without reaching to understand peak emotion and artistry, which require an exceptional physical form in our society, one only views the highest fruits of humanity and wisdom from afar.
This is gobbledigook. The bit about ignoring a massive part of the human condition is good. But instead of this hodgepodge of -- ironically -- undisciplined and formless prose, he should have said something like "why talk about beauty/vitality/freedom while not being beautiful/vital/free yourself?"

>> No.17924878

Tell how lifting up and putting down a heavy object a set number of times has increased your understanding of any piece of literature or philosophy, or "the human condition" at all. Tell me the "peak emotion and artistry" you've been able to produce or acquire solely because of your time in the gym. Because all you've done in those two lines is blow smoke up you squat-plug dilated anus.

>> No.17924899

Post body

>> No.17924913

Post prose

>> No.17924928

>he doesn't suck the marrow out of life

>> No.17924931

Just like I thought. You're ashamed of your physique. Quit coping anon and hit the gym. You'll feel much better about yourself.

>> No.17924933

well fine whatever i worded it poorly. but yes, my point was basically

>physically fit chads and ladies live the peak human experience and are generally afforded more opportunities for extreme thought, so if you ignore this aspect of life then you are basically missing out on the most artistic and profound experiences

want to be intelligent? physical fitness improves cognition. want to be romantic? obviously, good looking aesthetes and artists have much literal and metaphorical romance in their lives, they live more in tune with the poetry of the human condition. being fit makes you smarter/wiser and more artistically enriched. and what else is the point of philosophy and lit?

>> No.17924941



>> No.17924944

>are generally afforded more opportunities for extreme thought
I don't know what you mean by this though.

>> No.17924992

What he means by that is that you're a FUCKING WEAK BITCH who needs to hit the gym.

>> No.17925003
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>> No.17925010

who do you think actually experiences the benefits and extremes of human sexuality/relationships/civilization/nature in general? attractive people lived charmed lives of opportunity, they are much more in tune with the human condition and are more likely to live the lives that people bother to write stories, songs, and poems about.

>> No.17925015

People who can buy the simulation of your example.

>> No.17925025
File: 314 KB, 961x1200, 766569E4-A9FC-4F1D-AC2F-C9032B568797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this funny comic? You're the pink guy and I am the yellow guy.

>> No.17925032

feeling impotent?

>> No.17925041

People work out to be more sexually attractive, nice Larp tho, I wish I could convince myself of something like that

>> No.17925053

Post body

>> No.17925098

>I haven't put any effort into my own physical beauty but I'm qualified to talk about and write about and critique human beauty

as an aside, your physical beauty also enhances your mental and emotional via literal chemicals plus opportunity but let's not get hung up on that again

this thread is basically just the "you can't be a good critic if you don't create yourself" argument, which is true. a critic should pick up a paintbrush regularly if they're going to talk about paintings, their understanding would be greatly increased. any critic who doesn't create is a hack and a grifter. and any critic of life who doesn't make efforts to create the most charmed and beneficial and artistic version of his own life, in all of its forms including physical aesthetics, is a hack and grifter at life.

>> No.17925104
File: 417 KB, 711x1120, 20210311_201044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of losers in this thread dont understand the mind body connection. How do you possibly expect to be at full cognizant ability while having your mind weighed down by vices and addictions? How can you possibly think clearly and logically with your vision blurred and clouded by your own insecurity? What do you know about the human condition if you've never worked hard at something?
>inb4 most famous writers had addictions
I would argue they were good writers despite of this, not because of it.
>post body

>> No.17925105

That's the point, dummy.

>You only work out so you can have sex!

As if sex and romantic relationships were somehow trivial to understanding human beings. But fitness contributes to wisdom and artistic insight in other ways as I've rattled on already.

>> No.17925111

>i worded it poorly

Because you are mentally subnormal.

>> No.17925110
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>> No.17925123

yes, i took drugs today. i am not living my most aesthetic life and am therefore not a top tier artist or wise philosopher.

>> No.17925126

Your point that physical fitness (and its necessary habits and disciplines) are allied with mental clarity is fine but you dough it up with all these soggy sentences like
>How can you possibly think clearly and logically with your vision blurred and clouded by your own insecurity
which makes me think you operate more by (poorly formed) images and impressions than by the clear and logical thinking you apparently fetishise. Another problem with /fit/ -- lots of bad, trite romanticism, and spiritually false appeals to the (unread) classics.

