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17922508 No.17922508 [Reply] [Original]

>dude, all ur neuroses are cuz you haven't fulfilled your sexual wishes lmao

>> No.17922516

he's on the right track actually

>> No.17922524

I've never had sex before

>> No.17922532

The last time someone made a freud thread here if i remember correctly people started with insulting him then ended up talking about how getting no sex affected them.
Basically they just proved him right

>> No.17922539

>says he in an age when discussions about inceldom are no rare occurrence

>> No.17922547

I've had sex plenty of times and Freud is still a retarded sex addict jew.

>> No.17922551

He’s not wrong

>> No.17922563

It's much deeper than just doing penis play

>> No.17922565

e-even the cannibalism thing? haha..

>> No.17922582

He has been debunked. Not even a matter of debate.

>> No.17922627

While his work is pseudoscience as it cannot be disproven or proven by the scientific method his ideas do hold up.
And even if you are 100% against his idea of libidinal drive you've got neo-freudians who might align with you more

>> No.17922644

Same for Jung but people here keep obsessing over him

>> No.17922652

Evola shits on both Freud and Jung so I hate them both.

>> No.17922655

Jung is of particular interest for people into mysticism and the occult, though. Can't replace that. Freud is liked by... coomers, I suppose.

>> No.17922657

I think Freud's theories are themselves the result of having a small penis, this is why he wouldn't allow anyone to psychoanalyze him

>> No.17922661

As have you, now wander back to your ditch, which is sometimes just a ditch.

>> No.17922677

I think one can admire Freud because of his fervent curiosity pertaining to discovering oneself. How can something so abstract be debunked?

>> No.17922681


>> No.17922692

t. freudfags
He made very specific claims, not at all abstract necessarily, that's how you personally frame it.

>> No.17922723

You are both retarded and have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.17922736

He is kind of right. I mean, if I had the time to have neuroses that means that's time im not spending on thinking about my next sexual partner.

>> No.17922745

How am I supposed to? The two that I most want to fulfill are illegal.

>> No.17922747


>> No.17922769


>> No.17922774

This. Except even my basic fantasies are impossible because prostitutes and escorts are illegal.

>> No.17922784

Maybe you should live in a country with freedom. Prostitution being illegal is ridiculous and absurd.

>> No.17922821

>a country with freedom
b-but USA is the land of freedums.

>> No.17922822

It's not about fulfilling it
Freud never told his patients with an oedipus complex to seduce their moms
It's about recognizing your problems and working on them

>> No.17922828

Non-existent solutions to non-existing problems. What a snake oil salesman.

>> No.17922861

It's not like people without any issues went to him and he told them they were crazy

>> No.17922877

>It's not like
Reddit-like sentence structure.
> people without any issues went to him and he told them they were crazy
Yes, but very few people actually want to fuck their mothers. Freud was projecting. Happens a lot with neurotic perverted jews

>> No.17922946
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>Freud was projecting
"Projection" as you used it here is a psychoanalytic term, you are using his work to disprove his work
And the oedipus complex is not really sexual, it's about wanting to stay in an infantile state of protection by ones mother or mother-figure as seen in pic

>> No.17922953

actually, sexual wishes are because of unresolved neuroses

>> No.17922962

How many people would genuinely admit they want to fuck their mothers though? Admitting that would surely tear families apart and even if the patient were ensured their answer will remain confidential, it still would be hard for someone to admit that since, because it’s such a forbidden taboo, their mind would repress their true feelings by convincing them that, of course they don’t want to fuck their mother, that’s crazy!

>> No.17922990

>"Projection" as you used it here is a psychoanalytic term, you are using his work to disprove his work
Yes, I'm using his terminology, very clever of you to notice it. Not every concept he came up with is wrong, though.
>And the oedipus complex is not really sexual, it's about wanting to stay in an infantile state of protection by ones mother or mother-figure as seen in pic
It is a repressed sexual desire. He talks about it in Interpretation of Dreams, I believe.

>> No.17922991

he did not come up with the concept of projection you faggot, that's just the common term used now

>> No.17922995

I also think that it greatly depends on how attractive your mother is. If your mother was an overweight, ugly, sallow old hag, you’d still love her but not want to have sex with her. But, if you’re mother was objectively a 10/10 beautiful, voluptuous figure, than surely you would realize this far before your adolescent friends reminded you when coming over to play vidya. How could you repress attraction to someone simply because they’re your mother? People have no issue with admitting other peoples mothers are hot and there are entire porn categories dedicated to this fantasy. It just seems to be more than what people are willing to admit.

>> No.17923098

>It is repressed sexual desire
Yeah phrased it wrong, sorry
Basically a childs libido is focused on the pleasures of childhood the mother gives him (love and other gay shit) and while growing older their father teaches them that there are more things in life than just those juvenile needs and wants (responsibilities and that less gay shit). People with oedipus complexes tend to not have been subject to a masculine rolemodel shaping them much (thanks 8 hour work day) keeping them in a more juvenile state but now as an adult their libido wants a sexual partner leading to them seaeching for someone who resembles their mother or acts as a motherly figure

>> No.17923115

These "people" will claim freud was a hack because he is Jewish, but also their entire life is based around not getting sex.

