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17903763 No.17903763 [Reply] [Original]

Are there meme trilogies for other languages as well?

>> No.17903815

>doesnt see stylistic greatness
>wHaT iF iT wAs AlL a MeMe?!?!

IJ isn't that great though

>> No.17903847
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german meme trilogy

>> No.17903851

Redpill me on Schattenfroh

>> No.17903855

Don't know these but I would have expected the man without qualities to be there

>> No.17903856

It's english reviewer was a professional shill.

>> No.17903857

>Zettels Traum
>Berlin Alexanderplatz
>Baron Münchhausen
would be my pick

>> No.17903866

both very good picks
that's why it made the cut for me

>> No.17903890
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My submission for the Italian one

>> No.17903893

geschichtklitterung has been called a 16th century german Finnegan's Wake, Zettel's Traum is the final boss of german lit and Schattenfroh is being shilled as the Ulysses or ISOLT of our time. In terms of actual greatness, Zettel's Traum is meme but unchallenged in its pure genius, Geschichtklitterung seems interesting in a novelty sort of way, but I haven't read the full thing, Schattenfroh is as big a meme as IJ

>> No.17903895

Based. alternative middle pick: Zeno's conscience OR if we're doing non-fiction as well, Revolt against the modern world

>> No.17903906

>Schattenfroh is as big a meme as IJ
In german lit or in general? I saw the English review but not many seem to know about it.

>> No.17903921

what would be the english non-fiction meme trilogy? something like Fanged Noumena would have to be in there

>> No.17903932

here and among germans that know about it. give it time though, anon. once i'm done translating it, it will be a much bigger meme. similar to ZT's meme status before and after John E. Woods' translation

>> No.17903935

why even read German fiction when you have German Idealism lmaooo

>> No.17903946

I like Zeno but I don't think it fits since it is high school tier
Didn't realize meme trilogies should only include fiction so making the chart I put Bartoli in it. If we should stick to fiction a replacement should be appointed
A writer I considered was Gadda but ended up discarding him because while he makes for a great meme his works are not nearly long enough for this king of chart

>> No.17903953

Fukken saved

>> No.17903959

>meme trilogies should only include fiction
i always assumed it since Ulysses GR and IJ are all fiction but personally, i think any book can help form a meme trilogy. Consider french, if we're only doing fiction, the ultra-meme that is Anti-Oedipus would have to be left out

>> No.17903966

Anon do you even know what OP meant? I’m highly erudite and I haven’t heard about any of the works/authors you posted
An Italian “meme book” would be the divine comedy for example

>> No.17903968

all in favor of renaming it the 'meme trinity' say aye

>> No.17903978

t. illiterate monolingual anglo
imagine flexing your lack of knowledge on a literature board

>> No.17903991

i have zero familiarity with finnish lit, but alastalon salissa definitely has to be there

>> No.17904004

How the fuck have you not heard of ‘The Leopard’ for Christsakes. “Highly erudite”, yeah right

>> No.17904022

>the leopard
Kek, learn to read before flexing on others for being illiterate

>> No.17904042

I assumed it is was supposed to be about long and hard books

>> No.17904060
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now there is one for Croatia

>> No.17904241
File: 840 KB, 2027x1024, Trilogia Meme Italiana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated the Italian one to only include works of fiction

>> No.17904263

Meme trilogy means experimental, long and difficult books that pseuds love to namedrop to look smart. That was the original intent anyway.

>> No.17904279

>original intent
i agree with your definition of the meme trilogy, however the nature of memes is that they're in perpetual flux

>> No.17904298
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why not include this thing?
it is in Latin, but by an Italian, and seems like it would be a /lit/ meme if the board read something other than anglos

>> No.17904519

Cause Idk what that is lmao

>> No.17904744

man i really wanna read horcynus orca. i have friends who speak italian but it seems even difficult for them

>> No.17904809

La cognizione del dolore is the hardest fictional book I've ever read, but it's quite short

>> No.17904851
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Chinese meme tetralogy

>> No.17904944
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Am I late to the party?
This is the real Italian meme trilogy.