>> No.17925134

Classical Athenianpilled.
καλὸς καὶ αγαθός, beautiful and good, i.e. the ideal. You sculpt the body with physical exercise (beauty) and the mind with philosophy and literature (good).

>> No.17925157
File: 1.51 MB, 1610x2862, 20210312_235522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read Homer, I've read Ovid, I've read Plato. I stand by what I said. If you find it soggy that's fine, I dont try to appeal to a lower demographic.

>> No.17925161

You look like a 14 yo nerd after a month at the gym.

>> No.17925162

>How can you possibly think clearly and logically with your vision blurred and clouded by your own insecurity

I would reword it to say
>How can you become the ideal artist and/or intellectual if you don't pursue ideal art and intellect in your own life?

while it's true that nobody is perfect and many artists were deeply flawed, especially physically, the point is they would have potentially been greater artists and/or intellectuals by being closer to the ideal if they were physically fit (because it benefits the mind, and social experiences).

if you're going to speak or even think about art, the most direct and obvious way to interface with art is to make an art project of yourself. people who don't bother to do this are missing out on a major artistic process, the most direct form of art that any person can ever have, and by neglecting to apply a sort of artistic praxis to themselves they are always separated from art to a degree.

no i do not care how faggy or unclear this sounds and no i will not remember anything i said in this thread tomorrow when i'm sober anyway

>> No.17925170
File: 8 KB, 233x216, Crying Soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of unfit, Fatfags here arguing against getting /fit/ because they fell too hard into the weak, nerdy, bookish stereotype meme.

>> No.17925172

your body looks like shit

>> No.17925174
File: 681 KB, 932x697, 1604941221274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why should anyone take your opinions seriously if you look like a pudgy, weak piece of shit?
Correct. I will always have at least some level of contempt for those physically weaker than me.

>> No.17925179

post body

>> No.17925184

Chances are most people here are average. Not really fat nor skinny.

>> No.17925187

Look at the list of the greatest artists and thinkers throughout history. You won't find many bodybuilders.

>> No.17925191

you click the numbers once to respond bro. How are you finding your first day? was this place as scary as CNN told you it was?

>> No.17925194

It's just resentment against the fact that they're better than you at something despite your wasting hours upon hours maneuvering dirty metal gear among like-minded homosexuals..

>> No.17925195

that's because our understanding of fitness and nutrition was dogshit until like 50 years ago so most people who were very fit were largely coasting by on genetics and their routines/diets would be considered suboptimal today

>> No.17925217
File: 92 KB, 767x1024, 1611685239241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. faggot who can't even do a pushup lmao

speaking of pushups, this is now a pushup thread.

>> No.17925219


>> No.17925222


>> No.17925232
File: 9 KB, 259x194, benevolent gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope how?

>> No.17925235
File: 114 KB, 990x844, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how did they achieve what they did if, as you say, peak emotion and artistry require an exceptional physical form? They didn't have one because, as you say, fitness an nutrition was dogshit.Yet they still reached, as you say, the extremes of thinking. Look at this fat fuck, he must have been aesthetically blind by your argument.

>> No.17925250
File: 251 KB, 2268x1276, 1615258190089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gaylords had better be doing these fucking pushups.

>> No.17925258

a meaningless rationalization that avoids the core truth

>> No.17925269

>while it's true that nobody is perfect and many artists were deeply flawed, especially physically, the point is they would have potentially been greater artists and/or intellectuals by being closer to the ideal if they were physically fit (because it benefits the mind, and social experiences).

being fit gets you closer to the ideal artist. the ideal artist is someone who is afforded the opportunities to experience the extremes of the human condition by means of cognitive enrichment and social experiences, i.e. you are smarter when you are fit, and you are wiser/understand the human condition and therefore art better when you are afforded greater social experiences.

to take it further, the ideal artist has also experienced the lowest of social experiences. an example would be somebody who let's say was born a slave in a shithole country, treated like total garbage, exiled and left for death, alienated, robbed, and all manner of horrible experiences. but that person later chanced upon opportunities to improve themself and did (let's say they end up being human trafficked to the US but escape and are adopted by a multimillionaire who gives them resources to study and become fit). so now you have somebody who has seen the lowest of the low, but also the highest of the high. that's the person who can create the best art, because they have experience with the extremes of good and bad.

