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17893825 No.17893825[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17893860

I cried reading that. As a white man I can’t believe I’m holding blacks down like that. I just knelt and put my fist into the aid. I hope Prophet Floyd(pbuh) will forgive me.

>> No.17893870

>in no mood for white women’s tears today
Inconceivably based

>> No.17893885

Here's a mind cleanser: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j556MWGVVqI

>> No.17893891

I like how the black woman says to the white woman she doesn’t want to see white women making a display of themselves by feigning sympathy, and the white woman’s immediate response is to make a display of herself by feigning sympathy

>> No.17893905

Sorry anon, I don't trust anything from youtube. If it's not chocolate rain or a rick roll I ain't clickin

>> No.17893924
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Black people always criminal.

>> No.17893926

Why would they be crying at all

>> No.17893930

I thought that the black woman was meaning that she wasn't interested in attending informal lunch gathering thing. The other dumb bitch needs to know that grief is a personal thing and everybody has a different way of dealing with grief. I wouldn't want to be at that lunch either.

>> No.17893931


>> No.17893932

i fucking hate liberals

>> No.17893936
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where this is headed

>> No.17893939

That was written by an Australian. I know, I can tell.

>> No.17893951

Because they are the face of the communist revolution desu

>> No.17893952

I am sick and tired of White women. (White men are alright, they ought to be created in test tubes or something). White women have set race relations back a 100 years in this country within the last 10.

>> No.17893956

Why do most of these woke types talk about Black people as if they're some sacred being incapable of being wrong?

>> No.17893957

Based and chinkpilled

>> No.17893966

Kek accurate. That’s Africa nowadays.

>> No.17893968
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Here is the rest of the passage, also keep in mind this book is being start in schools and major corporations now and has sold millions of copies

Because of its seeming innocence, well-meaning white women crying in
cross-racial interactions is one of the more pernicious enactments of white
fragility. The reasons we cry in these interactions vary. Perhaps we were
given feedback on our racism. Not understanding that unaware white racism
is inevitable, we hear the feedback as a moral judgment, and our feelings
are hurt. A classic example occurred in a workshop I was co-leading. A
black man who was struggling to express a point referred to himself as
stupid. My co-facilitator, a black woman, gently countered that he was not
stupid but that society would have him believe that he was. As she was
explaining the power of internalized racism, a white woman interrupted
with, “What he was trying to say was . . . ” When my co-facilitator pointed
out that the white woman had reinforced the racist idea that she could best
speak for a black man, the woman erupted in tears. The training came to a
complete halt as most of the room rushed to comfort her and angrily accuse
the black facilitator of unfairness. (Even though the participants were there
to learn how racism works, how dare the facilitator point out an example of
how racism works!) Meanwhile, the black man she had spoken for was left
alone to watch her receive comfort.
A colleague of color shared an example in which a white woman—new
to a racial justice organization—was offered a full-time position as the
supervisor of the women of color who had worked there for years and had
trained her. When the promotion was announced, the white woman tearfully
requested support from the women of color as she embarked on her new
learning curve. The new supervisor probably saw her tears as an expression
of humility about the limits of her racial knowledge and expected support to
follow. The women of color had to deal with the injustice of the promotion,
the invalidation of their abilities, and the lack of racial awareness of the
white person now in charge of their livelihoods. While trying to manage
their own emotional reactions, they were put on the spot; if they did not
make some comforting gesture, they risked being viewed as angry and
Whether intended or not, when a white woman cries over some aspect of
racism, all the attention immediately goes to her, demanding time, energy,
and attention from everyone in the room when they should be focused on
ameliorating racism. While she is given attention, the people of color are
yet again abandoned and/or blamed. As Stacey Patton, an assistant
professor of multimedia journalism at Morgan State University’s School of
Global Journalism and Communication, states in her critique of white
women’s tears, “then comes the waiting for us to comfort and reassure them
that they’re not bad people.

>> No.17893972

Stop capitalizing the word 'black.' You are allowing others to influence your behavior.

>> No.17893974

You don't even know what a liberal is, rofl

>> No.17893979

>That’s Africa nowadays
What do you mean? Could you expand on that?

>> No.17893981

who is it that is giving this book millions of sales and making it mandatory curriculum in schools, colleges and corporations?