>> No.17923140

isn't the term Humian?

>> No.17923183

It's been mentioned since like 500 AD but the conceptualization was done by Freud

>> No.17923215

Wew lad. Is there a cure for this condition? Asking for a friend ;)

>> No.17923219

Never read him

>> No.17923348

Varies per person but the basic trick is to slowly mature with time and not needing a mother figure/childish fixations anymore as much as one used to.
Let's say some Moviebob kind of guy (Fat nerd critic who simps feminists) would lose some weight, get into more productive things than shill the new tumblr fixation and find a normal woman to be with he'd be on the right track

>> No.17923366

Ah, thx 4 reply

>> No.17923371

But what if the woman he finds resembles his mother, in personality and/or looks? Wouldn't that be bad?

>> No.17923394

I just my virginity at age 12 to a 25 year old prostitute in a brothel and I've had over 30 sexually partners yet I am extremely neurotic and damaged I constantly fantasise about homicide and suicide how can this be the case why aren't I a normal mentally sound person when I've had so much sex?

>> No.17923398

It's only a problem if she resembles his mom a bit too much (if someones girlfriend and their mom both like simmiliar books for example it's not a problem at all) and they act like they are mother and son.
What one has to keep in mind is that during a relationship the man is the man and the woman the woman, they should respect both themselves and their partner and not devolve into any infantile states.

>> No.17923410

>12 year old in a brothel
Anon that is why you are fucked up.

>> No.17923413

There is no clear evidence that early childhood sexual experiences lead to how I am today it's all theory and is basically impossible to prove.

>> No.17923421

That seems solid. Thanks for the little talk, mate.

>> No.17923422

More like people started to falsely attribute their problems to a lack of sex as their emotions stir along with their biological urges. Non-virgins can be depressed, there are Chads who can't hold down a job and live in filth, sex addicts can have anxiety, even in a seemingly perfect marriage, somebody can lose their shit and become miserable. Most people who commit suicide are not virgins or having problems with their sex life. Most of their internal problems come from browsing incel forums and stewing in their own shit.

>> No.17923426

Barely into puberty and sex with a woman twice the age, in a seedy place that leaves feelings of shame and guilt to even the regulars.

>> No.17923437

You should read Proust.

>> No.17923451

The Oedipal complex is the fiction of a deranged jew who tried to assuage his own guilt over his desire for his sister-in-law (i think, maybe another family member) by pushing incestuous fantasies onto the entire human race.
>every man literally wants to fuck his own mother, so how bad could my desire to fuck my sis-in-law be?
This chicanery happens all of the time in the humanities and social sciences. Without God/Nature as a judge, as in the real sciences, "researchers", especially prestigious ones, are free to write and publish as they wish. When the strength of a charlatan's will and the strength of those who would contest him are the only things in play (rather than an objective arbiter, such as nature itself), insanity has a good chance at coming out on top.

The humanities are littered with unbalanced retards who built academic empires with nothing more than their connections, their force of will, and their ability to grift. Truth always wins in the end, but might lag by centuries.

>> No.17923458

Hope i could help

>> No.17923527


>> No.17923534

He's clearly trolling dude

>> No.17923545

Isn't this the life story of Don Draper?

>> No.17923556

Idk. All I know is that he had the same experience because his dad thought fapping turned you gay(it probably does)

>> No.17923572

Re: that exchange: people usually find themselves in situations (with partners) that are similar to those of their childhood. Class structure is more likely due to this than to economic factors alone. Successful (high class) parents invest mental energy into their children and help set them up with partners who have been raised similarly. Chaotic parents don't usually do this.

Despite my own family's moderate wealth (upper middle class, maybe), I was a latchkey kid and didn't get any real guidance. Ended up in a relationship with a woman who was as emotionally fragile as my own mother and it fell to pieces. Note: my parents' marriage ended in divorce.

The number of people who I've known or spoken with that pretty much recreated their early home environment (to their benefit or their detriment) is probably close to the number of people I've known or spoken with.

The secret to a flourishing life is to be as deliberate/philosophical about important decisions (potential spouse, potential career, religion, &c) as early as possible. Everything is open to change, but creating and maintaining a (some) direction seems important. Parents who haven't done this aren't equipped to raise children like this.

Public education is a joke. A non-factor. Thus, children of upper class parents retain the skills of their parents and children of lower class parents fall for the same traps.

Oversimplification, but I'd wager true on the whole.

