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17897650 No.17897650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am a privileged white male looking to overcome his prejudices regarding the queer community, which theory can i read which can help me appreciate the diverse and vibrant culture of these politically correct victimhood units, i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures

>> No.17897661

Read articles about queering whiteness and queer theory and race. Also give half your paycheck to BIPOC folx.

>> No.17897666

>White men somehow figured out a way to climb back to the top of the oppression hierarchy, at the cost of wearing a dress
The White man marches on

>> No.17897670

stop posting the same thread every week reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.17897671

Satan gets it

>> No.17897672

honestly i'm a /pol/ack but she kind of has a point.

>> No.17897683

No “she” doesn’t

>> No.17897691

(((Vaid menon)))

>> No.17897692

>i'm a /pol/ack
Do you ever stop to think how much you embarrass yourself when you post shit like this?

>> No.17897699

she does though
he's still thinking in binary terms when even Hegel said this was nonsense..

>> No.17897702



>> No.17897710

When something is 'sublated,' that doesn't mean 'now we do the opposite,' you midget. The sublated forms remain preserved that's the whole point

>> No.17897726

>The sublated forms remain preserved that's the whole point
exactly. Transwomen keep their genitals, doesn't make them any less feminine or distract from their identity. Are you challenged?

>> No.17897735

>missing the point this hard

>> No.17897743

When did Hegel talk about trannies?

>> No.17897745

describe in a concise fashion where I missed anything or your point is moot.

>> No.17897750

Yo, let people do what they gonna do. But I'm not going to be any less disgusted just because I'm fine with you being alive.

>> No.17897753

zoomer pls leave

>> No.17897762

They are not femenine at all, barely even human, more alike to cattle, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals NGOs and the democratic party. They dont think dont breed or question authority

>> No.17897766

You’re the one who said he did.

>> No.17897783

thank you for describing the average /pol/ user. What does this have to do with trans women tho?

>> No.17897789

The problem is these people want anything but to be left alone. Just reading old books having thoughts unapproved by corporate media or not wanting children to be molested is enough for them to label you a fascist thought criminal. So maybe being a fascist thought criminal doesnt sound all that bad

>> No.17897795

it's evident you haven't read him so why I should I spoonfeed you.

>> No.17897798

>fascist thought criminal
They never called me that. They called me a class reductionist.

>> No.17897819

I have read him. I’m just ESL. So what are you saying about him and trannies?

>> No.17897821

I could try but you'd have to pull your attention away from genitals for more than a few seconds and pay attention which I don't expect is possible for you

>> No.17897824
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holy fuck you're right

>> No.17897834

>every week
OP shows amazing restraint

>> No.17897840

>I could try but um actually [ad hominem]
sad! another word of advice: Don't talk sh*t when you can't back it up

>> No.17897842

Trannies are deep cover incels, men who have made the ultimate sacrifice in order to infiltrate and ultimately destroy the feminist movement.

>> No.17897862
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The last man has nothing left but 'identity' that is consuming product and proudly getting fucked up the arse.

>> No.17897863

>I'm just ESL.
It shows.

>> No.17897864

Read the fucking book. It's about spirit which is above any individual person. It has nothing to do with genitals or identities. If you want to go ahead and keep thinking that Hegel's purpose was to encourage people to consume niche identities which aren't real, be my guest idiot.

>> No.17897872

>Transgenderism is responsible for cruel capitalism
way to move the goalpost, champ

>> No.17897900

>Read the fucking book.
You first.
>It's about spirit which is above any individual person.
And yet you don't see how that same freedom is directly tied to the identity of (wo)man? How he became an indirect advocate of the true meaning of what you can and cannot be? Holy fuck you're dense. A hint: Just because you're born male doesn't mean you are

>> No.17897947

These people are the priesthood of capitalism and its enforcers. By this point being homophobic or transphobic practically clasifies as a form of anticlericalism. I mean whathave leftists and their capitalist masters done but supplant christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair? Except the queer wont even grant me eternal life or even forgive me for the sins of my bigotted white ancestors. Im just saying it would be pretty funny if we could get together a pack of nails and two planks of wood and actually crucify that fucker for real

>> No.17897949

You make the same mistake that most people make when trying to get through Hegel, which is that you never make the leap past your own immediate sphere of consciousness and reason. You're doomed to remain an ouroboros, a bitter selfsucker who needs to turn all thought back to the justification of your own consumptive habits using fake identities

>> No.17897957

Violence is not the answer. You have to win hearts and minds.

>> No.17897976

People would be more accepting of trannies if they stopped pretending to be an oppressed minority and just admitted they are autists who became perverted from watching too much anime pornography

>> No.17898001

Unironically this. You should be able to go into the doctors office and say "I have 10000 dollars. Make me into a futa succubus, please." Instead you have to say "I was born in the wrong body a bloo bloo. Help me make the outside match the inside and be my true self a bloo bloo."

>> No.17898097

You do this because to understand the nature of spirit beyond oneself is to ackgnowledge the finality of Death. You try to fully absorb the understanding back into your own particular sphere in order to recreate the entire spirit within yourself, as if to control it, as if to prove you are a good person and can't possibly be annihilated. But by doing this you preclude yourself from ever actually becoming human, a process which only culminates at the moment of death. You recognition that death brings, without going through it with all of us together. It's sad.

>> No.17898105

*you crave the recognition that Death brings

>> No.17898595

Reminder that there is no such thing as "White privilege." However, black privilege is most certainly a real thing.