Based. The Istoria della Compagnia di Gesù is one of the greatest things ever written in all ages. I don't think it can't be part of a meme trilogy just because it's nonfiction. It reads almost like a novel.

It's not in Latin, it's written in 15th century court Italian. It was that absolutely gorgeous stage where Latin and Italian were inextricably mixed and fused together.

Gadda is one of the last bosses of Italian literature, but The Experience of Pain is just not as long as other stuff. As an aside, I think I got covid reading it.

>> No.17904959


>> No.17904977
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Has anyone other than me read this book? It's a postmodern bizarre LSD-fueled trip

>> No.17904982

>when three out of the four books are written in a form of Chinese from 2k+ years ago.

>> No.17905005
File: 281 KB, 448x222, Remembrance_of_Earth's_Past_trilogy_book_covers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad. Here's the real one

>> No.17905014

>German meme trilogy
>wilhelm landig absent

>> No.17905078

doinB RYZE HACK?英雄联盟 400 CS 24 MIN

>> No.17905091

Has anyone on /lit/ read Zettels Traum? Has anyone?

>> No.17905553

Has anyone read infinite jest?

>> No.17905645

IJ is difficult book training wheels bro, that’s the whole point.

>> No.17905804
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Of course

>> No.17905841

I have. Challenging as all hell but extremely rewarding. the writing of late period Schmidt evoked feelings that no other writer could evoke in me thus far, but that has a lot to do with the fact that I grew up in rural germany (not quite where his later books are set, but close). I imagine that that's how Irish people can feel when reading Ulysses. If you ask me though, Evening edged in gold is just as rewarding but way less of a commitment and not as challenging (but still super challenging)

>> No.17905842

This or:
Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana, Hilarotragoedia, Horcynus Orca

>> No.17905852

you're welcome to submit your trilogy. fag.

>> No.17905863

>Zettel's Traum is the final boss of german lit and Schattenfroh is being shilled as the Ulysses or ISOLT of our time
I thought Ulysses was the final boss of English Lit

>> No.17905870
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The Murakami one could really just be any of his books, I just picked one.

>> No.17905898

Les deux étendards (Rebatet)
À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust)
Les mémoires de Saint Simon

>> No.17905901

Surely Atomised should be on there

>> No.17905905

>Ulysses was the final boss of English
maybe until the 1940's or so or so

>> No.17906010

bbbb...but Mishima is based....

>> No.17906034

Mishima is great, doesn't change the fact that he's a meme

>> No.17906047

Fuck off faggot, IJ is the best novel on there. The only reason you fuckers shit on it is cause you haven't read any of those books but of course you parrot what seems to be the popular and to your midwit intellect the sensible opinion. DAE IJ BAD??? ME REDDIT

>> No.17906060

Is No Longer Human good? I always see it posted here but I haven't gotten around to reading it, didn't know if I should bump it up the list.

>> No.17906085

yes it is
unironically it made me cry

>> No.17906089

but it's three books

>> No.17906093
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>> No.17906166

What's the essence of the meme trilogy? That they are dense and pretentious or that they are 4chan compatible?

>> No.17906179


>> No.17906215

Of course it's good. Why else would people talk about it so fucking much?

>> No.17906254

It really isn't but I know I am in the minority with this. It's very short at least, so at worst you will waste a couple of hours

>> No.17906273
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Can't agree with these choices unless meme here just means popular, rather than popular *and* notorious for attracting lit nerds. Mishima can stay but Dazai and especially Murakami (who has always been controversial for his un-literary style) are hardly the 'final boss' of Japanese literature. They're just popular. Restricting myself to relatively well-known modern authors as with the others (so no Tale of Genji), I would go with these.

>> No.17906274

but they're not really a trilogy like say, the lord of the rings

>> No.17906290

Kinda lame. Priest should definitely stay, but Hugo and celine are just too accessible

>> No.17906307

Norweigan wood is too short and grounded for this.