>> No.17923574

If your mother were an objectively attractive woman who, if she weren't your mother and simply a random woman on the street, you'd want to have sex with, then how could you truly repress sexual feelings which surface solely as a reaction to the physical stimuli that is your mothers body, that of which you find attractive? The simple fact of knowing she is your mother doesn't seem to be enough to prevent someone from thinking their mother is sexually attractive; it's a involuntary, natural reaction that is reached in the same way it would be if it weren't your mother. This isn't to say they must act upon this attraction, they probably wouldn't as they know it's wrong, but it seems unlikely that they would be able to completely disregard their mothers sexual attractiveness since, if their mother happened to be a stranger, he would want to have sex with her. It seems more likely that, since one would interpret his attraction to his mother as something of the utmost taboo, he would repress the feeling deep within his psyche in order to convince himself that it's not true and that he would never think of something so awful in the first place.

>> No.17923579

If only ol Sigmund was around to see Hentai.

>> No.17923583

Not sure I haven't read him.

Damn thought you were giving me a legit suggestion.

>> No.17923590

He's a fictional character from Mad Men. That guy threw you for a loop.

>> No.17923633


>> No.17923722

>t. jew
Is this really how you think? As if attraction is beyond inhibitory factors that arise in one's youth? That every pre-explicit-moral-law man would have bred with his mother and/or his sisters? By all of my friends' accounts I had a MILF as a mother. Never once considered her as a sexual being. She has always just been "mom".

I guess jews probably don't know what it's like to grow up with a beautiful mother and just have to make lewd guesses about how the goyim handle it.

>> No.17923762 [DELETED] 

I think all psychiatrists are crazy, just look at Freud and Jung both in their, instead they develop an autistic dogma that they adhere to religiously and it's so complex and insane that to anyone who hasn't taken the time to indoctrinate themselves into their system it appears as schizophrenic ramblings, which it basically is. I feel like a layman using basic common sense would be better is probably better at understanding people than these wackjobs. Their only value is in the psychiatric experience, which gives them at least a little extra insight into the mind

>> No.17923782

try again
I think all psychiatrists are crazy, just look at Freud and Jung both in their dream interpretations, instead of trying to see it for what it is they develop an autistic dogma that they adhere to religiously and it's so complex and insane and they go to such lengths to try and apply it to literally everyone and everything that to anyone who hasn't taken the time to indoctrinate themselves into their system it appears as schizophrenic ramblings, which it basically is. I feel like a layman using basic common sense is probably better at understanding people than these wackjobs. Their only value is in the psychiatric experience actually talking to people and trying to diagnose their problems, which I would say gives them some insight

>> No.17923783

>indoctrinate themselves into their system
You can just read their books, Anon.

>> No.17923790

The society that Freud lived in was highly neurotic around sex so because of that a lot of the neurosis and problems his patients had was around sex. Its simple really

>> No.17923805

I started reading Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, but then I went back and read the Forgotten Language first because it was recommended, but all it did was turn me off completely. It just seems like madness to me that you can only grasp if you actively try to remove yourself from reality and make things more complex than they really are.

>> No.17923871

I can't think of an intellectual figure that's gone through a bigger decline than Freud.

The dude went from being one of the three titans of early 20th century thought to a joke

>> No.17923912

A moral compass is not something that would prevent someone from finding their mother attractive in the first place, rather, it would prevent a person who already does find their mother attractive from acting upon their feelings; it acts as a moral structure. I just find it hard to believe in a naivety so thorough that, a straight male who is attracted to sexy woman, would simply be able to "turn off" his natural instinct to physical stimuli (the sexiness of his mother) simply because he knows she is his mother. The aspect of morality is applied when he realizes he mustn't act upon his desires because it is his mother. Morality is not so all encompassing that it prevents one from reaching immoral thought in the first place, it does however, provide a set of guidelines on how to morally deal with thoughts. Its simply denial when one says he has never, not once, thought of his mother, who all his friends want to fuck, in a sexual manner. This is due to it being so socially forbidden that even thinking of it in the slightest is an act of thoughtcrime; so men with milf mothers are constantly self policing their inner dialogue, getting so good at it that they wholly convince themselves they aren't, and never were, attracted to their mother at all. Btw, I'm not a jew.

>> No.17923937
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I’d love to see the internet history of the posters that fervently attack and try to discredit Freud in these threads. Lol.

>> No.17923938

Also, keep in mind the difference between finding your mother sexually attractive, and actually wanting to have sex with her literally. They are two very different things.

>> No.17923942


>> No.17924049

My point was that the explicit moral compass wasn't necessary. That there is inhibition of attraction between the young and those they are raised by and with. Brothers don't chase sisters, sisters don't chase brothers, mothers don't chase sons, fathers don't chase daughters. This is the normal way.

If you've experienced otherwise, you're outside of the norm. Sorry that you're suffering from Freudian desires despite being a goy. Maybe jewish porn has twisted your mind.

>> No.17924080

good post.

>> No.17924081

Freud is the only psychologist I feel is correct. The reason he is so villified and dismissed now by people is because they just want to deny his accuracy, not sure of it's out of shame or if it's just puritanism, or quite possibly some deeper conspiracy to hide the fact that a lack of sex really is the cause of all problems in my and many others life.

