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/lit/ - Literature

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1788995 No.1788995 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me a phrase and I recommend you a book. You need to read moar.

>> No.1789011


>> No.1789014

I'm straight and have sex with other straight men because women are too sissy

>> No.1789024

Everyone dies alone.

>> No.1789027

I know half of you half as well as I should like, and like half of you half as well as you deserve.

>> No.1789029


Your Caps Lock reveals your premature separation from your mother, uncapable of suffering so much you shout. The Sound and the Fury for you.


The Picture of Dorian Gray, perfect for pussies that denies they aversion of pussy.

Easy till now.

>> No.1789032


Why'd you capitalize caps lock?

>> No.1789037

I just want to be as known as i shoudl be, all i have to do is try harder.

>> No.1789040


Yor smart-ass-ness will get you nowhere. I see A Confederacy of Dunces written on your face. Do not try me again. I will know its you.


You only see lies. A Scaner Darkly.

People trying to dumfuck me now. Just my luck...

>> No.1789047

Our old singer is a sex criminal.

>> No.1789051

I like John Katzebach's writing.

>> No.1789053


"Why'd you capitalize caps lock?" Who will capitalize the caps lock? Eh? Who? Satires, from Juvenal, seems to fit your butthole perfectly.


Problems with erection? Sex is just as important as eating, in fact it is eating, so don't worry, you are able. Everything is inside your head, Don Quixote.

OK. Everythings cool.

>> No.1789056

I don't know what I'm gonna do in life at all

>> No.1789060

I want to have sex all the time.

>> No.1789063

I'm painfully self-conscious and lonely

>> No.1789072

People are afraid of getting close because they assume everyone else already has a busy and lively life, when in truth everyone is just sitting inside their little houses.

>> No.1789076


My, my, I don't know how you made this far. You should rest a bit. This perverted mind of your, contaminated by your abusive father, your permisive mother and your lascivious grandmother is screaming for a break. I say fuck it: Memories of My Melancholy Whores.


Missing a 'n' there, friend. So you play by your preferences, eh? You like, you read. Not here. Not now. Finnegans Wake will do you some good.

Troubled ones.

>> No.1789077

I'm afraid of people, but I'm lonely.

>> No.1789084

Tell you a phrase? A quotation? Or am I supposed to just say something, and you'll recommend a book based on that? If the latter, does this count?

>> No.1789085

it's a wise child

>> No.1789093

My english it's not really strong, I think most of the book contents would be lost in me. Something else?

>> No.1789102


Read a little. The Catcher in the Rye.


Hum... This one's tricky. Does he tell me the truth? Does he know the taste of pussy? Virgin? Experienced? Moby Dick, at leat you can always fap.


OK, you must be the same guy, or you write the same thing all the time, are you into repeating yoursel or /lit/ is a book with only the same fuckin page? Moby Dick again. Deal with it, you're not getting another.


You need to get out, get a vacation. A Season in Hell will do you good. If not, then die.

Repeated guy.

>> No.1789115

Anne touches herself

>> No.1789119

I have better taste in literature than OP.

You know that I'm right, OP.

>> No.1789121


Get some friends, then get lost. Annoying crybaby mothafucka, The Three Musketeers.


Oh, the world, the world. Pains me the suffering originated from the doubts, like crimsom fire up the hill, they consume me. Poor me, poor me. Hamlet. Your weakness will be famous. The weakest on this topic.


The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Its a wise child.


Oh, the poor little bird can't keep up with the strong air currents. Pity him. What we do? Do we indulge him? Hug him? No, sorry, boy. The original of Ulysses, yep, no translation for you. Good luck, you'll need. The bright side is that you'll grow a couple of balls (in my opinion, much needed).

Fuck Yeah!

>> No.1789120

Rabbit, rabbit

>> No.1789123




>> No.1789126

Fuck Ray Bradbury and fuck Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.1789131


Some news here. Madame Bovary touched herself too.


Someone needs attention urgently here. OK, we love you, no need for rebellion. Need to get yourself some nice view on authority (your paternal figure is a weakling, am I right?). The Trial will come as dick to your ass.


No Alice for you. Animal Farm, where the pigs show the balls.

Some nice fellas here.

>> No.1789133


You will need only one: Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas, or Epitaph for a Small Winner. About a small fry, like yourself.


And fuck you, why not? Better, The Decameron, there you will find all the fuck you want, fellow.

Good phrases are no more.

>> No.1789134

If a disease entirely made out of blue cotton candy met with a disease entirely made out of pink cotton candy, do I still get a bounty of flavor?

>> No.1789135

I'll give you an example. Suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp.

>> No.1789140

I am tired of this shit. I giving pearls to the pigs. I'm outta this shithole.

Consider my cum in your eyes.

>> No.1789150

I wish I was better, together, and smarter.

>> No.1789152

But I really wanted a recommendation ;_;

>> No.1789155


Shit, OK. But don't cry mothafucka. Give me a good phrase, at the double. This one does not count.

>> No.1789156

I just flew in from /b/, and boy are my eyes tired!

>> No.1789157

I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

>> No.1789165

Time and the gods are at strife.

>> No.1789172


Hi there, man! You fine? Feeling nice and comfortable? Do I look your cum dumpster? Eh? You're in for a world of deepshit if you think you can outsmart me. Your head could not outsmart my dicks head, ok? Are we being rational here? Are we understanding each other? I am here real nice and helpfull and you bring your fucking music that is annoying as crap to play?

No book for you, sir. You are no gentleman.

>> No.1789176

You don't know me. You don't know me at all.

>> No.1789178

I don't want a book from someone who doesn't like Johnny Cash. I don't even want to talk to someone who doesn't like Johnny Cash. You and me are DONE, compadre.

>> No.1789179

Now I'm out.

/lit/ is dead, so long.

Someday I may come back as counselor again.

>> No.1789182

I don't want to think about the phallus.

>> No.1789184
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Thanks for nothing, guy.

>> No.1789217

I don't know if I should smoke a cig or go to sleep.