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/lit/ - Literature

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17920151 No.17920151 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, mods I gotta question:
Why is there a rake on all the posts? I don't care about Canadians, let them apologize in peace.
This thing is so ugly.

Anyway I await my ban for violating rules it whatever

>> No.17920184

Nigger. If you don't understand why there's a rake then just end it now.

>> No.17920192

are you dumb?

>> No.17920193

Sad proof /pol/ controls all the boards.

>> No.17920215

Just click all the rakes and see what happens fren

>> No.17920216

I loathe pol

>> No.17920233

It's a profoundly unfunny meme about Canadians

>> No.17920254
File: 30 KB, 554x554, E792BF0F-7EEF-47F5-BBA0-FCBEF508ABEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is a containment board
>/pol/ controls all boards
You can’t have both.

>> No.17920267

Good thing you replied to two different anons

>> No.17920291
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>> No.17920311

I raked you. Did anything happen?

>> No.17920321

You have to rake about ten people to be sure of hitting a Canadian. Like battleship

>> No.17920334

>/pol/ is an inadequate containment board. A massive failure.

>> No.17920428

What does raking a canadian do? Ban them for a day?

>> No.17920437

Hard to stay that way when they do shit like this.

>> No.17920441

/pol/ is a containment board that turned into a spawning ground. It's proof that the only containment boards/sites that work are ones which the contained group just wants to be left in peace and don't try raiding.

>> No.17920486

For the retards:

There is a leaf on Canada's flag. Canadians are made fun of on /int/ and /pol/ by posting "A FUCKING LEAF". There is also a meme about "the day of the rake", a parody of "the day of the rope", a far right fantasy taken from the Turner Diaries in which all non-whites are exterminated. The obvious implication being the extermination of all Canadians i.e. leafs.

>> No.17920529

Can someone just rake me already? I want to be deported.

>> No.17920552

Like I said, profoundly unfunny

>> No.17920575

can canadians post at all? what happens if a canadian gets raked? I've raked about 5 people so far.

>> No.17920578

Makes sense

>> No.17920582

so ?
It happens once a year. I loathe people like you who cant take a fucking break and enjoy small moment of life
just enjoy it, I don't , but I go with the flow, and today I've found it rather enjoyable going from board to see where canadians lurk and trynna find some.
Currently, racked 2 canadians by pure luck lol
I thought it was retarded at first but now it seems funny

>> No.17920600
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 2jwb08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they get racked they get sent to a New board that was just created called : /Quebec/
Also if you click the rack button multiple times and fail you get sent too, both you and the leafs Stay stuck in there until tomorrow kek
I know this cause i was deported there on my phone when I was in a coffe shop
now, im in a different ip range


>> No.17920618

I got deported but now I'm out for some reason, yet I want to get back in.

It's the cool place where the party's happening on April Fools.

>> No.17920620

>being this new

>> No.17920646

>yet I want to get back in.
Kek Just keep randomly racking people and you will be deported again lol

>> No.17920651

I didn't have to do it this many times before.

>> No.17920652

You gotta Admit I got some real nice fucking digit right there.
Check'd and kek'd

>>being this new
I skipped lasy year's 1st April, and this is barely my 2nd year on 4chan

>> No.17920660

>yes I am new

>> No.17920664

Ohh Yeah
Depends on the mod activity I maybe, I dont know if its automatic or not, since I racked a lot and didnt get deported until like an hour later
Just keep racking people , the mods will deport you then
or change ip adress and rack again

>> No.17920677

how long have you been here ?
I'm only 19
I also barely have read like 20 books my entire life
I'm more into docummentaries
I just like some /lit/ philosophical rants, so i just read interesting thread and move on

>> No.17920685

report posts

>> No.17920698

>Le Canadien

>> No.17920701

Why did they put the rake? I know the meme but what happened?

>> No.17920710

You should know everything you're doing is causing there to be ever lower quality rants on this board and soon you will be surrounded by only people as poorly read as you who are as bad at working things out as you.

>> No.17920728

I'll continue my efforts, thanks anons.

>> No.17920762

Again, you're assuming things about me while barely having read a few words I said
In no case have I affirmed that I post in this board
I practically never do, i like to lurk more than to post, I consider posting massively induced by the ego and the feeling of wanting to be accepted and agreed with
I only read and listen to what I think is interesting
Same way I did with /pol/, I was more of said liberal ideologie when I came in contact with it, I lurked for about 8 months before actually making a post and now i completely understand their ideologies
another thing is Posting as i said previously is an ego booster, it makes you feel good people liking your ideas , thats why people on all boards rush to make threads when news hits so they can get more attention and response...

>> No.17920801

1st of April happened. To appease the Easter Bunny Huitzilopochtli we're raking all the leafs and burning them on its altar.

>> No.17921110

>this newfag again