That latter one does make sense though, psychologists don't want to have sex with their patients, most of the time anyway, but they need to make money and at least offer a solution. So they sweep Freud under the rug and offer up "solutions" that don't require sex (and have the added benefit of not working so that then patients keeps coming back). The solution temporarily tricks the patient long enough for the psychologist to take their money and run, or maybe it doesn't even help the patient at all, either way they still get their money and don't have to have sex with any icky patients.

You can also see this in how they snuck sex out maslow's pyramid
>sex is just as important for mental well being as food and water? Uh-oh that's a bit problematic, let's just sneak this one out of here
It's like the whole "fat is bad for you, eat sugar instead" thing. Someone is benefiting from hiding the truth about this, someone either needs to keep us debilitated or doesn't want to take responsibility for our basic rights. These guys knew what they were talking about, in this regard at least, and someone needs to keep their names dragged through the mud. Shame even on /lit/ so many have fallen for it. Much like sugar industry lobbying, maybe in 100 years we'll find out about the secret deals gone on to discredit Freud everywhere.

>> No.17924083

I fap to victorias secret catalogs, get rekt.

>> No.17924092

>Freud is the only psychologist I feel is correct.
More like the only one you head of

>> No.17924096

>The reason he is so villified and dismissed now by people is because they just want to deny his accuracy
"You disagree so it must be correct!"
This is why psychoanalysis is a joke.

>> No.17924102

How is he a joke though? Freud was a brilliant man and did some good work. He also heavily influenced Edward Bernays who was very influential on America.

>> No.17924108

> Freud was a brilliant man and did some good work.
"was", "did". There you go. He *was* respected but he's now a joke.
Not every problem in life is about sex. The biggest problem is death. Sex is ultimately a cope for death.

>> No.17924112

I mention another in the same post. But whatever, I know you didn't read the post, in fact this is probably just a bot that detected someone having wrongthink about Freud.

>> No.17924122

>Not every porblem in life is about sex.
Eros and Thanatos

>> No.17924125

If anything, (((Freud))) would be protected by status quo. But most of his theories are basically the same as medieval nonsense about diseases caused by demons. That's how he's seen in the field.

>> No.17924131

His idea of the Return of the Repressed hasn’t been debunked iirc

>> No.17924133

Eros is a cope for thanatos. Thanatos is the final boss.

>> No.17924140

Return of the Repressed is not the thread's topic.

>> No.17924152
File: 188 KB, 400x600, 1614912766203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic common sense
Once upon a time, the Sun revolving around the Earth was common sense. Ephebophilia too.

>> No.17924154

Ok Ernest Becker

>> No.17924167

>The norm
Compared to history, our sexual inhibition between family members is actually out of the norm.

>> No.17924171

>The field
You mean the field in which basically every study that isn't concerned with IQ isn't reproducible? That field? Freud is one of the most influential people to ever live, he isn't a joke just because your envious professors told you so.

>> No.17924182

Highly unlikely. The reason people find their own disgusting is because of a biological and evolutionary component, very much related to the smell and our instincts. People who want to fuck their own are fucked.

>> No.17924193

Never said he wasn't influential but most of his work is outdated now.

>> No.17924219

Was because he's dead now anon.

>> No.17924253

Oh my lol. You've never heard a single story about family members having sex without even knowing they were family until after the fact? Where were the biological and evolutionary components during those times? By the way, marrying cousins, nephews and nieces was a commonplace occurrence throughout all of history, especially among royalty. Where were the biological and evolutionary components back then?

>> No.17924273

I was talking more about the close family members, you know, the core family. Fucking the core family has rarely been the norm.

>> No.17924327

>You've never heard a single story about family members having sex without even knowing they were family until after the fact?
I was also talking about close family members too. According to you, these situations should never have occurred, because there would've been the evolutionary equivalent of an alarm bell telling them they are about to fuck their sister. Evidently, that is not the case.

>> No.17924335

You said they were the norm and our way was actually outside the norm. This is false: it wasn't the norm. Mentally ill and fucked up people existed in the past, yes, but that doesn't mean it was the norm.

>> No.17924374

As it turns out, everything can go outside the norm if you are willing to move the goalposts far enough. Even still, very harsh to call the entirety of Egyptian and Persian Civilisation mentally ill, but whatever. Here's a situation to ponder: Would an adopted son feel the same way about his adopted mother? That is to say, would his sexual impulse towards his pretend mother be absent despite her not even being biologically related?

>> No.17924387

>. Even still, very harsh to call the entirety of Egyptian and Persian Civilisation mentally ill, but whatever.
That was an artificial control for le blood purity, not really the norm in most of the world. Basically radical /pol/fags.
>. Here's a situation to ponder: Would an adopted son feel the same way about his adopted mother? That is to say, would his sexual impulse towards his pretend mother be absent despite her not even being biologically related?
Studies have shown that people have to be raised among their core family in order to develop the familiarity with the smell that they are meant to reject. It's based on smell this thing I'm talking about.