>> No.17893988

I capitalize White when referring to Americans of mostly European descent and Black when referring to Americans of mostly African descent. If we capitalize Arab, Indian, Asian, etc., it seems polite to do the same here.

>> No.17893989

its not, but its about to be



>> No.17893992

I often speak for people having trouble expressing their ideas, but it's because I understand what they're trying to say because I'm highly intelligent. Got nothing to do with racism.

>> No.17893994

These things all seem like one big cope response to that three paragraph dismantling of leftism Ted Kaczynski did in ‘Industrial Revolution.’ I’m not even a big Ted fan, but those passages are unforgettable once you read them. All insecurity and vanity.

>> No.17893995

>when a ... woman cries ... all the attention immediately goes to her, demanding time, energy, and attention from everyone in the room
Based and redpilled

>> No.17893996

who here hasn't cried since childhood

>> No.17893999

KEK. And to think this is a bestseller. You fucking "Americans" poison the world.

>> No.17894004

Is this a disingenuous question? That's not how to define a political stance anyway you fucking nigger.

>> No.17894007
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look at this woman, Robin DiAngelo. she desires nothing more than fat black cock stuffed into all three of her holes and she's fucking things up because of it.

>> No.17894008

based chinks

>> No.17894009

Good shit. Thanks fren

>> No.17894011

We weren't always like this. Becoming a superpower ruined this country.

>> No.17894012

Watch Empire of Dust

>> No.17894021

actually yes it is, because it is liberals doing that. At least by the American definition the anon was talking about. Try again asstard.

>> No.17894023
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the absolute state of america

>> No.17894031

based Xi

>> No.17894033

That's not how to define a political philosophy you fucking faggot nigger discord retard motherfucker I shit in your shoe.

>> No.17894042

yes i do retard. It's people who still unironically believe in capitalism and think shitty social change can fix systemic racism rather than systemic change.

>> No.17894048

No one said it is how you define a political philosophy, but it is a liberal book backed and spread by liberals. Sorry to debunk you, asstard.

>> No.17894056

I actually read this book AMA

>> No.17894065


things have to change in order to stay the same

>> No.17894075

I said that retard doesn't know what a liberal is and evidently I was right since they, or possibly you >>17894042 started with this bullshit. You can read the Wikipedia, copy and paste the fucking thing, and rub my nose in it but no because retards is gonna retard.

>> No.17894088

>At least by the American definition the anon was talking about
like I said, try again asstard.

>> No.17894106

You're a fucking idiot. Actually, unless you're Chinese you're probably a nice person.

>> No.17894122


They are so close to seeing the truth.

>> No.17894124

Well, fuck. If this is what White Fragility is, then I'm all against it. These whiny twats deserve no sympathy, I'm with you on that all the fucking way.

>> No.17894147

>no argument
I accept your concession

>> No.17894149

We capitalize Asian, European, South American, African, Caucasian etc. because we're referring to the continent/region and continents are always capitalized. White (white) and black should be lowercase because they do not refer to a region of the world.
Black supremacists use "Black" with a capital because they're bigoted. Unfortunately it's started to leak into usage by polite society.
Capitol W "White" supremacists do the same.

>> No.17894171

i can't believe we emancipated these people and let them live in our society as equals for them to treat us like this

>> No.17894173

nigger-loving mainstream media isnt polite society anon

>> No.17894183

I think this book should be called female fragility

>> No.17894188

Racists all

>> No.17894198

I agree.

The AP recently changed their style guide to Black people, white people, and brown people out of respect for the oppressed.
Here's a fun article about the rationale from way back in 2016 when this discussion started gaining traction. Plus a cute little cuck note at the top.

>> No.17894205

Holy, americans really are obsessed with race.

>> No.17894206

>Here's a fun article
dropped the link.

>> No.17894210
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>we emancipated these people

>> No.17894215

Why do Americans obsess over blacks so much? Even “far right” Americans are obsessed with black cock

>> No.17894217

It's so detrimentally bad it really is.

>> No.17894231

>read the first sentence
alright, standard white guilt dumbshit
>read the rest
what the fuck is happening in the US

>> No.17894245

5-10 years ago, it was just a few loudmouths. I used to have a based black boss who was perpetually embarrassed for all these self-hating whites like Robin D'Angelo. I'd probably be one if it weren't her, god bless her, because the Universities and public schools are pushing it HARD.
It's the worst.

