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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 220 KB, 1277x800, 2019_31_yukio_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17906202 No.17906202 [Reply] [Original]

When i first started learning about Yukio Mishima i felt like some of his struggles resembled my own, i don't identify with his struggle with his homosexuality (i'm straight) but i do struggle living outside the west but being incredibly influenced by it and not feeling like i belong to neither my or the western cultures
His house was modelled after european ones and he had great respect for the west but also despised what the west did to japan, that's the same with me and how my country has only become more degenerate because of the west but i still love the west in a way... It's hard for me to explain it
What about you?

>> No.17906230

Where do you live?

>> No.17906237

ligotti because he’s a fat fucking american doomer. Im not fat though

>> No.17906258

>but also despised what the west did to japan
I don’t think he did. He thought they had a complicated relationship but he didn’t despise it. I’m not sure why you think that.

>> No.17906264
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Thomas here. I'm not fat, you dolt.

>> No.17906265


>> No.17906277

Albania (small country in southwestern europe)
Grew up with german television and learned german before albanian that way, i feel like i'm torn between the western wya of thinking and the "primitive" albanian way and can only really understand people on both sides partly, i've got a few friends who have simmiliar experiences and i understand them better than most because of that

>> No.17906393
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For me it is Kafka: inteligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour

>> No.17907420


>> No.17907440


>> No.17907474
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I identify with him because I'm a gay sadist and my adolescence was word for word what he described in Confessions of a Mask.
It's funny because I fucking despise the gay """community""" to the point where I don't even want to fuck men irl anymore, it's ruined for me. I just want to lift, coom to pictures of matyrs and grill. I want to be Confessions/Sun and Steel Mishima but I never want to become Forbidden Colors Mishima.

>> No.17907476

Hunter S Thompson

>> No.17907480

If only you were just fat you could simply lose weight, unfortunately you're also ugly.

>> No.17907484
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I'm a repressed faggot, with fascist tendencies, narcissistic and sadomasochist.

>> No.17907495

What do you think Thomas Ligotti does for fun? I wish I could take him out for a nice time just so he'll stop being such a fucking doomer for one day.

>> No.17907503

I can relate to most authors who suffered from some form of mental illness, more if it's in the depressive spectrum

>> No.17907682
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F. Gardner

>> No.17907717

According to my Myers/Briggs test results I should identify with Faulkner and Tolkien the most. I have not yet found my literary equivalent, though.

>> No.17907797

Only real answer in this thread

>> No.17907826

Why are his hands so small?

>> No.17907828

I know how you feel. I've not become a volcel. But I don't associate with anyone who "identifies as LGBTQ+blar blar blar".
I never go "pride parades" either.

Don't let society or other people define who you are or what your homo side means.
Fucking men is alpha as hell.

>> No.17907837


Interesting, your feels. And that you don't consider Albania to be part of the West.


That's terrible, why the repression? Just be you.

>> No.17907844

>Fucking men is alpha as hell.

Straight man here and I agree. Also homophobia is anti-male.

>> No.17907864

I agree, but the romantic pool isn't exactly great for a homo who feels this way. Sex is something I can do with or without, so while I'm not completely adverse to fucking men or having a bf, I also won't settle for something that's suboptimal because it's just not high enough on my list of priorities to be worth compromising for.

>> No.17907885

Bernhard. Beckett. Pessoa.

>> No.17907945

I don’t think they are. That meme book is just fucking enormous.

>> No.17907954

Im on the same boat anon. Anglophilia runs deep among the urban population of my country, Nepal. I don’t know shit about Albanian culture but don’t call it primitive. If it’s really primitive, then challenge the culture and its language it on its own terms. Don’t look to the west for the right answers but don’t get stuck in a conservative and stagnant Albanian culture either. Get out of that binary. Don’t run parallel or opposite to the intimidating cultures of the west. If you have the I ambition and the drive, then carve out an oblique, unexplored path

>> No.17907958

Based and truthpilled Nepalese anon

>> No.17908182

We don't have a functioning postal system...
I'd love to do what you said but with the low birth rates and large ammount of immigration we won't be developing any time soon, only stagnate.
To be real the worst thing about albania are the people, we are lazy, dumb, greedy, superstitious, full of spite, we love to hate on our neighbours like serbia and greece but hate our country the same or even more so, pateiotism here is fake.
I've been thinking a lot if there is some kind of way to change albanians for the better so that albania changes for the better but that's sadly a pipedream.