>> No.17924686

knowing me this is probably true

>> No.17924717

Why? Im 29 soon and also never had sex.

>> No.17924738
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>mfw circumcision mads me neurotic
>mfw my mother tried coming onto me a few times
>mfw I can't enjoy sex with others

>> No.17924743


>> No.17924753
File: 15 KB, 333x500, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Chapter IX

>> No.17924761

Freud talked about circumcision giving a form of neurosis after the operation.
I don't want to fuck my mother since she's disgusting as fuck to come onto me by calling me daddy.
evert sexual encounter I've faced has been substandard and revolting

>> No.17924768

>Freud talked about circumcision giving a form of neurosis after the operation.
That explains neurotic jews

>> No.17924771

maybe youre a fag. go text your gay friend

>> No.17924780

what's your number buddy?

>> No.17925091

He's right, it's just common sense.
I can't believe his worldview is considered so revolutionary, has no one experienced sexual frustration prior to the 18th century? Is this the power of arranged marriages?

>> No.17925116

>You can also see this in how they snuck sex out maslow's pyramid
I think what Maslow meant was just sexual release in general (like masturbation), rather than actually having sex specifically.

>> No.17925131

incels wil fight you on this. good luck.

>> No.17925155

Ephebophilia is common sense

>> No.17925160

You should. I highly recommend it

>> No.17925164

>Biden wins
>have sex posters disappear
What did glowies mean by this?

>> No.17925168
File: 386 KB, 789x791, 1616124832483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever actually told a therapist about your mother, Anons?

>> No.17925169

If he could, he would, but he can't so he won't.

>> No.17925199

He could just take Viagra. That would help

>> No.17925209

Problem might be convincing women to fuck him, not the mechanical act of sex itself.

>> No.17925214


Talking is fine, but then you get jews, women and glorified simps, ie intellectuals to talk and talk and to never ever shut up.

THen it gets, worse, the psychologists view themselves as savatns, as scientists, so they publish garbage '''''''''''''''''''''''research'''''''''''''''''''''and their only view in life is that people have problems, so the more those jews talk the more they have to make any little annoyance into a massive problem

ANd in a republic where the bourgeois manage to get the plebs care about politics and editorials and the media and the journalists, you have a resonance box of whinings by vaginas and jews and simps

THis is why the bourgeois republic is the highest form of government: the government by jews vaginas and simps, for the jews vaginas and simps.

>> No.17925458


>> No.17925494

freud is just a writer. in the first half of the 20th century people were writing much more delirious things.

>> No.17925501

It’s over rated.

>> No.17925516

That makes a lot of sense actually

t. incel

>> No.17925523

Whats the complex for lolisexuals?

>> No.17925528

confirmation bias

>> No.17925538

You exist because of sex, kind of weird to claim sex has no effect on your mental health or whatever.

>> No.17925587

I hear there are women who provide this service professionally

>> No.17925592

>want to be hypnotized by a woman and then have snu-snu
>want to hypnotize a woman and then have snu-snu
Explain this Siggy

>> No.17925598

Depends on the person, really. Mentally weak coomers are hit the hardest.

>> No.17925604

I don't get what you mean?

>> No.17925640

I mean, you also only exist because you can breath oxygen. Does oxygen occupy your thoughts to a crippling degree?

>> No.17925647

I mean that I want a girl to put me into a deep trance and then have me fuck her
Or that I want a girl to put into a deep trance and then fuck her
It's a fetish, Mr. Freud. Ain't that your shit?

>> No.17925662

I just had sex a moment ago

>> No.17925664
File: 99 KB, 1069x1524, oxlwzo7hvum51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.
I also want a woman to shrink me and make me climb her, while lowering my IQ and making me into her obedient permahorny plaything.

>> No.17925665

I've also never had sex and am 24. I've also never kissed and have only held hands once. Howbad is it doc?

>> No.17925696

You want to hypnotize a girl because you're sexually frustrated and want to control women. It would also give you a feeling of power and masculinity to make a woman completely submit to you.
You want a woman to hypnotize you because you seek to sublimate your experience of sexual frustration and women ignoring you, rejecting you and having power over you irl. You want the feeling of a woman having control over you to be a positive one and give you sexual satisfaction.

>> No.17925697

Trust issues. The kids are seen as pure and innocent.

>> No.17925708

Iiiiiiinteresting. Not bad, Siggy. Now can you explain why I like both flat chests and full chests.

>> No.17925725

What happens if I resolve Oedipus complex by raping my own father?

>> No.17925726

If you weren’t able to breathe like how incels aren’t able to breed, oxygen would definitely be on your mind the way sex is on theirs.

>> No.17925730
File: 376 KB, 625x829, Sigmund-Freud-1856-1939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like small tits because it calls to mind youthfulness and innocence, and because small titted women are often very outwardly sexual and horny to compensate for the frustration of having small tits.
You like big tits because they're an indicator of health and fetility, and fucking a bigboobed woman would bring you satisfaction because it would make you feel like an alpha male who conquered a much lusted-after, fecund female.

