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/lit/ - Literature

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17892369 No.17892369 [Reply] [Original]

You can safely ignore all of modern literature and keep reading the Greeks and Romans

>> No.17892381

I don’t read dead white men.

>> No.17892383

You can safely ignore all of the Greek and Roman literature and keep reading modern literature

>> No.17892391

All frog posts should be reported as spamming/flooding.

>> No.17892392

OP is not a faggot.

>> No.17892394

Copyright was a disaster for the quality of literature and art.

>> No.17892402

Hail LibGen

>> No.17892498
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Based. Nu-males and onions boys like:

>> No.17892518

Literature died in 1945 and each culture's respective epics were the peak of it.

>> No.17892538

Russian literature is far superior to Greek. It's more relevant.

>> No.17892618

I cannot stand symbolism, less so metaphor. However, specifically when its meaning can only be derived by an outside source of information, anything an off-the-shelf reader would know.
So works like Dubliners I find are painfully pretentious and useless. Furthermore, when combing through notes on it, it seems most 'scholars' just extrapolate and speculate and seem to never really be all that sure if they are correct in their assumptions.
Blue represents his homosexual desries! The streetlights flickering are a metaphor for his mom's death!
Get real.

>> No.17892628

But ancient people were semi-retarded. You can safely ignore anything written before the enlightenment.

>> No.17892630
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>> No.17892652
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Old bad, new good

>> No.17893613
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I read John David Card's People Mover, it's actually pretty good.

>> No.17893621
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>> No.17893627

Sure, but latin is doing the heavy lifting here. Greeks can't compare to Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Cicero, Livy, Tacitus, and Marcellinus.

>> No.17893641

There are good works from antiquity and there are good modern works as well. I'd recommend checking out both periods, and others, to see what strikes your fancy. :^)

>> No.17893648

Hey baby, I could strike your fancy if you know what I mean

>> No.17894052
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What about the Mestopotamians and Egyptians?

>> No.17894146

I can do whatever I want you dumb no good rascal

>> No.17894375

>You can safely ignore all of modern literature and keep reading the Greeks and Romans

How is this at all unpopular on a reactionary lit board?

>> No.17894491

The Greeks and Romans are boring

>> No.17894663

>Greeks and Romans

>> No.17895233

The only reasons good literature isn't produced anymore is because of the loss of faith in our society and the sexual freedoms afforded to us.

>> No.17895236

Unironically yes

>> No.17895241

Then why are so many great writers degenerates?

>> No.17895246

War and Peace and Tolstoy in general is pretty meh. Dostoevsky is way better at providing human insight

>> No.17895261

They're not

>> No.17895265

Medieval "literature" sucks.

>> No.17895269

Agreed, imitation and even just modifying existing works was something many greats did, including Chaucer and Shakespeare.

>> No.17895271

You can safely skip the romans and stick with the Greeks, Egyptians and Mesopotamians

>> No.17895340
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Vtubers are /lit/, and those who say otherwise are merely denying the inevitable.

>> No.17895363

Joyce, Wilde, Proust, Rimbaud, the entire decadent movement.

>> No.17895369

I'm black and I read dead white men. You literally have no excuse

>> No.17895377

This, I can't fucking read that much trash about the melancholic problems of sheltered wealthy w*men.

>> No.17895415

Trve but not in translation

>4 typological layers to the Old Testament, in traditional Hebrew exegesis
Atheism comes with disadvantages

>> No.17895460

George Orwell's novels suck but his journalism is fun and I enjoyed reading it.

Dune is a pulp sci-fi novel for kids but it's great on that basis. I don't get what all the hubbub is about though.

Bret Easton Ellis is one of the biggest hacks who ever hacked and he's just as airheaded as a person as his characters. He's JK Rowling for sad bisexual boys and they should feel ashamed of themselves for falling for such an obvious trick all these years, and probably do.

Mark Fisher is annoying and his foregrounding of class is disingenuous because he could give a fuck-all about exploitation and didn't even pretend to have a theory of political economy. If you're talking about class being the end-all/be-all and say the left should return to Marx when you don't care about questions of value and exploitation then you're just turning class into an empty signifier, like an identity in the same sense Fisher thinks of gender and race. That makes Fisher a little black cat scared of its own shadow reflected... on the Whampire's Castle... which does sound like the subtitle of a badass Castlevania game so I'll give him points for that.