>> No.17908274

Any jew author because they are all neurotic fucks
I'm not a jew though

>> No.17908282

>That's terrible, why the repression? Just be you.
I don't really know. I think it might have to do with self-loathing, or just that I care too much about building a persona. I'm more open about it on the internet, but nobody irl knows, even though some seem to suspect.

>> No.17909061

You and I are on vastly different parts of the world but I can see we share many things in common. Nepal has a fifth of the GDP per capita of Albania. The country is run by corrupt debauched pigs, illiterate fucks, and "intellectuals" that repeat the same tired nationalist shit or the "progressives" who just repeat ad nauseum the same old boring shit they've learned in American universities that their rich daddies have paid for. Languages are being homogenized and forgotten every day. Half the country goes off to toil and die building stadiums for Arab pigs. People are indolent and the only reason we're not fat as the fucking Americans is because we barely have nutritious food. Everybody wants to leave the country.

But fuck that. Don't try to "change" Albania because you can't--leave that to the politicians and policy-makers. What you can do is traverse through the mess and the filth. Spit on the filth by make poetry out of it.
Brecht said that only pitiable places have heroes. In a depraved world, you have the opportunity to be an aberration--and to be an aberration in a shithole with shitty people is to be a hero. So what if you write in a language that is dying, so what if you immerse and demand from a culture that is on the verge of unrecoverability. So what if your cries are never heard. Secrecy and inaccessibility are poetry in and of themselves--precisely because they defy the flaccid art of translation.

>> No.17910038

too much of a (k)oomer for me

>> No.17910762

This is the only correct choice.

>> No.17910846

Fun thing, I'm a neurotic Jew, but I inherited neuroticism from my father, who is not Jewish. None of the Jews in my family are nearly as neurotic as I am. Figures.

I feel a deep connection with Bernanos for some reason. Also Bioy Casares, Stig Dagerman, Baudelaire, Adamov (when he wrote the preface to his translation of Rilke's Book of poverty and death).
I guess the running theme is existential anxiety, a well-meaning but aimless disposition, a religious and aesthetic sense that conflict with one another and that I don't know what to do with.
It's getting better over time though. My guess would be most people itt are under 30 and will feel much stabler in ten years.
Not the gays though >>17907474
>>17907484, I'm afraid you guys are in for the long haul anxiety-wise. Just know your struggle is extremely based and I empathize.

Stellar answer. Would apply to perhaps 90% of the personal/spiritual complaints on this site.

>> No.17910965

This is a top tier /lit post.

>> No.17910978

Hello Kristian

>> No.17910984

Unsurprisingly H.P. Lovecraft, for being an autistic NEET with OCD

>> No.17910988

It's VARG!!!!

>> No.17910994

> i don't identify with his struggle with his homosexuality (i'm straight)
Nah man, fascism is always a symptom of repressed homosexual tendencies. Not in the sense that you're 100% gay and not into women, but it's schizophrenia caused by the abrahamic suppression of the ambiguous nature of gender and sexuality

>> No.17911006

BiG tHiNk

>> No.17911058
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Probably Camus. I’m very handsome, athletic, successful and attractive to women.

>> No.17911062

are you the same one who abused his girlfriend? faggot

>> No.17911089

Do you really want to stay in a shithole with no future so you could feel like you're a hero?

>> No.17911103

Not him, but what better future will he find in a Western nation? Better life accommodations? It's nice but hardly sufficient for someone spiritually-minded.

>> No.17911106

Stepehn king i love cocaine and i hat3e dfonald trump

>> No.17911110

None. I'm to unique for that. No author had the experience I had.

