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17906437 No.17906437 [Reply] [Original]

Any good self help books?

>be self-loathing ocd autistic weirdo who abused his gf and is now alone

>> No.17906456

Infinite Jest

>> No.17906674

It takes up half of your waking day since you spend a third of your day proper asleep.

>> No.17906789

why did you abuse your gf

>> No.17906794

.>how to read a book
>make it stick
>deep work
>atomic habits
>infinite Jest
>drawing on the right side of the brain
>starting strength

>> No.17906890

>Any good self help books?
>be self-loathing ocd autistic weirdo who abused his gf and is now alone
Neville Goddard.

>> No.17906895

Fucking bitch went out on a tendie run, didn't even get me the dinosaur shaped ones.

>> No.17906924

does this work or is it just auto suggestion for retards

>> No.17906945

Book of proverbs
Wisdom of salomon
Wisdom of jesus syrak

>> No.17907141

Foucalts ethical turn, as well as DnG

>> No.17907174

Just go see a therapist

>> No.17907189

I love how optimistic that image is. 8.5 hours at work or spent with work would be a blessing. Even an 8 hour shift will most likely take 10+ hours of your day

>> No.17907299

the worst part is, the remainder of your day is not leisure, but the leisure of a consumer.

You notice it when bourgeois retards go on vacation with a full hour-by-hour itinerary consuming as many sights, destinations, tour guides, and so on in the least possible time. But it applies to us as well... Why else would there be stack/shelf/goodreads threads?

>> No.17907401


Some people have half-hour lunch breaks?!

>> No.17907539
File: 45 KB, 309x500, angel tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the green pill!

>> No.17907754

I know right, if only I worked mere 8 hour shifts

>> No.17908483
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lol imagine being such a retard you get an 8 hour job

If you sucked less maybe you'd enjoy life, faggot

>> No.17908590
File: 127 KB, 360x381, sakura dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now now, don't be mean to the wagie.Not everyone is fit for the neet life

>> No.17908628

yeah it was better in the past wasn't it? fucking retards

>> No.17908656

WEHHH!!! MOMMM, SOMeone complained about capitalism on the internet AGAINNN

>> No.17908671
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Go live with the amish if you think capitalism is that bad then tranny

>> No.17908694
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>> No.17909054

>if you don't like capitalism, go live with jews
yeah, great advice

>> No.17909200
File: 12 KB, 236x340, cb0439673283b8b86031234a5e76f517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was, absolutely and in every way

>> No.17909860

You need Mr. Tony Robbins

>> No.17909980

if you don't like it don't do it
no-one is forcing you
plenty of people would be happy to trade places with whiny faggots who know nothing about the real world

>> No.17910790

Nobody read that book.

>> No.17910896

>if you don't like it don't do it
The alternative is homelessness, destitution and death retard. Not much of a choice.

>> No.17910917

Destitution is man's natural state. Choices are a luxury. What's more, you're a liar and an idiot. If you have no income there's no end of state benefit and support programs for you, at least here in the US.

>> No.17911172

fuck off, normalfag.

>> No.17911326 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 266x200, 1617182504585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah nigga and if we was in caves you'd have to go on and kill that mammoth TOO. stop bitchin..... BITCH

>> No.17911406
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>> No.17911433

>No one is forcing you

>> No.17911453

Based Nevilleposter

>> No.17911456

These two links will solve absolutely every problem you'll ever have. For your self-loathing download one of the self-compassion books, for your OCD download one of the OCD books, along with whatever other problems you have considering you abused your ex. If you don't have the money, libraries carry practically all of the Guilford books. If you're too lazy, go to a psychologist specializing in CBT from a good university and obviously who you trust, do not go to a psychotherapist, do not go to anyone who looks suspicious or follows a suspicious school of psychology, do your research, get help with your mental illness, and figure out what you want to do with your life.



>> No.17911459

It actually was, yeah.

>> No.17911465

Also, this should be obvious but in case it isn't, do not take medication, do not go to a psychiatrist, do not talk to doctors about anything that would lead to them giving you pills.

>> No.17911521

And over half when you factor in commuting and waking up early to prepare and get in early.

>> No.17911539

Ah yes, if only I didnt choose to be born and brought up to function in a capitalist society. If only I could go back to the pre-existance waiting room to do it all over!

>> No.17911549

No-one has ever chosen the circumstances of their birth, retard. There is no unfairness as there's nothing to compare it against. Except unlike people in the past you can easily and effectively travel anywhere you want if you want. If you want to live in a shack in Siberia that's perfectly doable while in pretty much any other age it'd require a lifetime of effort or more.

>> No.17911686

gtfo you little bitch. you had a gf and you still complain. kys. try being alone, day in day out, with no hope of ever finding anyone. if you want pity, go somewhere else. fucking idiot

>> No.17911943

Six Pillars of Self Esteem

>> No.17912064

capitalism is the reason troons exist
I hate it

>> No.17912199

im interested but every copy is upwards to $70, worth it?

>> No.17913031

Not 8 hours when it's a contractual obligation to do unpaid overtime woohooooooo

>> No.17913322

You're literally too stupid to comprehend my point

>> No.17913421

Capitalism is removing traditions by the day, so you can buy your identity. That coupled with mass ilegal imigration, will transform society into consumer units, identiteless

>> No.17913890

Identity is a meme anyway read Timothy Leary

>> No.17913898


>> No.17913970
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>> No.17913997

people who resort to self help books are pathetic.

>> No.17914100

200 to 100 years ago? Oh fuck no.
Before the industrial revolution? Yes it was objectively better.

>> No.17914218

>the miracle of mindfulness
>at the feet of the master

>> No.17914284

whoever made that image is a fragile faggot

>> No.17914860

A better job or asking your fellow slaves to riot until you get a semi decent life.

>> No.17914878

As if there’s an alternative...

>> No.17914882

It was better just 10 to 20 years ago

>> No.17914883

Based neet

>> No.17914887

Yes. I can’t wait until BVLL African barbarians tear down capitalism.

>> No.17914907

I laugh at the wagies itt. Literally just take the NEETpill.
Especially the ones who go on about muh work is good!

>> No.17914926
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Anyone know any good intro books to neurolinguistic programming?

>> No.17915231


Show me your ways, master.

>> No.17915472

There are hundreds of success stories about anything from money to love to opportunities available online and dozens he's written about in his books.
It isn't about motivation, it's about making reality itself conform to your desires.

>> No.17915532

>8 hours
More like 8 and an extra 2 hours of unpaid overtime that you can't refuse if you want to keep your job.

Also add in one hour to go to your workplace and another hour to return home.