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17904028 No.17904028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So as not to offend muslims.

>> No.17904034

Makes sense, why would a person who said there is no god but God (Allah) be in hell?

>> No.17904036

Poltrash migrant hyperreality living retard rage bait garbage thread

>> No.17904044

Probably because Dante was a seething incel who didn’t know much about the Quran. Don’t get me wrong, he was still a genius though.

>> No.17904051

>I don't have to care about reality.
Back to r*ddit.

>> No.17904056

>he was still a genius
Why? Shakespeare maybe but Dante?

>> No.17904059

Back to your shithole containment board faggot

>> No.17904062

Read him.

>> No.17904082

I did

>> No.17904085

lmafo at hellets.

>> No.17904087

>all of the retarded stuff about Dante putting anyone he ever had a mildly negative interaction with in hell is okay
>not the hecking muhamaderinooo
It's the least controversial person to put in hell after maybe Judas (who is in pole position, Muhammad is in the second worst place in hell).

>> No.17904097

White christianity is has been dead for 500 years

>> No.17904101

Highly based

>> No.17904106
File: 147 KB, 263x200, 17BD5313-4AAB-4EF3-A145-87E3C3FB8801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow a Christian poet wrote an epic about the afterlife and put a non Christian in hell what a shock

>> No.17904111
File: 15 KB, 640x399, 90EB26D3-2BF6-4E61-9B34-D4E41BF8EB88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe christnigger

>> No.17904129

That should be expected from a Muslim country

>> No.17904136

>appeal to consensus
>not knowing that loss of faith is prophesied to happen before Christ returns

>> No.17904138

The Trinity is not in contradiction with monotheism, Ahmed

>> No.17904140

>>appeal to consensus
You mean like the Nicene council lol?

>> No.17904147

The fact that you believe this is a testament to your low intellect.

>> No.17904152

>not knowing that the majority of bishops had fallen into heresy at one point before Orthodoxy prevailed

>> No.17904164

>uhm akchually...
Irrelevant hair splitting

>> No.17904169

Why did he put Muhammad in hell but put Ali in purgatory

>> No.17904191

this type of shit could only come from some white-guilt ridden atheist faggot. If i, a muslim, were to translate something, and Muhamad (peace be upon him) the Quran, or Islam in general were insulted in it, I would absolutely translate it. Why would I take part in hiding what I might consider to be the evil deeds of another, a non-muslim at that? Why would this faggot want muslims to read the divine comedy in the first place if he considers its contents to be so appaling to us? If he thinks that muslims are commiting a sin if they read the divine comedy in its unadulterated form, what makes him think that reading a version that leaves out those parts would be any less sinful? Fuck this guy, seriously

t. seething heterodox muslim

>> No.17904193

He didn’t they’re both in hell in the book

>> No.17904196

*Muhammad (peace be upon him)

>> No.17904198

>heterodox muslim
So in other words not a muslim
Shut up idiot

>> No.17904203

The chart merely states that among Christians, a rising proportion are niggs. Which isn't surprising since there were almost no Christians in Africa in 1910 and that the proportion of Africans in world population increased dramatically and will keep doing so this century.

Ali is also in hell as a schismatic and promoter of religious dissent.

>> No.17904223

>among Christians, a rising proportion are niggs
Not really an issue desu. Gal 3:28

>> No.17904225

kill yourself now

>> No.17904227
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>> No.17904230

>all infidels deserve punishment/death
Eh, not a problem.
>fictional work puts Muslim character in a bad situation

>> No.17904233

define orthodox Islam

>> No.17904245


>> No.17904246

I think the muslim retard was implying something different and >>17904136 did too.
The proportion of everything negro (muslims, communists, footfags, etc) has increased in the last century and will carry on for at least another half century.

>> No.17904257
File: 873 KB, 2000x1000, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, have you got any source other than a site with this on its frontpage?

>> No.17904259

>only sunni are muslim
opinion discarded

>> No.17904269


>> No.17904275

>another episode of Christcucks seething that their religion is dead and Islam doesn’t allow criticism

>> No.17904277

Inferno is the least interesting part of the Comedy. It does speak to Islamic fragility in any case that we're all okay with him putting Popes in hell but not non-virtuous non-Christians.

