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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 950 KB, 1317x797, darkacademia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17907751 No.17907751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.17907757

What a great thread. I am so glad that you have made this e-celeb thread. What an amazing contribution to this board you have just made by killing a thread for this. Wonderful.

>> No.17907759

I would never trust someone who looks like that about anything

>> No.17907766

Is a bookshelf background the biggest sign of someone who is making videos only for the aesthetic of being learned? A red flag of a purely egotistical act.

>> No.17907777

Are there any booktubers that review philosophical or classical texts without being total condescending self-important faggots about it? I find entertainment in other perspectives, but those who do it tend to think they're the next big thing. And it's so offputting.

>> No.17907779
File: 380 KB, 1280x720, llfacestanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this faggot? I like women standing on my face

>> No.17907780

No but for Waldun yes

>> No.17907784
File: 36 KB, 715x557, CA07F6FE-9025-4806-86DF-1FF3E5028855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17907785

Dark Academia
Dark Kindergarten
Dark Barnyard
Dark Nursing Home
Dark Anthill
Dark Supermarket

>> No.17907788

when I start my channel
was thinking a live stream channel dedicated to reading books out loud and critiquing

>> No.17907794

Why can't I find a genuinely mean femdom?

>> No.17907799

you already seem like you huff your own farts. Dunno if you'd appeal to people. Are you a sexy lady?

>> No.17907805

i'm a sexy man with nice pecs and traps

>> No.17907807

well, let us see them!

>> No.17907809

Uhm, Hello? He's not an ''e-celeb''. He's an author, poet and started his own literay movement, he's a modern beatnik roaming the dangerous streets of Melbourne

>> No.17907880


Do it.

>> No.17907907

It probably could be if it was widespread enough and if its nearly inextricable link to social media faded. As a subculture, it claims to value education and learning, but it seems that most people use it as a fashion primarily, and I think the link to Tumblr and TikTok is probably too strong to actually encourage meaningful engagement with learning. People who already have an intrinsic desire to learn and study may find a community in Dark Academia, but I seriously doubt that any normies are suddenly going to become renaissance men just because they like the way some people on TikTok dress.

>> No.17907908

What's dark academia?

>> No.17907927

It's like normal academia but somehow even gayer, if you can imagine that.

>> No.17907928

No, he's super wrong. I actually wish he was right, but he isn't.

>> No.17907940

It's zoomers attempting to ape the mid-20th century university professor and (or) student aesthetic.

>> No.17907962

Built for BWC(me)

>> No.17907976

Luke Smith

>> No.17907979

He's too upbeat to be a real writer. All true writers are sad.

>> No.17907983

What you people do when you post Marcus Aurelius quotes and jerk off to Milton and Shakespeare.

>> No.17908043

women cannot be naturally dominant. The only reasons for them to do it are financial gain, or because they feel more secure when they have the power in a sexual situation. They don't want to be mean because they don't actually derive pleasure from being dominant.

>> No.17908063
File: 656 KB, 2000x1970, 30DARKACADEMIA-clothes-superJumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17908092

I hate that white shirt + pullover + khaki pants are now considered an "aesthetic" because that's literally just what I like to wear, I don't do it to fit in with some group and I always get perceived as the wrong kind of person around campus now.

>> No.17908105

How does that false perception manifest itself? Do people walk up and ask you about The Secret History, or what?

>> No.17908109

Waldun is an author idiot. Shows how much you know

>> No.17908116

I get hit on by art hoes who think I'm some kind of socialist and I'm asked to join some slam poetry readings and other shit

I should just dress like I do at the gym and maybe I'll stop being bothered.

>> No.17908120


I like how tacky and subhuman he is. And how his face is swollen all the time, probably from chronic stress and social anxiety. And how he seems to even cringe at himself, but he keeps on going as though the shame means nothing. It gives me a rush of power, makes my cock hard

>> No.17908132

fake and gay

>> No.17908141

Is he chinese? I wonder what his real name is, i'm sure its something like xing jong xing ming

>> No.17908145

Let's meme Waldun into reading Céline. I think this would have an interesting influence on his life. Not that Céline is a meme, but I think having him read a pessimist would totally destroy his current worldview of being some gay beatnik.

>> No.17908151

He is an illegal immigrant from China to Australia. His chong name is Robin Wu.

>> No.17908154

It's a pinterest trend that tumblrites like to pretend is a real subculture.

>> No.17908159

>illegal immigrant

>> No.17908164

but also on the other hand, I have no problem with people trying to dress better. If dress attire became the norm on college campuses, that would be a good thing.

>> No.17908188

Nobody from China immigrates legally. They're all still owned by China and can be recalled at any time.