>> No.17925738

this. sex hasn't solved my existential problems, maybe it helps relieving stress but it's not like losing virginity solves your life problems and you automatically become content and satisfied for life

>> No.17925739

George Floyd had some thoughts about it

>> No.17925740

Intriguing stuff. Now can you tell me why I find vaginas just as unappealing as penises, but fucking love titties, butts, and armpits on women?

>> No.17925755

But that is because oxygen is necessary to be able to not die within the next couple of minutes. Maybe oxygen was not a good pick. How about "you only exist because your parents fucked and/or married". Are you poorly mentally affected by the possibility that they are not fucking right now?

>> No.17925758
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Because you're scared that you won't be able to satisfy a woman. Maybe you have a small peepee, and/or are simply bad in bed, so you prefer to lust over the female body parts that won't put your masculinity and sexual worth in question like a vagina would.

>> No.17925761

Can someone explain why i drop spaghetti around pretty women even though i have a gf, regular sex, i am /fit/ and good looking?
check and mate

>> No.17925772

Whoa boy. I'm learning a lot. Now, can you explain why I sometimes find squinty eyes sexy but sometimes don't find them sexy?

>> No.17925777

you're a horny bastard

>> No.17925787

Because it depends on the rest of the woman to whom the eyes are attached to.

>> No.17925794

I have a small peepee. what do? kms?

>> No.17925795

O shit. This is pretty woke. Okay, but now I want to know, why do I sometimes imagine my life, but as a girl.

>> No.17925812

Because you feel like an inferior beta male and you feel that women have easier lives in society (which is true).
Own it up. If a woman you're with tries to shame you or mock you for it, don't ever show that you're ashamed.

>> No.17925821

>Because you feel like an inferior beta male and you feel that women have easier lives in society
I have been educated that women actually have it far worse, as they are much more likely to be raped, are paid less, and are generally more prone to having their freedoms repressed. What does that say about me Siggy?

>> No.17925828

That's what you've been told, but obviously your subconscious has never bought it.

>> No.17925839

Damn. I am shook. Now tell me, why do I find girls who ride motorcycles sexy but girls who smoke cigarettes to be unattractive?

>> No.17925855

>Own it up. If a woman you're with tries to shame you or mock you for it, don't ever show that you're ashamed.
Will try if that's the case.

>> No.17925860

Godspeed dickletbro. How big is yours?

>> No.17925862

5 in

>> No.17925871

Because biker girls signal wildness and adventure, and you feel like they could dominate you. A woman riding a motorcycle is a woman taming a machine that's usually associated with males, signifying her power and charisma. Biker girls also usually wear leather, and the sight of their legs and asses in tight black clothes excites you because, again, it means they're in control of their sexuality and, by proxy, over you.
Cigarettes are associated with ill health, bad smell, promiscuity and cancer, none of which signal fertility.

>> No.17925878

Ah shit. I'm sorry bro. I thought I was kind of poorly off at 5'6". Don't let anyone push ya around for it, just do your best.

>> No.17925879
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>> No.17925881

Wowzers. Okay, what does it mean if I hate piercings that aren't earrings?

>> No.17925882

>Cigarettes are associated with ill health, bad smell, promiscuity and cancer, none of which signal fertility.
Not him but interesting. The juxtaposition of a woman smoking a cigarrette has always been attractive to me (unlike the other guy). Is there any reason for this?

>> No.17925896

Earrings are traditionally seen as a stylish, feminine and maybe even a status symbol (rich women used to wear big fashionable earrings). Other types of piercings are associated with high-maintenance sluts with family issues and mental illnesses.

>> No.17925913

Perhaps it's tied to some personal experience of yours, like you've met a hot woman who also happened to smoke and so you've subconsciously linked smoking as an attractive factor.
Anyway, smoking can also be perceived as women partaking in a ruggedly masculine behavior, and that might be jarring to some men and elicit attraction. But now that smoking has been normalized, it's usually seen as a coming-of-age rite and girls who smoke may be seen as more "mature" than others.

>> No.17925914

The funny thing is, I have a friend who fucks around and he was a smaller cock than me, both in length and girth. We compared them when we were roomates and were drunk. Mine was bigger but that guy just kept having women to his bedroom. Since then I figured personality matter more in some cases.

>> No.17925918

Femme fatale

>> No.17925923

Did your mom smoke?

>> No.17925924

personality just means putting sluts on a pedestal to the point of pleasing them free of charge

>> No.17925927

This is how Freud's relative Edward Bernays popularized smoking in the first place. He also used feminism to do it ("Smoking will emancipate you!")

>> No.17925929

how should one charge them?

>> No.17925933

you idolize vaginas and beauty, because you live in the present moment. See a woman globally, from her decaying body to whatever fucktarded things she says even in the present moment.