>> No.17925271

It feels good to be strong, to put in effort and see actual physical results that you can carry around, makes you more confident in your own abilities as a person, that can leak into other facets of life, lifting has made me realize how important harnessing strength is, I unironcally feel like my political opinions would be different If I had never lifted, give it a try man, it’s not hard

>> No.17925278

give me your explanation of the allegory of the cave, hot stuff

>> No.17925283

That only applies if you're a loser already.

>> No.17925288

if you're not fit you're a loser who doesn't realize it.

>> No.17925291

>I unironcally feel like my political opinions would be different If I had never lifted
What effect did it have anon

>> No.17925292

>equating obsession with lifting as 'artistry'
fit is pathetic. you're all autistic losers who've never read a serious book in your lives. give me a break. he never said don't look after your body.

>> No.17925294


>> No.17925300

how does one measure strength?

>> No.17925302

cope. you are assuming they reached the extreme. i was explaining that they did not.

>> No.17925308

that's why I'm working on my 4 plate deadlift

>> No.17925310

If you look good people will generally tend to agree with you more.

>> No.17925312

nobody is equating lifting itself with artistry. the statue in the OP is literally considered one of the greatest pieces of art of all time and it is an image of the ideal human male form. perhaps this has been instructive.

>> No.17925315

you write in broken english.

every other lifter literally has body dysphoria and an unhealthy obsession with lifestyle memes lmao

>> No.17925317


>> No.17925326

skinny dweeb who reads a bunch of books is ignored by everyone and sits at home jacking off and play video games or whatever the fuck.

smart, well read fit chad fucks and sucks and gets invited to events and knows everyone. who do you think is more well rounded and has more interesting insights into the world?

>> No.17925331

i'm not saying it's a bad thing but if it changes your life so much then you're a loser. in other words, your post doesn't apply to most people and they are at your psychological level without ever having bothered with your special activity.

parkour changed my life similarly, so i know.

>> No.17925335

Yes. See: History.

>> No.17925340

The ultimate goal is to feel like you can handle whatever life throws at you, this varies for people obviously, and very few are gifted enough to harness strength to that extent, but even if you don’t deadlift 5 fucking plates walking into a room knowing you can destroy anyone in there is..... terrible, but liberating.

>> No.17925346

man pick up big weight means big strength

>> No.17925349
File: 48 KB, 468x655, jak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are killing /teamlift/ right now.

>> No.17925350

the post i'm replying to did and you added nothing. holy shit you suck at arguing.
>b-but the statue !!
perhaps you need to read a book. do you you want to do but don't dress up your generic hobby as something it's not if you don't have the ability to do so.

>> No.17925354

I can only imagine that sort of power. You must feel like a superhero.

>> No.17925358
File: 1.13 MB, 1734x1036, fghghgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cmon bro, it doesn't matter how many plates you can dl if you don't know how to fight

>> No.17925371

>le read a book

shut up nerd. it is a simple argument:

>become strong and look good
>having insight into what being strong and looking good feels like is inherently valuable and interesting to people, plus being strong and looking good will make other people more affable toward you and give you more opportunities (there is data that attractive people are wealthier, hired more often, etc.) and having insight into that reality is also interesting to people, all of this meaning you have a potential to create greater art
>AND being fit improves brain function, making you smarter

being fit is literally the most important thing you could start to do today in order to gain greater insight into the human condition and therefore become a greater artist. geniuses and great artists in the past being fat does not contradict this at all. you better not reply to this with any more cope.

>> No.17925379

I was unironcially basedboy levels of neo liberalism, before, lifting thought me self respect (not the gay love yourself kind, the kind that is honest with you on how much of a fuck up you are and how you need to fix that) and discipline, I realized the tough but liberating virtue of self reliance, I have a very unpopular ideal of an isolationist America, it’s rather naive but I think it would be the best thing for this country right now, I’ve come to hate political correctness, and social movements these days, trannies especially concern me, I weep how an entire generation of men are being thought to hate traits of masculinity

>> No.17925380

How do you deal with incel-like looksmaxers who say everything that matters is the jaw? Why lift if one is not blessed with natural facial beauty? Is it a delusion? A cope?

