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File: 170 KB, 600x600, 1592878848895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17899625 No.17899625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>No, I I'm not your comrade
>No, I wont read your retarded communist books
>No, I wont read your post-modernist tranny propaganda
>No, there will never be another massive communist revolution
>No, you will never seize the hecking means of production
>Yes, modern communists are all faggots full of estrogen incapable of taking any action.
>Yes, you will die as a wagie
>Yes, I hate (((capitalists))) just as much as I hate you fucking communist degenerates
>Yes, you're unironically retarded and pathetic

>> No.17899638

post hog, chud

>> No.17899640
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Then die lol

>> No.17899651
File: 27 KB, 400x400, LJVXR3iw_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on this board IRL. Just accept techno-serfism

>> No.17899660
File: 70 KB, 726x960, 1596481032492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the average communist

>> No.17899666

seethe more

>> No.17899673

Dr Pepper literally has no flavor. It tastes like goop. It's shite.

>> No.17899678
File: 182 KB, 553x739, 7D368FD1-97A5-4A78-9E0F-237DB6A7E2D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American social democrats are not representative of the global communist movement.

>> No.17899682
File: 137 KB, 1280x1280, 1610848439365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board fucking sucks now

>> No.17899686

They've literally reverted back to being Imperial China like they always were. It's just a different flavor of Mandate of Heaven now.

>> No.17899689
File: 58 KB, 346x409, 1546842550357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking I'm a communist
I am far beyond commie and cap you beta blowfish

>> No.17899707

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.17899711

Don't worry anon :)
I have a gift for this board in mind, expect it in the next two weeks :)

>> No.17899712


>> No.17899727
File: 893 KB, 1047x1061, Screenshot_20180823-235635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am excited to see what it is. But what I want are separate boards for philosophy and religion (or just contain it on x)

>> No.17899730

>But what I want are separate boards for philosophy and religion
That would be wonderful

>> No.17899755 [DELETED] 

>American social democrats are not representative of the global communist movemen
I respect China because its literally the antithesis of what modern marxists advocate for which is usually globohomo, diversity, cultural marxism, degeneracy, feminism, etc...The modern communist is so fucking retarded that he will support corporatism as long as these trillion dollar corporations finance these degenerate cultural movements with the purpose of subverting the existing social and cultural systems.

>> No.17899765

These are you American tankie "communists", which are essentially radical liberals. The real communists don't care about these things. To them class is the only measure of oppression, not bullshit labels like muh racism.

>> No.17899771

I respect China because its literally the antithesis of what modern marxists advocate for which is usually globohomo, diversity, cultural marxism, gender theory, feminism, etc...The modern communist is so fucking retarded that he will support corporatism as long as these trillion dollar corporations finance these degenerate cultural movements with the purpose of subverting the existing social and cultural systems.

>> No.17899772

neither is Xi???

>> No.17899834

what sort of gift are we talking about

>> No.17899870

You will see :)
(Nothing bad, mind you, just my notes and thoughts regarding a book I am reading)

>> No.17899885

>These are you American tankie "communists", which are essentially radical liberals.
nah, they are exactly like that anywhere in the world. You just have to go on tiktok for 5 minutes to realize that its full of Americanized communists from Latin America and Europe spreading feminist, gender theory and globohomo propaganda.
>The real communists don't care about these things. To them class is the only measure of oppression, not bullshit labels like muh racism.
Thats proabably less than 1% of all the communists, the rest of the people who identify as Marxists will support any political ideology or movement that aims to fight for those who they considered to be oppressed.

>> No.17899932

also faggots, feminists and trannies are the ones representing the Neo-marxist movement. Even if you consider yourself to be a classical communist who only cares about economic inequality and strictly opposes the capitalist system yet you DONT support trannies and homosexuals and explicitly reject their agenda you will still be classified as a fascist or right wing extremist kek

>> No.17899954

how does that boot taste? lets be honest, if you are not supporting some sort of leftist cause you are a retarded sheep, possibly a cuckold

>> No.17899973

what is the meaning of these smiley faces

>> No.17899980
File: 86 KB, 960x933, 1591307756551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftists were literally licking boots all summer bro. if you're a white male and you support leftism you're advocating for your own replacement

>> No.17899992

It’s always amusing to me when Communists accuse people of being “boot lickers”—it’s almost a misnomer.

It makes me think about how KGB agents would take their boots and literally squash peoples’ testicles against a stone floor to get false confessions.

>> No.17899996

not real leftists

>> No.17900013
File: 379 KB, 753x810, 1599547764354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"real" leftism is dead, the future of the left is corporate

>> No.17900016

>mad because someone isn't licking his boot


>> No.17900020


>> No.17900139

this. What makes communists such low IQ retards that they fail to see that they are only being used as political pawns and useful idiots by the mega capitalist corporations and the (((elites)))?

>> No.17900144

Bro how can you even pretend this image was made in good faith?

>> No.17900149

Also remind them that they are pedos

>> No.17900153


>> No.17900168
File: 120 KB, 1180x860, Young-Life-1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.17900170

wow yea the people threatening the establishment with class unity are the ones who are political pawns of the establishment. big brain takes over here

>> No.17900186

>wow yea the people threatening the establishment with class unity
I am not trying to be coy here, but if anything, I see race and gender movements as "class disunity". If poor Blacks and poor Whites are at each other's throats, the upper class wins.

>> No.17900187

Leftists are not unifying or threatening anyone

>> No.17900247 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 700x660, 1592768604410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow yea the people threatening the establishment with class unity are the ones who are political pawns of the establishment. big brain takes over here
Do commies really? You're not a threat to the establishment retard, you're just a a deluded faggot that thinks hes some sort of revolutionary, spoiler YOU'RE NOT. You're entire movements are backed up by billionaires, politicians, mainstream media, trillion dollar corporations and NGOS....You're just a dumb fuck that lacks the basic cognitive capability to understand that the system you say you're fighting against is using you for their benefit.

>> No.17900254
File: 368 KB, 700x660, 1592768604410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do commies really? You're not a threat to the establishment retard, you're just a a deluded faggot that thinks hes some sort of revolutionary, spoiler YOU'RE NOT. Your entire movements are backed up by billionaires, politicians, mainstream media, trillion dollar corporations and NGOS....You're just a dumb fuck that lacks the basic cognitive capability to understand that the system you say you're fighting against is using you for their benefit.