>> No.17925935

NGL I kinda like that I'm a dicklet. I sometimes fantasize of fucking really tall, breastful, assful women and if you conquer such a lady while being a dicklet it's like an ant climbing to the top of a mountain, something oddly satisfying about it.

>> No.17925942

aren't most vaginas more or less the same size? like, a fat woman's vagina being the same as a skinny woman's vagina?

>> No.17925948

I also kinda like the idea of a woman demeaning me for it.
A girl once kicked me in the nuts and it felt so great, her juicy strong knee rightfully hitting my soft, weak balls. Oh God I'm gonna coom

>> No.17925953


>> No.17925959

Probably. I saw many older French films when I was an adolescent. All the hot women smoke in those.
Maybe. I'm fascinated by that archetype.
Not really. I smoke and my dad smokes too.

>> No.17925962

So fucking a voluptous woman and fucking a stick woman is the same on paper, the only difference being the flesh around the vagina. It's the same achievement.

>> No.17925972
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Yes, cinema can be a factor. Many things look very aesthetic and enticing in smooth silky B&W film.

>> No.17925976

Most of sex is sexy because of the context, yes.

>> No.17925996

Nah no way
You need sex sex

>> No.17925999
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Retroactively refuted by Karl Popper, which is embarrassing.

>> No.17926000

Reminds me of the quicksand fetish, which was exclusively an American thing and it appeared because people would watch those old Hollywood adventure films set in the jungle, where female characters would sometimes be sinking in wet sand and moaning and screaming, and this gave boomers boners.

>> No.17926007

Never heard of that. Interesting. I also don't get how autoerotic asphyxiation became a thing. The actor from Kill Bill died that way. Just jerking off while you can't breathe. Weird.

>> No.17926008

You're not going to die without sex, but it will take a toll on your psyche. It's still a basic need, but not one of the crucial, life-or-death ones.

>> No.17926022

Historically, the practice of autoerotic asphyxiation has been documented since the early 17th century. It was first used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. The idea for this most likely came from subjects who were executed by hanging. Observers at public hangings noted that male victims developed an erection, sometimes remaining after death (a death erection), and occasionally ejaculated when being hanged.[3]

>> No.17926024

Apparently the climax is something else. Masturbating while kneeling also brings strong orgasms. Some men even faint with this technique.

>> No.17926038

Fascinating. I wonder what Freud would think of this.

>> No.17926046

Death is a potent aphrodisiac. Maybe the body overcompensates in life drive when faced with its own termination. Some people who played Russian roulette have said that the game will offer you an immense high.

>> No.17926056

What about futa fetish?

>> No.17926148

so I have to pee on a senior woman to get my life back on track?

>> No.17926343

Perhaps it's too late, perhaps not. But try it

>> No.17926370

>It's about recognizing your problems and working on them
would you rephrase this in a way that doesnt make you sound like an instagram thot

>> No.17926382

Freud just made that up. It's impossible to prove right or wrong.

>> No.17926416
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What does it say about me if I want a woman to shrink me

>> No.17926443
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I used to be into mommy fetish in my early teens but now I look back I feel repulsed by it. I would rather struggle by my lonesome than be comforted by a nurturing figure that solves all my problems by extracting the responsibilities thrusted upon me. Any armchair psychologist here can explain my feels?

>> No.17926470

You just want independence and self-sufficiency, not really a head-scratcher

>> No.17926477
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How do you feel about magic?

>> No.17926534

That comes from the desire for a "complete" woman
As a child one thinks women have the same genitals as men but with time one realizes that women have their own gentials, an alien hole where a mans fertile seed dissapears into to die for hopefully one to survive and become a child
The futanari is a woman a man "gets", truly understands as they are anatomically simmiliar

>> No.17926570

I'd need emojis to sound like one
It's just another form of the oedipus complex, as a child are physically much smaller than your mother and see her as gigantic. Now as an adult you are (probably) larger than most women you meet but due to an unresolved oedipus complex you feel this desire to just get shrinked and become the infant again to the large female
You using the word "repulsed" suggests you want to distance yourself from it (the opposite to hate which you suggests and attraction to it) are you sure you aren't just repressing those desires?
If yes you should accept that you've had them and move on.

>> No.17926621

>are you sure you aren't just repressing those desires?
I am aware of it, but at the same time I feel I have outgrown it and so now it remains but a minuscule part of my conscious desires. My mental fortitude is much, much stronger than what it used to be half a decade ago and I'm unsure if it's the cause or the effect of my new attitude in life.

>> No.17926624

Ah then you're alright don't worry

>> No.17926688

>It's just another form of the oedipus complex
Could be, but I think there's something else in it. I also like the fantasy of turning women into whatever I want, how would you explain that? Is that just due to sexual frustration and the desire to control them?

>> No.17926716

Depends, what would you transform them into?

>> No.17926717
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*blocks you’re path*
You bedder stop biunivocalizing zose polyvocalities, monsieur

>> No.17926731

It completely depends on the woman or situation. Some into inanimate objects, others into animals, plants, fruit, or I'd change their body; i.e. enlarge their tits, make them taller, make them cum on command, change their personality... Basically just play with them however I want.