>> No.17908199

Kek. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.17908226

>can be recalled at any time.
lol now I have this image of Xi with a cellphone saying "activate it" and all the chinese in every country their eyes light up and an antenna protrudes from the top of their head

>> No.17908239

the fuck is dark academia?

>> No.17908242

Nick land

>> No.17908247


>Those digits

>> No.17908250

harry potter aesthetic

>> No.17908251

pretending your state school is hogwarts

>> No.17908257

>harry potter shit
of course

>> No.17908273

No no no, that's the Dark Enlightenment.

This is it

>> No.17908276

I like the book club but I wouldn't exactly call Quentin's videos reviews.

>> No.17908284

Someone mixing up dark academia and dark enlightenment is so fucking funny to me. I hope some of these stupid tumblr faggots mistakenly start reading old Moldbug blogposts thinking it will be about Dead Poet Society and photos of musty libraries.

>> No.17908319

No, bug off with this “dark academia” nonsense, it’s nothing but a silly LARP that should not be payed attention to, not even worth time to mock.

>> No.17908328

This just seems like a mutated version of the Harry Potter fandom

>> No.17908350

It's like they abstracted out the mundane parts of Harry Potter into the ideal student existence. It's actually kind of an interesting phenomenon from a psychological perspective.

>> No.17908355

it's harry potter-esque boarding-house aesthetic "matured" into a pseudo-donna tart hybrid. there's an aping of greek classicists among women in this clique.

>> No.17908365

Sorry, I thought they were synonymous

>> No.17908402

Cringe. He's software videos are... ok, but you shouldn't take him too seriously.

>> No.17908405

Pure aesthetics.

>> No.17908410

What the hell is "dark academia"?
it sounds gay

>> No.17908411

It's interesting in the same way frog posters are. I would advice not writing anything about these people: stroking their ego by studying them is too awful of thought to bear.

>> No.17908416

He's very cringe. Have encountered him irl and he's even worse than you'd think.

>> No.17908420

How delusional do you have to be to think a fashion trend followed by teenagets and young adults obssesed with Harry Potter is going to be the new renaissance? The 14 year girls who follow there trends aren't reading The Divine Comedy, they are sucking dick and reading Rupi Kaur

>> No.17908428

tell me more.

>> No.17908435

enlighten us, anon

>> No.17908475


>> No.17908491

Bookchemist is pretty knowledgeable but down-to-earth. He doesn't post that much, and his videos are really basic stylistically, but I like his honesty. He's not afraid to assert his taste and say he doesn't like a classic, and he's not afraid to praise something that wouldn't be accepted by pretentious tryhards.

>> No.17908494

>The 14 year girls who follow there trends aren't reading The Divine Comedy, they are sucking dick and reading Rupi Kaur
What more can you ask for a woman?

>> No.17908511

>encountered him irl
>doesn't tell a story
fake and gay
prove us wrong and spill the beans

>> No.17908524

It's just consumerism. In the modern world, you can buy your identity. Local or religious or national identities are no longer relevant.

>> No.17908532

Making youtube videos with a good camera in a nice room, that actually get views? Is literally the dumbest thing I could imagine doing on this human planet. So no.

>> No.17908536


>> No.17908553


>> No.17908559

>there's an aping of greek classicists among women in this clique
Good, perhaps they can learn something about biological gender roles.

>> No.17908564

We can only hope they suck ours dicks.

>> No.17908575


>> No.17908588


>> No.17908733


I want to tell more but I feel kinda bad lol. I'll say this much: I'm a girl irl and I went on a few dates with him, without realising he was a meme until long after we stopped talking. He was weird af tho.

>> No.17908735


>> No.17908750

>I'm a girl irl
Why the fuck would you date that guy lol? I honestly thought he was a woman when I first saw him.

>> No.17908779

>He was weird af tho.
Weird in what way? Or maybe you're too much of a brainlet <girl>? Or maybe he's cringe?

>> No.17908781

Waldun pls go.

>> No.17908798

>is he a member of the class described?

>> No.17908838

Oh so you're the volcel girl he wrote about. He wants his dark academia umbrella back btw

>> No.17908883
File: 313 KB, 720x1480, 1617153069927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did he look like a criminal?

>> No.17908890


>> No.17908909

This isn’t literature

>> No.17908914

want to try again without the homophobia?

>> No.17908918

Waldun is entirely quixotic and doesn't even realize it.

>> No.17908924

Who is this Chink(or is he Hapa) and why is he a meme here?

>> No.17908937

True. He claims to love the Modernists, but he's thoroughly Romantic in his ideals and beliefs about the world and writing.