If you want the

>this book is really long and nonsense filled but still really good
meme, you go 1Q84, if you want

>this book is really long and nonsense filled, but give me something more sane than 1Q84, none of this cultist magic assassin child star Cat Train TV salesman horseshit to mess with my light magical realism
You go Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

If you just want
>This book is long and for pseuds and secretly just sucks ass but you’re gonna pretend you liked it because it’s 800-1200 pages and the ending almost saves it
You go Killing Commendatore

>> No.17906372
File: 821 KB, 1352x616, memetriologi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memetriologin, what do you think Swedebros?

>> No.17906378

Get the Quran on there.

>> No.17906397

The Quran is in Arabic.

>> No.17906468


>> No.17906496

It's good but didn't live up to the hype for me. I think Notes From Underground is a much better, more relatable version of what No Longer Human is shilled as.

>> No.17906498

lmaooooo so edgy. sweden is basically an arab country now amirite. brooo you get it.

fuck off back to /pol/. Even if the great replacement was actually happening, it'd be a good thing

>> No.17906520

>Even if the great replacement was actually happening, it'd be a good thing
Then why are you mad at the mention of Quran?

>> No.17906610

A work in Arabic is obviously part of Arabic literature. A prerequisite to be part of Swedish literature is that the work is written in the Swedish language.
Compare with how a Mexican book written in Spanish wouldn't be considered part of Aztec literature.
Go back to your own country.

>> No.17906615

>No Either/Or
Your list needs to take the Kierkegaard pill

>> No.17906652

Kierkegaard was a Dane born in Denmark and wrote in Danish.

>> No.17906669

The Odyssey, The Iliad, and what? Sophocles! LOL VIRGINS

>> No.17906908

I still haven't read it because La Storia was too much of a shit. Although I liked Aracoeli. Should I read that?

>> No.17906989

Min Kamp - Knausgård
Seierherrene - Jacobsen
Markens Grøde - Hamsun

>> No.17906997

I'm not. that was another anon

>> No.17907008

>Go back to your own country
I'm german. I'm in my own country

>> No.17907105

The Russian Trilogy
1-Peterburg by Andrey Beliy
3-Norma by Vladimir Sorokin

>> No.17907183

Both War and Peace and The Brothers Karmazov seem like obvious choices
t not ruski

>> No.17907251

What would the Polish one be?

>> No.17907601

I don't know, I only feel Terra nostra should be there, and also cannot think of any other book so experimental in Mexico, if we do the common thing of making all lit from Mexico be the same as all latinamerica perhabs Rayuela could fit.

>> No.17907620

Arabs belong in the desert.

>> No.17907722
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>> No.17907761

Bro your an idgit. I said its "not that great" but your little dick energy about your reading taste pours out of your comment like piss.
You need to check yourself and be okay with people liking things u dont, your a faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.17907874

trying to come up with a brazilian one but i can only think of Grande Sertão Veredas and Catatau. maybe Os Sertões?


>> No.17907897

There should just be one meme trilogy for Spanish Latin America, and that would be 2666 - Terra Nostra - Paradiso

>> No.17907942

Jezus wat is onze literaire traditie toch ruk.

>> No.17908080
File: 77 KB, 303x503, cel-mai-iubit-dintre-pamanteni-marin-preda-vol-1-2-3-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any Romania bros have any idea what our meme trilogy would include?
I sugest "Cel mai iubit dintre pamanteni" and "Setea muntelui de sare"

>> No.17908869

Ive become increasingly exhausted with the lack of sincerity in this world, is that infinite jest is about? I always dismissed it out of hand as being an overhyped meme

>> No.17908916

brazilian meme trilogy

1. macunaima
2. os sertões
3. papéis avulsos(os contos do machado não prestam)


>> No.17908921

None of these are memes.

>> No.17909144

>Voyage About the Nuts
sounds pretty gay if you ask me

>> No.17909150
File: 3.09 MB, 2938x1472, ruslit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Petersburg - Andrei Bely
2. Chevengur - Andrei Platonov
3. The Gift - Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.17909950


>> No.17910319

Beskonechny tupik (The Infinite Dead End) by Galkovsky

>> No.17910562

T. Nigger

>> No.17910675

Russian would be
War and peace
Brothers K

>> No.17910680

the first two are as mainstream as they get
they are taught in schools even

>> No.17910720

B-but they long :(

>> No.17910723

No they're not

>> No.17910738

So? Meme trilogy requires the works to be memes that attract pseuds. Doesn't matter if they are famous.