>> No.17894253

This is actually based. Libtard white women are the purveyors of all this shit, utter histrionics and narcissistcs. They need to be raped and taught what true suffering is

>> No.17894258
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I don't know either. I know why the state pushes anarcho-tyranny like this, but why do the masses eat it up so readily? Is it really just 1990s Hollywood anti-racism percolating into their consciousness, so that when Twitter starts shilling it too they're like "yeah, makes sense, racism bad"? Or is it some kind of larger psychosis?

140% of women are raped at some point in their lives

>> No.17894270

>I'd probably be one if it weren't her, god bless her, because the Universities and public schools are pushing it HARD.
I am being 100% serious when I say that if I was White I'd be immigrating to China. The current trend does not bode well for that race in the West.

>> No.17894271


>> No.17894289
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>> No.17894302

It's not anti-racism rather more like hyper-racism in that it is an overly conscientious mindset whereas anti-racism would purport to be more egalitarian or generally emphasise the commonality, what's happening is very nearly the exact opposite.

Pay reparations.

>> No.17894311

This anti white bullshit is a psy op pushed by the media. I’ve never met anyone irl who thinks like this and I live in a hyper multi cultural liberal city.

>> No.17894315

Yeah but why do well-off white people fucking love it? The whole college attending class seems in in love with this cult.


>> No.17894320

They crave Christian masochism but are atheists, so they created a substitute religion

>> No.17894322

It's not anti-white, so there goes that theory.

>> No.17894326

They're on the 'woke' bandwagon. I'm afraid to open that vocaroo

>> No.17894328

Go the university campuses, that's where all this shit is. We need to nuke them all.

>> No.17894329

>all racists must be eliminated
>all whites are racist

>> No.17894334

>It's not anti-white
Yes it blatantly is. Read the op text.

>> No.17894350

I saw Sherman Alexie speak at a book signing a few years ago and he said something that that really stuck with me. Something like:
>"Here come the smiling white people for their annual flagellation. I don't get it, but if you need to atone, my book is $24. I didn't really write it for you, but I'm glad to take your money."
Heavy creative liberty there, but I gut such a sick feeling at the way the white people laughed, like he was kidding. They really are there to atone for the sin of being born.

>> No.17894377

It's not though. What makes you conclude that it is?

>> No.17894386

is not a strawman or a strawmanner strawmanor

>> No.17894396

>It's not though. What makes you conclude that it is?
Yeah the book promoting white self flagellation is totally not anti white

>> No.17894397

Me. I have moments where I feel overcome with emotion, but I have a very hard time understanding how people cry easily, or even just cry occasionally. People tell me about it, and it just seems strange. Figure I'm the odd one out.

>> No.17894401

Catholic immigration ruined this country and continues to ruin it to this day.

>> No.17894417

Kek, russkies btfo

>> No.17894435

based nip cutting straight to the point

>> No.17894440

This country's path to happiness got harder with two events:
1. Us not abolishing slavery in 1789
2. Us getting involved in Old World affairs in the 19th and 20th centuries
If these two things didn't happen, America would be a MUCH better place.

>> No.17894441

Answer this man.

>> No.17894443
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It's all a guise for narcissism. The non-whites are the same but they show it in a different manner. They're all apt to objectify each other in service to combating 9-5 nihilism. The white can play the generous and empathetic hero cursed with being too powerful and smart, while the non-white can play the underdog condemned to a victim of history.
It's all just for show. I live in a heavy libtard city and I remember the way all these people -- non-white, white, asian, niggers, and so on were at each others throats during the beginning of the corona hysteria. The first thing everybody did after the stimulus came was to empty the market shelves. A few months later, the city was swept with BLM signs and calls for solidarity. Turns out the end of history only lasted for a few decades.

>> No.17894464

You're never going to get rid of tribalism
These are just words to move energy and attention around

>> No.17894473

Wow garbage is garbage, what a shocker.

>> No.17894478

Remember that this photo is heavily photoshopped. Google her now

>> No.17894502

kek what a retard

>> No.17894503

White women cry to surrender and connect to things. Its not "conscious" but this doesn't matter.
No one's required to tell them they're not a bad person just because they're getting emotionally. They can be physically consoled or not.