>> No.17911138

Mike Ma
>upper class
>being driven clinically insane by living with brown people

>> No.17911197

Personally, living on a burning and sinking ship that is my country (Armenia) fills me with nothing but dread. I'm hostile to nationalism and traditionalism, which are the main pillars of this society and all the people like me are leaving, the conservatives (the majority) encourage them to leave and say they are "not true Armenians", I don't want to be the last left, I don't even like the Armenian language.
I'm not saying The West will be like home to me, I think I'm doomed to never have a home, but at least I think it might not be as suffocating.

>> No.17911208
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>What authors do you identify with?
For me.

>> No.17911225

I don't have a gf you homo

>> No.17911256
File: 598 KB, 1027x1500, Georges_Bataille_vers_1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon. I want to repress my faggotry because I hate the thought of my parents knowing about it. Also I guess i'm kinda like pic related because I wanna write the sorta shit that he did.

>> No.17911267

You should check out Orhan Pamuk man. This is exactly his shtick.

>> No.17911273
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Cormac McCarthy.
His vision of life is true to what I have seen in the world. It is a tragedy full of evil and a struggle for mere survival. Everything else is a weak delusion.

>> No.17911275
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Nice larp

>> No.17911344

Same here. Surprised by how many fellow based homos there are on this board compared to real life.
>Tfw no repressed fascist bf to drop off the radar and get /fitlit/ with

>> No.17911361
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I want to be like him.

>> No.17911374

If I'm being honest? Probably Knausgård.

>> No.17911425
File: 120 KB, 1280x944, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously my life is nothing compared to his but I identify closely with his struggles with addiction as well as the way perspective evolved from youthful naiveté to a more mature understanding of the human experience borne of intimate and honest self reflection and observations of others patters of behavior and motivations. I have yet to find religious faith, but I also get the impression that that is something he struggled with at times too

>> No.17911718

Well if you truly want to leave, then of course you should leave. That’s entirely up to you. Who knows, you might even find satisfaction in the West. I spent some years in America actually, and places like those have their own allure. It was one of the most difficult decisions of my life to return back to the shithole to start all over side-by-side with all the other retards but I decided to go anyway. What I’m saying is leave if you want, but don’t say the country has no future. Every place has a future—whether it be a comfortable one, a shitty one, or, hopefully, an interesting one

>> No.17911724
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>> No.17911730

based. Sometimes I wish this board had country flags. I just read everyone as being generic EU/US posters unless specified otherwise

>> No.17911746

Well it certainly has something going on, we catastrophically lost a war last year after being ensured by the government that we're totally winning all the way through , and the shitshow that ensued and still goes on could make for a good book, I'm just not the one to write it, since I have no sympathy for either side and wish to distance myself from all of this.

>> No.17911793

I’m not talking about writing a book. It doesn’t even have to be a necessary endeavor. What I’m talking about is a poetic way of moving and traversing through the complexities of your situation and surrounding.

But again, not everybody has the will or disposition to do that. That’s okay. It is a painful way of living, more so than many other ways of living.
I have also felt, excruciatingly, the feeling of not having any place to call my own. What I described is how I chose to deal with it. You can emigrate from your country and that will be a more straightforward and less painful way to hopefully drown out that feeling with other sensations. But then you will be just another fish taken in by the flow like all the other youth leaving your country. And maybe that’s actually the smarter choice, but I myself am known for being stupid (and it is saying something to be more stupid than your average Nepali)

>> No.17911796

literary* not necessary

>> No.17911823

I cannot fully comprehend your choices, but I do respect them, and you seem like a nice fellow, so best of luck to you, Nepali anon

>> No.17911837

And I respect yours Albanianon. I wish you the best

>> No.17911856
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>mfw voluntarily celibate, repressed homosexual

>> No.17911883

There seem to be 4 roads i could go:
1st. Stay here and sink with the ship unless our prime minister becomes galaxy brained and reforms the country like the former leader of botswana or the current one of rwanda
2. Stay here and try to find as many people like me so that we can form some sort of small subculture (don't know what to call it) and have that be a big part of my social life
3. Go to an anglo/german country and semi-pretend to be fully western (wouldn't be that hard, once at the ice cream store the seller asked me if i were a foreigner) but i porbably will have to face racism (albanians are known as crimminals around europe) for no reason
4.Go to an anglo/german country live inside a minority albanian community, the problem with that though lies that i'd still have to deal with their retardation but wouldn't meet racism as much

There's also a 5th one with going to foreign countries and then back to albania for multiple times, though that's just expensive and would leave me in a state where i wouldn't have time to cultivate relationships with people from either side.

