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1788746 No.1788746 [Reply] [Original]




The only slightly entertaining part of this book is when Sal shacks up with Terry and the rest is just so repetitive and BORING.

How can a book about sex, drugs and music be this bad?

>> No.1788752

It's not boring
although Dharma Bums is still my favorite

>> No.1788751

hedonism does not a good book make

>> No.1788753

Yet another over-hyped "classic" that supposedly intelligent people and hipster adolescents make you feel like you're stupid if you don't like it. You simply don't "get it".

It's a book about two bums and them being bums for the best part of a decade. By the end even Sal realises they're just a pair of bums.

Don't worry OP, you're not alone.

>> No.1788756

yeah its true that's basically the plot but what's so bad about it? you sound like some Ayn Rand reading whacko

>> No.1788762


no, he doesn't. he didn't say it was ethically reprehensible. he just said it was boring.

>> No.1788764


Because nothing happens. It's a 287 page book about nothing. There's no story, it's just about guys who drive across america, have sex, take drugs, rinse and repeat - how original and captivating. The characters aren't sympathetic, they're man-children. And the worst part is they think they're better than everybody else.

>> No.1788766

sometimes life is kind of boring that way...

>> No.1788767


Thank you, exactly. I don't care if they're immoral, that could be interesting - they're just boring.

>> No.1788768

"Shearing rose from the piano, dripping with sweat; these were his great 1949 days before he became cool and commercial. When he was gone Dean pointed to the empty piano seat. «God’s empty chair,» he said. On the piano a horn sat; its golden shadow made a strange reflection along the desert caravan painted on the wall behind the drums. God was gone; it was the
silence of his departure. It was a rainy night. It was the myth of the rainy night. Dean was popeyed with awe. This madness would lead nowhere. I didn’t know what was happening to me, and I suddenly realized it was only the tea that we were smoking; Dean had bought some in New York. It made me think that everything was about to arrive - the moment when you know all and everything is decided forever."

Do you really find this kind of thing boring? I really love those parts in which he talks about jazz and music in general. Old Bull Lee is pretty awesome too.

By the way, you should try reading Ginsberg and Borroughs as well. It was quite nice when I found out that they were depicted in it too. Ah, and listening to some jazz to get the book's idea. Remember: it's not only about two bums, it's about America in the late 40's, jazz, music, drugs, road tripping and so on. "Hipsters" (or whatever) may have a point by saying you don't really get it.

>> No.1788769


Then don't write about it. Write about the interesting parts. I get to live boring life every day.

>> No.1788773

I really liked this book, I didnt think there is anything to "get" about it though, It's just Keroauc telling his story of a several road trips, in a poetic style of prose

>> No.1788775


OP here, I've read a lot of Ginsberg and actually, particularly like "Howl". I don't know why that captivates me and this doesn't, I just got sick of reading the same thing over and over and over and over.

The descriptions like this are good, great even - but not over and over again.

>> No.1788776

It's not the same thing over and over again. That's a rather stupid generalization.

>> No.1788779

hahaha the ultimate hipster = the anti-hipster

>> No.1788780

OP is a gnat. There's nothing to get really. It's such a simple read you should feel embarrassed for being bored by it, even more so if you don't understand it.

Sal took drugs, traveled, and fucked. He had a great time while it lasted, but it sucked when it was over because he left nothing worthwhile behind and lost friends. He led an enjoyable but essentially empty existence and that made him sad.

>> No.1788783


You're right. At one point he lives with Terry for 15 days, then Dean falls in love again, then gets divorced, then goes back to Camile, then goes craaaaazy again and then Sal is in awe of how wonderful Dean's way of living is and notices how everyone else is getting sick of his antics but that's just because they don't get his message. Then jazz and drugs and sex.

>> No.1788785

it's not boring, it's lame. kerouac is lame.

>> No.1788787

It just isn't as good as everybody makes it out to be. Same as every piece of classic literature (apart from Shakespeare)

>> No.1788795


OP again. I fucking love Shakespeare, have +1 internets. I think you're right, my professor gave this to me to read and said it "changed his life". Hearing that about a book gives one great expectations, and I was very excited. Then very disappointed. Sometimes it was fun, but ultimately I disliked the characters. I was glad Sal realised his life was hollow.

>> No.1788797

A beat writer is shitty?

My word what a surprise.

This is the second time I've had to post this message.

Stop reading this smut people.

>> No.1788913

I liked the French guy and the first part of the book. After that, the whole book got really repetitive and awful.

>> No.1790062

Read this some weeks ago. Thought I saw (read) God.

>> No.1790656

This book has semiotic structure to it that, if you're not paying attention, you'll miss out on. Also, the rhythm and pace of his prose is great.

y'all need to read big sur

>> No.1790708

agree. big sur is his best work imo. loved it, really related to it