To project this claim that her emotional response is for attention is a fabrication. "Knowing" what it does has more to do with the responses of others in the room. These other POC women see crying as a tool for attention.
They see everything in terms of power dynamics
There's no good faith arguments here and you all better learn that. Its entirely power centric. You're getting power for your group/your way, or they are.
Euro men let that book enslave them. Black soul is more liberated than western men because they are not programmed by 1500 years of bullshit and are closer to natural law.

I feel bad for western white women honestly.
They are eternally groomed by something with no real identity of their own. They should go find babushka or something.

>> No.17894565

I read a long article from a socialist about how stupid identity politics is. Not all of her points ended up being true (it was written in the 1990s), but I think she does a good job tracing the development of identity politics leftism in the US.

I will also add that white women crying is one of the most annoying things I've ever had to experience. I think white women are socialised to act helpless and useless, and the only way they can express their emotions is through attention-seeking behaviour. Actually, I think it's mostly straight white women who are the problem; all the lesbians and bisexual women I know are very reasonable and don't engage in this sort of nonsense.

>> No.17894585

>white woman understands and empathises with the black man and tries to help the situation
can someone explain this to me?

>> No.17894606

She wasn't trying to help, she was trying to show that she was a good ally. In so doing, she ended up talking over the person she was supposedly wanting to help and listen to. When she got called out on that behaviour, she broke down into tears, resulting in everyone dropping everything and giving her attention while ignoring the black guy who was just trying to share his thoughts. The black woman is not impressed because white women do this shit all the time.

>> No.17894616

How do you differentiate between someone 'trying to help' and someone 'showing they are a good ally'

>> No.17894623

>South America

>> No.17894627

Melanin gives black people mindreading abilities. This is why they always know that white people are colluding against them and it's why white people will never understand.

>> No.17894635

Blacks are owed reparations

>> No.17894637

Someone who was trying to help would listen to the concerns of the affected person and generally not say anything until that person has finished. Someone engaging in performative allyship would try to speak on behalf of the affected party without first consulting with that person. She may also assume things to be true without asking. To be clear, I am generally not in support of the "listen to people and we can heal together" kumbaya bullshit, but I understand the theory behind and I've had to sit through a lot of those sessions myself in my workplace.

>> No.17894639

Blacks are owed severe lynchings

>> No.17894644

preddy much this. if you thought the crackers were bad, get ready for Slavery 2: Winnie Poohgaloo

>> No.17894650

>Someone who was trying to help would listen to the concerns of the affected person and generally not say anything until that person has finished.
Does it just consist of listening then?

>> No.17894673

Notice the second part of the sentence. It's not just listening, but it starts with listening. Once you have listened, then you can talk. The white woman in that excerpt skipped the listening part and just went right for the talking.

>> No.17894701
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>> No.17894718

Politics is identity
The system is shaped by the identity shapes the system

>> No.17894725

they're braindead trend-hoppers and always have been. that's it.

>> No.17894727

And say this person speaks in nonstandard English and is unsure how to say what they mean? How will listening help the speaker if they're floundering? Restating what you hear the speaker says give them an opportunity to clarify. That's communication.
And it doesn't sound like that woman skipped the listening part at all. She didn't interject until after her coworker did.
Using the woman's race to cast her intentions in a bad light is racist.
Robin DiAngelo worked in a toxic environment, and she's inflicting that toxicity on the rest of the world.

>> No.17894730

Read the article and then get back to us

>> No.17894732

So does this mean that we're finally gonna start holding women to account for their histrionic, attention seeking behaviour?
Sounds pretty fucking based to me.

>> No.17894741

You don't
It's a projection
They see everything in power dynamics and can't fathom a genuine expression of empathy and connection
Expecting a white womans bodily reaction to change is subjugation
She as herself does not exist to them. Theres no individuality.
She must act in accordance to their expectations.
Everything they expect is to keep power towards them.

I will repeat what I said
A white woman crying is connecting to and rewiring herself to the situation. You can console her or you can let it pass. You can let her know it changes framing if you wish.
But to say she does it for attention is projection from, quite frankly, often completely heartless people in matters that don't personally involve them.