>> No.17911888

You know, if we in the balkans and you guys in the caucasus could work together with eachother then we wouldn't have this problem. Do armenians not care about improving their country in any way because of the mindset that they will leave like we do here? Maybe it's a ex-communist thing, though the democratic party fucked us over much more in their time of power
In the 90s we had a wave of mass immigration to the west, an economic crash from people investing in pyramid schemes, a civil war with no rhyme or reason, then in the 2000s Fatos Nano started changing things and because of that we had the biggest economic boom in our history and people hated him, in the end the democratic party got voted again, they imprisoned Fatos Nano and let him out the day after his mother died due to a heart attack caused by her son being imprisoned.
Now Edi Rama is in charge of the socialist party and after the 2008 crash he has been improving this place slowly but with the elections coming soon i fear he won't win this time. If he doesn't win and we have to deal with the laughing stock that is Lulzim Basha my ass is moving.
To tell you about Lulzim, he is a meme machine due to his inability to do basic maths (7 x 7 equals 42), he once said "without Edi Rama there would be no change in albania" (he meant to say the opposite) and "the day will come when darkness will triumph over light!" (Again meant to say the opposite, i wish i were joking) and he recently wrote a book called "My Mission" which sounds like he wrote his own Mein Kampf.
It's not like Edi is great but atleast his ass who would sell his painting on the streets of paris before becoming a politician actually tries to improve the country.
Also the party names are just for show, both the socialist and democratic parties are all over the place with what they do and say, everybody here is a car expert but good luck finding a mechanic that can fix anything car related that doesn't fuck up somewhere else imagine how good people here must be at politics.

>> No.17911915
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Also based. I was obsessed with sadist-lit like Bataille, Mirbeau and de Sade in hs but always wished they'd only write about men.
>Just know your struggle is extremely based and I empathize.
I appreciate it, my friend, but it's really not that bad. There's beauty and power to be found in loneliness and a total focus the self, especially if you spent your formative years with the knowledge (however vague) that your life path won't be the same as that of your peers. I don't say this to cope or be a self-pitying incel, I genuinely believe this to be true and I wish more people on this board and in the world at large shared my conviction.

>> No.17911938

For me it’s Lovecraft. As an an upper class New Englander I understand his sentimentality for certain aspects of our culture. I understand his misanthropy, revulsion with New York, love of cheese, distrust for rural people and bad breeding. I’d really like to exchange letters with him

>> No.17911957

It's interesting, hearing that there's such an attachment to where a person lives. I was torn between the US and Germany my whole life, so I never developed any kind of identity with either. That's probably why I'm so liberal when it comes to things like immigration. When a lot of "foreigners" come into whatever country I live in, I don't consider it some kind of attack. In fact, even the concept of borders kind of irritates me.

I do understand a cultural fixation, but for me, it's never been coupled with a geographic location. On the other hand, I've also never considered myself "a part" of anything, even if I wanted to. I could watch a tv show religiously, every day for a decade, and I still wouldn't consider myself part of the viewership. In the same way, I also don't consider myself a part of where I am, or part of the culture.

I don't want things to change, because it's scary, but stagnation is death, and change is inevitable. The only thing we can hope for is that the change is for the better, and hold on for better times if it's not.

>> No.17912127
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Holy fuck same

>> No.17912245

Wish I had friends like you.

>> No.17912299

How do you think governments would operate without borders, oh enlightened one?

>> No.17912306


>> No.17912315

None of them. I created my own weltanschauung that I have never seen a single philosopher focus on except one obscure figure from Central Asia. I respect a lot of authors around the world, but I can't identify with any of them.

>> No.17912378

Probably by running a train raw-dogging you and your mother whenever any kind of issues came up.