The Holocaust was real and the Nazis were real bad but David Irving has contributed original research and insight into the Nazis. Both of these things can be true.


>> No.17895469


>> No.17895498

Those are not good writers

>> No.17895516

modern literature is so much superior, its not even close. if you took an ancient greek cave person and showed him something like naked lunch, he would die trying to process it. and naked lunch is nothing compared to some of the shit we have now

>> No.17895520

Sup Frater, where the fuck you have been?

>> No.17895755

Complex = good

>> No.17895764


>> No.17895775

which books have you stolen

>> No.17895795

philosophy before kant and hegel is utterly irrelevant today and even philosophers after these two are for the most part totally outdated since they build their foundations on the works of pre-Kantian and pre-Hegelian philosophy. Any Philosophy that does not take thinkers such as Stirner, Nietzsche and continental philosophy seriously and into account, is doomed from the get go. The only truly relevant thinkers in our day and age are Debord, Baudrillard and Land

>> No.17895947

weve become better at simplicity too

>> No.17895980

Nietzsche is an overrated philosopher specifically because he was an engaging, entertaining writer, which almost no other philosopher ever has been.

>> No.17896152

Musil > Joyce
Broch > Faulkner
Tolstoy > Dostoyevsky

>> No.17896178

A novel will emerge from covid lockdown (from, not about) that will be one of the greats

>> No.17896184

this is true. I'm writing it currently. Stay tuned for it. It will make everyone seethe because it will hold a mirror to people's hypocrisy and ideological idiocies. Whether you're leftcuck or rightcuck. You WILL seethe when you read it and you will all read it

>> No.17896188

Post proof whiteboi

>> No.17896219

You can’t understand a book without reading everything the author wrote, the authors who influenced him, a significant proportion of the secondary literature on the book/author/period, and writing many essays yourself. People who skip from great book to great book are shallow consoomers who just want to say “I’ve read X” for the pseudcred

>> No.17896262

Holiday season, so mostly with family and still somewhat on here.

>> No.17896305

you just admitted to not understanding anything you've ever read. good for you. now kys

>> No.17896317

twitter is sublimating everyone's creative writing energies

>> No.17896513

Good, we need more vtubers that are /lit/-approved.

>> No.17896594
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>Unpopular opinion (among kuffar and munafiqoon)
You only ever need to read the Quran and the teachings of RasoolAllah, sallAllahu aleyhi wa sallam

>> No.17896600

fuck off goat fucking nigger

>> No.17896612

Reading BoT, im finding him a little preachy. Maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.17896617


>> No.17896635
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You will regret your vile speech one day, brother. I hope your regret and repentance are in this worldly life, where you can still receive mercy and forgiveness, rather than in the Hereafter, when no regret and no excuses will be accepted by the Mujrim and the Faasiq - those who wronged others, and did evil without shame.

>> No.17896747

kys mudshit. your LARP is just annoying.

>> No.17896755

Good thing Meds are not 'white' (anglo terminology).

>> No.17896759

Now this is peak contrarianism.

>> No.17896769

Name a better novelist and better poets.

>> No.17896787

Modernism (-pomo; avant-garde; etc.), litterary/perspective tricks and such are just a rehearsal of peak Baroque. See Velazquez, Gongora and Cervantes.

>> No.17896823

>muh there can't be poetry after Auschwitz
Fuck you Adorno

>> No.17897464

Anything post descartes is fundamentally retarded

>> No.17897556


>> No.17897614

How will the writers get paid without it? We don't have aristocracy anymore, and we can't have trust-fund kids writing all our literature. Do we just do away with democracy and equality before the law?

Actually on second thought, I like the way you're thinking.

>> No.17897654

Continental philosophy (at the very least from Heidegger onwards) is a dead end and its stylistic tendencies are used consciously as a gatekeeping tool rather than being necessary to express its authors ideas.

>> No.17897657

You can safely ignore all of modern literature and the Greeks and Romans and keep reading the Bible

>> No.17897673

1. There are lots of billionaires who give out grants to universities
2. They can write on the side, an hour or so before breakfast is enough

>> No.17897734

So you read Evola?

>> No.17899374

Think about it

>> No.17899419

Ok, and?

>> No.17899495

Are You?