>> No.17926876

I see, well do you gain sexual arousal from the process of transformation or the ability to control them?

>> No.17926879


>> No.17926924

Well the control fantasy is because of feeling inadequate and seeking full power of someone or something because of it.
The transformation varies, turning them into animals can mean both the desire to humiliate them or the desire to bring out a womans more animalistic "id", the rawness of her being you don't tend to see in society. Wanting to turn them to plants or fruits is a form of pacifying them and expressing your desire for a submissive woman, turning them into objects might mean you want them to be tools you can use and the physical modification like breast expansion might mean you want the "idea" of a woman, the imagination you can modify to your hearts content instead of a real woman with her being set in stone

>> No.17926947

Yeah, I think you got it

>> No.17927057

Hope i could help using my armchair-freudian knowledge

>> No.17927685

Auguste Comte?

>> No.17927742

>Freud thread
>ctrl + F Girard
>0 results
every fucking time holy shit

>> No.17928007

>everything is a double entendre
>always seen with a cigar near his mouth
What did he mean by this?
He can be disproven on the mere grounds he is wrong.
Jung is not wrong.
Fraud has never studied humans, he has studied highly synthetic, behaviorally modified, modern cyborgs.
He has no clue how humans behave in a healthy and natural state.

>> No.17928041

Is it backwards for one to resent their mother for being weak, yet have zero desire for a "dominant" woman? Or did the image of one's mother being weak and in need of paternalistic guidance imprint on that person in the form of wanting to be the dominant partner in relationships?

>> No.17928043

what an abominable thread. please read an actual book by Freud. He is important for placing the locus of psychological disorder in the mind and not external causes and for pioneering talk therapy but there are serious criticisms of his diagnosis that none of you have properly addressed if you're even familiar with them

>> No.17928068

they were completely indebted to Freud. Anti-Oedipus merely EXPANDED (multiplied) on his ideas rather than refuted them. One mummy or multiple mummies? Does it really make that much difference? Most people are guided by singular, localised narratives. The non-linearity is only observed on the outside. Localised narratives are quite impenetrable and, very importantly, LINEAR. The theory of the death drive was massively influential on French theory. Freud was basically a clinical version of Nietzsche. Sex remains a powerful, guiding force in our lives. Man is the animal and what we perceive as inhuman always seems as animal which we are

>> No.17928081

>dude, all ur neuroses are cuz you haven't fulfilled my sexual wishes lmao

>> No.17928087

>He is important for placing the locus of psychological disorder in the mind
people already knew that insanity was something wrong with the mind
> pioneering talk therapy
completely worthless

>> No.17928107

Resenting a weak mother and noticing her weakness as a child would give them the idea that they are helpless and that their mothers protection ammounts to nothing. What do you think about your father?

>> No.17928129

so why does he always pose with a cigar?

>> No.17928150

He's weak and selfish, too. A match made in heaven with my mother, the eternally frustrated nobody who wants to be a somebody for no effort, and the eternal victim. He enjoyed treating us like peons because it made him feel powerful, I guess, and she enjoyed having zero agency in a roundabout way.

>> No.17928177

Sounds like a based relationship I can only dream of having a cute unconditionally obedient wife

>> No.17929057

Then you seek a "classical relationship" with a more submissive woman, comes from your resentment of your family life.
You could have ended up wanting to repeat the same family life as the one you saw as a child, like an alcoholic who got beat by his alcoholic father as a child.
Dodged a bullet there buddy

>> No.17929265

sex is pretty fun the first 10 years and then you get kind of over it lol

>> No.17929285

she is like the definition of "plain"

>> No.17929292

We need a "general psychoanalysis" thread instead of these jung shilling and freud shitting threads

>> No.17930686

That seems rather accurate. I've never seen vagina irl despite me being almost 30.

>> No.17931949

The appeal of Jung is that he has pretty perceptive insights on human nature. The mystical coating is pure garbage however and completely unnecessary.

>> No.17931992


>> No.17932007

There is no conspiracy. People just got tired of the pseudo-discursive style of thought where you just rattle off theories

In reality, people know full well that lack of sex can cause issues. Freud is an unnecessary layer that can be safely discarded. There is no hidden secret, only something everyone already knows

>> No.17932069

shut up

>> No.17932071

I'm gay and volcel and immensely self-hating and want to die.

>> No.17933116

Popularizing smoking to subvert the goyim. His nephew Bernays carried the torch later on

>> No.17933613

just get grindr

>> No.17933625

his work has been twisted by academicians into an instrument for fomenting bolshevism and pathologizing traditional moral values

>> No.17933630

When do I get my state-appointed mommy loli gf to cure my mental anguish?

>> No.17933690

anons don't worry, neuralink simulated realities will become real in your lifetime, so you can fulfill your vain wishes of being a 6'11 chad