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17901492 No.17901492[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't get the hindus. Life isn't that bad, I can still have my fun and help others. Should I ever choose to ascend after a couple of fun lifetimes, I can still do so.

>> No.17901516
File: 111 KB, 1600x900, Poojeta I would bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post an actual Indian instead of that Algerian whore.
Nirvana is pure bliss, the material world is the world of illusion. It's ephemeral delights pale in comparison.

>> No.17901530
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>> No.17901554

>life isn't that bad
karma's kind of terrifying ngl, thankfully I'm an abrahamist and will keep myself to the non-linear temporal reality of Christ instead of that hell hole
I think you're also misunderstanding reincarnation, in the dharmic sense, but I'm not educated enough to speak about that

>> No.17901579

religions are not video games.

>> No.17901768

i'm unable to fap to her since I saw the webm of her sniffing literal dog shit.

>> No.17901777
File: 5 KB, 195x171, Imagine the curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on here

>> No.17901792

Holy fucking shit I just watched that. Wtf is wrong with her

>> No.17901841
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>file name

>> No.17901965

>life isn't that bad
you don't live in a country with designated shitting streets

>> No.17901978


>> No.17902003
File: 259 KB, 1080x1028, BBA0FE20-064B-4DDD-99D9-2BDBDE7C6C71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.17902072

Bruh. Which hindu book says life is bad?

You just making things up now

>> No.17902078

>life is bad
Pseud interpretation of Hinduism.

>> No.17902082

That's a tranny anon

>> No.17902101

>Karma is terrifying so I stay away from it

That makes no sense anon. Karma is basically consequences for your actions. It's like saying you're afraid of falling from height and so you don't believe in gravity.

Just remember whatever you do good or bad will have consequences.

>> No.17902175

You would understand if you lived in India. Even one life lived in India is far too many.

>> No.17902190


>> No.17902204
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>reducing metaphysics to morality
The terrifying aspect of karma is not personal consequence by the whole fabric of metaphysical weight (particularly in that direction further from God) that creates the verile dialectic and tumultuous state of worldly existence. God, who is the only one who has will and is know by His bliss, is what I prefer to devote myself to rather than fixating on solely on cosmology.

>> No.17902281

Again you devoting yourself to God doesn't absolve you of consequences. The physical universe you currently inhabit is governed by rules which are present due to Inherent nature(what you call "will") of God.

As long as you Inhabit a physical body you'll have to do Karma(action) and those will have results/consequences.

Shree Bhagwad Geeta has entire chapter dedicated to understanding of Karma and it clearly explains why Karma exists and what it's nature like.

>> No.17902330

You have to consider the times in which those teachings evolved. Life was absolute shit in India unless you were a king, and even then, you could always die of a plague, killed by a relative to seize your throne, or any number of horrible ways to go.

>> No.17902412
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>devoting yourself to God doesn't absolve you of consequences
Not at all, but there are times where obedience to God is more important than morality (teleological suspension to use kirkegaard). The moral schema of karma is too reductionist in light of obedience; Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son and many ascetics have refused to offer their aid to people in harms way because of their reclusive vocation. To personalize the schema of will is a form of disobedience, giving yourself too much authority opposed to the onlu singular will that truly exists.

>> No.17902545

>Karma and morality
Karma, unironically, doesn't have anything to do with morality. The concept is dependent on action alone. Let's use a theological and mythical example:

In Mahabharata after the end of war, the Pandavas, or 5 brothers go to a symbolic hell. Now the problem is, these 5 brothers were fighting for Good, dharma etc. And their morals were impeccable. Still they went to hell because they had killed their kin, they had spillers their own blood, they had killed their Guru.

When all was said and done their superior morals and righteous actions didn't save them from paying for their wrong ones.
Heck even the God who supported them and led them to victory had to lose all of his people. The clan in which Krishna was born(Yadu) was cursed because they bore a child(Krishna) who was responsible for death of millions. Krishna himself at the end of it all got blinded.

So in essence your moral constitution doesn't save you from the consequences of your actions. The cycle of Karma-Phal is absolute and affects the richest King as it affects the lowly begger.

>> No.17902578
File: 164 KB, 764x1006, harrowingofhell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe we're not so different after all...
it's always astonished me how ascetics from various religions can humble themselves so deeply without the personage of Christ, truly they're stronger souls than I am
but all the same my faith is nothing without Him
He's the one who went into hell to save souls and came back, He's the Way, and He's shown us the yoke

>> No.17902764

op posts a beautiful woman and u reply with this monkey looking thing. shame on u

>> No.17902779

>I don't get the hindus. Life isn't that bad

It is if you have a completely corrupt society built around a static caste system, where what social class you were born in determines the rest of your entire life, and nothing you do or say can change it. Even if you cure cancer or AIDS, if you’re an untouchable, you will forever remain an untouchable. Hindu religions try to resolve this with various coping strategies to keep this static structure stable, thus we have Hindu thought

>> No.17902782

>and many ascetics have refused to offer their aid to people in harms way because of their reclusive vocation.
Wow what a bunch of self centered assholes

>> No.17902790
File: 682 KB, 1058x1298, 1595405082321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic related isn't a paajeta