>> No.17894751

>And say this person speaks in nonstandard English and is unsure how to say what they mean?
That's usually not the case, but if it were, it's the job of the facilitator to help him communicate. The scenario in the excerpt is a session where they hired someone to come in to lead the discussion. Even if there are good intentions on the part of the white woman, it can easily be misinterpreted by the non-white people in the room. At these kinds of hand-holding sessions, the rule of thumb is when in doubt, shut the fuck up.

>And it doesn't sound like that woman skipped the listening part at all. She didn't interject until after her coworker did.
Reread the excerpt. There were two facilitators there who were in charge of leading the discussion. Then a white woman decided that she would be the third facilitator, and that is the problem.

>Robin DiAngelo worked in a toxic environment, and she's inflicting that toxicity on the rest of the world.
I've been in those environments, as have many people I know. Of course that's not proof of anything, but it's more common than you'll acknowledge.

Again, I don't support these types of sessions. All the ones I've had to sit through are basically just expensive wastes of time where the goal is to pretend like they're doing something progressive for social media likes and liberal street cred.

>> No.17894761

Also robin diangelo is Jewish
"Toxic" is always a projection and an opinion
The black community enjoys weapons that work against Europeans who have been subjugated by Christianity into responding to shame and fear and taught they need to be good boyos

>> No.17894765

>not going ahead and admitting they set literally anything back when they get their hands on it
>suez trade canal
>traffic, collisions
>paradise itself

>> No.17894790

the title of the book alone

>> No.17894802

>They see everything in power dynamics
yes this is why they're so good at instating hierarchies. it's all they care about. their 'power dynamics' never existed irl in such a simple, bare-metal form but they obsess about it so much that the main way they socialise and carry themselves is based in it.

>> No.17894804

>She wasn't trying to help, she was trying to show that she was a good ally

I dont know dude, I feel like these people are reading WAY too much into these sorts of social situations, to the point where they've cooked up this bizarre race based social pseud-science where a normal person just trying to be a decent human being like they would be with anyone else is actually "trying too hard to be an ally and ruining everything" or whatever. it reminds me of that quote where it describes the average white persons feelings of "baffled good will" that are met with anger that is rooted in a sense of humiliation in the face of white people

>> No.17894805

>show/provide too much support: you’re dictating the lives of PoC, you’re trying to selfishly garnish yourself in virtue instead of humbling yourself before PoC, you’re secretly racist because you are stealing their due attention
>take a more passive stance, quietly provide support: you’re not doing enough, you’re merely following the motions, you’re secretly racist and just trying to get by
Yeah how about fuck you. When you call these pompous PoC left wing academics out on any of their impotency, voluminous and hollow literature, or isolated problems in their communities, you get to see who’s really fragile

>> No.17894807

>Someone who was trying to help would listen to the concerns of the affected person and generally not say anything until that person has finished.
no they would act emotionally as any normal person and not autistically follow a script for good boy points

>> No.17894812

>Someone who was trying to help would listen to the concerns of the affected person and generally not say anything until that person has finished
maybe i have to reread the text but it seemed to me like the black guy made his statement, and then the white woman responded, like a pretty normal social interaction

>> No.17894814

>t. swede

>> No.17894823

this unironically sums up left wing academia

>> No.17894832

precisely, enjoy your (you)

>> No.17894834

It's also socially acceptable for them to maintain in-group preference and attune behavior towards them

Meanwhile white children are being groomed by deconstructionists
This is what the education system is doing to your kids


>> No.17894847

>just trying to be a decent human being
The problem is that the definition of a decent human being is different for a lot of people, and white people have a pretty long history of saying one thing about race but doing another. So does pretty much everyone, but in the scenario described in the excerpt, it's about letting black people talk about their feelings.

>no they would act emotionally as any normal person and not autistically follow a script for good boy points
The whole point of these sessions is to teach a script for good boy points.

>then the white woman responded, like a pretty normal social interaction
She was trying to speak for him to the facilitator. I believe that she was trying to help, but the effect of her actions was not to help. The (good faith) idea behind these types of sessions is to teach people a process for talking about race issues in a way that allows non-whites to speak their minds and for white people to listen. In other words, the content of what he was saying is only 50% of what matters. The other 50% is to "create space" for the black man to speak; i.e. the act of his speaking on its own is the other important half.