>> No.17912637

David Foster Wallace, I'm literally him, all that overthinking, insecurity, all of that I relate to so hard and I am going to publish a novel soon. I guess I'm also a bit similar to Dazai but I'm not as pretty as he was so i don't get as many girls

>> No.17912742

>attracted to jacked, roided up women
>men do absolutely nothing for me, couldn't fuck one if I tried
what do I do bros

>> No.17912780

>inteligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour
Can someone explain this meme to me?

>> No.17913583

Hope you remember shit like this when you live in a darkie filled ghetto eking out an existence and living in fear of being killed, LOL

>> No.17913779


>> No.17913824

Fuck jacked, roided up women
Shouldn't be excessively hard, a lot of them have issues being unappreciated by men.

>> No.17913835

I had no idea I inhabited the board with so many homosexuals.

How many of you had an odd/clingy relationship with your mother like Mishima?

>> No.17913856

Not me.
I am a homo because the first pornographic images I saw were of men

>> No.17913921

What is something on Albania that you'd write about? How are Albanian women like?

>> No.17913942

When I was born my mom had a psychotic break and refused to take me out of her room or let anyone (including my dad) hold me until I was 1 year old. So, yes.

>> No.17914196

>stagnation is death, and change is inevitable

>> No.17914283

Don't really know what to write about, maybe point out our self destructive tendencies?
And about the women here, they're like all women everywhere. Some are good girls, some are bad, some are dumb and some are smart. Can't really define then all as a single entity though i'm not a fan of those women who only birth girls and those girls look like clones of their mom.
Something i've noticed some westerners struggle with we don't is this desire for a religious girlfriend or a "tradwife" or whatever, here in albania we know that the kind of women who love to act like they are so pure and innocent to be bigger whores than the ones who show off that they are whores because the latter atleast is honest.

>> No.17914384

In my case, my mom was too overbearing when I was child.

>> No.17914385
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>> No.17914448
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>> No.17914449
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Oh really they see us as pic
Guess i'm leaving for japan

>> No.17914742

wow theres an albanian who has read mishima, I tought nothinf happened in albania

>> No.17915194
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like half of this board, probably

>> No.17915200
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>> No.17915341
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Beckett. started reading him during the onset of a depressive episode and he resonated deeply with me, felt like the only one that "got" existential dread

if you mean an author's biography, then maybe Plath or Manuel Bandeira

>> No.17915947

because I wanna be a Chad.

>> No.17916027

Why would he have to worry about American immigrants?

>> No.17916038

this except that im just a midwit coomer with a semi abusing father

>> No.17916044

wait until you move out

>> No.17916062

Roald Dahl, because I can slay mad pussy and I also hate the Jews.

>> No.17916063


>> No.17916620

There are others i believe though they must be serious scholars not someone who reads him for fun like i did

>> No.17916666
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Osamu Dazai

>> No.17916801

Absolutely. Good taste anon. I also think the dread that permeates his novels is surprisingly resonant with the times that we are going through at the moment, vis-a-vis corona virus, which is pretty baffling and sort of shows just how much his experience of the world was one that was truly prophetic

>> No.17916857

Why are the books so fucking huge lmao

>> No.17917115 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 1146x1089, 1609616496461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys a literal minority or what? How come homosexuals in /lit/ are based that talk about fascism while rejecting modernity and its globohomo culture yet the average fag is a fucking subhuman soiboi, degenerate and only concerned with marxism and intersectionality ?

>> No.17917294

schopenhauer because my life is very parallel to his. also dostoevsky because he is my favorite and influenced a large part of my worldview

>> No.17917412

Ted K. I am completely the same minus 30 IQ points.

>> No.17917420

know anyone else like beckett?

>> No.17917771

Closest I can think of is Dostoevsky, a much more pessimistic, Southern Dostoevsky and thats largely on the basis of what it means to have faith, and by exstension what it means to be worthy of faith.

>> No.17917864

Kierkegaard but lesser than him

>> No.17917974
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>obssessed with death, violence, and dying young
>so sincere in his approach to life that it kills him
>was a nerd for most of his life and then transformed himself to prepare for his final act

Mishima is a little scary ngl.