>> No.17910746

Meme trilogies are meant to be edgy, ideally modernist and pomo works, making them actually daunting to read and comprehend. W&P and Brothers K are too clear and classical in presentation.

>> No.17910769

All these suckers bitching about books being too famous and accessible when the English trilogy includes the single highest regarded work of the English language

>> No.17910773

They maybe classical and clear but they are still pretty damn long. A casual reader will most likely not sit through them, they are daunting in that sense.

>> No.17910799

Idk Russian doorstoppers were my introduction to literature as a hobby after finishing high school
Doesn't Russia have anything else that's edgier and still noteworthy that it has to fall back on novels that consistently make it into top 20 of best novels of all time or books to read at least once in your lifetime?

>> No.17910888

Livro do Desassossego, Pessoa
Grande Sertão Veredas, Guimarães Rosa
Os Sertões, Cunha

>> No.17911053

>he read any of those unironically
Anon, I...

>> No.17911055

Põe coisa da Lispector, Lispector só publicou qualquer coisa por que era foda-amiga do reitor da USP da época

>> No.17911065

Celine sucks but Hugo is great and proust is worth it

>> No.17911081

Thank you for your take. I grew up in rural Austria so imagine I might be able to relate to this as well. I'm unironically thinking of making Zettles Traum my retirement book 30/40 years in the future.

>If you ask me though, Evening edged in gold is just as rewarding but way less of a commitment and not as challenging (but still super challenging)
I'll try that out. Thanks fren.

>> No.17911207

The Man Without Qualities
The Sleepwalkers
Berlin Alexanderplatz

Note: this trilogy is far better than the one in OP.

>> No.17911219

Needs more Rudbeck

>> No.17911232

That's 2/3 Brazilian though

Actual Portuguese list would be
>Os Cus de Judas, Lobo Antunes
>A Máquina de Fazer Espanhóis, Valter Hugo Mãe
>Jerusalém, Gonçalo M Tavares

>> No.17911265

>No ZT

>> No.17911269
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is this some kind of achievement?

>> No.17911271

Sorted by language, not country. You have to share

>> No.17911286

Is that gargantua one just a translation of Rebelais? Googling it doesn't help much

>> No.17911291

Fair enough, but they're practically different languages at this point, in terms of established writers and culture, so I thought it was worth separating. Just like the US and UK share an even closer language but with very different cultures and baggage.

>> No.17911297

>Norwegian Meme Trilogy
Peer Gynt
Markens Grøde
Min Kamp 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

>> No.17911300

>Just like the US and UK share an even closer language but with very different cultures and baggage
And yet the English trilogy has two American novels and one British wrote by an Irishman

>> No.17911306

I would think it would include The Man Without Qualities.

>> No.17911316

yes but it's not necessarily a faithful translation (according to wikipedia. I haven't read Rabelais' original work), Fischart just took it as an opportunity to pretty much do his own thing.

>> No.17911319
File: 1.16 MB, 3600x1829, frenchmemetrilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the true french meme trilogy

>> No.17911342

Based experimentalist reader. I like how this trilogy descend the stairs of notoriety in sharp steps: first a famous but difficult poet, then a very underrated curiosity writer, then an almost complete nobody.

>> No.17911350

Also, a list of French literary crazies and cranks:

Funny that Roussel, who isn't even that obscure, is among them.

>> No.17911351

Based, although maybe Rayuela could replace either Bolaño or Paradiso

>> No.17911373

I wish I knew some mad poet from the 20th century. The surrealists, Char, Saint-John Perse, etc. they all seem too sage and prudent in scope (i.e. less meme-worthy) in comparison with Mallarmé...
>Funny that Roussel, who isn't even that obscure, is among them.
The way that dude wrote his book is absolutely retarded and fun, only some kind of madman could have thought about it. I believe he was also kind of crazy about inventing stuff outside of literature.