>> No.17894859
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They want to get rid of racism, but they're subtly introducing racial consciousness. They don't know that they're doing the heavy lifting for radical movements of the future.

>> No.17894867

Robin DiAngelo is the most histrionic white woman in history.

>> No.17894869

>The (good faith) idea behind these types of sessions is to teach people a process for talking about race issues in a way that allows non-whites to speak their minds and for white people to listen. In other words, the content of what he was saying is only 50% of what matters. The other 50% is to "create space" for the black man to speak; i.e. the act of his speaking on its own is the other important half.
and this is all complete nonsense which has nothing to do with reality or the end effect.

for one the hiearchy presented is that of white people at the top and everyone else oppressed by this is so obviously not true by the fact that only if you're white do you have to police your mind, shut up, and came up with this incoherent mental gymnastics to cope. meanwhile the blacks are openly racist and pedestalled as infallible as they enjoy their exaltation of oppression (really what this is about, christian morality).

just wanted to say that i am not white or american, and you, along with everyone infected by your nonsensical fantasies, is an ultra-racist. you for some reason can't see how bizarrely racist you are. see >>17894859

>> No.17894880

I like how DiAngelo literally erases the black man's statements for the purpose of elevating her own status as an ally.

>> No.17894883

Imagine being such a toxic waste dumping ground of human pathologies that you feel the need to grieve over a media report of a complete stranger miles away getting shot though.

>> No.17894893

>this is all complete nonsense which has nothing to do with reality or the end effect.
Correct. I've been trying to make clear in my posts that I think all of this is nonsense. But you retards keep mistaking descriptive statements for normative ones. If you want to know why liberals are the way they are, reread all my posts. I am neither white nor American either, but my university was infected with this liberal nonsense and I understand it very well.

>> No.17894907

She's jewish

>> No.17894908

>She was trying to speak for him to the facilitator
.. because the man made his statement and the black woman proceeded to go on her perfectly prepared and rehearsed pseudo-science rant and the white womens response was obviously polite way of intervening as if to say "actually what you are saying is retarded and unhelpful, telling him the white man is a demon making him hate himself is not helpful"

the white woman was being significantly more helpful than the black woman in this scenario, and the black women got insecure and angry about it and berated the white woman for it

>> No.17894918

Sometimes I wonder if some groups got ahead of the wave to steer it
Surely we need to talk about this WHITE SUPREMACY and how our culture is a product of WHITE SUPREMACY and we need to get rid of WHITE SUPREMACY because WHITE SUPREMACY is bad

>> No.17894921

The black woman was a facilitator and as stated above, 50% of the exercise is to allow the black guy to say whatever and not have anyone else interpret it

>> No.17894930

Honestly they do such a disservice to the black community and especially black men by constantly projecting victimhood onto them

Without (potential for) independence, and without responsibility, there is no masculinity. Period.

>> No.17894932

>in no mood for white women's tears today
Wtf I love black women now. Kind of want me a black gf who will agree with my thoughts on why white women are demons but still take white dick.

>> No.17894952

The west is fucked, I'm happy here in Japan we don't have any of this bs

>> No.17894964

and the black woman was interpreting his words in a way that was completely toxic and unhelpful and giving him a terrible response, so it was the white womans knee-jerk reaction to try and say "i dont think thats quite what he meant" as a way of clarifying
that what she is saying is not in any way an appropriate response and putting an end to her bullshit, "interpreting his words" and speaking for him was in no way the point of what she was doing, though honestly If you have little experience observing nuances of social interactions between average white people I can see how you might not comprehend this

>> No.17894971

I don't even think it's socialized, I think it's an innate evolutionary trait. The more useless and retarded you act, the more the males of your species will seek to protect you, and we with our coom-rotted brains unfortunately fall for this trick almost every time. Really, men are to blame for the state of women. If a dog begs at the table we blame the owner because they should know better whereas the dog doesn't.

>> No.17895080

>The more useless and retarded you act, the more the males of your species will seek to protect you
Uh no this is a byproduct of civilization and the docility necessary to maintain such huge groups
Imagine if we went around thinking "yes let's prune this one" how that would ripple into the rest of our behavior