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/lit/ - Literature

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17896837 No.17896837 [Reply] [Original]

Alright adhd neet zoomer with a shot Attention span here
want to finally substitute hourlong web browsing/vidya gaming with reading so therefore I Sold my Switch - ipad pro - ps5 and bought a kindle oasis

Now what are some intro beginner scifi books that arent too autistic but also not too pleb

>> No.17896850

Just read Dune or something. It's intriguing enough that, despite the length, you should be able to get into it.

>> No.17896860

You should possibly have posted this in the general but I'll help you.

Foundation by Asimov
Dune by Herbert

>> No.17896863

Ender’s Game

Also if yoy have a used bookstore nearby go there and buy some pulp scifi.

>> No.17896884

People forget how dry most of the first Dune book is, especially for someone with adhd. Childhoods End is a good intro. Neuromancer or Hyperion would be better than Dune also.

>> No.17896890

Neuromancer will filter you for sure. Read starship troopers. Read do androids dream of electric sheep. Asimov. Dune.

>> No.17896891

-I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (short, and engaging, worth reading for its impact on other sci-fi).
-The Veldt (very short, less than 100 pages).
-A Rose for Ecclesiastes (also a short story like The Veldt, the best of the 3 in my opinion and very underrated).

>> No.17896893

I will attest to this. After not reading for years I just started Dune without a thought and got through it just fine. Probably the most comprehensive sci fi novel out there so expect a step down in quality going forward in the genre aside from anything by Gene Wolfe maybe.

>> No.17896908

Ender's Game is a really fun and easy read. It also has sequels if you really liked it.

>> No.17896965

Dune isn't sci-fi.

>> No.17897016

It's soft sci-fi.
Before you even start, the psionic powers of the Bene Gesserit don't disqualify it. There is plenty of science fiction with supernatural elements and the BG isn't inherently supernatural anyway, but enhanced by the spice melange. It's more like suped-up space adderall than magic.
Stop being autistic.

>> No.17897087


>> No.17897136

They'll ultimately read more than 99% of the population.
OP doesn't strike me as someone wanting to impress their socialite book club, but as someone who wants to replace a poor habit with something at least marginally more enriching.
That's not to say any of us are so erudite and impressive considering we're using our free time to posture on this garbage heap of an image-board.

>> No.17897604

The material effects of science fiction poisoning our collective imagination and societal aspirations are a disaster. It's no coincidence all the techno billionaires are science fiction freaks.
Sci fi might as well be gaming.

>> No.17897638

Science fiction implies a fiction based on science. Things like Dune and Star Wars are space fantasy

>> No.17897708
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I agree with the other anon here that stated that Neuromancer will filter you however since you posted the Sprawl trilogy I am assuming that you're interested in it. If so, that's good since I think it is important to be interested in what you're reading, especially when starting out. I'd suggest that you pick up Gibson's Burning Chrome collection to get you onto the right track

>> No.17897747

Why? Is Neuromancer difficult?

>> No.17897814

I'm just speaking from personal experience desu, it was easy to lose grip on the narrative after enough plot points and characters got introduced. And since OP confessed their short attention span I reckon they'll have an easier time testing the waters with the shorter stories in Burning Chrome. I mean stylistically I guess they're similar but it is easier to return to the story when the detour into some cyberpunk scene is one page instead of ten

>> No.17897833

>Now what are some intro beginner scifi books that arent too autistic but also not too pleb
The Expanse

>> No.17897881

Whats /lit/ concensus on Embassytown or Mieville as an author?

>> No.17897892

the writing style is very opaque and there's a "rhythm" to get into it its good to acquaint yourself with Gibsons writing style before delving into his best work imo

>> No.17897894

Philip K Dick.

>> No.17898043
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try neal stephenson - snow crash is the other popular cyberpunk book, I actually enjoyed the diamond age more though. seveneves is more like classic scifi, and was decent even though it feels like two separate books.

a few suggestions, across a range of subgenres:

diaspora, the ninefox gambit, the quantum thief, a canticle for leibowitz, embassytown, a deepness in the sky, the drowned world

/r/printsf is a genuinely good sub to go for recs

>> No.17898146

Haven't read anything more fucking boring and dry (heh) than Dune

>> No.17898160

Embassytown is a pretty good book, probably his best stand-alone, although the concept of language takes some time getting used to.

I loved Kracken because it's got the hall-marks of cultists, mystery and impending doom.

>> No.17898216


>> No.17898429

crash space short story bakker

>> No.17898440
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>Bakkerfags coming in

>> No.17898469

it's a banger and free

>> No.17898478

There is no difference between reading and gaming except that you only enjoy one of them

>> No.17898485

Read Nueromancer, the book in ur picture

>> No.17898995

Personally loved the sprawl trilogy but burning chrome left me with a bitter taste because johnny mnemonic got a movie even though it is probably the worst short story in it

>> No.17899079

only half of short stories are good though
but its the 3d best after Burning Chrome and New Rose Hotel (which also got a shitty movie but with good actors)?

>> No.17899099

Philip K Dick for sure, I guess you could start with Ubik.

>> No.17899287
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sell the kindle and use all that money to buy physical books. start with the greeks

>> No.17899296

Dune is gay

>> No.17899318

Military sci-fi
>starship troopers
>the forever war

Post apocalyptic
>a Canticle for Leibowitz
>I am legend

Other classics
>the Caves of Steel
>the moon is a harsh mistress

>> No.17899327

Nah, just get a short story collection
>second variety
>minority report
>we can remember it for you whole sale

>> No.17900082
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I read this as my first (and only) sci-fi book and I really liked it desu. It's far from a classic but it has a cult following. For some reason the author never bothered to write anything besides this despite the critical acclaim.
The chapters are pretty short, just like the total length of the book. Perfect for short attention people, like yourself and me.