>> No.17911402

>The way that dude wrote his book is absolutely retarded and fun, only some kind of madman could have thought about it.
He even wrote a book about the process he used to design them (Comment j'ai écrit certains de mes livres). I happen to have just finished the first part this morning, it's funny but also a bit sad when he confesses he had no real success and hopes to get some posthumous recognitions.

>I believe he was also kind of crazy about inventing stuff outside of literature.
He did solve an open problem in chess (at the time he had been playing only for a few months, but admittedly the chess community was exponentially less professionalized and practiced than it is now). He also traveled the world in a kind of camping car that he designed, it was pretty unheard of at the time and he even got to meet Mussolini and the Pope because of this.
When you look at the details of his life it's clear that he was more than a bit eccentric and very passionate about his work, he was also kind of a socialite (his sister was married to a descendant of Maréchal Ney, he was on first name basis with all kind of napoleonian aristocracy) with a very delicate sensitivity.

>> No.17911458

>one British wrote by an Irishman

>> No.17911467

>not Mallarmé's Le Livre

>> No.17911472

never heard of that one, thanks anon, added to my reading list.

>> No.17911484

Un coup de dés is kind of the assessment of the failure of this project.

>> No.17911701

>Celine sucks

>> No.17911720

>the divine comedy
>canzoniere/rerum volgarium fragmenta
Literally 3 schizo coomers

>> No.17911790

The meme trilogy is supposed to be obscure and difficult

>> No.17911803

None of the books in OP are obscure or difficult

>> No.17911811

Lame and high school tier. Fuck off

>> No.17911913

that's why i think the english meme trilogy should be updated

>> No.17911942

how do you update a meme faggot?

>> No.17912042

you update the trilogy, not the meme you fucking tranny

>> No.17912068

how do you update books already published and massively distributed nigger?

>> No.17912090

Update what the books in the meme are you sperg

>> No.17912095

and how do you do that? you do a poll with books no one has read and everyone makes jokes about them?

>> No.17912111
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You just do it for fun and hope it catches on

>> No.17912131

this guy gets it. it's simple. why the fuck doesn't this >>17912095 >>17912068 spazzing autist get it? the current meme triogy has become stale. just whip up a new one, just like the anons are doing for their languages IN THIS VERY THREAD. jfc what fucking retards

>> No.17912133

it's not fun and it will never catch on
have you even read the original meme trilogy before going full "trolololololo new memes!"?

>> No.17912139

I am not autistic.

>> No.17912147

t. spergy retard with a bad case of autismo

>> No.17912152

Is Tao Lin not included in the meme trilogy anymore? Ah, how I miss early 2010s lit (not)

>> No.17912169
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>it's not fun
You're memeing wrong anone

>> No.17912177

based anon

>> No.17912179

A second meme trilogy had been ready since 2016.
The Recognitions
Women & Men
The Tunnel

>> No.17912202

yes. that's what it should be updated to.

>> No.17912205

no fuck you

>> No.17912248
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1200, 38a1abf1f6afbd2855bededcab19d9c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just accept you're autistic anone, it's the first step to getting a normal life

>> No.17912308

Contenders for Greek meme trilogy:
The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel by Kazantzakis
The Great Eastern by Embirikos
If inaccessibility is an important factor for the meme trilogy status, these are the best

>> No.17912405

if a meme trilogy can include fiction and non-fiction, it can include poetry too, so I'd propose the cantos to take the place of the recognitions

>> No.17912473

do zoomers really think this

>> No.17912504

The meme trilogy should include works that while noteworthy due to complex structure, intricate use of advanced literary techniques, and meta-textual nature make them nearly inaccessible to the untrained or uninitiated reader. It should serve as a barrier of entry for those who simply read as a time-killing hobby or in hopes of achieving pseud status.
You should not suggest books that you read in high school in your country. Try finding something more out there

>> No.17912516

They are definitely not obscure

>> No.17912560

>meme trilogy
>one of the books is actually a septology

>> No.17912583

you morons can't just pick 3 books and call it a meme trilogy. before we do this, we have to establish criteria for what books even qualify. i think poetry and non fiction are acceptable, however, this >>17912560 is a valid point

>> No.17912633

>muh detached disillusioned young man loves a bohémien life devoid of meaning
That shit comes a dime a dozen and journey to the end of the night is hardly among the best

>> No.17912647

>I list them separately to inflate my goodreads score
Didn't realize I was on /a/

>> No.17912672


>> No.17912912

No, they don't. They say that only to sound smart.