>> No.17925386

just hit 'em with this next time instead of that gay personal blog:


>> No.17925390

>smart, well read fit chad fucks and sucks and gets invited to events and knows everyone. who do you think is more well rounded and has more interesting insights into the world?
this does not describe lifters.

>skinny dweeb who reads a bunch of books is ignored by everyone and sits at home jacking off and play video games or whatever the fuck.
this does not describe readers. i think you'll find many people into literature are more attractive than you and far more successful socially. who knew turning your body into something women don't actually like and being a combative, socially autistic loser was bad for you socially, huh?

you made up a dichotomy to make yourself right but even within it, the skinny dweeb still has more well-rounded and 'interesting insights' into the world lmao even your descriptions are marketing, self-help nonsense. you guys are so braindead and it's painfully obvious you don't know anything about art or participate in it. i know you have an ill-formed, lifestylist mind and feel the need to appropriate anything conventionally considered healthy, intelligent, invigorating, etc. but unfortunately you don't hold up and never will. keep working out and shut the fuck up.

>> No.17925393

Haha I box with my buddies from time to time it’s good fun, and good on the mind too even if it might not actually be

>> No.17925394

a swole guy with a weak jaw still has greater artistic potential than a soibody with a weak jaw

>> No.17925397
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>litwinks think the point of lifting and getting fit is picking up heavier things and not the mastery of the body and mind achieved along the way

Surely if you're capable of reading and understanding esoteric tomes of German gobbledygook, you're capable of understanding the basic premise of mastery of the world within as prerequisite to mastery of the world without, right?

>> No.17925399
File: 428 KB, 1440x960, take the homopill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm well 90% of boring poltards have the same attitude despite not lifting. anyway, you should start finding some twinks and forming a far-right militia like mishima did.

>> No.17925400

Kek I was thinking of this article when I was writing that post.

>> No.17925404

who cares what incels say?
If you ever leave your house you will see plenty of people without perfect jawlines with gfs and wives. Incels just make up insurmountable challenges that preemptively defeat them so they don't actually have to try anything.

>> No.17925405
File: 63 KB, 680x476, shitty meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this does not describe lifters.
>who knew turning your body into something women don't actually like and being a combative, socially autistic loser was bad for you socially, huh?

>unironically making this argument in the year of our lord 2021

>> No.17925408

Do you suck each other's dicks as well? After saying no homo, of course? Nothing more manlier than showing camaraderie to the pals.

>> No.17925417

>being fit is literally the most important thing you could start to do today in order to gain greater insight into the human condition and therefore become a greater artist
it's not, it's largely irrelevant without context. it's a good idea to exercise but you a pseudo-intellectual trying to make his dull hobby more than it really is. that's my only complaint here.

>>having insight into what being strong and looking good feels like is inherently valuable and interesting to people, plus being strong and looking good will make other people more affable toward you and give you more opportunities (there is data that attractive people are wealthier, hired more often, etc.) and having insight into that reality is also interesting to people, all of this meaning you have a potential to create greater art
none of this has anything to do with art. it speaks more of your own mental hangups and obsession with business/entrepreneurial mythos used to sell you shit.

keep doing your shit but fucking hell stop being an annoying pseudo-intellectual about it if you're not gonna be an artist or read a book.

>> No.17925428
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>linking a wikipedia

>> No.17925430

Not really super into authorative government, wouldn’t align myself with /pol/ and also I don’t hate other races or ethnicities, I just think multiculturalism can bring about too many problems it’s easier for a place to be racially monogamous, lol I’ve been meaning to read Mishima thanks for the heads up anon, not rly into the gay shit, why would I gay stupid weak twinks what they want and feed their delusions, when I can make them learn to respect themselves and maybe not get fucked in the ass

>> No.17925436

Only when I’m tucking the homies in bed, helps get them relaxed

>> No.17925441

dude, i browse fit, i know what you're like. and i know your problems with women. you cannot cope past this. and yes, the bodies that lifters idealise aren't appealing to most women. tolerable if they are attracted to you for other reasons, if you have nothing else then you're an autistic loser, yes. now, not being a flabby, lazy piece of shit is another thing obviously.

