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17917702 No.17917702 [Reply] [Original]

Books on transsexuals and their ilk being the watermark for the decline of our culture and civilization?

>> No.17917743

Extremely Canadian post

>> No.17917770

You want some maple syrup with that wit, eh?

>> No.17917809

He's a real cutie, tho.
I want to give him some Valentina salsa in those (probably) Canadian pancakes.

>> No.17917822
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Fucking faggot

>> No.17917832

you need to look at books about decadence and the decline of society, they are linked. also, day of the rake is today?!

>> No.17919119
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Gwyndolin is cute and not a tranny though. Every tranny does need to be hung though

>> No.17919130

Weininger's Sex and Character
Anti-Oedipus (read from a conservative point of view)
Umineko no naku koro ni

>> No.17919175

the boss was way too easy

>> No.17919266

J.D Unwin

>> No.17919750

I think trannies are pretty good. Every gay should be forced to take estrogen so they can become normal and socially acceptable.

>> No.17919776

>Literally fifty-fifty odds and you lost
Any books about this (not "TRANS RIGHTS" shit, but despair literature)?

>> No.17919777

(((Iran))) actually does this

>> No.17919890

Iran is under Jewish control? Aren't they one of the last three without a Rothschild bank?

>> No.17919943

WHERE do I get a girlfriend (male) like this

>> No.17919995
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>> No.17920029

I wouldn't have a problem with her thesis if she weren't such a raging hypocrite. She's like a modern Weininja in her self-contempt.

>> No.17920144

They are the perfect combo

>> No.17920182

Honestly Im pretty sure they only appear in highly patriarchal societies. From the Castrato in the Italian Renaissance to the Two spirit in the native americans, they're basically entitled dudes getting away with being entitled dudes.
But go ahead and indulge your confirmation bias, you won't learn anything, however.

>> No.17920429


>> No.17920785

When Harry Became Sally
The Transgender Industrial Complex

>> No.17920914

Seriously asking, why do people get so triggered with trannies? I don't know, if it doesn't affect me I don't care.
>b-but trannies will provoke the decline of the western of civilization
Yeah, I don't think so.