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17921036 No.17921036 [Reply] [Original]

Is comma usage somewhat subjective? I'm very cautious with my work and I'm constantly searching up comma rules to make sure I've gotten it right. In doing this though, I've realized that whether or not you use a comma is often up to the preference of the author.

>> No.17921046

grammar be subjective bro

>> No.17921084

Of course it's up to your preference! You're not in high school anymore, anon. Make up your own ortographic standards!

>> No.17922632

It do?

>> No.17922638

post it

>> No.17922672

must use a comma before or after a conjunction

>> No.17922686

easy to overlook but that's actually a very powerful haircut

>> No.17922713

I think if this dude were to be shot in the leg he would squeal like a pig. He shoves disgusting fast food down his gullet as if he was a pig eating slop out a trough. Spiritually contaminated. Someone should lace his vanilla milkshake with lsd and force him to confront his demons.

>> No.17922728

nobody cares about anything these days, you can literally just make up whatever you want and nobody will care. it doesn't matter.

>> No.17922737

The idea of standard grammar and ortography only came about roughly 450 years ago. No one bothered about it for the longest time. Don't fall for the European trap of thinking grammar books contain accurate descriptions of languages they're nothing but rulebooks meant to be thrown in the trash or followed if you want to look like a bussy

>> No.17922740

he's the worst but it's kind of impressive how far he goes. it's all very performative but intensely honest

>> No.17922744


>> No.17922753


>> No.17922794

I don’t know if I would consider exposing your hedonistic gluttony and fetishistic desires for all the world to see to be honest. It’s quite clearly a fetish in which he gets off being humiliated as a public spectacle; the further down the hole he sinks the better. It’s a completely self-constructed version of himself that resides in his ego. He is just so committed to the delusion at this point that this hedonistic world in which he’s created has slowly manifested into the only world he knows. It’s far from honest, in my opinion.

>> No.17922808

making a clown of yourself is a protection of inner ego, it is a matador cape that takes all the damage since you don't honestly consider yourself the caricature you are consciously playing up

>> No.17922817

it can only be humiliating if it's honest & personal, no? it's not as disgusting and rib-achingly horrible if it's not true.

>> No.17922832

he's a success story of capitalism. went from eastern europoor to youtube rich by stuffing his face with burgers and is increasing his bank value on OnlyFans. Also, someone post it.

>> No.17922846

>someone post it.
why is this such a meme, it's just a picture of a fat guy's asshole, it's not even like goatse or something

>> No.17922858

He looks like a scared cartoon character

>> No.17922868
File: 137 KB, 561x561, 1616713399556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs and you HAVE to post it

>> No.17922873

Better it be the indulgence of transgressive desire than a tepid flat-line of life I say.

>> No.17922886


>> No.17922887

I thought it was his dickhole.

>> No.17922921

I somewhat get what you’re saying here. There has to be at least some connection between your inner self and constructed self in order to validate the degradation. I think the link of honesty connecting the two is there only to validate the fetish, without a link he’d just be acting like a fool for no reason at all. This form of honesty is only there to make the fetish worthwhile, as the juxtaposition between how he used to behave and how he behaves now, is what gets him aroused. I imagine a similar type of thing happens a person who is aroused by rape foreplay ; they wouldn’t want to actually be raped but they don’t mind acting it out with someone they trust because there is a form of honesty differentiating their desire, a fantasy, from the real thing, which would be traumatizing. The link of honesty resides in the subconscious as a sort of safety mechanism.

>> No.17922940

yeah, i guess so

>> No.17923062

haha he is making that white person wojak face

>> No.17923116

Reported for being Canadian.

>> No.17924205 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17924213

You just messed up your comma usage according to my rules

>> No.17924229

Fuck no it didn't. Although more extensive nowadays ancient cultures in Mesopotamia would attempt to write out grammar and standardize it for the purpose of maintain a standard language for an empire more effectively. The Greeks and Roman's also wrote of their grammar with much more depth.

>> No.17924252

It does be, you ken.

>> No.17924298

I think this guy might be the anti christ ot at least some kind of demon

>> No.17924300
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>> No.17924306 [DELETED] 
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check it out

>> No.17924322

now that's a bonafide bussy

>> No.17924345

You actually missed two commas.

>> No.17924393

Nope I only missed one before and

>> No.17924485

Yes, the second comma you're missing is the one after "nope".

>> No.17924599


>> No.17924600
File: 258 KB, 1500x1054, 54t4f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a statement, or saying something, or to organize, or when listing things. Now, you could say .... etc.

(picrel) One is saying let's eat her, the other statement is talking to her and saying that it's time to eat.

>> No.17924720

Dude I'm not in grade school. I'm aware of the basic rules, I'm talking about when you get into more ambiguous situations. There are sentences where you don't necessarily have to use commas, but they are used regardless by the writer for pacing/some other stylistic reason.

>> No.17924727

Which reminds me that for Catholics, beaver is considered a fish.

>> No.17924742

honestly grammar is a spook even without fullstops it only becomes marginally harder to understand unless youre a fucking retard of course then it might be hard for you to comprehend i treat grammar as a courtesy to the reader if i dont give a shit about whos reading it then they can go fuck themselves