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17891892 No.17891892 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how most people read. Every position that I try to put myself in gets uncomfortable within a few minutes: at a desk, on the couch, on my bed, standing up, etc. It's becoming unbearable. How do you all do it? I've tried neck pillows, arm pillows, back pillows --- nothing works. This fucking stinks.

>> No.17892176

Lose weight.

>> No.17892196

Yeah my house is in a shitty position for reading too with no sunlight and a terrible bed so I can’t lie doen and read. Maybe try reading outside

>> No.17892205

Doesn't seem to have helped much. Was 450 about a year ago and now 330 but pain and stiffness is actually worse, even though I now walk and do light weights. Maybe this should have been on /fit/ lol.

>> No.17892235

330? Jesus christ anon you are still fat as fuck. You need to sub-250 to get the benefits I speak of

>> No.17892241

I know. I haven't stopped.

>> No.17892274

It's probably just in your mind. Reading is boring when you start out. There's not much you can do except literally just forcing yourself to stay in one spot and keep your eyes on the book for like 30-60 minutes a day until it gets easier. Good attention span will take a lot of self-discipline. Just accept that it's gonna be boring as fuck for a while before it actually becomes enjoyable.

>> No.17892289

Also if you've lost over 100 pounds your probably already exercising but if not, start. It'll help with restlessness and posture, which could be the issue here.

>> No.17892300

I sit in my computer chair.

>> No.17892310
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Keep going, anon.

>> No.17892318

I think it's my posture and the fact that I basically sit all day unless I'm walking because my university is still on covid-mode and all classes are online. I do 1.5 miles every other day at about 3-5 mph and then lift light weights every day for about 4 minutes along with about 6 minutes of dynamic stretches now. I've only done this for about 4 weeks seriously but I want to believe it helps.

>> No.17892401

Sounds like you're doing everything right, just make sure your feet are flat on the floor and you aren't hunching. You could also try audiobooks until you go back to in-person classes or until the stretching/exercising shows some more results. You got this, anon.

>> No.17892508

Sitting somewhat forward at a desk has been the most consistently comfortable for me.

>> No.17892569

Lifting weights and stretching will actually help your posture, just give it time. I had lordosis and 6 months of squats, presses and sit ups fixed it.

>> No.17892613

Thanks anons. I'll keep going but I hope I see more results soon. Motivation is hard to come by sometimes.

This is actually relatable to me. I have an "ergonomic" office chair (not a gaming chair etc.) and it hurts more to sit along its back than just to sit up straight either with a pillow or no pillow at all. I've read somewhere that basically my back muscles or something are too weak to sustain proper posture but as they get stronger the pain will go away. Hopefully that's true.

>> No.17892645

stick to porn

>> No.17892659

i lay in bed arab sitting position or laying down pillows behind my shoulders

>> No.17893482
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in the bathtub