>> No.17925447

The thing is anon, you can feel that way too and I hope you do

>> No.17925448

>none of this has anything to do with art. it speaks more of your own mental hangups and obsession with business/entrepreneurial mythos used to sell you shit.

the irony here is that you are the cornball making assumptions based on stale memes, you've already pigeonholed me in your mind as some kind of gym bro brainlet who doesn't read and takes advice from testosterone-obsessed manosphere grifters or whatever, because you can't think outside of this picture >>17925405

if we have data that shows fit, attractive people are afforded more opportunities in the form of wealth, status, education, and dating, why is it wrong to assume that those people are more likely to be interesting and therefore greater artists? a person without much chance to experience a variety of human phenomena is unfortunately doomed to be pretty dull, you're not going to see any great novels from ugly, poor idiots stuck pushing carts at walmart. one thing your beloved fat intellectuals have historically had was money, and who has money today? inheritors, of course, but also attractive people who are more likely to be wealthy.

>> No.17925453

>you've already pigeonholed me in your mind as some kind of gym bro brainlet who doesn't read and takes advice from testosterone-obsessed manosphere grifters or whatever
No one's saying that because you lift but rather because you talk like a dumb fag

>> No.17925456

ok bitch but you've not impressed me at all either so i guess it's he said she said.

>> No.17925459

>a person without much chance to experience a variety of human phenomena is unfortunately doomed to be pretty dull, you're not going to see any great novels from ugly, poor idiots stuck pushing carts at walmart
like for instance this sentence betrays a total unfamiliarity with literature

>> No.17925460

It is if you can compose worth a damn — vanishingly few

>> No.17925471

cope. the vast majority of great artists throughout history have been well to do through their class, or the minority who became wealthy (which, again, fitness increases the likelihood of this)

>b-but muh exceptions!

so what bro just because dickens glued labels on bottles at the poorhouse doesn't mean it's generally not true

>> No.17925487

lol? I never denied that wealth is a boon for artists anon and often a prerequisite for having the time and energy to write. you're the one who made an absolute statement "you're not going to see any great novels from..." despite the literary achievements of literal impoverished fags like Joyce, Dostoevsky, Hamsun, Cioran, etc. making you just plain incorrect. please kill yourself

>> No.17925492

just put an "m" in front of "any" in there and i'm still right

>> No.17925493

>the irony here is that you are the cornball making assumptions based on stale memes
my posts are entirely based on what you posted here. you're speak like a retard and you want your dull hobby to be this revolutionary artistic/intellectual/aristocratic act. when it's just exercising in the most boring manner possible and an individual and their relation to it will vary considerably. it is completely unrelated to this shit you obnoxiously spout to make yourself feel special. worse, you have nothing to do with art and intellectualism yourself.

also, i am very familiar with lifestylism shit like this in sports because i have profited off it myself.

>if we have data that shows fit, attractive people are afforded more opportunities in the form of wealth, status, education, and dating
you know what's far more important? nepotism and being born with wealth.

also some correlation to this is completely irrelevant for individuals and even more so for good art, considering artists are often outcasts and pretty fucked up. yeah doing exercise is good for your mind and body, who fucking knew. that's not the point.

>> No.17925496

I will try. I lack discipline. That's the hard part for me.

>> No.17925506

you continuously prove yourself to be braindead. we didn't paint our hobbies as more than they are. or say that exercising is bad. you keep trying to do it, very weakly, while writing like an annoying retard.

>> No.17925507

because not all people are stoics, there are also ascetics(and they are superior)

>> No.17925518
File: 270 KB, 993x927, body types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one are you closest to /lit/?

>> No.17925520
File: 124 KB, 1160x770, woo3909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lifting weights is not lifestylism and you sound like a clueless ottermode faggot who does calisthenics and doesn't realize the biomechanics of lifting barbells is literally proven to be far and away the best possible exercise routine for human health.

>also, i am very familiar with lifestylism shit like this in sports because i have profited off it myself.

you are still thinking in stale memes and projecting this idea of the /fit/ gymcel on everyone who disagrees with you. since you like memes so much, here is a meme depicting (You). until you actually explain why i'm some /fit/ virgin who wants to look like rich piana (I'm not), i will keep calling you out for being a terminally online retard with no argument.

>> No.17925529

Strength training does not improve your mind, only your body, and thus it is invaluable to your intellectual prowess. On the other hand, long-distance running is a great way of developing your mind, you will learn to absolutely control it, as that, which will get you through a marathon, is not only your body, but most of all your mind.