>> No.17904278
File: 60 KB, 348x448, 2026F6E1-6854-4F1E-812D-C9EF7C5F3C35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well with white birth rates dwindling it looks like the future is black

>> No.17904290

>Islam doesn’t allow criticism
only if one is weak in their faith does one shield one's religion from being criticized. that's why holocaust denial should be taught in university, by a holocaust denier. if you silence something, you strenghten it

>implying christcucks aren't just as allergic to their religion being criticized

>> No.17904291

It was also in the newspapers here.
t. Belgian

>> No.17904299

>not muh optics
That webpage would be based if not for the 2003 formatting.
Information originally comes from a Belgian radio interview. You can easily find dozens of articles form a week ago in Dutch and French.

>> No.17904310

>The proportion of everything negro (muslims, communists, footfags, etc) has increased in the last century and will carry on for at least another half century
Not atheists

>> No.17904332

Cope libcuck

>> No.17904354

In all fairness, that was rather rude of Dante to do. It is my view that one should always be respectful of holy men and women, even if you don’t follow that faith. Still, not translating it properly is a disservice to the text.

>> No.17904370

Yes, that too. I don't think people realize how comparatively few sub-Saharans there were in 1900. They were 5% of the world population. Now they are >15% and might reach 40 according to UN predictions (which aren't infallible).
The proportion atheist at the time must have been very small according to all reports from missionaries and colonial administrators.

>> No.17904372

agreed. but omitting it now doesn't do anyone any favors.
maybe someday you'll stop trying to categorize people whose ideology doesn't fit into a neat little box.

>> No.17904373

Muhammad was a heretic warlord, not a “holy man”

>> No.17904377

Well that's great. I can't read the Dutch translation of Dante now. Fuck him.

>> No.17904380

>responds with liberal whine

Christcuckoldry is the heresy, christcuck. Cope.

>> No.17904419

This is criminal. Defacement. Like running a razor blade across the canvas of the Mona Lisa. This is totalitarian shit. It's no different from Stalinist USSR editing photos to remove liquidated party members from Stalin's side.

>> No.17904431

>It is my view that one should always be respectful of holy men and women, even if you don’t follow that faith.
You know Saladin, Avicenna and Averroes are placed by him in Limbo (along with Greek philosophers), right?

>> No.17904435

you either don't know what liberalism is or you don't know what heterodoxy is. either way, you're insecure in your faith

>> No.17904436

>a literal pirate and proud of his razzias
He's about as much of a "holy man" as Caligula, who was main pontiff after all (plus tribunician power) and so holy.

>> No.17904446

why do you think holy men have to be pacifists?

>> No.17904453

This is so dumb it looks like a clickbait Facebook post, lmao.

>> No.17904461

What about Cassius?

>> No.17904475

>Dutch translator
He better be a Mediterranean Catholic poet to capture the author's identity and experience, otherwise I call whitewashing bullshit and he should step down.

>> No.17904617
File: 32 KB, 650x366, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kuffar are humiliated again, Allahu Akbar

>> No.17904641


shut up christshit

>> No.17904650

Nice libcuck buzzword.

>> No.17904668

You don’t believe in omnipotence and your conception of god is arbitrary.

>> No.17904695


>> No.17904698

>God is three hypostases isn’t arbitrary

>> No.17904699

kek, the absolute state of the european union. They deserve all the rape

>> No.17904735

>number is my God’s god
If you deny the compatibility of something like Trinitarianism and monotheism, your god is arbitrary. It’s moot about the number it’s about the possibility.

>> No.17904749

Disregard the possibility and explain this, christcunt. If your god were omnipotent, why would he choose to be three instead of one?

>> No.17904766

If only conservatives went into the humanities and education so they could do the translating. Oh well, guess it's easier to seethe on the internet.

>> No.17904767

Because the ability to transcend the concept of nut bee in order to demonstrate his divinity. It’s why Christianity contains spirituality while something like Islam a bunch of mystical power plays, hell it’s even in the name.

>> No.17904776

Also, possibility is ALL that matters. Muslims always try to change the subject when the inconsistencies of their faith are called out. I’m not. A Christian, so possibility is the subject matter I started with, amend it’s the one we should stay on.

>> No.17904806

leftists will defend anything that gets a news article

>> No.17904829

You are trolling me, aren't you?

>> No.17904832

I don't think so, christshits are really this fucking stupid

>> No.17904836

White leftists are the natural slaves Aristotle spoke of.

>> No.17904853

>seething incel
Dante was married and had 4 children

>> No.17904859

Muslims and Christians are natural allies, so please stop fighting and don't fall for the devils tricks of sowing discord.

The translator should be fired.

>> No.17904863

But why 3? why not 5 or 7 or pi? The possibility is there after all. God must've had an especial reason to pick 3.