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/lit/ - Literature

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17902131 No.17902131 [Reply] [Original]

What's your thoughts lads, very rough read but personally loved it.

>> No.17902141

that looks like a rather precarious position. if he fell off, would he die?

>> No.17902152

The drop would be very painful.

>> No.17902220

He's a big guy...

>> No.17902239

>booker prize winner
>MFA style writing
>obsession with awful things, something bad happens literally every chapter

No, I'd rather not read this, arigatou senpai

>> No.17903043

MFA? Sorry I dont speak in retard accronyms. What does this mean?

>> No.17903107

Male to female sex change

>> No.17903197

I never get why the misery porn subgenre is so popular in litfic. It's like when that book A Little Life was huge a few years back. I've a suspicion the fans of these kinds of books are masochists.

>> No.17904038

You should see Slovene national literature. Everything is tragedy porn.

>> No.17904066

>main character is a poof
>in 80s glasgow
>doesnt instantly change his tune

not realistic enough for me

>> No.17904170

It's a little better than most best seller trash but not by very much

>> No.17904539

generic contemporary lit "style"

>> No.17904589

glasgow's always been soft. the hard man thing is purely surface level .

plus a fair emount of 80s gays were hard cunts anyway because they needed to be because not even glasgow would accept them at that point

>> No.17904613
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Bain you say?

>> No.17904623


>> No.17904630

for you

>> No.17905649

MFA=Master of fine arts.

It’s someone who went to college for creative writing and then graduated from an MFA program. Some great writers came out of MFA programs, but the bulk of graduates all tend to sound the same.