>> No.17925530

Between 2 and 3

>> No.17925536

how do people not know that fitness improves cognition, the government spams this to schoolchildren


you didn't even use that word right. maybe you should sign up at a gym.

>> No.17925548

I'm still waiting OP >>17925278

>> No.17925560

i'm OP and not the guy in that pic. your petty little test is off-topic and i will answer it after you post body.

>> No.17925568


You guys are making it all so complicated.

Lead by example. Achieve perfect form and symmetry and become an exemplar for your peers.

Aim to be like God. Or better, a Titan. Or betterer, Primordial Chaos the origin of all things.

>> No.17925573

Well, have you read Plato?

>> No.17925589


>> No.17925595

fitness is not a hobby and you should be required to squat 3 times weekly by law.

>> No.17925600

But do you even crossfit?

>> No.17925605

It should be easy then, give it to me quick and dirty.

>> No.17925631

imagine a scraggly cuckold who lives in a cave, and he hears people outside the cave having a discussion. so he barges out and yells STOP, I BET YOU HAVEN'T EVEN HEARD OF THIS THING LITERALLY EVERYONE WHO WENT TO HIGH SCHOOL KNOWS ABOUT, AND EVEN HALF THE PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T HAVE ABSORBED THROUGH CULTURAL OSMOSIS! appalled, the people begin to jeer and back away, but one of the interlocutors grabs him and jerks his pants down. he stumbles backwards into the cave and falls into the campire, where he is burned alive and the only thing the people outside can see is his shadow on the wall writhing in pain. they laugh and soon forget the unfortunate autist, then go about their daily business.

i think that's the way it goes.

>> No.17925642

The edge is palpable anon. You must be fun at parties. Tell me - who hurt you?

>> No.17925645

I can't tell how many levels of irony you are on.

>> No.17925648

>This is not a faggy "fitlit" thread
Yes it is and you should fuck off back to your shithole, fucking gymrat homo.

>> No.17925666

It was intentional so that might either add a layer or remove one. I'm really not sure, but I love you either way UwU

>> No.17925671

>fucking gymrat

Go play with your fidget spinner, artard.

>> No.17925675

this thread has done a good job of refuting OP's thesis.

>> No.17925685

You're right, some stank posts were made by some, and people even thought I was posters I wasn't, but it can't be helped. In the end, I still won.

>> No.17925687

Words mean things, and none of yours were accurate.

>> No.17925689

insecure much

>> No.17925700

Nah, hiking is good for me. Your rat doesn't attract me.
Why should go to a sweaty plebian shithole and surround myself high t, braindead narcissistic animals? Anything above minimal calisthenics exercises is useless bullshit which only attracts insecure manchilds.

>> No.17925701

Only about how raunchy my grundle can smell after sleeping for 16 hours... other than that, no.

>> No.17925704

nope. lift weights now or break your bones in the nursing home later, stupid.

>> No.17925717

Yes, because everybody has the same goal as you. Your myopia is nauseating.

>> No.17925731

To be fair, I don't go to a gym either, 'cause I've always managed to get myself setup at home with an Olympic weight bench, squat rack (jury-rigged version), and a place for chinups, pullups, dips. Not much else is needed.

Of course machines are great if you are new, elderly, coming off an injury, or have coordination issues to begin with. You can always go to a gym, work on machines and go from there, depending on your goal.

Anyway OP was spot on. Essentially it's about making a perfect unity of the mind, the body, and the spirit. When all three function in perfect synchronicity you achieve... THE TRIFORCE!

>> No.17925764

The idea of nursing home might be scary for you. But I meditate on death everyday. You will also deteriorate down hill my friend, just like everybody.

The myopia is the way you're still inspired by Greek and Roman status when those figures were soldiers in their times and art of war was quite different. How the fuck gym is going to help a 9-5 wagie? Or a framer? People are already physically exhausted. So what they need is strengthening of inner world and not this soulless materialistic crap pushed by hollywood.

>> No.17925769
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are you false flagging my thread m8

anyway normies actually believe
>Anything above minimal calisthenics exercises is useless bullshit

when weight training literally has a billion benefits you can't get otherwise, a big one being greatly increased bone density which is why grandma is pumping this shit in physical therapy so her hip doesn't crack on the way to bingo. the fact that most people do not realize barbell programs blow everything else completely out of the fucking water is an absolute stain on public education and health, no wonder first worlders are so obese when half of them don't understand the developments in fitness of the last entire century.