>> No.17908939

Going to second the Bookchemist here as well. He's informative without being pretentious about it. He's the only one of these booktubers that seems to genuinely enjoy reading

>> No.17908970

probably more right than wrong. hopefully we don't get city-state wars like in the renaissance

>> No.17908995

I don't trust soulless gook, slope eyed, zipperheaded cannibals.
Japanese are ok though

>> No.17909026


>> No.17909048

I thought this was true for a while, it's not. They're very rare but they absolutely exist.

>> No.17909081


Where did he write about this?

>> No.17909156

Please give story please please please

>> No.17909169

I don't believe you but elaborate please.

>> No.17909198


>> No.17909343

When she asked me what I wanted to do all I could conjure up was:

I want to write at cafés and choke to death on cigarettes.

“So, every unemployed person ever?” She said during a call.

Based Bethany

>> No.17909354

>But besides the minor differences, we had a lot in common. We both hated sloppy fashion senses and both planned to be celibates for life.

wtf Waldun hasn't had his cookie wet yet?

>> No.17909394

so lit?

>> No.17909484

Typical lying femoid.

>> No.17909493

I hate those lying femoids (male)

>> No.17909566
File: 47 KB, 332x332, 2A4A8467-42D6-4996-A3E4-E0F67D62D2D1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even is dark academia? Is this some trend popular with stupid white girls who go on tumblr?

>> No.17909588

Why does he want to be celibate for life? I'm in favor of this because while he seems like a nice young man, he is a person of color living in a western nation. I don't understand why he feels that way though.

>> No.17909592

Stop posting this ugly gook here, now.

>> No.17909627


>> No.17909715

I know this shit is dumb, but it's teenagers being teenagers and larpig different identities for fun. Getting mad at 16 year olds being jackasses is only hurting yourself. Most of these meme tumblr/tiktok aesthetics are just euphemisms for old white people fashion anyways. With any luck it'll trick a couple of them into reading the occasional good book.

>> No.17909727

Walden reads lots of good books. He just has nothing insightful to say about them.

>> No.17909759

Not gonna lie, I enjoyed the slice-of-life portions of Harry Potter much more than the weak 'action' and 'plot' so I don't blame them for filtering it in that respect. I loved the school and enjoyed reading about the characters just having fun together.

I later became an anime watching loser so take this opinion with salt.

>> No.17909783

>...is going to be the new renaissance?

I can see where he's coming from, but the actual """movement""" is so incredibly contrived and shallow that it's insulting.

>> No.17909787

John David Ebert

very outdated format, but does it great once you get used to it

>> No.17909808

this neve happened

>> No.17909817

He does not want to. No man wants to be a celibate. He wants the pussy but he is too akward to get any

>> No.17909832

> rc walden
> reading
He just LARPs

>> No.17909848

I suspect that's the case but what reason does he give? Why does he say he wants to be celibate?

>> No.17909854

why is /lit promoting this person a lot lately?

>> No.17909869

It's not promotion. It's mocking/cringing, mostly because many people here see parts of themselves in him and that makes them uncomfortable. Waldun exists to prove to yourself that you are not Waldun.

>> No.17909892

Better having the classics as an empty fashion accessory than cancelling them because they're racist.

>> No.17909915

I can agree with that.

>> No.17909938

you will never be a woman

>> No.17909964

not untrue but then again, 2/10 is better than 0/10

>> No.17909982

Kek'd underrated

>> No.17909994

Come on now, tell us about the frogposters, I promise I won't frogpost

>> No.17910299

Tons of people throughout history have chosen celibacy. Usually hardcore Christians though.

>> No.17910349


>> No.17910367

They identify with an emotionally stunted frog

>> No.17910375

i will marry brooke

>> No.17910460

Are you fucking serious
It's literally just a stupid teenage larp trend confined to American social media normalfags

>> No.17910476

I've likely heard about you before. Yuko? Brinnie (whatever you welsh fuck) or someone else?

R.C. Waldun wants to get into cigarettes purely for the aesthetic. What a faggot.

>> No.17910482
File: 352 KB, 1948x1820, 98d7a6ed2ff2764fe394026f55ff477dc5ae4159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because - here's the secret - they love you, enough to engage in your sick upside-down fantasies.

>> No.17910502

Are you the Russian lady he talks about? You drank whisky together in an abandoned school or something. He's still in love with you, fyi.

>> No.17910666

>R.C. Waldun wants to get into cigarettes purely for the aesthetic.
What a faggot

>> No.17910682

kill yourself, faggot. also, wirst du niemals Frau sein

>> No.17911047

I would hate to be in close proximity with any of these.