>> No.17912937

English meme trilogy
German meme trilogy
Italian meme trilogy
French meme trilogy
Spanish Latin America meme trilogy

These are already settled, it seems. What about the other cunts?

>> No.17912961

Someone should compile a chart when the thread dies. There are some fun and valuable recs in here

>> No.17913144

fuck off, newfag

>> No.17913219

I'll have you know, I've been here since 2019 ;-D

>> No.17914070

Sorry if there aren't any meme worthy books in your country's terrible literature, fag

>> No.17914105

I once saw a new copy of the english translation of Bottoms Dream at a small local bookstore for $50. I considered buying it but didnt want to look like a total douche in the check out line. I regret that decision to this day

>> No.17914221

You made the right call. There's no book that could possibly worth that much

>> No.17914334

Depending on how long ago that was, I'd go back and see if it's still there. It's not like it's super cheap but honestly it's worth owning and anytime you can get it for less than retail, I'd snatch it. You english speakers are lucky though. A new copy is only 60 bucks i believe? The cheapest new version of Zettel's Traum is usually 250€ but I got lucky and bought my copy for only 100€. It was the 2nd most expensive edition too, which retails for 350€. And I got that version unexpectedly to boot. I ordered a used copy of the 250€ version, which was the whole book divided into 4 paperback books for easier reading. When it arrived, i was surprised to see it was the 350€ hardback edition, in almost mint condition, save for a tiny bit of damage to the slipcase. It was the most expensive book purchase I've made so far but at the same time it was the biggest bargain as well and I never regretted it.

>> No.17914406

how is that book so expensive? even pléiade edition, or huge translated books in luxury edition like Zibaldone don't cost that much here
for that price you could get all balzac or all saint-simon and casanova in luxury editions and have enough to read for a few years

>> No.17914464

The volumes of La Pléiade cost less than 50€??

>> No.17914509

Used copies yes, new edition are a bit more expensive but nowhere near 250€

>> No.17914533

i don't think you realize just how big the book actually is

>> No.17914604

I looked on goodreads and it says 1134 pages, which I guess have a big size. For comparison I have a Bernanos' pléiade which is around 2000 pages in small format which costs 65€ new, and a Zibaldone (big format) in a very nice edition translated and annotated which costs 40€ new. It really seems excessive unless there's something I'm missing.

>> No.17914628

Zettel's traum is the longest single volume work that exists. In any language, fiction/non-fiction.

>> No.17914635
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it's not just the page count

>> No.17914678

Alright that's big! A shame it's not translated in French, I'm way too lazy to read that in German or English. I went for a comparison and the whole set of ISoLT in pléiade is like 270€ new, so maybe a bit expensive but I guess there is only one publisher which explains it.

>> No.17914710

and the english edition is not quite as big as the german edition as far as i know. later I'll post a comparison pic of my german hardcover edition

>> No.17914732

Now that's a good meme

>> No.17914872

A friend of mine studies Greek and has talked about The Great Eastern, sounds excellent.

>> No.17915293

i'd say >>17912504 has the right idea
i'll add that usually these books are also doorstoppers, mostly because the Big Long Heavy Thick books look nice on the bookshelf, and pseuds would like to be seen in public with those (imagine lugging around ZT tho, lmao >>17914635), but i don't think it's a prerequisite.

>> No.17915311

never heard of any of those

t. german

>> No.17915370

you forgot to say uncultured and illiterate

>> No.17915437

at least I'm not a hoity toity cunt

>> No.17915494

you are though

>> No.17915938
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