>> No.17925779

>physically fit chads and ladies live the peak human experience
So ultimately you are supposed to get swole to be masculine and fuck bitches
This sounds more and more like a faggy fitlit thread

>> No.17925783

>so her hip doesn't crack on the way to bingo.

>> No.17925788

Nothing funny about an old lady falling and hurting herself. That could be your mom, anon. >=[

>> No.17925791
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/fit/ posters are unironically closer to an ideal artist's weltanschauung than you if you're so delusional and detached from real life that you think human sexuality is a trivial matter and not vitally important for the mind and soul

>> No.17925796

You're hot bro, wanna fuck? No homo.

>> No.17925803

no, gotta preserve my vril.

>> No.17925805

I meant the bingo part. I watched Better Call Saul recently. Had no idea older Americans liked it so much.

>> No.17926093

>while not pursuing physical aesthetic
Physical aesthetics are for fags. Train for functionality and eat healthy and you will naturally have an aestheti body, drop your cosmetic bullshit

>> No.17926111

>.... terrible, but liberating
Hello, reddit

>> No.17926128
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>how does learning self-discipline help wagies elevate themselves above their station
>how does being fit help someone working a job that demands physical fitness
>how would increasing your energy through becoming more physically fit and eating a healthier diet make you feel less exhausted
>learning self-mastery shouldn't reflect itself in the body
>being fit is soulless materialistic crap pushed by hollywood
>despite mentioning centuries old renaissance depictions of the peak human form which is more or less the same thing we idolize today

myopic thinking, my friend: you can't see the forest for the trees. We live in the least physically demanding period in human history, is it any wonder that we're also plagued by the least mentally disciplined people to have ever walked the Earth? Life is a gift, don't squander it by making excuses for why you aren't the man you could be. And certainly don't belittle someone else for having higher goals and working harder to achieve them. I love you anon, I hope hiking makes you happy and keeps you fit, you deserve to see your body at its peak. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.17926166

You fuckers love the gym and love working out. So don't talk to me of self disciple when you're just doing something you already like.

>> No.17926235

Post body if you’re such a chad

>> No.17926242


>> No.17926483

>why you aren't the man you could be
>And certainly don't belittle someone else for having higher goals and working harder to achieve them.
myopic thinking my friend.

>you deserve to see your body at its peak.
Yes, I meditate on the image of my body filled with worms everyday.

>> No.17926566

There's your mistake, my friend. You don't go to the gym because you like working out, you go to the gym because you hate being weak. Liking the gym comes later.

You're right. Goals are personal things, I shouldn't say mine are universally higher than yours, but my physical goals appear to, at least.

>Yes, I meditate on the image of my body filled with worms everyday.
So be it, anon. But I hope you won't mind if I still think of you fondly when the time comes. WAGMI, even if we have vastly differing definitions of 'it'

>> No.17926638

You're alright anon. But my mental goals are superior to your physical goal kek.
Read Outlines of Skepticism if you haven't and it's a razor sharp dissection tool for philosophy or literally anything. Contemplative practice of skepticism is way harder than weight lifting but greatly more rewarding, truthfully at least. This is your new challenge>>17926566

So long friend.

>> No.17926942
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Lotsa coping and seething in this thread

>> No.17926961

never hurts to be in shape. it improves your physical- and mental well being.

>> No.17926977
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seeing fellow /fit/ browsers outside that sub is like running into cringy drunk countrymen when on holiday abroad

>> No.17927089

i haven't lifted a weight since high school but i would still tear your manlet ass in half lel.

i wish i still had hair like that though. just get on roids already WAGMI

>> No.17927149

Weird. This has gotta be the first twitter screenshot I've read that was actually good.

>> No.17927185

Cute clit

>> No.17927248

>if i am big muscle i am strong mind too
>if you small muscle u teeny tiny little mind
shut up retard.

>> No.17927478
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Thats funny, currently have Statue of David as my goal in physicality.

>> No.17927489
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>reading plato and tolstoy
>working out dally
fuck with a hoe.

>> No.17927559

>plato and tolstoy
I think it's funny how this crowd thinks you're not allowed to read philosophy unless you can 1/2/3/4 but read the most basic bitch texts from the popped collar pseudbro canon. come back when you hit Eriugena or something fag

>> No.17927656

Over the past year I've successfully gone from 1 to 8

>> No.17927716


>> No.17927795

Can I see your statistical inquiry into SES vs interesting/classic literature, anon? Someone sold you a pretty rock and you keep polishing it, I want in

>> No.17927912

i hope she sees this bro

>> No.17927948
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>despite of

>> No.17928985

>For that is the only way one can really be doing well. Without that, the mind is sick; and the body too, even if it has great strength, is sound only as that of an insane or deranged person might be. 2 So care for the mind’s health first and foremost, and for the other only secondarily: it will not cost you much, if you have resolved to be truly well. It is foolish, dear Lucilius, and unbefitting an educated man, to busy oneself with exercising the muscles, broadening the shoulders, and strengthening the torso. You may have great success with your training diet and your bodybuilding, but never will you match the strength and weight of a prime ox. Besides, your mind is then weighed down by a more burdensome body, and is less agile as a result. Restrict your body, then, as much as you can, and give more latitude to the mind. 3 Those who are obsessed with such a regimen incur many discomforts 4 There are ways of exercising that are easy and quick, that give the body a workout without taking up too much time—for time is what we have to keep track of more than anything: running, and arm movements with various weights, and jumping, either the high jump or the long jump, or the dance jump, or (not to be class-conscious about it) the fuller’s stomp.* Choose whichever you like, and make it easy by practice.° 5 But whatever you do, return quickly from the body to the mind and exercise that, night and day. A moderate effort is enough to nourish it, and its exercise is such as neither cold nor heat will hamper, nor even old age. Tend to the good that gets better with time.

Gym rats BTFO'd by Seneca

>> No.17928993

he's not even talking to her, retard.

>> No.17929230

Doesn't mean that they do, or even have to

>> No.17929250

Lol that face

>> No.17929268

>How does the pursuit of a fit and healthy body reveal anything about the human condition
It reveals things about the body because an unfit body is very different from a fit body, and the body is what holds the soul, seems like keeping it in good shape is very important.

>> No.17929274

>games are life
Both the pink and the yellow are brutal trash.

>> No.17929289
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>/fitlit/ thread
>no /fit/ lit posted
Here's what I've read recently.

>> No.17929290
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>> No.17929334

Ridiculous thread. The only /lit/-approved exercise is a long daily walk in nature. Running a bit, doing some pushups etc. are also okay. If you spend time at the gym obsessively trying to build muscles, you’re a normie retard

>> No.17929398
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>> No.17929408


more cope. and ignorant cope. barbell training is literally the best training for the body AND mind according to heckin science.

>> No.17929423

What if I do bodyweight work, go for a morning run, use makeshift weights out of bottles with sand and a scaffold tube and use resistance bands all at home, all to just be physically capable of strenuous work and not be a feeble old man later in life?

>> No.17930233

>no reply
Name-dropping is cringeworthy

>> No.17930242

Where do I find barbells

>> No.17930327


>> No.17930886

in the gym

>> No.17930940
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Name a single great living writer who is particularly fit.

Lobo Antunes is fat
Jon Fosse is fat
Krasznahorkai is thin
Vargas Llosa is fat

Even when young they weren't fit, just normal.
Only Mishima had a top physique.
It would be great to excel both physically and intellectually, but it is extremely difficult, specially considering that most writers have day-jobs while young, which makes it nearly impossible, and after they're old it's just not worth it.

>> No.17930981
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>> No.17930986

I have a loyal gf who doesn't like men with too many muscles.
And I'd rather spend my time reading or engaging in philosophical conversations than lifting.
>Why should anyone take your opinions seriously if you look like a pudgy, weak piece of shit?
Genetic fallacy.

>> No.17932073
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>> No.17932228

One must make their exercise routine like an art piece. Climb a hill, but make it symbolic of overcoming your difficulties. Lift heavy objects, like rocks, but build them into a monument representing your ambitions. Write about it afterwards, of course.

>> No.17932242

I don't need to overcompensate. I am fit and athletic, anything more would be a kind of masturbation.

>> No.17932250

>he hasn't read Sun and Steel

>> No.17932261
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>those nipples
Anon what the fuc...